828 resultados para GloCal vision
Harmensz van Rhin Rembrandt
Retinal detachment is a common ophthalmologic procedure, and outcome is typically measured by a single factor-improvement in visual acuity. Health related functional outcome testing, which quantifies patient's self-reported perception of impairment, can be integrated with objective clinical findings. Based on the patient's self-assessed lifestyle impairment, the physician and patient together can make an informed decision on the treatment that is most likely to benefit the patient. ^ A functional outcome test (the Houston Vision Assessment Test-Retina; HVAT-Retina) was developed and validated in patients with multiple retinal detachments in the same eye. The HVAT-Retina divides an estimated total impairment into subcomponents: contribution of visual disability (potentially correctable by retinal detachment surgery) and nonvisual physical disabilities (co-morbidities not affected by retinal detachment surgery. ^ Seventy-six patients participated in this prospective multicenter study. Seven patients were excluded from the analysis because they were not certain of their answers. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.91 for presurgery HVAT-Retina and 0.94 post-surgery. The item-to-total correlation ranged from 0.50 to 0.88. Visual impairment score improved by 9 points from pre-surgery (p = 0.0003). Physical impairment score also improved from pre-surgery (p = 0.0002). ^ In conclusion, the results of this study demonstrate that the instrument is reliable and valid in patients presenting with recurrent retinal detachments. The HVAT-Retina is a simple instrument and does not burden the patient or the health professional in terms of time or cost. It may be self-administrated, not requiring an interviewer. Because the HVAT-Retina was designed to demonstrate outcomes perceivable by the patient, it has the potential to guide the decision making process between patient and physician. ^
In a marvelous but somewhat neglected paper, 'The Corporation: Will It Be Managed by Machines?' Herbert Simon articulated from the perspective of 1960 his vision of what we now call the New Economy the machine-aided system of production and management of the late twentieth century. Simon's analysis sprang from what I term the principle of cognitive comparative advantage: one has to understand the quite different cognitive structures of humans and machines (including computers) in order to explain and predict the tasks to which each will be most suited. Perhaps unlike Simon's better-known predictions about progress in artificial intelligence research, the predictions of this 1960 article hold up remarkably well and continue to offer important insights. In what follows I attempt to tell a coherent story about the evolution of machines and the division of labor between humans and machines. Although inspired by Simon's 1960 paper, I weave many other strands into the tapestry, from classical discussions of the division of labor to present-day evolutionary psychology. The basic conclusion is that, with growth in the extent of the market, we should see humans 'crowded into' tasks that call for the kinds of cognition for which humans have been equipped by biological evolution. These human cognitive abilities range from the exercise of judgment in situations of ambiguity and surprise to more mundane abilities in spatio-temporal perception and locomotion. Conversely, we should see machines 'crowded into' tasks with a well-defined structure. This conclusion is not based (merely) on a claim that machines, including computers, are specialized idiots-savants today because of the limits (whether temporary or permanent) of artificial intelligence; rather, it rests on a claim that, for what are broadly 'economic' reasons, it will continue to make economic sense to create machines that are idiots-savants.
Ernst Erdmann
Bertha Pappenheim
Lotte H. Robinsohn
Hans Frank
von Friedr. Fischer
This issue of the Family Preservation Journal combines two emerging interests in the fields of family preservation and family support. First, contemporary forces are making the world a smaller and smaller orb, and we see the plight of families and children around the globe on a daily basis. Our vision of families' needs is broadening, bringing with it questions about how services and systems support families in different cultures and under different governmental structures. Accompanying this global awareness is a greater emphasis on making service delivery and the evaluation of services more transparent to families. True to the original vision of family-based services, more and more agencies are incorporating consumers' perspectives into the design of services and are seeking their perspectives on what works and why.
Samples were taken along a transect in the North Atlantic Ocean from 66°139.27'N; 29°136.65'W to 34°124.87'N; 28°128.90'W during the VISION cruise (diVersIty, Structure and functION) MSM03/01 on board the research vessel Maria S. Merian from September 21 to September 30, 2006. Along this transect, each station was sampled at 12 depths, from 10m down to 250m or 500m. Samples were collected with a rosette of 20-l Niskin bottles mounted on a conductivity-temperature-density profiler. Water samples for nutrients analysis were filtered directly after sampling through 0.45-µm in-line filters attached to a 60-ml pre-cleaned syringe into two 12-ml polystyrole tubes. Samples were stored at 4°C (dissolved silicate) or 80°C (ammonium, phosphate, nitrate and nitrite) The samples were spectrophotometrically measured with a continuous-flow analyzer using standard AA3 methods (Seal Analytical, Norderstedt, Germany) using a variant of the method of Grasshoff et al. (1983).