999 resultados para Hahn, Petrus


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Anti-angiogenic therapies are currently in cancer clinical trials, but to date there are no established tests for evaluating the angiogenic status of a patient. We measured 11 circulating angiogenesis-associated molecules in cancer patients before and after local treatment. The purpose of our study was to screen for possible relationships among the different molecules and between individual molecules and tumor burden. We measured VEGF-A, PlGF, SCF, MMP-9, EDB+ -fibronectin, sVEGFR-2, sVEGFR-1, salphaVbeta3, sTie-2, IL-8 and CRP in the blood of 22 healthy volunteers, 17 early breast, 17 early colorectal, and 8 advanced sarcoma/melanoma cancer patients. Breast cancer patients had elevated levels of VEGF-A and sTie-2, colorectal cancer patients of VEGF-A, MMP-9, sTie-2, IL-8 and CRP, and melanoma/sarcoma patients of sVEGFR-1. salphaVbeta3 was decreased in colorectal cancer patients. A correlation between VEGF-A and MMP-9 was found. After tumor removal, MMP-9 and salphaVbeta3 significantly decreased in breast and CRP in colorectal cancer, whereas sVEGFR-1 increased in colorectal cancer patients. In sarcoma/melanoma patients treated regionally with TNF and chemotherapy we observed a rise in VEGF-A, SCF, VEGFR-2, MMP-9, Tie-2 and CRP, a correlation between CRP and IL-8, and a decreased in sVEGFR-1 levels. In conclusion, among all factors measured, only VEGF-A and MMP-9 consistently correlated to each other, elevated CRP levels were associated with tumor burden, whereas sVEGF-R1 increased after tumor removal in colorectal cancer. Treatment with chemotherapy and TNF induced changes consistent with an angiogenic switch. These results warrant a prospective study to compare the effect of surgical tumor removal vs. chemotherapy on some of these markers and to evaluate their prognostic/predictive value.


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Opinnäytetyömme liittyy Helsingin kaupungin sosiaaliviraston Varhainen vuorovaikutus ja kasvatuskumppanuus päivähoidossa (VAVU) - hankkeeseen. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää toteutuuko kasvatuskumppanuus päiväkotien arjessa vanhempien näkökulmasta ja miten. Opinnäytetyömme on kvalitatiivinen. Keräsimme aineiston haastattelemalla yhdeksää vanhempaa neljässä helsinkiläisessä päiväkodissa. Käytimme teemahaastattelua, jonka lähtökohtana oli Hilton Davisin kumppanuusmalli. Aineiston analysoinnin suoritimme teemoittelemalla. Tuloksista selvisi, että vanhemmat kokivat päivittäiset keskustelut päivähoidon henkilökunnan kanssa lapsen tuomis- ja hakutilanteissa olennaiseksi läheisen yhteistyön muodoksi. Vanhemmat eivät juuri osallistu päiväkodin toiminnan suunnitteluun, kehittämiseen tai arviointiin. Päivittäisten keskustelujen lisäksi osa haastatelluista toivoi lisää erikseen järjestettyjä keskustelutilaisuuksia. Tulosten mukaan omahoitajuus on osalle vanhemmista epäselvä tai melko vähäpätöinen asia. Osa kuitenkin piti omahoitajajärjestelmää tärkeänä lapsen hyvinvoinnille päiväkodissa. Tulosten perusteella voidaan päätellä, että jotkut kasvatuskumppanuuden toteutumiselle tärkeät elementit jäävät toteutumatta päiväkodin ja vanhempien välillä. Päiväkodeissa on syytä kiinnittää entistä enemmän huomiota riittävien puitteiden luomiseksi toimivalle kasvatuskumppanuudelle, mutta myös vanhemmilla on kasvatuskumppanuuden toteutumisessa oma vastuunsa. Päiväkotien ryhmäkokojen suuruus ja määräaikaisten työntekijöiden vaihtuvuus vaikuttavat kiireen lisääntymiseen ja jaksamisen heikkenemiseen, ja siten ne vaikuttavat negatiivisesti kasvatuskumppanuuden toteutumiseen.


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A host genetic variant (-35C/T) correlates with increased human leukocyte antigen C (HLA-C) expression and improved control of HIV-1. HLA-C-mediated immunity may be particularly protective because HIV-1 is unable to remove HLA-C from the cell surface, whereas it can avoid HLA-A- and HLA-B-mediated immunity by Nef-mediated down-modulation. However, some individuals with the protective -35CC genotype exhibit high viral loads. Here, we investigated whether the ability of HIV-1 to replicate efficiently in the "protective" high-HLA-C-expression host environment correlates with specific functional properties of Nef. We found that high set point viral loads (sVLs) were not associated with the emergence of Nef variants that had acquired the ability to down-modulate HLA-C or were more effective in removing HLA-A and HLA-B from the cell surface. However, in individuals with the protective -35CC genotype we found a significant association between sVLs and the efficiency of Nef-mediated enhancement of virion infectivity and modulation of CD4, CD28, and the major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II)-associated invariant chain (Ii), while this was not observed in subjects with the -35TT genotype. Since the latter Nef functions all influence the stimulation of CD4(+) T helper cells by antigen-presenting cells, they may cooperate to affect both the activation status of infected T cells and the generation of an antiviral cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response. In comparison, different levels of viremia in individuals with the common -35TT genotype were not associated with differences in Nef function but with differences in HLA-C mRNA expression levels. Thus, while high HLA-C expression may generally facilitate control of HIV-1, Nef may counteract HLA-C-mediated immune control in some individuals indirectly, by manipulating T-cell function and MHC-II antigen presentation.


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Contient : Lettres de Marca à François Bosquet (1er janvier 1654-28 avril 1662) ; en majeure partie autographes, rangées par ordre chronologique ; Lettre de Bosquet à Mazarin, 1er décembre 1643, — de Cl. de Rébé, archevêque de Narbonne, au même, du 17 novembre 1643 (copies de la main de Baluze) ; Lettres de Bosquet à Marca, en majeure partie autographes, rangées par ordre chronologique (13 mars 1640-30 juin 1654), parmi lesquelles (f. 90) deux lettres de Marca à Bosquet (14 mars et 28 avril 1662) ; Pièces concernant la famille de P. de Marca et sa biographie, parmi lesquelles on remarque : ; Deux lettres adressées à Marca par Marguerite d'Espenan (15 janvier 1660 et 13 décembre 1659 ; originaux.) ; Contrats de mariage de Jérome de Marca (12 février 1341-1342 n. st.) et de son fils Pierre (7 juin 1398) ; copies de la main de Baluze ; Notice sommaire sur Marca, par le même ; Note sur la famille de Marca, depuis 1118, et sur la vie de P. de Marca jusqu'en 1652 ; Généalogies des maisons de Lavedan et de Marca, de la main de P. de Marca ; Mémoires sur les maisons de la Marque en Gascogne et de Rivière en Bigorre ; placards imprimés, extraits du Dictionnaire de Moreri, éd. Vaultier (2 exemplaires) ; Donation d'une somme de 2.000 écus faite par Henri III à Arnauld d'Ossat, 18 juillet 1586 (original) ; Lettres écrites par M. d'Ossat à Thomas de Marca (10 mai 1559-mai 1562) ; Lettre du même à M. de Castille, receveur du clergé, 18 mai 1587 (original) ; Procurations données par le même pour la perception des 2.000 écus à lui attribués (11 février 1588-19 mai 1587) ; originaux, dont le second est accompagné d'un sceau de cire rouge sur cordelettes ; Notice sur la vie de Marca depuis 1652 [cf. supra, f. 117] ; Note sur les dates principales de la vie de Marca (en espagnol) ; Copie des certificats de tonsure, etc. de Marca (1608) ; Billet de La Reynie, 8 janvier 1703 (original) ; Nomination de Marca comme conseiller d'Etat, 15 novembre 1658 ; Note sur la nomination du même à l'évêché de Conserans ; Mémoire sur la censure faite à Rome du De concordia Sacerdotii et Imperii (imprimé de 2 pages in-fol. ; 2 exemplaires) ; Note sur les affaires d'Espagne ; « Commission à MM. les archevesque de Toulouse et evesque d'Orange pour convenir avec les commissaires du roy d'Espagne des limites des deux royaumes du costé de Catalogne. » ; Notes de Baluze sur le projet d'une nouvelle édition du De concordia, et mémoires envoyés par lui sur ce sujet à Le Tellier (21 juin et 18 décembre 1663) ; Arrêt du Conseil d'état condamnant les Lettres de l'autheur des reigles très importantes au sieur de Marca (imprimé de 7 pages in-4° ; Paris, 1659) ; Bref de N. S. P. le pape Alexandre VII escrit à Monseigneur de Marca, du 5 juin 1662 (imprimé de 4 pages in-4° ; Paris, 1662) ; Mémoire pour servir au jugement de l'instance générale de la régale (imprimé de 14 pages in-4° ; s. l. n. d.) ; Mémoire sur la censure du De concordia ; Profession de foi de Marca, renonçant aux opinions contraires à la doctrine de l'Église romaine émises dans le De concordia ; Note sur les derniers moments de Marca ; Note relative à l'affaire du De concordia ; imprimé, 2 p. in-4°, s. l. n. d ; Petrus de Marca lectori ; Barcelone, 14 août 1646 ; imprimé de 4 pages in-4° (3 exemplaires)


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El pasado mes de junio se celebró en Pittsburgh, EE.UU., el duodécimo simposio internacional sobre tesis electrónicas: Electronic Thesis and Dissertations Conference (ETD2009). Fue organizado por Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD). La mayoría de los ponentes explicaron las experiencias de su propia universidad. Además, hubo expertos invitados entre los cuales se pueden destacar Stevan Harnad (Univ. Southampton), Karla Hahn (Association of Research Libraries) y Deanna Marcum (Library of Congress). Estos simposios pretenden promover la adopción, creación, uso, difusión y preservación de las tesis electrónicas. De hecho, el éxito ha sido tal, que algunas universidades ya prescinden de la copia en papel para el depósito y preservación del documento. Un caso reciente es el de la University of Albany cuya nueva política, anunciada durante el simposio, consiste en que a partir de setiembre del 2009 ya no requiere el depósito de una copia impresa de las tesis aprobadas en aquella universidad.


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In order to select soil management practices that increase the nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) in agro-ecosystems, the different indices of agronomic fertilizer efficiency must be evaluated under varied weather conditions. This study assessed the NUE indices in no-till corn in southern Paraguay. Nitrogen fertilizer rates from 0 to 180 kg ha-1 were applied in a single application at corn sowing and the crop response investigated in two growing seasons (2010 and 2011). The experimental design was a randomized block with three replications. Based on the data of grain yield, dry matter, and N uptake, the following fertilizer indices were assessed: agronomic N-use efficiency (ANE), apparent N recovery efficiency (NRE), N physiological efficiency (NPE), partial factor productivity (PFP), and partial nutrient balance (PNB). The weather conditions varied largely during the experimental period; the rainfall distribution was favorable for crop growth in the first season and unfavorable in the second. The PFP and ANE indices, as expected, decreased with increasing N fertilizer rates. A general analysis of the N fertilizer indices in the first season showed that the maximum rate (180 kg ha-1) obtained the highest corn yield and also optimized the efficiency of NPE, NRE and ANE. In the second season, under water stress, the most efficient N fertilizer rate (60 kg ha-1) was three times lower than in the first season, indicating a strong influence of weather conditions on NUE. Considering that weather instability is typical for southern Paraguay, anticipated full N fertilization at corn sowing is not recommended due the temporal variability of the optimum N fertilizer rate needed to achieve high ANE.


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The function of silk web decorations in orb weaving spiders has been debated for decades. The most accepted hypothesized functions are that web decorations I) provide camouflage against predators, 2) are an advertisement for vertebrates to avoid web damage, or 3) increase the attraction of prey to the web. Most studies have focused on only a few genera, Argiope being the most common. In this study, I evaluated the prey attraction hypothesis of silk decorations for a species of a poorly studied genus in this topic, Micrathena sexpinosa Hahn 1822. I used a web-choice experiment in which I presented empty or web-bearing frames at the end of a tunnel to stingless bees (Tetragonisca angustula). This frame-choice experiment consisted of the following comparisons: decorated web vs. empty frame, decorated web vs. undecorated web, and undecorated web vs. empty frame. Webs with decoration intercepted significantly more bees than empty frames and undecorated webs. Therefore, the decorations of Micrathena sexpinosa might play a role in increasing foraging success.


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Previously we determined that S81 is the highest stoichiometric phosphorylation on the androgen receptor (AR) in response to hormone. To explore the role of this phosphorylation on growth, we stably expressed wild-type and S81A mutant AR in LHS and LAPC4 cells. The cells with increased wild-type AR expression grow faster compared with parental cells and S81A mutant-expressing cells, indicating that loss of S81 phosphorylation limits cell growth. To explore how S81 regulates cell growth, we tested whether S81 phosphorylation regulates AR transcriptional activity. LHS cells stably expressing wild-type and S81A mutant AR showed differences in the regulation of endogenous AR target genes, suggesting that S81 phosphorylation regulates promoter selectivity. We next sought to identify the S81 kinase using ion trap mass spectrometry to analyze AR-associated proteins in immunoprecipitates from cells. We observed cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)9 association with the AR. CDK9 phosphorylates the AR on S81 in vitro. Phosphorylation is specific to S81 because CDK9 did not phosphorylate the AR on other serine phosphorylation sites. Overexpression of CDK9 with its cognate cyclin, Cyclin T, increased S81 phosphorylation levels in cells. Small interfering RNA knockdown of CDK9 protein levels decreased hormone-induced S81 phosphorylation. Additionally, treatment of LNCaP cells with the CDK9 inhibitors, 5,6-dichloro-1-β-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole and Flavopiridol, reduced S81 phosphorylation further, suggesting that CDK9 regulates S81 phosphorylation. Pharmacological inhibition of CDK9 also resulted in decreased AR transcription in LNCaP cells. Collectively these results suggest that CDK9 phosphorylation of AR S81 is an important step in regulating AR transcriptional activity and prostate cancer cell growth.