520 resultados para Goi Mailako Hezkuntzaren Europar Esparrua


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Although grassland and savanna occupy only a quarter of the world's vegetation, burning in these ecosystems accounts for roughly half the global carbon emissions from fire. However, the processes that govern changes in grassland burning are poorly understood, particularly on time scales beyond satellite records. We analyzed microcharcoal, sediments, and geochemistry in a high-resolution marine sediment core off Namibia to identify the processes that have controlled biomass burning in southern African grassland ecosystems under large, multimillennial-scale climate changes. Six fire cycles occurred during the past 170,000 y in southern Africa that correspond both in timing and magnitude to the precessional forcing of north-south shifts in the Intertropical Convergence Zone. Contrary to the conventional expectation that fire increases with higher temperatures and increased drought, we found that wetter and cooler climates cause increased burning in the study region, owing to a shift in rainfall amount and seasonality (and thus vegetation flammability). We also show that charcoal morphology (i.e., the particle's length-to-width ratio) can be used to reconstruct changes in fire activity as well as biome shifts over time. Our results provide essential context for understanding current and future grassland-fire dynamics and their associated carbon emissions.


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The tuna stomach database from AZTI-Tecnalia corresponds to 7 years of sampling from 2004 to 2011. Due to the absence of continuity in the different projects dealing with the feeding ecology of tunas, the sampling could not be performed every year for both species, and no sample was collected in 2008. However, the fish stomach content record contents composition - by prey weight - of 1525 albacore caught in the Bay of Biscay and surrounding waters of the North Atlantic Drift Region in 2005 (n=397), 2006 (n=196), 2007 (n=37), 2009 (n=95), 2010 (n=566) and 2011 (n=234) ; and of 686 bluefin tunas caught in the Southeastern Bay of Biscay in 2004 (n=32), 2005 (n=36), 2006 (n=3), 2009 (n=257), 2010 (n=233) and 2011 (n=125). Samples have been obtained from scientific research surveys (using a variety of different fishing gears), from commercial fisheries catches, from individual fish voluntarily sampled by recreational fishermen and from fish accidentally stranded on coastlines. Each predator is identified by an ID and its length and wet weight are given. In case the wet weight could not be measured, it was estimated through a length-weight relationship equation and is indicated in the comment for the Predator mass column. The total weight of each prey is given, as well as the weight of each prey taxonomic group in each stomach.


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A comparison of a last interglacial annually laminated and varve counted maar lake record from the Eifel/Germany, with a laminated lake sediment record from Northern Germany shows, that high resolution cores can be correlated across central Europe by dust/loess content, if the resolution of grain size data is on the order of decades/centuries. Phases of widespread dust dispersal are the same as the cold events in the Greenland ice and North Atlantic sea surface temperature patterns. The first occurrence of dust in Northern Germany and in the Eifel is during the Late Eemian Aridity Pulse (LEAP, Sirocko et al. 2005) which is called C26 in ocean records (McManus, same vol.). This cold and arid event occurred exactly at the time of the last glacial inception at 118 kyr. Vegetation change in Northern Germany and the Eifel is out of phase after the LEAP. A taiga/tundra vegetation charcterizes Northern Germany between the LEAP and C24, whereas at the same time a Carpinus dominated temperate forest spread in the Eifel region, comparable to the Carpinus dominated forests in France (Sánchez Goñi et al., 2005). A drastic cooling, associated with widespread aridity, came with the C24 cold event, when the vegetation of central Europe changed to a tundra or shrub tundra.


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This paper documents the migration of the Polar Front (PF) over the Iberian margin during some of the cold climatic extremes of the last 45 ka. It is based on a compilation of robust and coherent paleohydrological proxies obtained from eleven cores distributed between 36 and 42°N. Planktonic delta18O (Globigerina bulloides), ice-rafted detritus concentrations, and the relative abundance of the polar foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral were used to track the PF position. These three data sets, compared from core to core, show a consistent evolution of the sea surface paleohydrology along the Iberian margin over the last 45 ka. We focused on five time slices representative of cold periods under distinct paleoenvironmental forcings: the 8.2 ka event and the Younger Dryas (two recent cold events occurring within high values of summer insolation), Heinrich events 1 and 4 (reflecting major episodes of massive iceberg discharges into the North Atlantic), and the Last Glacial Maximum (typifying the highest ice volume accumulated in the Northern Hemisphere). For each event, we generated schematic maps mirroring past sea surface hydrological conditions. The maps revealed that the Polar Front presence along the Iberian margin was restricted to Heinrich events. The sea surface conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum were close to those at present day, except for the northern sites which briefly experienced subarctic conditions.


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We analyzed the pollen content of a marine core located near the bay of Guayaquil in Ecuador to document the link between sea surface temperatures (SST) and changes in rainfall regimes on the adjacent continent during the Holocene. Based on the expansion/regression of five vegetation types, we observe three successive climatic patterns. In the first phase, between 11,700 and 7700 cal yr BP, the presence of a cloud (Andean) forest in the mid altitudes and mangroves in the estuary of the Guayas Basin, were associated with a maximum in boreal summer insolation, a northernmost position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), a land- sea thermal contrast, and dryness. Between 7700 and 2850 cal yr BP, the expansion of the coastal herbs and the regression of the mangrove indicate a drier climate with weak ITCZ and low ENSO variability while austral winter insolation gradually increased. The interval between 4200 and 2850 cal yr BP was marked by the coolest and driest climatic conditions of the Holocene due to the weak influence of the ITCZ and a strengthening of the Humboldt Current. After 2850 cal yr BP, high variability and amplitude of the Andean forest changes occurred when ENSO frequency and amplitude increased, indicating high variability in land-sea connections. The ITCZ reached the latitude of Guayaquil only after 2500 cal yr BP inducing the bimodal precipitation regime we observe today. Our study shows that besides insolation, the ITCZ position and ENSO frequency, changes in eastern equatorial Pacific SSTs play a major role in determining the composition of the ecosystems and the hydrological cycle of the Ecuadorian Pacific coast and the Western Cordillera in Ecuador.