931 resultados para Global stability analysis


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Spatiotemporal instabilities in nonlinear Kerr media with arbitrary higher-order dispersions are studied by use of standard linear-stability analysis. A generic expression for instability growth rate that unifies and expands on previous results for temporal, spatial, and spatiotemporal instabilities is obtained. It is shown that all odd-order dispersions contribute nothing to instability, whereas all even-order dispersions not only affect the conventional instability regions but may also lead to the appearance of new instability regions. The role of fourth-order dispersion in spatiotemporal instabilities is studied exemplificatively to demonstrate the generic results. Numerical simulations confirm the obtained analytic results. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.


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在“神光-Ⅱ”装置上进行先进高能多功能激光束系统(简称第九路)研制工程中,由于在原ICF靶室上又增加了输入“汤姆逊探针光”和“X光背光照明探针光”的锥形真空套筒及其终端光学元件,导致原有靶室结构的变化,可能会引入新的不稳定因素.通过有限元分析方法,建立有限元分析模型,进行优化设计.通过位移传感器测量结果可知,第九路终端光学元件径向窜动所引起的打靶误差最大值为2.110 μm,小于“神光-Ⅱ”靶场终端光学系统的最大允许误差值7.785 μm.


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In this paper, a real time sliding mode control scheme for a variable speed wind turbine that incorporates a doubly feed induction generator is described. In this design, the so-called vector control theory is applied, in order to simplify the system electrical equations. The proposed control scheme involves a low computational cost and therefore can be implemented in real-time applications using a low cost Digital Signal Processor (DSP). The stability analysis of the proposed sliding mode controller under disturbances and parameter uncertainties is provided using the Lyapunov stability theory. A new experimental platform has been designed and constructed in order to analyze the real-time performance of the proposed controller in a real system. Finally, the experimental validation carried out in the experimental platform shows; on the one hand that the proposed controller provides high-performance dynamic characteristics, and on the other hand that this scheme is robust with respect to the uncertainties that usually appear in the real systems.


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Nesta Dissertação são propostos dois esquemas de controle para sistemas não-lineares com atraso. No primeiro, o objetivo é controlar uma classe de sistemas incertos multivariáveis, de grau relativo unitário, com perturbações não-lineares descasadas dependentes do estado, e com atraso incerto e variante no tempo em relação ao estado. No segundo, deseja-se controlar uma classe de sistemas monovariáveis, com parâmetros conhecidos, grau relativo arbitrário, atraso arbitrário conhecido e constante na saída. Admitindo-se que o atraso na entrada pode ser deslocado para a saída, então, o segundo esquema de controle pode ser aplicado a sistemas com atraso na entrada. Os controladores desenvolvidos são baseados no controle por modo deslizante e realimentação de saída, com função de modulação para a amplitude do sinal de controle. Além disso, observadores estimam as variáveis de estado não-medidas. Em ambos os esquemas de controle propostos, garante-se propriedades de estabilidade globais do sistema em malha fechada. Simulações ilustram a eficácia dos controladores desenvolvidos.


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A Presente dissertação apresenta uma aplicação de Inteligência Computacional na área de Geotecnia, com a utilização da Técnica de Neuro-Fuzzy para indicar a suscetibilidade de escorregamento de taludes no município do Rio de Janeiro, a partir de inspeção visual. Neste trabalho, a suscetibilidade corresponde à possibilidade de ocorrência de escorregamento sem considerar os danos relacionados ao evento. Adotou-se como variável de saída a Previsão de Escorregamento (PE) com três adjetivos que correspondem a Suscetibilidades Alta, Média e Baixa. A metodologia utilizada consistiu em, inicialmente, montar um banco de dados com informações preliminares de análise de estabilidade, com a indicação dos condicionantes de escorregamento relacionados à geomorfologia, pluviosidade, capacidade de drenagem, vegetação e ocupação com seus respectivos graus de suscetibilidades de escorregamento obtidos em um conjunto de Laudos de Vistoria da Geo Rio. O banco de dados foi aplicado em um algoritmo de Neuro-Fuzzy. Diversos testes foram realizados com as alterações dos parâmetros do modelo Neuro-Fuzzy para uma combinação de fatores condicionantes de escorregamento e refinamento do banco de dados. Os testes apresentaram diminuição do erro fornecido pelo programa com o aumento de tipos de condicionantes utilizados no treinamento, o que permite inferir que o escorregamento ocorre por uma complexa relação entre diversos fatores condicionantes. O banco de dados utilizado nos testes apresenta descontinuidades nas relações entre os diversos condicionantes, ou seja, para uma mesma faixa de valores de Altura do talude, não é possível obter uma relação para todas as faixas de outro condicionante e, até mesmo, para todas as faixas da Previsão de Escorregamento. As PEs obtidas na validação do modelo tiveram seus valores próximos aos desejados somente nos conjuntos de variáveis utilizadas para o treinamento. O modelo não foi capaz de apresentar valores de suscetibilidades dentro da faixa de valores utilizados no treinamento para combinação de variáveis com pequenos ruídos, o que indica a necessidade de ampliação do banco de dados tanto quantitativamente quanto qualitativamente de modo a cobrir as descontinuidades apresentadas nas relações entre as variáveis.


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This paper is aimed at designing a robust vaccination strategy capable of eradicating an infectious disease from a population regardless of the potential uncertainty in the parameters defining the disease. For this purpose, a control theoretic approach based on a sliding-mode control law is used. Initially, the controller is designed assuming certain knowledge of an upper-bound of the uncertainty signal. Afterwards, this condition is removed while an adaptive sliding control system is designed. The closed-loop properties are proved mathematically in the nonadaptive and adaptive cases. Furthermore, the usual sign function appearing in the sliding-mode control is substituted by the saturation function in order to prevent chattering. In addition, the properties achieved by the closed-loop system under this variation are also stated and proved analytically. The closed-loop system is able to attain the control objective regardless of the parametric uncertainties of the model and the lack of a priori knowledge on the system.


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Este estudo avalia o impacto da liberalização comercial entre Brasil e China sobre o comércio, produção, preços, investimento, poupança e emprego. O objetivo da análise é identificar a existência de uma oportunidade de comércio para o Brasil que viabilize um maior crescimento, incremente as exportações brasileiras e reduza o desemprego. A hipótese principal é a existência de ganhos de bem estar no comércio com a China. O modelo utilizado é o GLOBAL TRADE ANALYSIS PROJECT (GTAP) com 10 regiões, 10 produtos, 5 fatores, com retornos constantes de escala e competição perfeita nas atividades de produção. Destacam-se na análise os produtos agropecuários. Utilizam-se três fechamentos macroeconômicos (closure) para avaliar separadamente alguns agregados: a configuração padrão dos modelos CGE (preço da poupança endógeno e pleno emprego); preço da poupança exógeno; e desemprego. Conclui-se que pode haver benefícios para os dois países com o acordo.


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Este trabalho apresenta um estudo da estabilidade das equações da inflação morna com um fluido de radiação viscoso. A viscosidade do fluido é proveniente do constante decaimento de partículas neste, devido à dissipação do campo escalar da inflação, o ínflaton.Esta viscosidade, que pode ser volumar ou laminar, é tratada em termos de teorias termodinâmicas fora do equilíbrio. Este estudo se limita às equações de fundo da inflação morna, de modo que somente a viscosidade volumar tem um efeito significativo, sendo a viscosidade laminar importante somente no contexto de perturbações cosmológicas. A descrição da viscosidade em termos de uma termodinâmica fora do equilíbrio, porém, não pode ser realizada univocamente, pois a única informação que temos sobre processos irreversíveis é a segunda lei da termodinâmica. Portanto, parte-se em busca de teorias que estejam de acordo com esta lei e que, por argumentos plausíveis, sejam capazes de descrever o comportamento dos fluxos dissipativos próximo ao equilíbrio. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a estabilidade da inflação morna viscosa para teorias causais e não causais para o fluido de radiação com viscosidade, de forma que se possa observar o impacto da viscosidade no regime inflacionário e a relevância de se passar a considerar a causalidade. Para o fluido de radiação, as teorias consideradas são a teoria não causal de Eckart e as teorias causais de Israel-Stewart e de Denicol et al (hidrodinâmica dissipativa causal não linear). Obtém-se que as teorias causais, como era de se esperar, além de serem, por definição, consistentes no tocante à finitude da velocidade de propagação dos fluxos dissipativos, tornam o sistema dinâmico estável para valores de viscosidade mais distantes do equilíbrio. Observa-se também, nitidamente, que a teoria de Denicol et al é a mais robusta nesse sentido. Este trabalho, portanto, visa dar continuidade ao estudo dos efeitos não-isentrópicos na inflação, já que, além da dissipação do ínflaton na inflação morna, o impacto da viscosidade tem despertado bastante interesse.


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The combustion oscillations are the phenomena which we may meet in developing the clean, safe and efficient power and propulsion systems. This paper summarizes authors' systematic work on fuel spray combustion oscillations in the recent years. Combining CFD calculations and stability analysis, a new approach of predicting combustion stabilities was developed. With this approach, detailed flow information and unstable modes can be obtained by CFD and solving perturbation equations, respectively. The results provide the guidance on understanding combustion instability mechanisms and developing the control strategies.


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Explaining "Tragedy of the Commons" of evolution of cooperation remains one of the greatest problems for both biology and social science. Asymmetrical interaction, which is one of the most important characteristics of cooperative system, has not been sufficiently considered in the existing models of the evolution of cooperation. Considering the inequality in the number and payoff between the cooperative actors and recipients in cooperation systems, discriminative density-dependent interference competition will occur in limited dispersal systems. Our model and simulation show that the local but not the global stability of a cooperative interaction can be maintained if the utilization of common resource remains unsaturated, which can be achieved by density-dependent restraint or competition among the cooperative actors. More intense density dependent interference competition among the cooperative actors and the ready availability of the common resource, with a higher intrinsic contribution ratio of a cooperative actor to the recipient, will increase the probability of cooperation. The cooperation between the recipient and the cooperative actors can be transformed into conflict and, it oscillates chaotically with variations of the affecting factors under different environmental or ecological conditions. The higher initial relatedness (i.e. similar to kin or reciprocity relatedness), which is equivalent to intrinsic contribution ratio of a cooperative actor to the recipient, can be selected for by penalizing less cooperative or cheating actors but rewarding cooperative individuals in asymmetric systems. The initial relatedness is a pivot but not the aim of evolution of cooperation. This explains well the direct conflict observed in almost all cooperative systems.


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The stability of a plane liquid sheet is studied experimentally and theoretically, with an emphasis on the effect of the surrounding gas. Co-blowing with a gas velocity of the same order of magnitude as the liquid velocity is studied, in order to quantify its effect on the stability of the sheet. Experimental results are obtained for a water sheet in air at Reynolds number Rel = 3000 and Weber number W e = 300, based on the half-thickness of the sheet at the inlet, water mean velocity at the inlet, the surface tension between water and air and water density and viscosity. The sheet is excited with different frequencies at the inlet and the growth of the waves in the streamwise direction is measured. The growth rate curves of the disturbances for all air flow velocities under study are found to be within 20 % of the values obtained from a local spatial stability analysis, where water and air viscosities are taken into account, while previous results from literature assuming inviscid air overpredict the most unstable wavelength with a factor 3 and the growth rate with a factor 2. The effect of the air flow on the stability of the sheet is scrutinized numerically and it is concluded that the predicted disturbance growth scales with (i) the absolute velocity difference between water and air (inviscid effect) and (ii) the square root of the shear from air on the water surface (viscous effect).


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The stability of a plane liquid sheet is studied experimentally and theoretically, with an emphasis on the effect of the surrounding gas. Co-blowing with a gas velocity of the same order of magnitude as the liquid velocity is studied, in order to quantify its effect on the stability of the sheet. Experimental results are obtained for a water sheet in air at Reynolds number Rel = 3000 and Weber number We = 300, based on the half-thickness of the sheet at the inlet, water mean velocity at the inlet, the surface tension between water and air and water density and viscosity. The sheet is excited with different frequencies at the inlet and the growth of the waves in the streamwise direction is measured. The growth rate curves of the disturbances for all air flow velocities under study are found to be within 20% of the values obtained from a local spatial stability analysis, where water and air viscosities are taken into account, while previous results from literature assuming inviscid air overpredict the most unstable wavelength with a factor 3 and the growth rate with a factor 2. The effect of the air flow on the stability of the sheet is scrutinized numerically and it is concluded that the predicted disturbance growth scales with (i) the absolute velocity difference between water and air (inviscid effect) and (ii) the square root of the shear from air on the water surface (viscous effect).


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Interbedded layers of glacial deposits and marine or glacimarine clay layers are a common feature of offshore sediment. Typically, offshore marine clays are lightly overconsolidated sensitive clay. Some case histories on submarine landslides show that the slip surface passes through these marine clay layers. In this paper a model is proposed for post-peak strain softening behavior of marine sensitive clay. The slope failure mechanism is examined using the concept of shear band propagation. It is shown that shear band propagation and post-peak stress-strain behavior of clay layers are two major factors in submarine slope stability analysis. Copyright © 2012 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).


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The pressure oscillation within combustion chambers of aeroengines and industrial gas turbines is a major technical challenge to the development of high-performance and low-emission propulsion systems. In this paper, an approach integrating computational fluid dynamics and one-dimensional linear stability analysis is developed to predict the modes of oscillation in a combustor and their frequencies and growth rates. Linear acoustic theory was used to describe the acoustic waves propagating upstream and downstream of the combustion zone, which enables the computational fluid dynamics calculation to be efficiently concentrated on the combustion zone. A combustion oscillation was found to occur with its predicted frequency in agreement with experimental measurements. Furthermore, results from the computational fluid dynamics calculation provide the flame transfer function to describe unsteady heat release rate. Departures from ideal one-dimensional flows are described by shape factors. Combined with this information, low-order models can work out the possible oscillation modes and their initial growth rates. The approach developed here can be used in more general situations for the analysis of combustion oscillations. Copyright © 2012 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Operation of induction machines in the high-speed and/or high-torque range requires field-weakening to comply with voltage and current physical limitations. This paper presents an anti-windup approach to this problem: rather than developing an ad-hoc field weakening strategy in the high-speed region, we equip an unconstrained vector-control design with an anti-windup module that automatically adjusts the current and flux set-points so that voltage and current constraints are satisfied at every operating point. The anti-windup module includes a feedforward modification of the set point aimed at maximizing the available torque in steady-state and a feedback modification of the controller based on an internal model-based antiwindup scheme. This paper includes a complete stability analysis of the proposed solution and presents encouraging experimental results on an industrial drive. © 2012 IEEE.