432 resultados para HEIFERS
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Twelve dairy heifers were used to examine the clinical response of an alimentary oligofructose overload. Six animals were divided into 3 subgroups, and each was given a bolus dose of 13, 17, or 21 g/kg of oligofructose orally. The control group (n = 6) was sham-treated with tap water. Signs of lameness, cardiovascular function, and gastrointestinal function were monitored every 6 h during development of rumen acidosis. The heifers were euthanized 48 and 72 h after administration of oligofructose. All animals given oligofructose developed depression, anorexia, and diarrhea 9 to 39 h after receiving oligofructose. By 33 to 45 h after treatment, the feces returned to normal consistency and the heifers began eating again. Animals given oligofructose developed transient fever, severe metabolic acidosis, and moderate dehydration, which were alleviated by supportive therapy. Four of 6 animals given oligofructose displayed clinical signs of laminitis starting 39 to 45 h after receiving oligofructose and lasting until euthanasia. The lameness was obvious, but could easily be overlooked by the untrained eye, because the heifers continued to stand and walk, and did not interrupt their eating behavior. No positive pain reactions or lameness were seen in control animals. Based on these results, we conclude that an alimentary oligofructose overload is able to induce signs of acute laminitis in cattle. This model offers a new method, which can be used in further investigation of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of bovine laminitis.
The relationship between reported treatments of lameness, metabolic disorders (milk fever, ketosis), digestive disorders, and technical efficiency (TE) was investigated using neutral and non-neutral stochastic frontier analysis (SFA). TE is estimated relative to the stochastic frontier production function for a sample of 574 Danish dairy herds collected in 1997. Contrary to most published results, but in line with the expected negative impact of disorders on the average cow milk production, herds reporting higher frequencies of milk fever are less technically efficient. Unexpectedly, however, the opposite results were observed for lameness, ketosis, and digestive disorders. The non-neutral stochastic frontier indicated that the opposite results are due to the relative. high productivities of inputs. The productivity of the cows is also reflected by the direction of impact of herd management variables. Whereas efficient farms replace cows more frequently, enroll heifers in production at an earlier age, and have shorter calving intervals, they also report higher frequency of disorder treatments. The average estimated energy corrected milk loss per cow is 1036, 451 and 242 kg for low, medium and high efficient farms. The study demonstrates the benefit of the stochastic frontier production function involving the estimation of individual technical efficiencies to evaluate farm performance and investigate the source of inefficiency. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A controlled crossover experimental design was used to determine the effect of altered water sprinkling duration on heifers subjected to heat stress conditions. Heifers were subjected to 3 days of thermoneutral conditions followed by 3 days of hot conditions accompanied by water sprinkling between 1300 and 1500 h (HOT1-3). Then on the following 2 days (HOT4-5), environmental conditions remained similar, but 3 heifers were sprinkled between 1200 and 1600 h ( WET) and 3 were not sprinkled (NONWET). This was followed by a 1-day period (HOT6) in which environmental conditions and sprinkling regimen were similar to HOT1-3. Rectal temperature (RT) was collected hourly, and respiration rate (RR) was monitored every 2 h on HOT Days 2, 4, 5, and 6. Dry matter intake and rate of eating were also determined. Sprinkling reduced RR and RT (P < 0.01) of all heifers during HOT1-3. During HOT4-5, WET heifers had lower (P < 0.05) RT than NONWET from 1300 to 700 h and lower RR from 1400 to 2000 h. Dry matter intake of NONWET heifers was reduced by 30.6% (P < 0.05) during HOT4-5 and by 51.2% on HOT6. On HOT4-5 the dry matter intakes of WET heifers were similar to intakes under thermoneutral conditions. During HOT6, RT was again reduced following sprinkling in all heifers. Comparison of RT and RR of NONWET and WET heifers on HOT1-3 v. HOT6 revealed that under similar environmental conditions, NONWET heifers had increased RT, partially due to carry-over from HOT4-5. However, NONWET heifers had 40% lower feed intake but tended to have lower RR on HOT6 v. HOT1-3. Only RR of WET heifers was greater on HOT6, possibly a result of switching from a 4-h back to a 2-h sprinkling period, while maintaining a 62% greater intake (5.80 v. 3.58 kg/day) than NONWET heifers during this time. Results suggest that inconsistent cooling regimens may increase the susceptibility of cattle to heat stress and elicit different physiological and metabolic responses.
Six steers (3/4 Charolaisx1/4 Brahman) (mean body weight 314 +/- 27 kg) and six spayed heifers (3/5 Shorthornx2/5 Red Angus) (mean body weight 478 +/- 30 kg) were used to determine the effects of climatic conditions and hormone growth promotants (HGP) on respiration rate (RR; breaths/min), pulse rate (beats/min), rectal temperature (RT; degrees C), and heat production (HP; kJ). Cattle were exposed to the following climatic conditions prior to implantation with a HGP and then again 12 days after implantation: 2 days of thermoneutral conditions (TNL) [21.9 +/- 0.9 degrees C ambient temperature (T-A) and 61.7 +/- 22.1% relative humidity (RH)] then 2 days of hot conditions [HOT; 29.2 +/- 4 degrees C (T-A) and 78.3 +/- 13.2% (RH)], then TNL for 3 days and then 2 days of cold conditions [COLD; 17.6 +/- 0.9 degrees C (T-A) and 63.4 +/- 1.8% (RH); cattle were wet during this treatment]. The HGP implants used were: estrogenic implant (E), trenbolone acetate implant (TBA), or both (ET). Both prior to and following administration of HGP, RRs were lower (P < 0.05) on cold days and greater (P < 0.05) on hot days compared to TNL. On hot days, RTs, were 0.62 degrees C higher after compared to before implanting. Across all conditions, RTs were > 0.5 degrees C greater (P < 0.05) for E cattle than for TBA or ET cattle. On cold days, RTs of steers were > 0.8 degrees C higher than for the heifers, while under TNL and HOT, RTs of steers were 0.2-0.35 degrees C higher than those of heifers. Prior to implantation, HP per hour and per unit of metabolic body weight was higher (P < 0.05) for cattle exposed to hot conditions, when compared to HP on cold days. After implantation, HP was greater (P < 0.05) on hot days than on cold days. Under TNL, ET cattle had the lowest HP and greatest feed intake. On hot days, E cattle had the lowest HP, and the highest RT; therefore, if the potential exists for cattle death from heat episodes, the use of either TBA or ET may be preferred. Under cold conditions HP was similar among implant groups.
To determine if low dietary protein concentration in the first two trimesters of pregnancy alters placental development, genetically similar heifers from closed herd were fed diets containing different levels of protein in the first and second trimesters of gestation. There were four animals per treatment group, the groups being: L/L = fed a diet containing 7% crude protein (CP) (low protein) in the first and second trimesters; H/H = fed a diet containing 14% (P thigh protein) in the first and second trimesters; L/H = fed low protein in the first trimester and high in the second trimester and vice versa for the H/L group. Low protein diets in the first trimester increased dry cotyledon weight at term. Trophectoderm volume density increased in the H/L and L/H group compared to the L/L and H/H groups. Blood vessel volume and volume density in foetal villi decreased in the H/L and L/H groups compared with the H/H and L/L groups. There was no effect of diet treatment on cotyledon number, diameter or wet weight and no effect on the volume density of connective tissue or fibroblasts in the foetal villi. These results show that a low dietary protein concentration in the first trimester of pregnancy followed by increased protein in the second trimester enhanced placental development. Further, trophectoderm volume was highly correlated with birth weight. Early protein restriction in the pregnant cow may enhance foetal growth in part by stimulating placental growth and function. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Approximately 5% of Australian national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are derived from the northern beef industry. Improving the reproductive performance of cows has been identified as a key target for increasing profitability, and this higher efficiency is also likely to reduce the GHG emissions intensity of beef production. The effects of strategies to increase the fertility of breeding herds and earlier joining of heifers as yearlings were studied on two properties at Longreach and Boulia in western Queensland. The beef production, GHG emissions, emissions intensity and profitability were investigated and compared with typical management in the two regions. Overall weaning rates achieved on the two properties were 79% and 74% compared with typical herd weaning rates of 58% in both regions. Herds with high reproductive performance had GHG emissions intensities (t CO2-e t–1 liveweight sold) 28% and 22% lower than the typical herds at Longreach and Boulia, with most of the benefit from higher weaning rates. Farm gross margin analysis showed that it was more profitable, by $62 000 at Longreach and $38 000 at Boulia, to utilise higher reproductive performance to increase the amount of liveweight sold with the same number of adult equivalents compared with reducing the number of adult equivalents to maintain the same level of liveweight sold and claiming a carbon credit for lower farm emissions. These gains achieved at two case study properties which had different rainfall, country types, and property sizes suggest similar improvements can be made on-farm across the Mitchell Grass Downs bioregion of northern Australia.
Foram analisados os dados de desempenho ponderal de bubalinos Murrah do Sistema de Produção de Leite da Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, campus de Botucatu. Os pesos foram corrigidos às diversas idades-padrão e o modelo incluiu os efeitos de sexo (S), mês (M) e ano (A) de nascimento, classe de idade da búfala ao parto (C) e as interações S x M, S x A, S x C e M x A. As médias ajustadas e respectivos erros-padrão estimados para as características estudadas foram: Peso ao Nascer (PN): 37,71 ± 8,25kg; Peso aos 120 dias (P120): 102,08 ± 16,27kg; Peso aos 240 dias (P240): 169,84 ± 22,83kg; Peso aos 365 dias (P365): 250,59 ± 25,12kg; Peso aos 550 dias (P550): 326,13 ± 39,27kg e Peso aos 730 dias (P730): 389,80 ± 31,26kg. O efeito de sexo (S) foi significativo somente para PN e P365, sendo que machos tenderam a nascer mais pesados que fêmeas. O mês de nascimento (M) exerceu efeito sobre o PN, P120 e P730 sendo que animais nascidos em maio foram os mais pesados ao nascer, enquanto os nascidos em janeiro e maio, foram os mais pesados aos 120 e 730 dias, respectivamente. O efeito de ano de foi significativo sobre o PN, P120, P240 e P730. Os filhos de búfalas das classes de idade 1 (3 anos ou menos) e da classe 6 (10,11 e 12 anos) foram os mais leves e mais pesados ao nascer, respectivamente. O fato de a classe de idade da búfala não exercer efeito sobre os P365, P550 e P730 sugere que, em rebanhos comerciais possa ser feita a substituição de búfalas não gestantes por novilhas prenhes, apesar de esta prática reduzir a média de idade do rebanho de cria. Bubalinos da raça Murrah oriundos de rebanhos leiteiros podem ser utilizados para a produção de carne.
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
ABSTRACT: Ruminal gases, particularly methane, generated during the fermentative process in rumen, represent a partial loss of feed energy and are also pointed to as an important factors in greenhouse effect. This study aimed at quantifying methane (CH 4) emission rates from lactating and dry cows and heifers, 24 month-old in average, on pasture under Southeast Brazil tropical conditions, using the tracer gas technique, sulphur hexafluoride (SF 6), four animals per category, distributed in four blocks. Measurements were performed in February and June, 2002, with Holstein and Brazilian Dairy Crossbred (Holstein ¾ x Gir (Zebu) ¼), maintained on fertilized Tanzania-grass (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Tanzania) and fertilized Brachiaria-grass (Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk) pastures. Heifers of both breeds were maintained on unfertilized Brachiaria-grass to simulate conditions of extensive cattle farming systems. CH 4 and SF 6 levels were measured with gas chromatography. Differences in CH4 emissions were measured (p < 0.05) for genetical groups. Holstein produced more methane (299.3g day?1) than the Crossbred (264.2 g day?1). Lactating cows produced more methane (353.8 g day?1) than dry cows (268.8 g day?1) and heifers (222.6 g day?1). Holstein, with greater milk production potential, produced less CH4 (p < 0.05) per unit of dry matter intake (19.1 g kg?1) than the Crossbred (22.0 g kg?1). Methane emission by heifers grazing fertilized pasture (intensive system) was 222.6 g day?1, greater (p < 0.05) than that of heifers on unfertilized pasture (179.2 g day?1). Methane emission varied as function of animal category and management intensity of production system.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, 2016.
RESUMO: O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o desenvolvimento de novilhas de corte em três sistemas alimentares: exclusivamente em pastagem de azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) ou em pastagem de azevém e recebendo 0,93% do peso corporal de grão de milho inteiro ou grão de aveia branca como suplemento. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente ao acaso, com medidas repetidas no tempo. A utilização da pastagem de azevém, com ou sem uso de grão de milho ou aveia como suplemento, possibilita desenvolvimento reprodutivo para que as bezerras sejam acasaladas aos 14 meses de idade. O peso corporal ao início da utilização da pastagem é determinante para que as bezerras atinjam adequado desenvolvimento reprodutivo no início da estação de acasalamento. ABSTRACT: The experiment was carried out to evaluate the development of beef heifers in three feeding systems: exclusively on ryegrass pasture (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) or in ryegrass pasture and receiving 0.93% of body weight of corn whole grain or oats grain as a supplement. The experimental design was completely randomized with repeated measures in time. The utilization of ryegrass pasture, with or without the use of corn or oats grain as a supplement, provides reproductive development of heifers in order for them to be mated at 14 months of age. The body weight at the beginning of pasture utilization is crucial for heifers to reach adequate reproductive development at the beginning of the mating season.