454 resultados para HEMATOCRIT
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da utilização de sucedâneo lácteo com alto conteúdo proteico de origem vegetal no desempenho e saúde de bezerros, e avaliar métodos de reidratação para o tratamento de diarreias. No primeiro estudo foram utilizados 33 bezerros da raça Holandês distribuídos nos tratamentos: 1) Alto volume e baixa proteína (AV/BP): 8 litros, 21,4% PB; 2) Alto volume e alta proteína (AV/AP): 8 litros, 23,7% PB e 3) Baixo volume e alta proteína (BV/AP): 6 litros, 23,7% PB. Os bezerros foram alojados em abrigos individuais, com livre acesso a água e concentrado. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos para o desempenho animal (P>0,05). Os tratamentos AV/BP e AV/AP resultaram em maior consumo de sucedâneo (P<0,05), mas não afetaram o consumo de concentrado nem o consumo total (P>0,05). O escore fecal foi maior (P>0,05) para animais nos tratamentos AV/AP e BV/AP. Os animais nos tratamentos AV/BP permaneceram maior número de dias em diarreia (P<0,05), em comparação aqueles aleitados com BV/AP, os quais tiveram menos dias com vida (P<0,05). A concentração de lactato foi maior (P<0,05) para animais nos tratamentos AV/BP e AV/AP enquanto a concentração de proteína total foi maior (P<0,05) nos tratamentos AV/BP e BV/AP. Sucedâneos com elevado conteúdo de proteína de origem vegetal afetam negativamente o desempenho de bezerros podendo levar o animal a morte. No segundo estudo foram comparados três soluções de hidratação oral quanto a sua eficiência em repor eletrólitos e água, além de manter o desempenho de bezerros. Foram utilizados 42 bezerros mestiços Holandês-Jersey, distribuídos nos tratamentos: 1) Soro comum, 2) Glutellac® e 3) Soro comum + Aminogut®. Os animais foram aleitados com 4 L/d de sucedâneo lácteo até a oitava semana de vida quando foram desaleitados de forma abrupta. As terapias de reidratação foram oferecidas quando os animais apresentavam escore fecal >= 3 na escala de 1 a 5. Não houve efeito das terapias de reidratação no desempenho nem em metabólitos sanguíneos (P>0,05). O consumo voluntário de água foi maior para os animais reidratados com Glutellac®, mas o consumo total maior para os animais reidratados com Soro comum. As concentrações de HCO3 e Na+ foram maiores para os animais no tratamento Glutellac® (P=0,088 e P=0,073 respectivamente), sendo a concentração de glicose também afetada pelo protocolo de hidratação (P<0,05). A concentração de HCO3 aumentou do primeiro para o segundo dia, a de K+ e glicose diminuíram do primeiro para o segundo dia, enquanto que o Beecf teve um comportamento variável segundo a terapia de reidratação utilizada. Houve efeito da interação tratamento x dia de avaliação apenas para a concentração de BUN (P<0,05). O pH, a concentração de Na+ e Beecf foram maiores em animais mais velhos, enquanto K+, hematócrito e hemoglobina, foram menores (P<0,05). O consumo voluntário de água foi maior em animais reidratados com Glutellac®, o que junto com a simplicidade de uso, representam as principais vantagens deste método de reidratação.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a suplementação de um probiótico composto por cepas de Bacillus subtilis e Bacillus licheniformis, fornecidos via sucedâneo lácteo, no que se refere ao escore e pH fecal, contagem de microrganismos intestinais, parâmetros sanguíneos e desempenho geral dos animais. Foram utilizados 24 animais da raça Holandês que receberam 4L/dia de sucedâneo comercial (15PB:15EE), além de livre acesso a água e concentrado inicial. O desaleitamento ocorreu na 8ª semana de vida. Os animais foram distribuídos em delineamento de blocos casualizados, em dois tratamentos: 1) Controle - sem a suplementação de probiótico; 2) Suplementação de 2g/d (1,6 x 109 UFC) de Bacillus subtilis e Bacillus licheniformis via sucedâneo lácteo. Semanalmente foram realizadas pesagens e aferições de medidas corporais (altura de cernelha, perímetro torácico e largura de garupa); e colheitas de sangue para determinação de glicose, proteína total, ureia e albumina, além de determinação de hematócrito. Foram colhidas amostras semanalmente para contagem de bactérias ácido láticas e enterobactérias e determinação de pH fecal. O monitoramento do consumo de concentrado e do escore fecal foi realizado diariamente. O peso corporal, o ganho de peso médio diário e as medidas corporais não foram alteradas (P>0,05) pela suplementação do probiótico contendo Bacillus subtilis e Bacillus licheniformis; muito embora tenham apresentado efeito significativo de idade dos animais (P<0,001). O escore fecal, pH fecal e consumo de concentrado diário também não foram afetados pela suplementação com probiótico. No entanto, o consumo de concentrado e o pH fecal sofreram influência da idade em resposta ao crescimento natural dos bezerros. A contagem de bactérias ácido láticas foi maior que número de enterobactérias durante todo o período (P<0,05). Apenas as enterobactérias sofreram efeito da idade (P<0,05), enquanto as bactérias ácido láticas permaneceram variando, porém dentro de um padrão constante. Os parâmetros sanguíneos também não foram afetados pela suplementação com probiótico (P>0,05) mas todos, com a exceção da albumina, tiveram influência da idade (P<0,001). A suplementação com o probiótico contendo Bacillus subtilis e Bacillus licheniformis via sucedâneo não apresentou benefícios no desempenho ou no metabolismo de bezerros leiteiros, bem como não reduziu a ocorrência de casos de diarreia.
Plusieurs décennies de recherche ont permis de mieux comprendre les effets de l’athérosclérose sur le système cardiovasculaire, d’améliorer la prévention et de développer des traitements efficaces. Les effets de l’athéroslérose sur le cerveau demeurent toutefois mal compris même si le lien entre le fonctionnement cognitif et la santé du système vasculaire est maintenant bien établi. La venue de nouvelles méthodes d’imagerie telle la microscopie laser à 2-photons (TPLM) permet d’étudier l’impact de certaines maladies sur la microvasculature cérébrale en mesurant le flux sanguin dans des vaisseaux uniques situés dans des régions cérébrales millimétriques sous la surface. Les résultats des études in vitro peuvent dorénavant être corrélés à ceux obtenus in vivo. En premier lieu, ce mémoire revoit la théorie ayant permis le développement de la TPLM qui permet de prendre des mesures hémodynamiques in vivo dans des vaisseaux de très petits calibres tels des capillaires cérébraux de souris. Par la suite, son utilisation est décrite chez des souris anesthésiées afin de comparer les mesures d’hémodynamie cérébrale tels la vitesse des globules rouges, le flux de globules rouges, le flux sanguin cérébral, l’hématocrite sanguin et le diamètre des vaisseaux. Finalement, nous avons comparé les données hémodynamiques entre des souris de 3 mois normales (WT ; n=6) et des souris atteintes d’athérosclérose précoce (ATX ; n=6). Les résultats obtenus sur un nombre total de 209 capillaires (103 pour les souris WT et 106 pour les souris ATX) démontrent que les souris ATX possèdent une vitesse des globules rouges (+40%) plus grande, un flux de globule rouge plus grand (+12%) et un flux capillaire plus élevé (+14%) sans démontrer pour aucun de ces paramètres, une différence statistiquement significative. L’hématocrite moyen (35±4% vs 33±2% ; p=0.71) et le diamètre moyen des vaisseaux (4.88±0.22μm vs 4.86±0.20μm ; p=0.23) étaient également comparables. La vitesse des globules rouges a démontré une faible corrélation avec le diamètre des vaisseaux (r=0.39) et avec le flux de globules rouges/seconde (r=0.59). En conclusion, les travaux menés dans le cadre de ce mémoire de maîtrise permettent d'envisager, grâce aux nouvelles méthodes d’imagerie cérébrale telle la TPLM, une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes hémodynamiques sous-jacents à la microcirculation cérébrale. L’effet d’une pression pulsée augmentée, tel que proposée dans l’athérosclérose reste cependant à démontrer avec cette méthode d’imagerie.
INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: Hypertension is a common side effect of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) therapy; however, the exact pathways remain to be elucidated. The discovery of non-hematopoietic actions of rHuEPO increased the number of patients that could putatively benefit from this therapy; however, to achieve those effects higher doses are usually needed, which increase the risk and incidence of adverse events. Our aim was to study the effect of a broad range of rHuEPO doses on hematological and biochemical parameters, blood pressure and renal function and damage in the rat, focusing on endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs). METHODS: Male Wistar rats were divided in 5 groups receiving different doses of rHuEPO (100, 200, 400 and 600 IU/kg body weight (BW)/week) and saline solution (control), during 3 weeks. Blood and 24h urine were collected to perform hematological and biochemical analysis. Blood pressure (BP) was measured by the tail-cuff method. The kidney tissue was collected to mRNA and protein expression assays and to characterize renal lesions. RESULTS: A dose-dependent increase in red blood cells count, hematocrit and hemoglobin levels was found with rHuEPO therapy, in rHuEPO200, rHuEPO400 and rHuEPO600 groups. Increased reticulocyte count was found in the rHuEPO400 and rHuEPO600 groups. BP raised in all groups receiving rHuEPO. The rHuEPO200 and rHuEPO600 groups presented increased kidney protein levels of HIF2α and a reduction in kidney protein levels of eNOS, along with the highest grade of vascular and tubular renal lesions. CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that rHuEPO-induced hypertension might involve indirect (hematological) and direct (renal) effects which varies according to the dose used. Thus, rHuEPO therapy should be performed rationally and under adequate surveillance, as hypertension develops even with lower doses. Especial caution with higher doses should be taken, as rHuEPO-induced hypertension leads to early renal damage without alterations in traditional markers of renal function, thus masking the serious adverse effects and risks.
OBJECTIVES Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) is very common in acute stroke patients and has been related to poor outcome. However, there is a lack of data about the association between SDB and stroke in developing countries. The study aims to characterize the frequency and severity of SDB in Brazilian patients during the acute phase of ischemic stroke; to identify clinical and laboratorial data related to SDB in those patients; and to assess the relationship between sleep apnea and functional outcome after six months of stroke. METHODS Clinical data and laboratorial tests were collected at hospital admission. The polysomnography was performed on the first night after stroke symptoms onset. Functional outcome was assessed by the modified Rankin Scale (mRS). RESULTS We prospectively evaluated 69 patients with their first-ever acute ischemic stroke. The mean apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) was 37.7 ± 30.2. Fifty-three patients (76.8%) exhibited an AHI ≥ 10 with predominantly obstructive respiratory events (90.6%), and thirty-three (47.8%) had severe sleep apnea. Age (OR: 1.09; 95% CI: 1.03-1.15; p= 0.004) and hematocrit (OR: 1.18; 95% CI: 1.03-1.34; p= 0.01) were independent predictors of sleep apnea. Age (OR: 1.13; 95% CI: 1.03-1.24; p= 0.01), body mass index (OR: 1.54; 95% CI: 1.54-2.18; p= 0.01), and hematocrit (OR: 1.19; 95% CI: 1.01-1.40; p= 0.04) were independent predictors of severe sleep apnea. The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS; OR: 1.30; 95% CI: 1.1-1.5; p= 0.001) and severe sleep apnea (OR: 9.7; 95% CI: 1.3-73.8; p= 0.03) were independently associated to mRS >2 at six months, after adjusting for confounders. CONCLUSION Patients with acute ischemic stroke in Brazil have a high frequency of SDB. Severe sleep apnea is associated with a poor long-term functional outcome following stroke in that population.
Patient outcomes in transplantation would improve if dosing of immunosuppressive agents was individualized. The aim of this study is to develop a population pharmacokinetic model of tacrolimus in adult liver transplant recipients and test this model in individualizing therapy. Population analysis was performed on data from 68 patients. Estimates were sought for apparent clearance (CL/F) and apparent volume of distribution (V/F) using the nonlinear mixed effects model program (NONMEM). Factors screened for influence on these parameters were weight, age, sex, transplant type, biliary reconstructive procedure, postoperative day, days of therapy, liver function test results, creatinine clearance, hematocrit, corticosteroid dose, and interacting drugs. The predictive performance of the developed model was evaluated through Bayesian forecasting in an independent cohort of 36 patients. No linear correlation existed between tacrolimus dosage and trough concentration (r(2) = 0.005). Mean individual Bayesian estimates for CL/F and V/F were 26.5 8.2 (SD) L/hr and 399 +/- 185 L, respectively. CL/F was greater in patients with normal liver function. V/F increased with patient weight. CL/F decreased with increasing hematocrit. Based on the derived model, a 70-kg patient with an aspartate aminotransferase (AST) level less than 70 U/L would require a tacrolimus dose of 4.7 mg twice daily to achieve a steady-state trough concentration of 10 ng/mL. A 50-kg patient with an AST level greater than 70 U/L would require a dose of 2.6 mg. Marked interindividual variability (43% to 93%) and residual random error (3.3 ng/mL) were observed. Predictions made using the final model were reasonably nonbiased (0.56 ng/mL), but imprecise (4.8 ng/mL). Pharmacokinetic information obtained will assist in tacrolimus dosing; however, further investigation into reasons for the pharmacokinetic variability of tacrolimus is required.
We investigated the capacity of two reptiles, an agamid lizard Pogona barbata and a chelid turtle Emydura signata, to compensate for the effects of temperature by making changes in their whole blood respiratory properties. This was accomplished by measuring the P-50 (at 10, 20 and 30 degrees C), hematocrit (Hct), haemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) and mean cell haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) in field acclimatised and laboratory acclimated individuals. The acute effect of temperature on P50 in P barbata, expressed as heat of oxygenation (Delta H), ranged from -16.8 +/- 1.84 to -28.5 +/- 2.73 kJ/mole. P-50 of field acclimatised P barbata increased significantly from early spring to summer at the test temperatures of 20 degrees C (43.1 +/- 1.2 to 48.8 +/- 2.1 mmHg) and 30 degrees C (54.7 +/- 1.2 to 65.2 +/- 2.3 mmHg), but showed no acclimation under laboratory conditions. For E. signata, Delta H ranged from -31.1 +/- 6.32 to -48.2 +/- 3.59 kJ/mole. Field acclimatisation and laboratory acclimation of P-50 did not occur. However, in E. signata, there was a significant increase in [Hb] and MCHC from early spring to summer in turtles collected from the wild (1.0 +/- 0.1 to 1.7 +/- 0.2 mmol/L and 4.0 +/- 0.3 to 6.7 +/- 0.7 mmol/L, respectively). (C) 2005 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Background: Cyclosporin A (CsA)-treated renal transplant recipients (RTR) exhibit relative hyperhomocystinemia and vascular dysfunction. Folate supplementation lowers homocysteine and has been shown to improve vascular function in healthy subjects and patients with coronary artery disease. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of 3 months of folate supplementation (5 mg/day) on vascular function and structure in RTR. Methods: A double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study was conducted in 10 CsA-treated RTR. Vascular structure was measured as carotid artery intima media thickness (IMT) and function was assessed as changes in brachial artery diameter during reactive hyperemia (RE) and in response to glyceryl trinitrate (GTN). Function data were analyzed as absolute and percent change from baseline and area under the diameter/time curve. Blood samples were collected before and after supplementation and analyzed for total plasma homocysteine, folate, vitamin B-12 and asymmetric dimethyl arginine (ADMA) in addition to regular measures of hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and serum creatinine. Results: Folate supplementation significantly increased plasma folate by 687% (p < 0.005) and decreased homocysteine by 37% (p < 0.05) with no changes (p > 0.05) in vitamin B 12 or ADMA. There were no significant (p > 0.05) changes in vascular structure or function during the placebo or the folate supplementation phases; IMT; placebo pre mean +/- SD, 0.52 +/- 0.12, post 0.50 +/- 0.11; folate pre 0.55 +/- 0.17, post 0.49 +/- 10.20 mm 5% change in brachial artery diameter (RH, placebo pre 10 +/- 8, post 6 +/- 5; folate pre 9 +/- 7, post 7 +/- 5; GTN, placebo pre 18 +/- 10, post 17 +/- 9, folate pre 16 +/- 9, post-supplementation 18 +/- 8). Conclusion: Three months of folate supplementation decreases plasma homocysteine but has no effect on endothelial function or carotid artery IMT in RTR.
Therapeutic monitoring with dosage individualization of sirolimus drug therapy is standard clinical practice for organ transplant recipients. For several years sirolimus monitoring has been restricted as a result of lack of an immunoassay. The recent reintroduction of the microparticle enzyme immunoassay (MEIA (R)) for sirolimus on the IMx (R) analyser has the potential to address this situation. This Study, using patient samples, has compared the MEIA (R) sirolimus method with an established HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry method (HPLC-MS/MS). An established HPLC-UV assay was used for independent cross-validation. For quality control materials (5, 11, 22 mu g/L), the MEIA (R) showed acceptable validation criteria based on intra-and inter-run precision (CV) and accuracy (bias) of < 8% and < 13%, respectively. The lower limit of quantitation was found to be approximately 3 mu g/L. The performance of the immunoassay was compared with HPLC-MS/MS using EDTA whole-blood samples obtained from various types of organ transplant recipients (n = 116). The resultant Deming regression line was: MEIA = 1.3 x HPLC-MS/MS+ 1.3 (r = 0.967, s(y/x) = 1) with a mean bias of 49.2% +/- 23.1 % (range, -2.4% to 128%; P < 0.001). The reason for the large and variable bias was not explored in this study, but the sirolimus-metabolite cross-reactivity with the MEIA (R) antibody could be a substantive contributing factor. Whereas the MEIA (R) sirolimus method may be an adjunct to sirolimus dosage individualization in transplant recipients, users must consider the implications of the substantial and variable bias when interpreting results. In selected patients where difficult clinical issues arise, reference to a specific chromatographic method may be required.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate laboratory evidence of abnormal angiogenesis, hemorheologic factors, endothelial damage/dysfunction, and age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). DESIGN: Comparative cross-sectional study. PARTICIPANTS: We studied 78 subjects (26 men and 52 women; mean age 74 years; standard deviation [SD] 9.0) with ARMD attending a specialist referral clinic. Subjects were compared with 25 healthy controls (mean age, 71 years; SD, 11). INTERVENTION AND OUTCOME MEASURES: Levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF, an index of angiogenesis), hemorheologic factors (plasma viscosity, hematocrit, white cell count, hemoglobin, platelets), fibrinogen (an index of rheology and hemostasis), and von Willebrand factor (a marker of endothelial dysfunction) were measured. RESULTS: Median plasma VEGF (225 vs. 195 pg/ml, P = 0.019) and mean von Willebrand factor (124 vs. 99 IU/dl, P = 0.0004) were greater in ARMD subjects than the controls. Mean plasma fibrinogen and plasma viscosity levels were also higher in the subjects (both P < 0.0001). There were no significant differences in other indices between cases and controls. When "dry" (drusen, atrophy, n = 28) and "exudative" (n = 50) ARMD subjects were compared, there was no significant differences in VEGF, fibrinogen, viscosity, or von Willebrand factor levels. There were no significant correlations between the measured parameters. Stepwise multiple regression analysis did not demonstrate any significant clinical predictors (age, gender, smoking, body mass index, history of vascular disease, or hypertension) for plasma VEGF or fibrinogen levels, although smoking status was a predictor of plasma von Willebrand factor levels (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests an association between markers of angiogenesis (VEGF), hemorheologic factors, hemostasis, endothelial dysfunction, and ARMD. The interaction between abnormal angiogenesis and the components of Virchow's triad for thrombogenesis may in part contribute to the pathogenesis of ARMD.
Cell exclusion is the phenomenon whereby the hematocrit and viscosity of blood decrease in areas of high stress. While this is well known in naturally occurring Poiseuille flow in the human body, it has never previously been shown in Couette flow, which occurs in implantable devices including blood pumps. The high-shear stresses that occur in the gap between the boundaries in Couette flow are known to cause hemolysis in erythrocytes. We propose to mitigate this damage by initiating cell exclusion through the use of a spiral-groove bearing (SGB) that will provide escape routes by which the cells may separate themselves from the plasma and the high stresses in the gap. The force between two bearings (one being the SGB) in Couette flow was measured. Stained erythrocytes, along with silver spheres of similar diameter to erythrocytes, were visualized across a transparent SGB at various gap heights. A reduction in the force across the bearing for human blood, compared with fluids of comparable viscosity, was found. This indicates a reduction in the viscosity of the fluid across the bearing due to a lowered hematocrit because of cell exclusion. The corresponding images clearly show both cells and spheres being excluded from the gap by entering the grooves. This is the first time the phenomenon of cell exclusion has been shown in Couette flow. It not only furthers our understanding of how blood responds to different flows but could also lead to improvements in the future design of medical devices.
Nitric Oxide (NO) is produced in the vascular endothelium where it then diffuses to the adjacent smooth muscle cells (SMC) activating agents known to regulate vascular tone. The close proximity of the site of NO production to the red blood cells (RBC) and its known fast consumption by hemoglobin, suggests that the blood will scavenge most of the NO produced. Therefore, it is unclear how NO is able to play its role in accomplishing vasodilation. Investigation of NO production and consumption rates will allow insight into this paradox. DAF-FM is a sensitive NO fluorescence probe widely used for qualitative assessment of cellular NO production. With the aid of a mathematical model of NO/DAF-FM reaction kinetics, experimental studies were conducted to calibrate the fluorescence signal showing that the slope of fluorescent intensity is proportional to [NO]2 and exhibits a saturation dependence on [DAF-FM]. In addition, experimental data exhibited a Km dependence on [NO]. This finding was incorporated into the model elucidating NO 2 as the possible activating agent of DAF-FM. A calibration procedure was formed and applied to agonist stimulated cells, providing an estimated NO release rate of 0.418 ± 0.18 pmol/cm2s. To assess NO consumption by RBCs, measurements of the rate of NO consumption in a gas stream flowing on top of an RBC solution of specified Hematocrit (Hct) was performed. The consumption rate constant (kbl)in porcine RBCs at 25°C and 45% Hct was estimated to be 3500 + 700 s-1. kbl is highly dependent on Hct and can reach up to 9900 + 4000 s-1 for 60% Hct. The nonlinear dependence of kbl on Hct suggests a predominant role for extracellular diffusion in limiting NO uptake. Further simulations showed a linear relationship between varying NO production rates and NO availability in the SMCs utilizing the estimated NO consumption rate. The corresponding SMC [NO] level for the average NO production rate estimated was approximately 15.1 nM. With the aid of experimental and theoretical methods we were able to examine the NO paradox and exhibit that endothelial derived NO is able to escape scavenging by RBCs to diffuse to the SMCs.
The goat and sheep industry shows up as an agricultural activity of great importance for the semiarid Northeast. However, the sheep and goats production is made with various difficulties. Among them, parasitic infections, particularly helminth infections of the gastrointestinal tract, the eimeriosis and toxoplasmosis; this one related to problems in reproduction. For this reason, the aim of this study is to to make a survey of the occurrence and some determinants of parasitic diseases that affect small ruminant flocks of the microregions Natal, Macaíba, Litoral Sul, Angicos, Vale do Açu and Borborema Potiguar. Thereunto, epidemiological tools were applied with producers, keepers or guardians of herds and also held collections of blood and feces of animals in eight properties located in seven municipalities of these microregions. The parasite load of the animals was determined through eggs and oocysts counting per gram of feces EPG and OPG, respectively. In addition, the recovery of infective larvae was made. Blood samples were used to measure the globular cell volume and the search for anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG in sheep serum, by Enzyme Linked Immune Sorbent Assay (ELISA). For categorical variables, the statistical analysis was performed using Poisson regression, with significance level of 0.05. The analysis of the instruments showed that ivermectin is the anthelmintic used in 85,71% of properties. From the total of feces samples of the sheep (n = 179), 53,07% were positive for helminth eggs and 48,04% were positive for oocysts of Eimeria. From the samples of faeces of goats (n = 133), 72,18% were positive for helminth eggs and 96,99% for oocysts of Eimeria. The lowest EPG and OPG count was observed in the micro region of Angicos. Most of the EPG count was found in the micro region Litoral Sul and the OPG count in the micro-region Borborema Potiguar. Both cases the difference was statistically significant(p- value0,000)The most prevalent helminth genus found was Haemonchus, present in 49,87% of the sheep and 80,42% of goats. The average of hematocrit ranged from 22,91 to 33,25 in sheep and from 22,62 to 28,25 in goats. The prevalence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG ranged from 63,33% to 100,00%. The goats showed to be more susceptible to infections by parasites of the gastrointestinal tract than the sheep. In all the properties was observed high prevalence of infection by T. gondii, with the lowest percentages recorded in the micro regions Angicos and Borborema Potiguar.
CHAPTER II - This study evaluated the effects of two different types of acute aerobic exercise on the osmotic stability of human erythrocyte membrane and on different hematological and biochemical variables that are associated with this membrane property. The study population consisted of 20 healthy and active men. Participants performed single sessions of two types of exercise. The first session consisted of 60 min of moderate-intensity continuous exercise (MICE). The second session, executed a week later, consisted of high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) until exhaustion. The osmotic stability of the erythrocyte membrane was represented by the inverse of the salt concentration (1/H50) at the midpoint of the sigmoidal curve of dependence between the absorbance of hemoglobin and the NaCl concentration. The values of 1/H50 changed from 2.29 ± 0.1 to 2.33 ± 0.09 after MICE and from 2.30 ± 0.08 to 2.23 ± 0.12 after HIIE. In MICE has occurred an increase in the mean corpuscular volume, probably due to in vivo lysis of older erythrocytes, with preservation of cells that were larger and more resistant to in vitro lysis. The study showed that a single bout of acute exercise affected the erythrocyte osmotic stability, which increased after MICE and decreased after HIIE.
The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of different levels of garlic extract supplemented in milk on growth rate, haematology and cell–mediated immune response of Markhoz newborn goat kids. Twenty four newborn goat kids (aged 7+/-3days) were randomly assigned to four groups. The groups consisted of control (received milk without garlic extract), T1, T2 and T3 which received milk supplemented with 62.5, 125 and 250 mg aqueous garlic extract per kg live weight per day for 42 days, respectively. Body weights were measured weekly throughout the experimental period. At day 42, about 10 ml blood samples were collected from each kid via the jugular vein for haematological study. Cell–mediated immune response was evaluated through double skin thickness after intradermal injection of phyto-hematogglutinin (PHA) at day 21 and 42. Total gain was significantly higher for kids in T3 (P<0.05) compared with the control group. Average daily gain (ADG) in T3 group in week 4–5 was higher (P<0.05). Significant differences in globulin (P<0.01), hemoglobin (Hb; P<0.001), hematocrit (PCV; P<0.001), erythrocyte (RBC; P<0.001), neutrophil (P<0.001), lymphocyte (P<0.001) and leukocyte (WBC; P<0.001) were observed among groups. Hb, PCV, RBC, lymphocytes and WBC were higher in kids given garlic extract supplementation. There was a significant difference of double skin thickness among the groups at day 42 (P<0.01). In conclusion, this study indicated that milk supplemented with aqueous garlic extract improved growth rate and immunity of newborn goat kids.