978 resultados para Geotectonic correlations
We consider data losses in a single node of a packet- switched Internet-like network. We employ two distinct models, one with discrete and the other with continuous one-dimensional random walks, representing the state of a queue in a router. Both models have a built-in critical behavior with a sharp transition from exponentially small to finite losses. It turns out that the finite capacity of a buffer and the packet-dropping procedure give rise to specific boundary conditions which lead to strong loss rate fluctuations at the critical point even in the absence of such fluctuations in the data arrival process.
We examine the correlations between the parameters of ultra-narrow off-centred filtering and pulse width on the performance of a wavelength paired Nx40Gbit/s DWDM transmission, consisting of carrier suppressed return-to-zero signal with 0.64 bit/s/Hz (without polarization-division multiplexing) spectral efficiency.
Bed expansion occurs during the operation of gas-fluidized beds and is influenced by particle properties, gas properties and distributor characteristics. It has a significant bearing on heat and mass transfer phenomena within the bed. A method of predicting bed expansion behavior from other fluidizing parameters would be a useful tool in the design process, dispensing with the need for small-scale trials. This study builds on previous work on fluidized beds with vertical inserts to produce a correlation that links a modified particle terminal velocity, minimum fluidizing velocity and distributor characteristics with bed voidage in the relationship with P as the pitch between holes in the perforated distributor plate. © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Interfaces are studied in an inhomogeneous critical state where boundary pinning is compensated with a ramped force. Sandpiles driven off the self-organized critical point provide an example of this ensemble in the Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) model of kinetic roughening. A crossover from quenched to thermal noise violates spatial and temporal translational invariances. The bulk temporal correlation functions have the effective exponents β1D∼0.88±0.03 and β2D∼0.52±0.05, while at the boundaries βb,1D/2D∼0.47±0.05. The bulk β1D is shown to be reproduced in a randomly kicked thermal EW model.
Interfaces are studied in an inhomogeneous critical state where boundary pinning is compensated with a ramped force. Sandpiles driven off the self-organized critical point provide an example of this ensemble in the Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) model of kinetic roughening. A crossover from quenched to thermal noise violates spatial and temporal translational invariances. The bulk temporal correlation functions have the effective exponents β1D∼0.88±0.03 and β2D∼0.52±0.05, while at the boundaries βb,1D/2D∼0.47±0.05. The bulk β1D is shown to be reproduced in a randomly kicked thermal EW model.
We design a Raman fibre laser with a short cavity providing narrow-band generation. The laser is based on a commercial single-mode fibre (980-HP) span of 12 m length. The laser generates up to 11 W of intracavity power. Even at high generation power, the laser spectrum is narrow (less than 200 pm) - several times narrower than for conventional Raman fibre lasers based on longer fibres. The intensity dynamics reveals indications of mode correlations. © 2014 Astro Ltd.
A series of [Mg(1−x)Alx(OH)2]x+(CO3)x/n2− hydrotalcite materials with compositions over the range x = 0.25–0.55 have been synthesised using an alkali-free coprecipitation route. All materials exhibit XRD patterns characteristic of the hydrotalcite phase with a steady lattice expansion observed with increasing Mg content. XPS measurements reveal a decrease in both the Al and Mg photoelectron binding energies with Mg incorporation which correlates with the increased intra-layer electron density. All materials are effective catalysts for the liquid phase transesterification of glyceryl tributyrate with methanol for biodiesel production. The rate increases steadily with Mg content, with the Mg rich Mg2.93Al catalyst an order of magnitude more active than MgO, with pure Al2O3 being completely inert. The rate of reaction also correlates with intralayer electron density which can be associated with increased basicity.© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The structural evolution of a Pd/C catalyst during the liquid phase selective aerobic oxidation of cinnamyl alcohol has been followed by in situ XAFS and XPS. The fresh catalyst comprised highly dispersed, heavily oxidised Pd particles. Cinnamyl alcohol oxidation resulted in the rapid reduction of surface palladium oxide and a small degree of concomitant particle growth. These structural changes coincided with a large drop in catalytic activity. Prereduced Pd/C exhibited a significantly lower initial oxidation rate demonstrating the importance of surface metal oxide in effecting catalytic oxidation. Use of a Pd black model system confirmed that the oxide→metal transformation was the cause, and not result, of catalyst deactivation.
A range of mesoporous sulphated zirconias with tuneable structural and catalytic properties have been prepared by direct impregnation. The surface sulphate coverage can be readily varied, achieving a maximum value of ∼0.2 monolayers. High-temperature calcination induces the crystallisation of tetragonal zirconia while suppressing the monoclinic phase and enhances surface acidity. Superacid sites only appear above a critical threshold SO4 coverage of 0.08 mL (corresponding to 0.44 wt% total S). Sulphated zirconias show good activity towards α-pinene isomerisation of under mild conditions. Conversion correlates with the number Brønsted acid sites, while the selectivity towards mono- versus polycyclic products depends on the corresponding acid site strength; superacidity promotes limonene formation over camphene.
In the present paper we experimentally demonstrate a generation in a short Raman fiber laser having 10 000 different longitudinal modes only. We design the laser using 12 meters of commercially available fiber. Contrary to the recently demonstrated single longitudinal mode DFB Raman laser and short DBR Raman laser, in the laser under study the number of modes is high enough for efficient nonlinear interactions. Experimentally measured time dynamics reveals the presence of mode correlations in the radiation: the measured extreme events lasts for more than 10 round-trips.
This paper applies the vector AR-DCC-FIAPARCH model to eight national stock market indices' daily returns from 1988 to 2010, taking into account the structural breaks of each time series linked to the Asian and the recent Global financial crisis. We find significant cross effects, as well as long range volatility dependence, asymmetric volatility response to positive and negative shocks, and the power of returns that best fits the volatility pattern. One of the main findings of the model analysis is the higher dynamic correlations of the stock markets after a crisis event, which means increased contagion effects between the markets. The fact that during the crisis the conditional correlations remain on a high level indicates a continuous herding behaviour during these periods of increased market volatility. Finally, during the recent Global financial crisis the correlations remain on a much higher level than during the Asian financial crisis.
We examine the correlations between the parameters of ultra-narrow off-centred filtering and pulse width on the performance of a wavelength paired Nx40Gbit/s DWDM transmission, consisting of carrier suppressed return-to-zero signal with 0.64 bit/s/Hz (without polarization-division multiplexing) spectral efficiency. © 2004 Optical Society of America.
We use advanced statistical tools of time-series analysis to characterize the dynamical complexity of the transition to optical wave turbulence in a fiber laser. Ordinal analysis and the horizontal visibility graph applied to the experimentally measured laser output intensity reveal the presence of temporal correlations during the transition from the laminar to the turbulent lasing regimes. Both methods unveil coherent structures with well-defined time scales and strong correlations both, in the timing of the laser pulses and in their peak intensities. Our approach is generic and may be used in other complex systems that undergo similar transitions involving the generation of extreme fluctuations.
Mára az innováció a versenyelőny megszerzésének és megőrzésének legfőbb forrása, ezért az innovációs tevékenységet övező menedzselési feladatok egyre komplexebbek és sokrétűbbek lettek. Az innováció nem csupán a véletlen eredménye, ezért ha a vállalat érdemi erőfeszítéseket tesz az innovációvezérelt szervezet kialakítása érdekében, akkor vélhetőleg sikeresebben veszi a versenypiaci akadályokat, ami hosszú távon eredményesebb vállalkozást eredményezhet. A cikk elsődleges célja, hogy rávilágítson az innováció és a stratégia kapcsolatára. A tanulmány rendszerező jelleggel tekinti át a nemzetközi és hazai szakirodalmat, annak érdekében, hogy bemutassa az innováció stratégiai jelentőségét. A cikk eredményeként innovációs alapstratégiákat fogalmaz meg, amelyek segítenek megérteni az innováció vállalati értékteremtésben betöltött szerepét. A tanulmány továbbá rámutat azokra a fókuszterületekre, amelyek kiemelt relevanciával rendelkeznek az innováció menedzselése szempontjából. _____ Nowadays innovation is one of the most important sources of competitiveness, thus more and more attention turns on its execution. Innovation is not only the result of random development, it can be managed in order to make the entire innovation process more predictable and profitable. The aim of this article is to highlight the interconnections between innovation and strategy. The study systematizes the international and the domestic literature to get an overall picture about the current issues of innovation management. As a conclusion, the author tries to reveal the role of innovation in corporate value creation. Besides, he proposes further innovation strategies that can support a higher execution level in strategic innovation management.
Possible effects of climate change means great challenges to landscape design professionals in Hungary. Our climate will shift towards the Mediterranean and we have to prepare for this with among others, choosing correctly the plants to be planted. Teaching garden design dendrology has not recognized yet the necessity and urgency of this matter. Quick measures are required due to the long life-time and slow development of woody taxons. This paper presents the double relationship between landscape design and climate change emphasizing the outdoor architectural methods of adjustment. Such techniques recognized abroad are presented like precipitation drainage by vegetation and extensive green roof. Finally the effects of climate change on ornamental plants application are presented together with the associated project started at the Corvinus University of Budapest in 2010.