986 resultados para Germ-soma specialization


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Multiple isoforms of type 1 hexokinase (HK1) are transcribed during spermatogenesis in the mouse, including at least three that are presumably germ cell specific: HK1-sa, HK1-sb, and HK1-sc. Each of these predicted proteins contains a common, germ cell-specific sequence that replaces the porin-binding domain found in somatic HK1. Although HK1 protein is present in mature sperm and is tyrosine phosphorylated, it is not known whether the various potential isoforms are differentially translated and localized within the developing germ cells and mature sperm. Using antipeptide antisera against unique regions of HK1-sa and HK1-sb, it was demonstrated that these isoforms were not found in pachytene spermatocytes, round spermatids, condensing spermatids, or sperm, suggesting that HK1-sa and HK1-sb are not translated during spermatogenesis. Immunoreactivity was detected in protein from round spermatids, condensing spermatids, and mature sperm using an antipeptide antiserum against the common, germ cell-specific region, suggesting that HK1-sc was the only germ cell-specific isoform present in these cells. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE suggested that all of the sperm HK1-sc was tyrosine phosphorylated, and that the somatic HK1 isoform was not present. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that HK1-sc was associated with the mitochondria and with the fibrous sheath of the flagellum and was found in discrete clusters in the region of the membranes of the sperm head. The unusual distribution of HK1-sc in sperm suggests novel functions, such as extramitochondrial energy production, and also demonstrates that a hexokinase without a classical porin-binding domain can localize to mitochondria.


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The espins are actin-binding and -bundling proteins localized to parallel actin bundles. The 837-amino-acid “espin” of Sertoli cell–spermatid junctions (ectoplasmic specializations) and the 253-amino-acid “small espin” of brush border microvilli are splice isoforms that share a C-terminal 116-amino-acid actin-bundling module but contain different N termini. To investigate the roles of espin and its extended N terminus, we examined the actin-binding and -bundling properties of espin constructs and the stoichiometry and developmental accumulation of espin within the ectoplasmic specialization. An espin construct bound to F-actin with an approximately threefold higher affinity (Kd = ∼70 nM) than small espin and was ∼2.5 times more efficient at forming bundles. The increased affinity appeared to be due to an additional actin-binding site in the N terminus of espin. This additional actin-binding site bound to F-actin with a Kd of ∼1 μM, decorated actin stress fiber-like structures in transfected cells, and was mapped to a peptide between the two proline-rich peptides in the N terminus of espin. Espin was detected at ∼4–5 × 106 copies per ectoplasmic specialization, or ∼1 espin per 20 actin monomers and accumulated there coincident with the formation of parallel actin bundles during spermiogenesis. These results suggest that espin is a major actin-bundling protein of the Sertoli cell–spermatid ectoplasmic specialization.


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The mutagenic effect of low linear energy transfer ionizing radiation is reduced for a given dose as the dose rate (DR) is reduced to a low level, a phenomenon known as the direct DR effect. Our reanalysis of published data shows that for both somatic and germ-line mutations there is an opposite, inverse DR effect, with reduction from low to very low DR, the overall dependence of induced mutations being parabolically related to DR, with a minimum in the range of 0.1 to 1.0 cGy/min (rule 1). This general pattern can be attributed to an optimal induction of error-free DNA repair in a DR region of minimal mutability (MMDR region). The diminished activation of repair at very low DRs may reflect a low ratio of induced (“signal”) to spontaneous background DNA damage (“noise”). Because two common DNA lesions, 8-oxoguanine and thymine glycol, were already known to activate repair in irradiated mammalian cells, we estimated how their rates of production are altered upon radiation exposure in the MMDR region. For these and other abundant lesions (abasic sites and single-strand breaks), the DNA damage rate increment in the MMDR region is in the range of 10% to 100% (rule 2). These estimates suggest a genetically programmed optimatization of response to radiation in the MMDR region.


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Retroviral elements are found in abundance throughout the human genome but only rarely have alterations of endogenous genes by retroviral insertions been described. Herein we report that a human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) type C is inserted in the human growth factor gene pleiotrophin (PTN) between the 5′ untranslated and the coding region. This insert in the human genome expands the region relative to the murine gene. Studies with promoter-reporter constructs show that the HERV insert in the human PTN gene generates an additional promoter with trophoblast-specific activity. Due to this promoter function, fusion transcripts between HERV and the open reading frame of PTN (HERV-PTN) were detected in all normal human trophoblast cell cultures as early as 9 weeks after gestation (n = 7) and in all term placenta tissues (n = 5) but not in other normal adult tissues. Furthermore, only trophoblast-derived choriocarcinoma cell lines expressed HERV-PTN mRNA whereas tumor cell lines derived from the embryoblast (teratocarcinoma) or from other lineages failed to do so. We investigated the significance of HERV-PTN mRNA in a choriocarcinoma model by targeting this transcript with ribozymes and found that the depletion of HERV-PTN mRNA prevents human choriocarcinoma growth, invasion, and angiogenesis in mice. This suggests that the tissue-specific expression of PTN due to the HERV insertion in the human genome supports the highly aggressive growth of human choriocarcinoma and possibly of the human trophoblast.


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A colonial protochordate, Botryllus schlosseri, undergoes a natural transplantation reaction in the wild that results alternatively in colony fusion (chimera formation) or inflammatory rejection. A single, highly polymorphic histocompatibility locus (called Fu/HC) is responsible for rejection versus fusion. Gonads are seeded and gametogenesis can occur in colonies well after fusion, and involves circulating germ-line progenitors. Buss proposed that colonial organisms might develop self/non-self histocompatibility systems to limit the possibility of interindividual germ cell “parasitism” (GCP) to histocompatible kin [Buss, L. W. (1982) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 79, 5337–5341 and Buss, L. W. (1987) The Evolution of Individuality (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton]. Here we demonstrate in laboratory and field experiments that both somatic cell and (more importantly) germ-line parasitism are a common occurrence in fused chimeras. These experiments support the tenet in Buss’s hypothesis that germ cell and somatic cell parasitism can occur in fused chimeras and that a somatic appearance may mask the winner of a gametic war. They also provide an interesting challenge to develop formulas that describe the inheritance of competing germ lines rather than competing individuals. The fact that fused B. schlosseri have higher rates of GCP than unfused colonies additionally provides a rational explanation for the generation and maintenance of a high degree of Fu/HC polymorphism, largely limiting GCP to sibling offspring.


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Inbred 129 strain mice are predisposed to developing male germ cell tumors (GCTs) of the testes. The inherent genetic defects that underlie male GCT susceptibility in the 129 mouse strain are unknown. GCT incidence is increased in 129 strain males that lack functional p53 protein, and we have used this finding to facilitate the generation of panels of GCT-bearing intercross and backcross mice for genetic mapping analysis. A 129 strain locus, designated pgct1, that segregates with the male GCT phenotype has been identified on chromosome 13 near D13Mit188. This region of murine chromosome 13 may be syntenic to a portion of human chromosome 5q that is implicated in male GCT susceptibility in humans.


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Germ-line mutation induction at mouse minisatellite loci by acute irradiation with x-rays was studied at premeiotic and postmeiotic stages of spermatogenesis. An elevated paternal mutation rate was found after irradiation of premeiotic spermatogonia and stem cells, whereas the frequency of minisatellite mutation after postmeiotic irradiation of spermatids was similar to that in control litters. In contrast, paternal irradiation did not affect the maternal mutation rate. A linear dose–response curve for paternal mutation induced at premeiotic stages was found, with a doubling dose of 0.33 Gy, a value close to those obtained in mice after acute spermatogonia irradiation using other systems for mutation detection. High frequencies of spontaneous and induced mutations at minisatellite loci allow mutation induction to be evaluated at low doses of exposure in very small population samples, which currently makes minisatellite DNA the most powerful tool for monitoring radiation-induced germ-line mutation.


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Mice infected with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), a cytopathic virus closely related to rabies virus, mount a virus-neutralizing antibody response protecting against lethal disease. VSVneutralizing monoclonal IgGs isolated from primary immune responses were devoid of somatic mutations, whereas most secondary and all hyperimmune response IgGs tested were hypermutated. A comparative analysis of recombinant single-chain antibody fragments (scFv-Cκ) revealed that even the germ-line precursor of one hypermutated antibody bound and neutralized VSV. Four somatic amino acid substitutions in VH increased by 300-fold the binding strength of monovalent scFv-Cκ. The multivalent binding avidity of germ-line scFv-Cκ was increased by more than 10-fold compared with the monovalent binding strength. In contrast, hypermutated scFv-Cκ did not show such avidity effects. Thus the overall binding difference between the germ-line and the hypermutated VSV-neutralizing antibody was only 10- to 15-fold. This may explain why primary germ-line antibodies and secondary hypermutated antibodies directed against pathogens such as viruses and bacteria expressing repetitive antibody determinants show rather similar binding qualities, whereas monovalently binding hapten-specific antibodies can show “affinity maturation” effects of up to 1000-fold.


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The α- and β-karyopherins (Kaps), also called importins, mediate the nuclear transport of proteins. All α-Kaps contain a central domain composed of eight approximately 40 amino acid, tandemly arranged, armadillo-like (Arm) repeats. The number and order of these repeats have not changed since the common origin of fungi, plants, and mammals. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the various α-Kaps fall into two groups, α1 and α2. Whereas animals encode both types, the yeast genome encodes only an α1-Kap. The β-Kaps are characterized by 14–15 tandemly arranged HEAT motifs. We show that the Arm repeats of α-Kaps and the HEAT motifs of β-Kaps are similar, suggesting that the α-Kaps and β-Kaps (and for that matter, all Arm and HEAT repeat-containing proteins) are members of the same protein superfamily. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that there are at least three major groups of β-Kaps, consistent with their proposed cargo specificities. We present a model in which an α-independent β-Kap progenitor gave rise to the α-dependent β-Kaps and the α-Kaps.


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The satellite tobacco necrosis virus RNA is uncapped and requires a 3′ translational enhancer domain (TED) for translation. Both in the wheat germ extract and in tobacco, TED stimulates in cis translation of heterologous, uncapped RNAs. In this study we investigated to what extent translation stimulation by TED depends on binding to wheat germ factors. We show that in vitro TED binds at least seven wheat germ proteins. Translation and crosslinking assays, to which TED or TED derivatives with reduced functionality were included as competitor, showed that TED function correlates with binding to a 28 kDa protein (p28). One particular condition of competition revealed that p28 binding is not obligatory for TED function. Under this condition, a 30 kDa protein (p30) binds to TED. Importantly, affinity of p30 correlates with functionality of TED. These results strongly suggest that TED has the capacity to stimulate translation by recruiting the translational machinery either via binding to p28 or via binding to p30.


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Spermatogenic cells exhibit a lower spontaneous mutation frequency than somatic tissues in a lacI transgene and many base excision repair (BER) genes display the highest observed level of expression in the testis. In this study, uracil-DNA glycosylase-initiated BER activity was measured in nuclear extracts prepared from tissues obtained from each of three mouse strains. Extracts from mixed spermatogenic germ cells displayed the greatest activity followed by liver then brain for all three strains, and the activity for a given tissue was consistent among the three strains. Levels of various BER proteins were examined by western blot analyses and found to be consistent with activity levels. Nuclear extracts prepared from purified Sertoli cells, a somatic component of the seminiferous epithelium, exhibited significantly lower activity than mixed spermatogenic cell-type nuclear extracts, thereby suggesting that the high BER activity observed in mixed germ cell nuclear extracts was not a characteristic of all testicular cell types. Nuclear extracts from thymocytes and small intestines were assayed to assess activity in a mitotically active cell type and tissue. Overall, the order of tissues/cells exhibiting the greatest to lowest activity was mixed germ cells > Sertoli cells > thymocytes > small intestine > liver > brain.


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Although the zebrafish possesses many characteristics that make it a valuable model for genetic studies of vertebrate development, one deficiency of this model system is the absence of methods for cell-mediated gene transfer and targeted gene inactivation. In mice, embryonic stem cell cultures are routinely used for gene transfer and provide the advantage of in vitro selection for rare events such as homologous recombination and targeted mutation. Transgenic animals possessing a mutated copy of the targeted gene are generated when the selected cells contribute to the germ line of a chimeric embryo. Although zebrafish embryo cell cultures that exhibit characteristics of embryonic stem cells have been described, successful contribution of the cells to the germ-cell lineage of a host embryo has not been reported. In this study, we demonstrate that short-term zebrafish embryo cell cultures maintained in the presence of cells from a rainbow trout spleen cell line (RTS34st) are able to produce germ-line chimeras when introduced into a host embryo. Messenger RNA encoding the primordial germ-cell marker, vasa, was present for more than 30 days in embryo cells cocultured with RTS34st cells or their conditioned medium and disappeared by 5 days in the absence of the spleen cells. The RTS34st cells also inhibited melanocyte and neuronal cell differentiation in the embryo cell cultures. These results suggest that the RTS34st splenic–stromal cell line will be a valuable tool in the development of a cell-based gene transfer approach to targeted gene inactivation in zebrafish.


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We have generated transgenic medaka (teleost, Oryzias latipes), which allow us to monitor germ cells by green fluorescent protein (GFP) fluorescence in live specimens. Two medaka strains, himedaka (orange–red variety) and inbred QurtE, were used. The transgenic lines were achieved by microinjection of a construct containing the putative promoter region and 3′ region of the medaka vasa gene (olvas). The intensity of GFP fluorescence increases dramatically in primordial germ cells (PGCs) located in the ventrolateral region of the posterior intestine around stage 25 (the onset of blood circulation). Whole-mount in situ hybridization and monitoring of ectopically located cells by GFP fluorescence suggested that (i) the increase in zygotic olvas expression occurs after PGC specification and (ii) PGCs can maintain their cell characteristics ectopically after stages 20–25. Around the day of hatching, the QurtE strain clearly exhibits sexual dimorphisms in the number of GFP fluorescent germ cells, a finding consistent with the appearance of leucophores, a sex-specific marker of QurtE. The GFP expression persists throughout the later stages in the mature ovary and testis. Thus, these transgenic medaka represent a live vertebrate model to investigate how germ cells migrate to form sexually dimorphic gonads, as well as a potential assay system for environmental substances that may affect gonad development. The use of a transgenic construct as a selective marker to efficiently isolate germ-line-transmitting founders during embryogenesis is also discussed.