925 resultados para High-density WiFi
THESIS ABSTRACT : Low-temperature thermochronology relies on application of radioisotopic systems whose closure temperatures are below temperatures at which the dated phases are formed. In that sense, the results are interpreted as "cooling ages" in contrast to "formation ages". Owing to the low closure-temperatures, it is possible to reconstruct exhumation and cooling paths of rocks during their residence at shallow levels of the crust, i.e. within first ~10 km of depth. Processes occurring at these shallow depths such as final exhumation, faulting and relief formation are fundamental for evolution of the mountain belts. This thesis aims at reconstructing the tectono-thermal history of the Aar massif in the Central Swiss Alps by means of zircon (U-Th)/He, apatite (U-Th)/He and apatite fission track thermochronology. The strategy involved acquisition of a large number of samples from a wide range of elevations in the deeply incised Lötschen valley and a nearby NEAT tunnel. This unique location allowed to precisely constrain timing, amount and mechanisms of exhumation of the main orographic feature of the Central Alps, evaluate the role of topography on the thermochronological record and test the impact of hydrothermal activity. Samples were collected from altitudes ranging between 650 and 3930 m and were grouped into five vertical profiles on the surface and one horizontal in the tunnel. Where possible, all three radiometric systems were applied to each sample. Zircon (U-Th)/He ages range from 5.1 to 9.4 Ma and are generally positively correlated with altitude. Age-elevation plots reveal a distinct break in slope, which translates into exhumation rate increasing from ~0.4 to ~3 km/Ma at 6 Ma. This acceleration is independently confirmed by increased cooling rates on the order of 100°C/Ma constrained on the basis of age differences between the zircon (U-Th)/He and the remaining systems. Apatite fission track data also plot on a steep age-elevation curve indicating rapid exhumation until the end of the Miocene. The 6 Ma event is interpreted as reflecting tectonically driven uplift of the Aar massif. The late Miocene timing implies that the increase of precipitation in the Pliocene did not trigger rapid exhumation in the Aar massif. The Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean could not directly intensify erosion of the Aar but associated erosional output from the entire Alps may have tapered the orogenic wedge and caused reactivation of thrusting in the Aar massif. The high exhumation rates in the Messinian were followed by a decrease to ~1.3 km/Ma as evidenced by ~8 km of exhumation during last 6 Ma. The slowing of exhumation is also apparent from apatite (U-Th)1He age-elevation data in the northern part of the Lötschen valley where they plot on a ~0.5km/Ma line and range from 2.4 to 6.4 Ma However, from the apatite (U-Th)/He and fission track data from the NEAT tunnel, there is an indication of a perturbation of the record. The apatite ages are youngest under the axis of the valley, in contrast to an expected pattern where they would be youngest in the deepest sections of the tunnel due to heat advection into ridges. The valley however, developed in relatively soft schists while the ridges are built of solid granitoids. In line with hydrological observations from the tunnel, we suggest that the relatively permeable rocks under the valley floor, served as conduits of geothermal fluids that caused reheating leading to partial Helium loss and fission track annealing in apatites. In consequence, apatite ages from the lowermost samples are too young and the calculated exhumation rates may underestimate true values. This study demonstrated that high-density sampling is indispensable to provide meaningful thermochronological data in the Alpine setting. The multi-system approach allows verifying plausibility of the data and highlighting sources of perturbation. RÉSUMÉ DE THÈSE : La thermochronologie de basse température dépend de l'utilisation de systèmes radiométriques dont la température de fermeture est nettement inférieure à la température de cristallisation du minéral. Les résultats obtenus sont par conséquent interprétés comme des âges de refroidissement qui diffèrent des âges de formation obtenus par le biais d'autres systèmes de datation. Grâce aux températures de refroidissement basses, il est aisé de reconstruire les chemins de refroidissement et d'exhumation des roches lors de leur résidence dans la croute superficielle (jusqu'à 10 km). Les processus qui entrent en jeu à ces faibles profondeurs tels que l'exhumation finale, la fracturation et le faillage ainsi que la formation du relief sont fondamentaux dans l'évolution des chaînes de montagne. Ces dernières années, il est devenu clair que l'enregistrement thermochronologique dans les orogènes peut être influencé par le relief et réinitialisé par l'advection de la chaleur liée à la circulation de fluides géothermaux après le refroidissement initial. L'objectif de cette thèse est de reconstruire l'histoire tectono-thermique du massif de l'Aar dans les Alpes suisses Centrales à l'aide de trois thermochronomètres; (U-Th)/He sur zircon, (U-Th)/He sur apatite et les traces de fission sur apatite. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, nous avons récolté un grand nombre d'échantillons provenant de différentes altitudes dans la vallée fortement incisée de Lötschental ainsi que du tunnel de NEAT. Cette stratégie d'échantillonnage nous a permis de contraindre de manière précise la chronologie, les quantités et les mécanismes d'exhumation de cette zone des Alpes Centrales, d'évaluer le rôle de la topographie sur l'enregistrement thermochronologique et de tester l'impact de l'hydrothermalisme sur les géochronomètres. Les échantillons ont été prélevés à des altitudes comprises entre 650 et 3930m selon 5 profils verticaux en surface et un dans le tunnel. Quand cela à été possible, les trois systèmes radiométriques ont été appliqués aux échantillons. Les âges (U-Th)\He obtenus sur zircons sont compris entre 5.l et 9.4 Ma et sont corrélés de manière positive avec l'altitude. Les graphiques représentant l'âge et l'élévation montrent une nette rupture de la pente qui traduisent un accroissement de la vitesse d'exhumation de 0.4 à 3 km\Ma il y a 6 Ma. Cette accélération de l'exhumation est confirmée par les vitesses de refroidissement de l'ordre de 100°C\Ma obtenus à partir des différents âges sur zircons et à partir des autres systèmes géochronologiques. Les données obtenues par traces de fission sur apatite nous indiquent également une exhumation rapide jusqu'à la fin du Miocène. Nous interprétons cet évènement à 6 Ma comme étant lié à l'uplift tectonique du massif de l'Aar. Le fait que cet évènement soit tardi-miocène implique qu'une augmentation des précipitations au Pliocène n'a pas engendré cette exhumation rapide du massif de l'Aar. La crise Messinienne de la mer méditerranée n'a pas pu avoir une incidence directe sur l'érosion du massif de l'Aar mais l'érosion associée à ce phénomène à pu réduire le coin orogénique alpin et causer la réactivation des chevauchements du massif de l'Aar. L'exhumation rapide Miocène a été suivie pas une diminution des taux d'exhumation lors des derniers 6 Ma (jusqu'à 1.3 km\Ma). Cependant, les âges (U-Th)\He sur apatite ainsi que les traces de fission sur apatite des échantillons du tunnel enregistrent une perturbation de l'enregistrement décrit ci-dessus. Les âges obtenus sur les apatites sont sensiblement plus jeunes sous l'axe de la vallée en comparaison du profil d'âges attendus. En effet, on attendrait des âges plus jeunes sous les parties les plus profondes du tunnel à cause de l'advection de la chaleur dans les flancs de la vallée. La vallée est creusée dans des schistes alors que les flancs de celle-ci sont constitués de granitoïdes plus durs. En accord avec les observations hydrologiques du tunnel, nous suggérons que la perméabilité élevée des roches sous l'axe de la vallée à permi l'infiltration de fluides géothermaux qui a généré un réchauffement des roches. Ce réchauffement aurait donc induit une perte d'Hélium et un recuit des traces de fission dans les apatites. Ceci résulterait en un rajeunissement des âges apatite et en une sous-estimation des vitesses d'exhumation sous l'axe de la vallée. Cette étude à servi à démontrer la nécessité d'un échantillonnage fin et précis afin d'apporter des données thermochronologiques de qualité dans le contexte alpin. Cette approche multi-système nous a permi de contrôler la pertinence des données acquises ainsi que d'identifier les sources possibles d'erreurs lors d'études thermochronologiques. RÉSUMÉ LARGE PUBLIC Lors d'une orogenèse, les roches subissent un cycle comprenant une subduction, de la déformation, du métamorphisme et, finalement, un retour à la surface (ou exhumation). L'exhumation résulte de la déformation au sein de la zone de collision, menant à un raccourcissement et un apaissessement de l'édifice rocheux, qui se traduit par une remontée des roches, création d'une topographie et érosion. Puisque l'érosion agit comme un racloir sur la partie supérieure de l'édifice, des tentatives de corrélation entre les épisodes d'exhumation rapide et les périodes d'érosion intensive, dues aux changements climatiques, ont été effectuées. La connaissance de la chronologie et du lieu précis est d'une importance capitale pour une quelconque reconstruction de l'évolution d'une chaîne de montagne. Ces critères sont donnés par un retraçage des changements de la température de la roche en fonction du temps, nous donnant le taux de refroidissement. L'instant auquel les roches ont refroidit, passant une certaine température, est contraint par l'application de techniques de datation par radiométrie. Ces méthodes reposent sur la désintégration des isotopes radiogéniques, tels que l'uranium et le potassium, tous deux abondants dans les roches de la croûte terrestre. Les produits de cette désintégration ne sont pas retenus dans les minéraux hôtes jusqu'au moment du refroidissement de la roche sous une température appelée 'de fermeture' , spécifique à chaque système de datation. Par exemple, la désintégration radioactive des atomes d'uranium et de thorium produit des atomes d'hélium qui s'échappent d'un cristal de zircon à des températures supérieures à 200°C. En mesurant la teneur en uranium-parent, l'hélium accumulé et en connaissant le taux de désintégration, il est possible de calculer à quel moment la roche échantillonnée est passée sous la température de 200°C. Si le gradient géothermal est connu, les températures de fermeture peuvent être converties en profondeurs actuelles (p. ex. 200°C ≈ 7km), et le taux de refroidissement en taux d'exhumation. De plus, en datant par système radiométrique des échantillons espacés verticalement, il est possible de contraindre directement le taux d'exhumation de la section échantillonnée en observant les différences d'âges entre des échantillons voisins. Dans les Alpes suisses, le massif de l'Aar forme une structure orographique majeure. Avec des altitudes supérieures à 4000m et un relief spectaculaire de plus de 2000m, le massif domine la partie centrale de la chaîne de montagne. Les roches aujourd'hui exposées à la surface ont été enfouies à plus de 10 km de profond il y a 20 Ma, mais la topographie actuelle du massif de l'Aar semble surtout s'être développée par un soulèvement actif depuis quelques millions d'années, c'est-à-dire depuis le Néogène supérieur. Cette période comprend un changement climatique soudain ayant touché l'Europe il y a environ 5 Ma et qui a occasionné de fortes précipitations, entraînant certainement une augmentation de l'érosion et accélérant l'exhumation des Alpes. Dans cette étude, nous avons employé le système de datation (U-TH)/He sur zircon, dont la température de fermeture de 200°C est suffisamment basse pour caractériser l'exhumation du Néogène sup. /Pliocène. Les échantillons proviennent du Lötschental et du tunnel ferroviaire le plus profond du monde (NEAT) situé dans la partie ouest du massif de l'Aar. Considérés dans l'ensemble, ces échantillons se répartissent sur un dénivelé de 3000m et des âges de 5.1 à 9.4 Ma. Les échantillons d'altitude supérieure (et donc plus vieux) documentent un taux d'exhumation de 0.4 km/Ma jusqu'à il y a 6 Ma, alors que les échantillons situés les plus bas ont des âges similaires allant de 6 à 5.4 Ma, donnant un taux jusqu'à 3km /Ma. Ces données montrent une accélération dramatique de l'exhumation du massif de l'Aar il y a 6 Ma. L'exhumation miocène sup. du massif prédate donc le changement climatique Pliocène. Cependant, lors de la crise de salinité d'il y a 6-5.3 Ma (Messinien), le niveau de la mer Méditerranée est descendu de 3km. Un tel abaissement de la surface d'érosion peut avoir accéléré l'exhumation des Alpes, mais le bassin sud alpin était trop loin du massif de l'Aar pour influencer son érosion. Nous arrivons à la conclusion que la datation (U-Th)/He permet de contraindre précisément la chronologie et l'exhumation du massif de l'Aar. Concernant la dualité tectonique-érosion, nous suggérons que, dans le cas du massif de l'Aar, la tectonique prédomine.
CONTEXT: Sparse data exist on the combined associations between physical activity and sedentary time with cardiometabolic risk factors in healthy children. OBJECTIVE: To examine the independent and combined associations between objectively measured time in moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) and sedentary time with cardiometabolic risk factors. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Pooled data from 14 studies between 1998 and 2009 comprising 20 871 children (aged 4-18 years) from the International Children's Accelerometry Database. Time spent in MVPA and sedentary time were measured using accelerometry after reanalyzing raw data. The independent associations between time in MVPA and sedentary time, with outcomes, were examined using meta-analysis. Participants were stratified by tertiles of MVPA and sedentary time. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, fasting triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and insulin. RESULTS: Times (mean [SD] min/d) accumulated by children in MVPA and being sedentary were 30 (21) and 354 (96), respectively. Time in MVPA was significantly associated with all cardiometabolic outcomes independent of sex, age, monitor wear time, time spent sedentary, and waist circumference (when not the outcome). Sedentary time was not associated with any outcome independent of time in MVPA. In the combined analyses, higher levels of MVPA were associated with better cardiometabolic risk factors across tertiles of sedentary time. The differences in outcomes between higher and lower MVPA were greater with lower sedentary time. Mean differences in waist circumference between the bottom and top tertiles of MVPA were 5.6 cm (95% CI, 4.8-6.4 cm) for high sedentary time and 3.6 cm (95% CI, 2.8-4.3 cm) for low sedentary time. Mean differences in systolic blood pressure for high and low sedentary time were 0.7 mm Hg (95% CI, -0.07 to 1.6) and 2.5 mm Hg (95% CI, 1.7-3.3), and for high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, differences were -2.6 mg/dL (95% CI, -1.4 to -3.9) and -4.5 mg/dL (95% CI, -3.3 to -5.6), respectively. Geometric mean differences for insulin and triglycerides showed similar variation. Those in the top tertile of MVPA accumulated more than 35 minutes per day in this intensity level compared with fewer than 18 minutes per day for those in the bottom tertile. In prospective analyses (N = 6413 at 2.1 years' follow-up), MVPA and sedentary time were not associated with waist circumference at follow-up, but a higher waist circumference at baseline was associated with higher amounts of sedentary time at follow-up. CONCLUSION: Higher MVPA time by children and adolescents was associated with better cardiometabolic risk factors regardless of the amount of sedentary time.
We previously reported that excess of deoxycorticosterone-acetate (DOCA)/salt-induced cardiac hypertrophy in the absence of hypertension in one-renin gene mice. This model allows us to study molecular mechanisms of high-salt intake in the development of cardiovascular remodeling, independently of blood pressure in a high mineralocorticoid state. In this study, we compared the effect of 5-wk low- and high-salt intake on cardiovascular remodeling and cardiac differential gene expression in mice receiving the same amount of DOCA. Differential gene and protein expression was measured by high-density cDNA microarray assays, real-time PCR and Western blot analysis in DOCA-high salt (HS) vs. DOCA-low salt (LS) mice. DOCA-HS mice developed cardiac hypertrophy, coronary perivascular fibrosis, and left ventricular dysfunction. Differential gene and protein expression demonstrated that high-salt intake upregulated a subset of genes encoding for proteins involved in inflammation and extracellular matrix remodeling (e.g., Col3a1, Col1a2, Hmox1, and Lcn2). A major subset of downregulated genes encoded for transcription factors, including myeloid differentiation primary response (MyD) genes. Our data provide some evidence that vascular remodeling, fibrosis, and inflammation are important consequences of a high-salt intake in DOCA mice. Our study suggests that among the different pathogenic factors of cardiac and vascular remodeling, such as hypertension and mineralocorticoid excess and sodium intake, the latter is critical for the development of the profibrotic and proinflammatory phenotype observed in the heart of normotensive DOCA-treated mice.
PURPOSE: Negative lifestyle factors are known to be associated with increased cardiovascular risk (CVR) in children, but research on their combined impact on a general population of children is sparse. Therefore, we aimed to quantify the combined impact of easily assessable negative lifestyle factors on the CVR scores of randomly selected children after 4 years. METHODS: Of the 540 randomly selected 6- to 13-year-old children, 502 children participated in a baseline health assessment, and 64% were assessed again after 4 years. Measures included anthropometry, fasting blood samples, and a health assessment questionnaire. Participants scored one point for each negative lifestyle factor at baseline: overweight; physical inactivity; high media consumption; little outdoor time; skipping breakfast; and having a parent who has ever smoked, is inactive, or overweight. A CVR score at follow-up was constructed by averaging sex- and age-related z-scores of waist circumference, blood pressure, glucose, inverted high-density lipoprotein, and triglycerides. RESULTS: The age-, sex-, pubertal stage-, and social class-adjusted probabilities (95% confidence interval) for being in the highest CVR score tertile at follow-up for children who had at most one (n = 48), two (n = 64), three (n = 56), four (n = 41), or five or more (n = 14) risky lifestyle factors were 15.4% (8.9-25.3), 24.3% (17.4-32.8), 36.0% (28.6-44.2), 49.8% (38.6-61.0), and 63.5% (47.2-77.2), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Even in childhood, an accumulation of negative lifestyle factors is associated with higher CVR scores after 4 years. These negative lifestyle factors are easy to assess in clinical practice and allow early detection and prevention of CVR in childhood.
Triglycerides are transported in plasma by specific triglyceride-rich lipoproteins; in epidemiological studies, increased triglyceride levels correlate with higher risk for coronary artery disease (CAD). However, it is unclear whether this association reflects causal processes. We used 185 common variants recently mapped for plasma lipids (P < 5 × 10(-8) for each) to examine the role of triglycerides in risk for CAD. First, we highlight loci associated with both low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and triglyceride levels, and we show that the direction and magnitude of the associations with both traits are factors in determining CAD risk. Second, we consider loci with only a strong association with triglycerides and show that these loci are also associated with CAD. Finally, in a model accounting for effects on LDL-C and/or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels, the strength of a polymorphism's effect on triglyceride levels is correlated with the magnitude of its effect on CAD risk. These results suggest that triglyceride-rich lipoproteins causally influence risk for CAD.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Changes in the sex allocation (i.e. in pollen versus seed production) of hermaphroditic plants often occur in response to the environment. In some homosporous ferns, gametophytes choose their gender in response to chemical cues sent by neighbours, such that spores develop as male gametophytes if they perceive a female or hermaphrodite nearby. Here it is considered whether a similar process might occur in the androdioecious angiosperm species Mercurialis annua, in which males co-occur with hermaphrodites; previous work on a Spanish population of M. annua found that individuals were more likely to develop as males at high density. METHODS: Using a novel approach to treat plants with leachate from pots containing males or hermaphrodites of M. annua, the hypothesis that individuals assess their mating opportunities, and adjust their sex expression accordingly, was tested through an exchange of chemical cues through the soil. KEY RESULTS: For the population under study, from Morocco, no evidence was found for soil-signal-dependent sex expression: neither sex ratios nor sex allocation differed among experimental treatments. CONCLUSIONS: The results imply either that the Moroccan population under study behaves differently from that previously studied in Spain (pointing to potential geographical variation in plasticity for sex expression), or that our method failed to capture the signals used by M. annua for adjustment of sex expression.
The distribution of the fibronectin-rich extracellular matrix (ECM) in the chick embryo during formation of the blastula has been evaluated semiquantitatively using an electron microscopical immunogold staining technique. During the first 10 h of postlaying development, fibronectin was found in both embryonic area pellucida and extra-embryonic area opaca of the blastoderm. In the area pellucida, the fibronectin was (1) associated with the basal lamina of the epiblast, (2) present between epiblastic and hypoblastic cells and (3) occasionally internalized in hypoblastic cells. Along the embryonic axis, a transient and high density of ECM was associated with the front of the anteriorly and rapidly expanding hypoblast. Very high density of fibronectin was observed in the marginal zone of the area pellucida, where the epiblastic and deeper cell layers show contacts and intense re-arrangements. In the area opaca, fibronectin was at first found only sporadically between contacting cells, but its density increased steadily and markedly during the first day of development. These rapid and significant changes in the regional distribution of fibronectin-rich ECM are discussed with respect to the early morphogenesis of the chick embryo.
This report presents systematic empirical annotation of transcript products from 399 annotated protein-coding loci across the 1% of the human genome targeted by the Encyclopedia of DNA elements (ENCODE) pilot project using a combination of 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and high-density resolution tiling arrays. We identified previously unannotated and often tissue- or cell-line-specific transcribed fragments (RACEfrags), both 5' distal to the annotated 5' terminus and internal to the annotated gene bounds for the vast majority (81.5%) of the tested genes. Half of the distal RACEfrags span large segments of genomic sequences away from the main portion of the coding transcript and often overlap with the upstream-annotated gene(s). Notably, at least 20% of the resultant novel transcripts have changes in their open reading frames (ORFs), most of them fusing ORFs of adjacent transcripts. A significant fraction of distal RACEfrags show expression levels comparable to those of known exons of the same locus, suggesting that they are not part of very minority splice forms. These results have significant implications concerning (1) our current understanding of the architecture of protein-coding genes; (2) our views on locations of regulatory regions in the genome; and (3) the interpretation of sequence polymorphisms mapping to regions hitherto considered to be "noncoding," ultimately relating to the identification of disease-related sequence alterations.
To estimate the prevalence of metabolically healthy obesity (MHO) according to different definitions. Population-based sample of 2803 women and 2557 men participated in the study. Metabolic abnormalities were defined using six sets of criteria, which included different combinations of the following: waist; blood pressure; total, high-density lipoprotein or low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol; triglycerides; fasting glucose; homeostasis model assessment; high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; personal history of cardiovascular, respiratory or metabolic diseases. For each set, prevalence of MHO was assessed for body mass index (BMI); waist or percent body fat. Among obese (BMI 30 kg/m(2)) participants, prevalence of MHO ranged between 3.3 and 32.1% in men and between 11.4 and 43.3% in women according to the criteria used. Using abdominal obesity, prevalence of MHO ranged between 5.7 and 36.7% (men) and 12.2 and 57.5% (women). Using percent body fat led to a prevalence of MHO ranging between 6.4 and 43.1% (men) and 12.0 and 55.5% (women). MHO participants had a lower odd of presenting a family history of type 2 diabetes. After multivariate adjustment, the odds of presenting with MHO decreased with increasing age, whereas no relationship was found with gender, alcohol consumption or tobacco smoking using most sets of criteria. Physical activity was positively related, whereas increased waist was negatively related with BMI-defined MHO. MHO prevalence varies considerably according to the criteria used, underscoring the need for a standard definition of this metabolic entity. Physical activity increases the likelihood of presenting with MHO, and MHO is associated with a lower prevalence of family history of type 2 diabetes.
RATIONALE The choice of containers for storage of aqueous samples between their collection, transport and water hydrogen (2H) and oxygen (18O) stable isotope analysis is a topic of concern for a wide range of fields in environmental, geological, biomedical, food, and forensic sciences. The transport and separation of water molecules during water vapor or liquid uptake by sorption or solution and the diffusive transport of water molecules through organic polymer material by permeation or pervaporation may entail an isotopic fractionation. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the extent of such fractionation. METHODS Sixteen bottle-like containers of eleven different organic polymers, including low and high density polyethylene (LDPE and HDPE), polypropylene (PP), polycarbonate (PC), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and perfluoroalkoxy-Teflon (PFA), of different wall thickness and size were completely filled with the same mineral water and stored for 659?days under the same conditions of temperature and humidity. Particular care was exercised to keep the bottles tightly closed and prevent loss of water vapor through the seals. RESULTS Changes of up to +5 parts per thousand for d2H values and +2.0 parts per thousand for d18O values were measured for water after more than 1?year of storage within a plastic container, with the magnitude of change depending mainly on the type of organic polymer, wall thickness, and container size. The most important variations were measured for the PET and PC bottles. Waters stored in glass bottles with Polyseal (TM) cone-lined PP screw caps and thick-walled HDPE or PFA containers with linerless screw caps having an integrally molded inner sealing ring preserved their original d2H and d18O values. The carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen stable isotope compositions of the organic polymeric materials were also determined. CONCLUSIONS The results of this study clearly show that for precise and accurate measurements of the water stable isotope composition in aqueous solutions, rigorous sampling and storage procedures are needed both for laboratory standards and for unknown samples. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Metachondromatosis (MC) is a rare, autosomal dominant, incompletely penetrant combined exostosis and enchondromatosis tumor syndrome. MC is clinically distinct from other multiple exostosis or multiple enchondromatosis syndromes and is unlinked to EXT1 and EXT2, the genes responsible for autosomal dominant multiple osteochondromas (MO). To identify a gene for MC, we performed linkage analysis with high-density SNP arrays in a single family, used a targeted array to capture exons and promoter sequences from the linked interval in 16 participants from 11 MC families, and sequenced the captured DNA using high-throughput parallel sequencing technologies. DNA capture and parallel sequencing identified heterozygous putative loss-of-function mutations in PTPN11 in 4 of the 11 families. Sanger sequence analysis of PTPN11 coding regions in a total of 17 MC families identified mutations in 10 of them (5 frameshift, 2 nonsense, and 3 splice-site mutations). Copy number analysis of sequencing reads from a second targeted capture that included the entire PTPN11 gene identified an additional family with a 15 kb deletion spanning exon 7 of PTPN11. Microdissected MC lesions from two patients with PTPN11 mutations demonstrated loss-of-heterozygosity for the wild-type allele. We next sequenced PTPN11 in DNA samples from 54 patients with the multiple enchondromatosis disorders Ollier disease or Maffucci syndrome, but found no coding sequence PTPN11 mutations. We conclude that heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in PTPN11 are a frequent cause of MC, that lesions in patients with MC appear to arise following a "second hit," that MC may be locus heterogeneous since 1 familial and 5 sporadically occurring cases lacked obvious disease-causing PTPN11 mutations, and that PTPN11 mutations are not a common cause of Ollier disease or Maffucci syndrome.
Marijuana use has been associated with increased appetite, high caloric diet, acute increase in blood pressure, and decreases in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States, but its long-term effects on body mass index (BMI) and cardiovascular risk factors are unknown. Using 15 years of longitudinal data from 3,617 black and white young adults participating in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study, we assessed whether marijuana use was associated with caloric intake, BMI, and cardiovascular risk factors. Of the 3,617 participants, 1,365 (38%) reported ever using marijuana. Marijuana use was associated with male gender, tobacco smoking, and other illicit drug use. More extensive marijuana use was associated with a higher caloric intake (2,746 kcal/day in never users to 3,365 kcal/day in those who used marijuana for > or = 1,800 days over 15 years) and alcohol intake (3.6 to 10.8 drinks/week), systolic blood pressure (112.7 to 116.5 mm Hg), and triglyceride levels (84 to 100 mg/dl or 0.95 to 1.13 mmol/L, all p values for trend < 0.001), but not with higher BMI and lipid and glucose levels. In multivariate analysis, the associations between marijuana use and systolic blood pressure and triglycerides disappeared, having been mainly confounded by greater alcohol use in marijuana users. In conclusion, although marijuana use was not independently associated with cardiovascular risk factors, it was associated with other unhealthy behaviors, such as high caloric diet, tobacco smoking, and other illicit drug use, which all have long-term detrimental effects on health.
A Knudsen flow reactor has been used to quantify functional groups on the surface of seven different types of combustion particle samples: 3 amorphous carbons (FS 101, Printex 60, FW 2), 2 flame soots (hexane soot generated from a rich and a lean diffusion flame), and 2 Diesel particles (SRM 2975, Diesel soot recovered from a Diesel particulate filter). The technique is based on a heterogeneous titration reaction between a probe gas and a specific functional group on the particle surface. Six probe gases have been selected for the quantification of important functional groups: N(CH3)3 for the titration of acidic sites, NH2OH for carbonyl functions of aldehydes and ketones, CF3COOH and HCl for basic sites of different strength, O3 and NO2 for oxidizable groups. The limit of detection was generally well below 1% of a formal monolayer of adsorbed probe gas. Results obtained with N(CH3)3 were higher for the FW 2 amorphous carbon (post-oxidized sample, according to the manufacturer) and the Diesel particles (between 5.2·10 13 and 5.8·10 13 molecule/cm2), indicating a higher state of oxidation than for the other samples (between 1.3·10 12 and 3.7·10 12 molecule/cm2). The ratio of uptakes of CF3COOH and HCl inferred the presence of basic oxides on the particle surface, owing to the larger stability of the acetate compared to the chloride counter ion in the resulting pyrylium salt. The reactivity of the FS 101 amorphous carbon (3.7·10 15 molecule/cm2) and the hexane flame soot (between 1.9·10 15 and 2.7·10 15 molecule/cm2) towards O3 was very high, indicating the presence of a huge amount of oxidizable or reduced groups on the surface of these samples. Besides the quantification of surface functional groups, the kinetics of reactions between particles and probe gases has also been studied. The uptake coefficient γ0 was roughly correlated with the amount of probe gas taken up by the samples. Indeed, the presence of a high density of functional groups led to fast uptake of the probe gas. These different findings indicate that the particle surface appeared multi-functional, with the simultaneous presence of antagonistic functional groups which do not undergo internal chemical reactions, such as acid-base neutralization. Results also point to important differences in the surface reactivity of the samples, depending on the combustion conditions. The relative distribution of the surface functional groups may be a useful indicator for the state of oxidation and the reactivity of the particle surface.
Background: Negative pressure wound treatment is increasingly used through a Vacuum-Assisted Closure (VAC) device in complex wound situations. For this purpose, sterile polyurethane (PU) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) foam dressings are fitted to the wound size and covered with an adhesive drape to create an airtight seal. Little information exists about the type and quantity of microorganisms within the foams. Therefore, we investigated VAC foams after removal from the wound using a validated method (sonication) to detect the bacterial bioburden in the foam consisting as microbial biofilms.Methods: We prospectively included VAC foams (PU and PVA, KCI, Rümlamg, Switzerland) without antibacterial additions (e.g. silver), which were removed from wounds in patients with chronic ulcers from January 2007 through December 2008. Excluded were patients with acute wound infection, necrotizing fasciitis, underlying osteomyelitis or implant. Removed foams from regular changes of dressing were aseptically placed in a container with 100 ml sterile Ringer's solution. Within 4 hours after removal, foams were sonicated for 5 min at 40 kHz (as described in NEJM 2007;357:654). The resulting sonication fluid was cultured at 37°C on aerobic blood agar plates for 5 days. Microbes were quantified as No. of colony-forming units (CFU)/ml sonication fluid and identified to the species level.Results: A total of 68 foams (38 PU and 30 PVA) from 55 patients were included in the study (median age 71 years; range 33-88 years, 57% were man). Foams were removed from the following anatomic sites: sacrum (n=29), ischium (n=18), heel (n=13), calves (n=6) and ankle (n=2). The median duration of being in place was 3 days (range, 1-8 days). In all 68 foams, bacteria were found in large quantities (median 105 CFU/ml, range 102-7 CFU/ml sonication fluid. No differences were found between PU and PVA foams. One type of organisms was found in 11 (16%), two in 17 (24%) and 3 or more in 40 (60%) foams. Gram-negative rods (Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumanii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) were isolated in 70%, followed by Staphylococcus aureus (20%), koagulase-negative staphylococci, streptococci (8%), and enterococci (2%).Conclusion: With sonication, a high density of bacteria present in VAC foams was demonstrated after a median of 3 days. Future studies are needed to investigate whether antimicrobial-impregnated foams can reduce the bacterial load in foams and potentially improve wound healing.
Rock slope instabilities are implicitly linked to the supply of sediment and debris recharging channels prone to debris flow. Hence, the incorporation of bedrock structure and terrain morphology can be relevant in the analysis of sediment budget and debris flow hazard assessment. Here, the mode of debris production of the Manival catchment (northern French Alps) is documented by the study of its morphostructural aspects extracted from high resolution DEM. Terrain implication in the process of debris supply is evaluated by: a) A systematic classification of the major morphological units based on the slope gradient that enables a spatial analysis of zones of debris production and deposition. b) A detailed structural analysis performed on DEM in order to identify potential unstable slopes. c) An analysis of the gullies orientation that informs in term of structural control of the sources zones. d) Localisation of high density joints sets that document about whether sources of continuous debris production are controlled by the structural setting of the catchment. These DEM-based indicators can be used as proxies for assessing the influences of the current topography and enable to quantify a degree of susceptibility to mass wasting and hillslope erosion activity. This present contribution suggests some directions for characterizing sediment flux dynamic in small alpine catchment.