978 resultados para H.264


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BACKGROUND: Little is known about the long-term changes in the functioning of schizophrenia patients receiving maintenance therapy with olanzapine long-acting injection (LAI), and whether observed changes differ from those seen with oral olanzapine. METHODS: This study describes changes in the levels of functioning among outpatients with schizophrenia treated with olanzapine-LAI compared with oral olanzapine over 2 years. This was a secondary analysis of data from a multicenter, randomized, open-label, 2-year study comparing the long-term treatment effectiveness of monthly olanzapine-LAI (405 mg/4 weeks; n=264) with daily oral olanzapine (10 mg/day; n=260). Levels of functioning were assessed with the Heinrichs-Carpenter Quality of Life Scale. Functional status was also classified as 'good', 'moderate', or 'poor', using a previous data-driven approach. Changes in functional levels were assessed with McNemar's test and comparisons between olanzapine-LAI and oral olanzapine employed the Student's t-test. RESULTS: Over the 2-year study, the patients treated with olanzapine-LAI improved their level of functioning (per Quality of Life total score) from 64.0-70.8 (P<0.001). Patients on oral olanzapine also increased their level of functioning from 62.1-70.1 (P<0.001). At baseline, 19.2% of the olanzapine-LAI-treated patients had a 'good' level of functioning, which increased to 27.5% (P<0.05). The figures for oral olanzapine were 14.2% and 24.5%, respectively (P<0.001). Results did not significantly differ between olanzapine-LAI and oral olanzapine. CONCLUSION: In this 2-year, open-label, randomized study of olanzapine-LAI, outpatients with schizophrenia maintained or improved their favorable baseline level of functioning over time. Results did not significantly differ between olanzapine-LAI and oral olanzapine.


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Lipid overload in obesity and type 2 diabetes is associated with adipocyte dysfunction, inflammation, macrophage infiltration, and decreased fatty acid oxidation (FAO). Here, we report that the expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A), the rate-limiting enzyme in mitochondrial FAO, is higher in human adipose tissue macrophages than in adipocytes and that it is differentially expressed in visceral vs. subcutaneous adipose tissue in both an obese and a type 2 diabetes cohort. These observations led us to further investigate the potential role of CPT1A in adipocytes and macrophages. We expressed CPT1AM, a permanently active mutant form of CPT1A, in 3T3-L1 CARΔ1 adipocytes and RAW 264.7 macrophages through adenoviral infection. Enhanced FAO in palmitate-incubated adipocytes and macrophages reduced triglyceride content and inflammation, improved insulin sensitivity in adipocytes, and reduced endoplasmic reticulum stress and ROS damage in macrophages. We conclude that increasing FAO in adipocytes and macrophages improves palmitate-induced derangements. This indicates that enhancing FAO in metabolically relevant cells such as adipocytes and macrophages may be a promising strategy for the treatment of chronic inflammatory pathologies such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.


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Lipid overload in obesity and type 2 diabetes is associated with adipocyte dysfunction, inflammation, macrophage infiltration, and decreased fatty acid oxidation (FAO). Here, we report that the expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A), the rate-limiting enzyme in mitochondrial FAO, is higher in human adipose tissue macrophages than in adipocytes and that it is differentially expressed in visceral vs. subcutaneous adipose tissue in both an obese and a type 2 diabetes cohort. These observations led us to further investigate the potential role of CPT1A in adipocytes and macrophages. We expressed CPT1AM, a permanently active mutant form of CPT1A, in 3T3-L1 CARΔ1 adipocytes and RAW 264.7 macrophages through adenoviral infection. Enhanced FAO in palmitate-incubated adipocytes and macrophages reduced triglyceride content and inflammation, improved insulin sensitivity in adipocytes, and reduced endoplasmic reticulum stress and ROS damage in macrophages. We conclude that increasing FAO in adipocytes and macrophages improves palmitate-induced derangements. This indicates that enhancing FAO in metabolically relevant cells such as adipocytes and macrophages may be a promising strategy for the treatment of chronic inflammatory pathologies such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.


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L’Slot, conegut per tots amb el nom d’Scalextric, s’ha implantat com a una forma d’oci habitual, la pràctica del qual no queda restringida als més petits, sinó que cada vegada crea més afició entre els grans. El fet que l’Slot s’hagi extès entre els adults n’ha revolucionat la pràctica. L’entrada al mercat de l’Slot de gent adulta, i amb poder adquisitiu molt superior als adolescents, ha provocat que les marques especialitzades vagin evolucionant els seus productes cada vegada més. Totes les marques s’han vist obligades a desenvolupar vehicles més competitius i alhora treure al mercat accessoris que augmentin la realitat del joc. Una de les necessitats que s’ha creat és la de competir entre jugadors. Aquesta competició tan pot ser en forma de carrera entre diversos participants, com de forma individual, cronometrant el temps de cada participant en un circuit. L’objectiu principal del projecte és crear un sistema capaç de realitzar cronometratges en temps real mitjançant sensors digitals ja existents en el mercat de l’Slot i poder controlar i visualitzar la informació des d’un PC. Per a poder captar els senyals dels sensors s’ha utilitzat un sistema microcontrolat, que garanteix gran velocitat d’adquisició, processament de dades i transmissió. La comunicació del Microcontrolador amb el PC s’ha realizat mitjançant el bus USB. El PC serà el controlador del sistema i donarà les ordres al Microcontrolador, podent així tenir control total sobre el funcionament del programa. També serà el PC el que tractarà els crocometratges enregistrats i els mostrarà per pantalla


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1816/09/20 (Numéro 264).


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Invocatio: I.N.J.


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Keskustelua. Edelliset artikkelit: Historiallinen aikakuskirja. 98 (2000) : 2, s. 158 ; 98 (2000) : 3, s. 264.


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Leaf scald of barley caused by Rhynchosporium secalis is an important disease in Argentina. The fungus is a necrotrophic pathogen which survives in stubble, seeds and weeds. Isolation of R. secalis from seeds on artificial media usually has not been successful due to the slow growth rate of the pathogen and strong inhibition by contaminants. The objective in this work was to detect R. secalis in different genotypes of barley seeds in Argentina using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based diagnostic assay. Four barley genotypes were tested in 2004: Quilmes Ayelén, Quilmes Alfa, Barke and Maltería Pampa 1004. The previously described RS8 and RS9 primers were used for the detection of R. secalis in barley seeds. A 264-bp single band was obtained for each cultivar showing the presence of R. secalis. The use of specific primers was efficient in the detection of R. secalis in barley seeds in Argentina and could be used for routine diagnosis, epidemiology and seed transmission studies. This is the first report on the detection of R. secalis in barley seeds in Argentina.


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Brazil is doing a major effort to find alternatives to diesel oil as combustible. Some study lines are oriented to the development of vegetable oils used as fuel, as a source of getting cheaper and have higher energy density than the converted vegetable oils, and less risk of environmental contamination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance, the useful life of the lubricant and some components of a Diesel Cycle engine, with an electronic injection system, in a long-term test operating with a preheated blend (65°C) of 50% (v v-1) of soybean oil in petrodiesel. There was a reduction of the useful life of the injectors which presented failure because of high wear with 264 hours of operation and showed an increase in emissions of particulate matter (opacity) which may be assigned to the failures occurred in the injection system. An increase in the useful life of the lubricant, when compared with the literature was also observed. The electronic injection system may favor the burning of the tested fuel. The test was interrupted with 264 hours because of failures in the injection system.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o prognóstico dos pacientes com lesão iatrogênica da via biliar (LIVB) em relação ao tempo de referencia (TR) para a unidade de transplante hepático (TH). MÉTODOS: Foram revisados 51 prontuários de pacientes que sofreram algum tipo de LIVB durante a colecistectomia e que foram encaminhados para a unidade de TH no Hospital Geral de Bonsucesso (HGB). As lesões foram agrupadas de acordo com a classificação de Bismuth. Além da colecistectomia (momento da lesão), também avaliamos o TR e o desfecho. RESULTADOS: Dentre os 51 pacientes estudados encontramos 17 homens e 34 mulheres com uma média de idade de 42,7 anos. Vinte e dois pacientes (43,1%) tinham uma lesão do tipo II; 13 (25,5 %) do tipo III; 10 (19,6 %) do tipo I, 5 (9,8 %) do tipo IV; e apenas um (2 %) do tipo V. Quarenta pacientes foram operados, sendo que três não retornaram para revisão médica e portanto, 37 foram avaliados em relação ao desfecho. Dentre esses, 25 pacientes (67,6 %) tiveram resultados excelentes ou bons com TR médio de 11,5 meses (intervalo: 2-48 meses) e 47,2 meses (intervalo: 3-180 meses) respectivamente. Os 12 pacientes (32,4 %) com resultados ruins tiveram um TR médio de 65,9 meses (intervalo: 3-264 meses), que foi significativamente maior do que o grupo com resultados excelentes ou bons (p=0,004). Sete pacientes foram listadas para fila de TH, porém apenas dois foram realizados. O TR desses sete pacientes foi significativamente mais elevado (p=0,04) do que o daqueles pacientes não listados. Sete pacientes morreram, dos quais seis foram causados por complicações hepáticas. CONCLUSÃO: O TR influenciou significativamente no prognóstico dos pacientes da nossa amostra.


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1868/01/10 (Numéro 264).


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OBJETIVO:Avaliar os fatores clínicos preditivos para o desenvolvimento dos pólipos endometriais em mulheres na pós-menopausa.MÉTODOS:Estudo de coorte observacional com mulheres na pós-menopausa, que haviam sido atendidas em hospital público universitário. Dados clínicos, antropométricos, laboratoriais e ultrassonográficos de 132 pacientes com diagnóstico anatomopatológico de pólipo endometrial e de 264 mulheres sem alterações endometriais (controle) foram comparados para avaliar os fatores preditivos do pólipo endometrial. Foram incluídas no estudo mulheres com amenorreia ≥12 meses e idade ≥45 anos, em uma proporção de 1 caso para 2 controles. Para a análise estatística, foram empregados os testes t de Student, χ2 e regressão logística — odds ratio (OR).RESULTADOS:As pacientes com pólipo endometrial apresentaram idade mais avançada e maior tempo de menopausa quando comparadas ao controle (p<0,0001). A porcentagem de mulheres obesas com pólipo (72,0%) foi superior à do Grupo Controle (39%; p<0,0001). A medida da circunferência da cintura foi superior entre as pacientes com pólipo (p=0,0001). Observou-se uma incidência de diabetes, hipertensão e dislipidemias mais elevada nas pacientes com pólipo endometrial (p<0,0001). De acordo com os critérios do US National Cholesterol Education Program/Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP/ATP III), 48,5% das mulheres com pólipo e 33,3% do Grupo Controle foram classificadas como portadoras de síndrome metabólica (p=0,004). Em relação ao Grupo Controle, apresentaram maior chance de desenvolvimento de pólipo endometrial as pacientes com: IMC≥25 kg/m2 (OR=4,6; IC95% 2,1–10,0); glicose ≥100 mg/dL (OR=2,8; IC95% 1,3–5,9); dislipidemia (OR=7,0; IC95% 3,7–13,3); diabetes (OR=2,5; IC95% 1,0–6,3) e síndrome metabólica (OR=2,7; IC95% 1,1–6,4).CONCLUSÃO:Em mulheres na pós-menopausa, obesidade, dislipidemia, hiperglicemia e presença de síndrome metabólica foram fatores preditivos para o desenvolvimento de pólipo endometrial.


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