946 resultados para High-dose chemotherapy
Antecedentes: El tratamiento de los espasmos infantiles generalmente se realiza con ACTH a pesar de perfil de efectos secundarios y el alto costo financiero. Se ha propuesto el uso de los corticoides como primera línea de tratamiento para la enfermedad, no obstante no existe certeza sobre la eficacia de este esquema. Objetivos: Evaluar la eficacia del uso de los corticoides comparados con la ACTH como primera línea de tratamiento en el manejo de pacientes con espasmos infantiles. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura. La búsqueda se efectuó en las bases de datos Pubmed, Embase, Ovid, LiLaCs y en el registro de ensayos clínicos de Estados Unidos. Se incluyeron estudios en portugués, ingles y español, no se fijo límite de tiempo para la publicación. Se realizó un análisis de riesgo de sesgo y de calidad de la evidencia utilizando el programa GRADEPRO. Se estimaron OR y sus respectivos intervalos de confianza al 95%. Resultados: Se incluyeron 4 estudios, un ensayo clínico y tres estudios de cohorte retrospectiva. Dos estudios aportaron evidencia de calidad moderada y alta. No se encontraron diferencias en la eficacia a corto plazo entre el uso de los corticoides y la ACTH sobre desenlaces clínicos o electroencefalográficos. No se encontraron estudios de seguridad a largo plazo. La seguridad a corto plazo no mostró diferencias. Conclusiones: Es muy probable que el uso de los corticoides como primera línea de tratamiento puedan reemplazar el uso de la ACTH, se requiere estudios de seguridad a largo plazo. La decisión de su uso rutinario debería estar basada en un análisis de costo efectividad y bajo la mirada del balance riesgo/beneficio.
Introducción La infección por Clostridium difficile, es una de las causas más frecuentes de diarrea nosocomial con una alta morbimortalidad, con un aumento exponencial en su incidencia, en Estados Unidos se duplicó, de 261 casos x 100.000 en 1993 pasó a 546 x 100.000 en 2003 2, y en Canadá se encontraron datos similares con un aumento de 4.5 veces, en 1991 de 35.6 casos x 100.000 a 156.3 casos por 100.000 en 2004 3 . Se han descrito varios factores asociados Materiales y Métodos Se trata de un estudio descriptivo de tipo serie de casos en el que se evaluaron pacientes con diagnóstico de infección por C. Difficile y los factores asociados en un Hospital Universitario entre febrero de 2010 hasta septiembre de 2011 Resultados Se recolectaron 31 pacientes la edad promedio fue de 58 años con un rango entre 18 y 93 años, de los cuales 19 (61%) fueron mujeres y 12 (39%) hombres. El factor asociado a la infección por C. Difficile más frecuentemente encontrado fue el uso de inhibidores de bomba de protones con 54.84% (n=17) .No se encontraron pacientes VIH positivos o con diagnóstico de enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal. Ningún paciente presentó complicaciones asociadas a la infección ni mortalidad alguna. Conclusión El factor asociado que más se presentó fue el uso de antimicrobianos en los quince dias previos al inicio del cuadro en el 74% de los pacientes lo que coincide con lo presentado en la literatura mundial.
Entre el 2 de febrero de 1999 y el 7 de agosto de 2002, es decir, en el momento en el que coinciden Chávez y Pastrana como presidentes, las relaciones colombo-venezolanas atravesaron por momentos casi permanentes de tensión. La naturaleza turbia y confusa en el trato bilateral, propia de este momento, no representa de por sí una rareza, puesto que la constante en las relaciones entre las dos naciones ha sido la conflictividad. Lo verdaderamente interesante de esta coyuntura es que quizá se encuentran pocos parangones en la historia en los que los medios de comunicación hayan tendido una incidencia decisiva en la política exterior. Así las cosas, la tesis de este documento expone que los medios de comunicación colombianos, (por la manera en que manejaron la información concerniente a Venezuela) dotaron de una alta dosis de conflictividad las relaciones bilaterales, al ocasionar la detonación de tres elementos explosivos: divergencias políticas, mutua incomprensión de la realidad de cada país y estilos políticos chocantes. En consecuencia, generaron una reacción en cadena de tres eslabones, cada uno de los cuales muestra una faceta propia de la influencia mediática que recibió la política exterior de Colombia frente al vecino país. El primer eslabón fue el desencuentro político-diplomático entre las dos naciones. En este nivel, las empresas de la comunicación no fueron las únicas responsables, pero sí actuaron como catalizadoras. El que denominamos segundo eslabón, se deriva del alejamiento entre las autoridades gubernamentales y consiste en que los medios pasaron a consolidarse como los canales de comunicación diplomática, lo que, a su vez, les permitió a las empresas de la comunicación imponer, como tercer eslabón, los temas de la agenda diplomática bilateral. Para sustentar estas ideas, se presentan dos análisis, uno cualitativo y otro cuantitativo, de la información noticiosa que apareció en los diarios El Colombiano de Medellín, La Opinión de Cúcuta y El Tiempo de circulación nacional, en el periodo escogido.-----While Chávez and Pastrana coincide as presidents, between February 2, 1999 and August 7, 2002, there are permanent moments of tension in the relationship between Colombia and Venezuela. The turbulence and confusion of this period does not characterize it, for conflict has been a constant factor between these two nations. What is truly interesting about this time is that there are probably few comparable moments in history when the media has had such a decisive incidence on foreign policy. Hence, this document presents the thesis that Colombian means of communication introduced a high dose of conflict in bilateral relations, by making three sensitive elements explode: political differences, mutual lack of knowledge of domestic conditions, and opposite political styles; due to how they managed information related to Venezuela. Consequently, they generated a chain reaction in three phases, which show different aspects of the influence of the media on Colombia’s foreign policy towards its neighboring country. In the first phase, which brought out the political and diplomatic differences between the two presidents, the information companies where not solely responsible for the situation, but they did act as catalysts. During the second phase, when these differences create distance between the government authorities, the media became the means of diplomatic communication, which permitted these companies to determine the topics on the bilateral diplomatic agenda, and constitute the third phase. In order to support these ideas, two kinds of analysis are presented, a qualitative one and a quantitative one, based on information printed in the following newspapers: El Colombiano from Medellín, La Opinión from Cúcuta and El Tiempo with national coverage, during the chosen period.
Introducción: La disminución de flujo en los vasos coronarios sin presencia de oclusión, es conocido como fenómeno de no reflujo, se observa después de la reperfusión, su presentación oscila entre el 5% y el 50% dependiendo de la población y de los criterios diagnósticos, dicho suceso es de mal pronóstico, aumenta el riesgo de morir en los primeros 30 días posterior a la angioplastia (RR 2,1 p 0,038), y se relaciona con falla cardiaca y arritmias, por eso al identificar los factores a los cuales se asocia, se podrán implementar terapias preventivas. Metodología: Estudio de casos y controles pareado por médico que valoró el evento, para garantizar que no existieron variaciones inter observador, con una razón 1:4 (18:72), realizado para identificar factores asociados a la presencia de no reflujo en pacientes llevados a angioplastia, entre noviembre de 2010 y mayo de 2014, en la Clínica San Rafael de Bogotá, D.C. Resultados: La frecuencia del no reflujo fue del 2.89%. El Infarto Agudo de Miocardio con elevación del ST (IAMCEST) fue la única variable que mostró una asociación estadísticamente significativa con este suceso, valor de p 0,002, OR 8,7, IC 95% (2,0 – 36,7). Discusión: El fenómeno de no reflujo en esta población se comportó de manera similar a lo descrito en la literatura, siendo el IAMCEST un factor fuertemente asociado.
El traumatismo craneoencefálico, es la epidemia silenciosa de nuestra época, que genera gastos en salud, en países como Estados Unidos, cercanos a los 60 billones de dólares anuales, y cerca de 400 billones en rehabilitación de los discapacitados. El pilar del manejo médico del trauma craneoencefálico moderado o severo, es la osmoterapia, principalmente con sustancias como el manitol y las soluciones hipertónicas. Se realizó la revisión de 14 bases de datos, encontrando 4657754 artículos, quedando al final 40 artículos después de un análisis exhaustivo, que se relacionaban con el manejo de la hipertensión endocraneana y terapia osmótica. Resultados: Se compararon diferentes estudios, encontrando gran variabilidad estos, sin homogenización en los análisis estadísticos, y la poca rigurosidad no permitieron, la recolección de datos y la comparación entre los diferentes estudios, no permitió realizar el meta-análisis y por esto se decidió la realización de una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Se evidenció principalmente tres cosas: la primera es la poca rigurosidad con la que se realizan los estudios clínicos; la segunda, es que aún falta mucha más investigación principalmente, la presencia de estudios clínicos aleatorizados multicéntricos, que logren dar una sólida evidencia y que genere validez científica que se requiere, a pesar de la evidencia clara en la práctica clínica; la tercera es la seguridad para su uso, con poca presencia de complicaciones para las soluciones salinas hipertónicas.
The recent emergence of novel pathogenic human and animal coronaviruses has highlighted the need for antiviral therapies that are effective against a spectrum of these viruses. We have used several strains of murine hepatitis virus (MHV) in cell culture and in vivo in mouse models to investigate the antiviral characteristics of peptide-conjugated antisense phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers (P-PMOs). Ten P-PMOs directed against various target sites in the viral genome were tested in cell culture, and one of these (5TERM), which was complementary to the 5' terminus of the genomic RNA, was effective against six strains of MHV. Further studies were carried out with various arginine-rich peptides conjugated to the 5TERM PMO sequence in order to evaluate efficacy and toxicity and thereby select candidates for in vivo testing. In uninfected mice, prolonged P-PMO treatment did not result in weight loss or detectable histopathologic changes. 5TERM P-PMO treatment reduced viral titers in target organs and protected mice against virus-induced tissue damage. Prophylactic 5TERM P-PMO treatment decreased the amount of weight loss associated with infection under most experimental conditions. Treatment also prolonged survival in two lethal challenge models. In some cases of high-dose viral inoculation followed by delayed treatment, 5TERM P-PMO treatment was not protective and increased morbidity in the treated group, suggesting that P-PMO may cause toxic effects in diseased mice that were not apparent in the uninfected animals. However, the strong antiviral effect observed suggests that with further development, P-PMO may provide an effective therapeutic approach against a broad range of coronavirus infections.
Abnormal vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of both atherosclerosis and restenosis. Recent studies suggest that high-dose salicylates, in addition to inhibiting cyclooxygenase activity, exert an antiproliferative effect on VSMC growth both in-vitro and in-vivo. However, whether all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) exert similar anti proliferative effects on VSMCs, and do so via a common mechanism of action, remains to be shown. In this study, we demonstrate that the NSAIDs aspirin, sodium salicylate, diclofenac, ibuprofen, indometacin and sulindac induce a dose-dependent inhibition of proliferation in rat A10 VSMCs in the absence of significant cytotoxicity. Flow cytometric analyses showed that exposure of A10 cells to diclofenac, indometacin, ibuprofen and sulindac, in the presence of the mitotic inhibitor, nocodazole, led to a significant G0/G1 arrest. In contrast, the salicylates failed to induce a significant G1 arrest since flow cytometry profiles were not significantly different from control cells. Cyclin A levels were elevated, and hyperphosphorylated p107 was present at significant levels, in salicylate-treated A10 cells, consistent with a post-G1/S block, whereas cyclin A levels were low, and hypophosphorylated p107 was the dominant form, in cells treated with other NSAIDs consistent with a G1 arrest. The ubiquitously expressed cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors, p21 and p27, were increased in all NSAID-treated cells. Our results suggest that diclofenac, indometacin, ibuprofen and sulindac inhibit VSMC proliferation by arresting the cell cycle in the G1 phase, whereas the growth inhibitory effect of salicylates probably affects the late S and/or G2/M phases. Irrespective of mechanism, our results suggest that NSAIDs might be of benefit in the treatment of certain vasculoproliferative disorders.
The objective of this article is to review existing studies concerning the effects of probiotics and prebiotics on serum cholesterol concentrations, with particular attention on the possible mechanisms of their action. Although not without exception, results from animal and human studies suggest a moderate cholesterol-lowering action of dairy products fermented with appropriate strain(s) of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. Mechanistically, probiotic bacteria ferment food-derived indigestible carbohydrates to produce short-chain fatty acids in the gut, which can then cause a decrease in the systemic levels of blood lipids by inhibiting hepatic cholesterol synthesis and/or redistributing cholesterol from plasma to the liver. Furthermore, some bacteria may interfere with cholesterol absorption from the gut by deconjugating bile salts and therefore affecting the metabolism of cholesterol, or by directly assimilating cholesterol. For prebiotic substances, the majority of studies have been done with the fructooligosaccharides inulin and oligofructose, and although convincing lipid-lowering effects have been observed in animals, high dose levels had to be used. Reports in humans are few in number. In studies conducted in normal-lipidemic subjects, two reported no effect of inulin or oligofructose on serum lipids, whereas two others reported a significant reduction in serum triglycerides (19 and 27%, respectively) with more modest changes in serum total and LDL cholesterol. At present, data suggest that in hyperlipidemic subjects, any effects that do occur result primarily in reductions in cholesterol, whereas in normal lipidemic subjects, effects on serum triglycerides are the dominant feature.
Oligofructose (OF), comprised of fructose oligomers with a terminal glucose unit, is a family Of oligosaccharides derived from the hydrolysis of inulin. Consumption of OF in animals and humans increases colonic bifidobacteria levels. The present study evaluates the safety of OF in both a 13 week rat feeding Study and Using in Vitro mutagenicity tests. Fecal bifidobacteria levels were also determined by in situ hybridization to assess a biological function of OF. Rats received either a control diet OF diets containing one of four doses of OF. Total, HDL, and LDL-cholesterol levels were significantly lower at several time points during the study in groups receiving OF compared to controls with the largest effects Occurring in the high dose male animals. Weight gain in the male high dose group was significantly lower at early time points compared to controls but]lot Significantly different at the end of study. As expected, cecal weights increased in a dose-related manner and fecal bifidobacteria levels also demonstrated a dose-related increase. There were no consistent differences in gross pathology or histopathology related to dietary OF. OF did not induce a positive response in the Ames test or chromosomal aberration test with CHO cells. These results demonstrate no adverse effects of OF. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives: To investigate the impact of apolipoprotein E (apoE) genotype on the response of the plasma lipoprotein profile to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) versus docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) intervention in humans. Methods and results: 38 healthy normolipidaemic males, prospectively recruited on the basis of apoE genotype (n = 20 E3/E3 and n = 18 E3/E4), completed a double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over trial, consisting of 3 × 4 week intervention arms of either control oil, EPA-rich oil (ERO, 3.3 g EPA/day) or DHA-rich oil (DRO, 3.7 g DHA/day) in random order, separated by 10 week wash-out periods. A significant genotype-independent 28% and 19% reduction in plasma triglycerides in response to ERO and DRO was observed. For total cholesterol (TC), no significant treatment effects were evident; however a significant genotype by treatment interaction emerged (P = 0.045), with a differential response to ERO and DRO in E4 carriers. Although the genotype × treatment interaction for LDL-cholesterol (P = 0.089) did not reach significance, within DRO treatment analysis indicated a 10% increase in LDL (P = 0.029) in E4 carriers with a non-significant 4% reduction in E3/E3 individuals. A genotype-independent increase in LDL mass was observed following DRO intervention (P = 0.018). Competitive uptake studies in HepG2 cells using plasma very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) from the human trial, indicated that following DRO treatment, VLDL2 fractions obtained from E3/E4 individuals resulted in a significant 32% (P = 0.002) reduction in LDL uptake relative to the control. Conclusions: High dose DHA supplementation is associated with increases in total cholesterol in E4 carriers, which appears to be due to an increase in LDL-C and may in part negate the cardioprotective action of DHA in this population subgroup.
Warfarin is a first generation anticoagulant that relies on multiple feeding events to achieve lethality in susceptible rodents. For the Bandicoot rat, warfarin susceptibility baselines were established using the lethal feeding period (LFP) test methodology. Against a 0.003% warfarin formulation, LFP50 values of 2 and 4 days, and LFP99 values of 16 and 10 days were obtained for males and females respectively. However, consumption of rodenticide was significantly reduced after the 4th and 5th days of test, at a time when animals would be expected to experience symptoms of warfarin toxicity. This would seriously compromise the Probit analysis, particularly for estimates of higher percentiles. Possible modifications to the methodology are discussed to overcome this problem. Although the majority of animals were highly susceptible to warfarin, one female animal that survived a high dose of active ingredient (79.1 mg kg-1) may bode for future resistance
A commercial inactivated iron restricted Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Enterifidis vaccine was used to vaccinate chicks at I day and again at 4 weeks of age, with challenge by a high and a low dose of S. Typhimurium given either orally or by contact with seeder birds inoculated orally with a high dose of S. Typhimurium. In all three challenge regimes, the shedding of challenge strain was reduced significantly (p < 0.05) in vaccinated birds compared with unvaccinated controls. Vaccination reduced colonisation of internal organs after challenge by contact seeder birds. However, no effect of vaccination upon colonisation of internal organs after either high or low oral challenge was apparent. In conclusion, the data indicate that the vaccine should be a useful tool in the control of S. Typhimurium infection in chickens. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Aims: To investigate the effect of a therapeutic and sub-therapeutic chlortetracycline treatment on tetracyclineresistant Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 and on the commensal Escherichia coli in pig. Methods and Results: Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 was orally administered in all pigs prior to antibiotic treatment, and monitored with the native E. coli. Higher numbers of S. Typhimurium DT104 were shed from treated pigs than untreated pigs. This lasted up to 6 weeks post-treatment in the high-dose group. In this group, there was a 30% increase in E. coli with a chlortetracycline minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) > 16 mg l(-1) and a 10% increase in E. coli with an MIC > 50 mg l(-1) during and 2 weeks post-treatment. This effect was less-pronounced in the low-dose group. PCR identified the predominant tetracycline resistance genes in the E. coli as tetA, tetB and tetC. The concentration of chlortetracycline in the pig faeces was measured by HPLC and levels reached 80 mug g(-1) faeces during treatment. Conclusion: Chlortetracycline treatment increases the proportion of resistant enteric bacteria beyond the current withdrawal time. Significance and Impact of the Study: Treated pigs are more likely to enter abattoirs with higher levels of resistant bacteria than untreated pigs promoting the risk of these moving up the food chain and infecting man.
Although neurokinin 1 receptor antagonists prevent ethanol (EtOH)-induced gastric lesions, the mechanisms by which EtOH releases substance P (SP) and SP damages the mucosa are unknown. We hypothesized that EtOH activates transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) on sensory nerves to release SP, which stimulates epithelial neurokinin 1 receptors to generate damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS). SP release was assayed in the mouse stomach, ROS were detected using dichlorofluorescein diacetate, and neurokinin 1 receptors were localized by immunofluorescence. EtOH-induced SP release was prevented by TRPV1 antagonism. High dose EtOH caused lesions, and TRPV1 or neurokinin 1 receptor antagonism and neurokinin 1 receptor deletion inhibited lesion formation. Coadministration of low, innocuous doses of EtOH and SP caused lesions by a TRPV1-independent but neurokinin 1 receptor-dependent process. EtOH, capsaicin, and SP stimulated generation of ROS by superficial gastric epithelial cells expressing neurokinin 1 receptors by a neurokinin 1 receptor-dependent mechanism. ROS scavengers prevented lesions induced by a high EtOH dose or a low EtOH dose plus SP. Gastric lesions are caused by an initial detrimental effect of EtOH, which is damaging only if associated with TRPV1 activation, SP release from sensory nerves, stimulation of neurokinin 1 receptors on epithelial cells, and ROS generation.
Purpose of review: Vascular function is recognized as an early and integrative marker of cardiovascular disease. While there is consistent evidence that the quantity of dietary fat has significant effects on vascular function, the differential effects of individual fatty acids is less clear. This review summarizes recent evidence from randomly controlled dietary studies on the impact of dietary fatty acids on vascular function, as determined by flow-mediated dilatation (FMD). Recent findings: Critical appraisal is given to five intervention studies (one acute, four chronic) which examined the impact of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid [eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)] on FMD. In the acute setting, a high dose of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (4.9 g per 70 kg man) improved postprandial FMD significantly, compared with a saturated fatty acid-rich meal in healthy individuals. In longer-term studies, there was limited evidence for a significant effect of EPA/DHA on FMD in diseased groups. Summary: The strongest evidence for the benefits of EPA/DHA on vascular function is in the postprandial state. More evidence from randomly controlled intervention trials with foods will be required to substantiate the long-term effects of EPA/DHA, to inform public health and clinical recommendations.