815 resultados para Geldof, Bob


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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The Robert Marett Papers are a valuable resource for researchers, as well as surveyors, in researching the growth and development of the various communities in which he worked. Bob Marett’s work, which includes survey plats (as well as copies of plats from previous surveyors), maps, architectural drawings, field notes, correspondence, copies of deeds, and appointment ledgers are available for researchers and surveyors to peruse. The collection consists of 40, 000 pieces and 124 bound volumes that span from the late 1800s to 1992. The Inventory itself consists of 313 pages and individual plats are searchable by Property Owner as well as by the Date of the Survey.


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In this April 21, 1978 interview, the origins and history of the Come-See-Me Festival are discussed. Included is an overview of the events for the 1978 event. This interview was conducted for inclusion into the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections Oral History Program


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Table of Contents: America’s Birds: In an Alarming State Snakes Alive! Title Sub Title East Coast Wetlands Are Disappearing Chief’s Corner: What We Do Now Extreme Makeover for Bird Sightings by Mike Carlo Taking Care of Our World War II Legacy by Lisa Matlock Whatever Happened to . . . . San Francisco Bay Wetland Restoration Projects Recalling the Battle of Long Island Sound by David Klinger Bold Approaches for Climate Change How Alligator River Refuge Is Planning and Adapting by Mike Bryant Rapid Climate Change Is Transforming the Arctic by David Payer Tracking Change on Wildlife Refuges by Kathy Granillo Where SLAMM Foretells a Wetter Future Reviving the Land – and the Air by Bob Ford and Pete Jerome Connecting the Conservation Landscape a New Priority by Mike Scott and Bob Adamcik Awards for Refuge System Palmyra Atoll Refuge Becomes Ramsar Site Not So Strategic Habitat Conservation: A True Story by David Viker Putting Food on Alaskan Tables by Andy Aderman


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Charles Adams (Faculty Advisor), Delbert Kuhlman, John Klingenberg, Ardyce Haring, Harvey Jorgensen, Roy Volzke, Billie Reed, Paul Yeutter Prof. Loeffel, Carolyn Hall, Byron Kort, Larry Paul, Elwin Mosier, Charles Corkle, Kay Robohm, Daniel Stilwell Duane Stokebrand, Gary Briggs, Walt Patterson, Wendell Mousel, Keith Smith, Darrel Zessin, Richard Bonne, Donald Kasbohm, Bruce Skinner Bob Discoe, Doyle Hulme, Jim Smith, Carl Lorenzen, Jay Cook, Gary Berke, Bob Volk, Roger Hild Donald Kuhl, Russell Person, Ray Cada, Ray DeBower, Bob Dannert, Phil Starck, Kay Knudsen, Jerry Brownfield, Allan McClure, Wally Bierman Morris Ochsner, Warren Mitchell, Ed McReynolds, Gerald Dart, Arza Snyder, Mervy Schliefert, Arley Waldo, Tom Hoffman, John Wink, Virgil Gellermann, Duane Neuman


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It is a real treat for me to be here today on behalf of the university as we dedicate Fleming Fields Recreational Sports Park. As Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, I am especially pleased to be able to take part in honoring the memory of Jim, Bob, and Dave Fleming, three outstanding-University of - Nebraska graduates.


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NADCA Election in Progress Berryman Institute Announces 1999 Awards New Probe Editor to be Appointed: Larry Sullivan Ken Garner Retires Book Review: "Master Land Snaring: Canine and Coon Techniques, Effective in All Terrains." by Newt Sterling as told to Bob Noonan. 1999. 58 pages, illustrated. NPCA Gets New Name Lobster Plates: PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is fighting to prevent the return of the lobster to Maine's automobile license plates. Active Antis in the Northwest Animal Rights Violence on Increase Abstracts from the 6th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society: Monitoring of Sin Nombre Hantavirus in deer mice of the Southwest, USA -- Robinson, Rhonda /., Kathryn D. Bennett, James R. Biggs, Timothy K. Haarmann, David C. Keller, and Mary E. Salisbury Predators in the classroom: A prickly paradigm for educators -- Rollins, Dale Trends in bat rabies in the U.S.: Shaping public health policy -- Rupprecht, Charles E., Sharon B. Messenger, and Jean S. Smith


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The object is to hash over a few problems as we see them on this red-winged blackbird situation. I'm Mel Dyer, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario. Around the table are Tom Stockdale, Extension Wildlife Specialist, Ohio Cooperative Extension Service, Columbus; Maurice Giltz, Ohio Agriculture Research and Development Center, Wooster, Ohio; Joe Halusky, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Columbus, Ohio; Daniel Stiles, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C.; Paul Rodeheffer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Columbus, Ohio; Brian Hall, Blackbird Research Project, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario; George Cornwell, Virginia Polytechnic Insti¬tute, Blacksburg, Va.; Dick Warren, Peavey Grain Company, Minneapolis, Minn.; Bob Fringer, N.J. Department of Agriculture, Trenton, N.J.; Charles Stone, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Columbus, Ohio; Larry Holcomb, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, Ohio; Doug Slack, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, Ohio; Charles Wagg, N.J. Department of Agriculture, Trenton, N.J.; Dick Smith, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Columbus, Ohio; and Jim Caslick, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Gainesville, Fla. As I see the situation, as a director of a red-winged blackbird research project, we have a problem which has been defined in human terms concerning a natural animal population.


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The European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2012 is the update of similar evidence based position papers published in 2005 and 2007. The document contains chapters on definitions and classification, we now also propose definitions for 'difficult to treat' rhinosinusitis, control of disease and better definitions for rhinosinusitis in children. More emphasis is placed on the diagnosis and treatment of acute rhinosinusitis. Throughout the document the terms chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyps (CRSsNP) and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) are used to further point out differences in pathophysiology and treatment of these two entities. There are extensive chapters on epidemiology and predisposing factors, inflammatory mechanisms, (differential) diagnosis of facial pain, genetics, cystic fibrosis, aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease, immunodeficiencies, allergic fungal rhinosinusitis and the relationship between the upper and lower airways. The chapters on paediatric acute and chronic rhinosinusitis are totally rewritten. Last but not least all available evidence for management of acute rhinosinusitis and chronic rhinosinusitis with or without nasal polyps in adults and children is analyzed and presented and management schemes based on the evidence are proposed. This executive summary for otorhinolaryngologists focuses on the most important changes and issues for otorhinolaryngologists.


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Objectives: Several clinical trials conducted in Europe and US reported favorable outcomes of patients with APL treated with the combination of all trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and anthracyclines. Nevertheless, the results observed in developing countries with the same regimen was poorer, mainly due to high early mortality mainly due bleeding. The International Consortium on Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (IC-APL) is an initiative of the International Members Committee of the ASH and the project aims to reduce this gap through the establishment of international network, which was launched in Brazil, Mexico and Uruguay. Methods: The IC-APL treatment protocol is similar to the PETHEMA 2005, but changing idarubicin to daunorubicin. All patients with a suspected diagnosis of APL were immediately started on ATRA, while bone marrow samples were shipped to a national central lab where genetic verification of the diagnosis was performed. The immunofluorescence using an anti-PML antibody allowed a rapid confirmation of the diagnosis and, the importance of supportive measures was reinforced. Results: The interim analysis of 97 patients enrolled in the IC-APL protocol showed that complete remission (CR) rate was 83% and the 2-year overall survival and disease-free survival were 80% and 90%, respectively. Of note, the early mortality rate was reduced to 7.5%. Discussion: The results of IC-APL demonstrate the impact of educational programs and networking on the improvement of the leukemia treatment outcome in developing countries.


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Il lavoro è una riflessione sugli sviluppi della nozione di definizione nel recente dibattito sull'analiticità. La rinascita di questa discussione, dopo le critiche di Quine e un conseguente primo abbandono della concezione convenzionalista carnapiana ha come conseguenza una nuova concezione epistemica dell'analiticità. Nella maggior parte dei casi le nuove teorie epistemiche, tra le quali quelle di Bob Hale e Crispin Wright (Implicit Definition and the A priori, 2001) e Paul Boghossian (Analyticity, 1997; Epistemic analyticity, a defence, 2002, Blind reasoning, 2003, Is Meaning Normative ?, 2005) presentano il comune carattere di intendere la conoscenza a priori nella forma di una definizione implicita (Paul Horwich, Stipulation, Meaning, and Apriority, 2001). Ma una seconda linea di obiezioni facenti capo dapprima a Horwich, e in seguito agli stessi Hale e Wright, mettono in evidenza rispettivamente due difficoltà per la definizione corrispondenti alle questioni dell'arroganza epistemica e dell'accettazione (o della stipulazione) di una definizione implicita. Da questo presupposto nascono diversi tentativi di risposta. Da un lato, una concezione della definizione, nella teoria di Hale e Wright, secondo la quale essa appare come un principio di astrazione, dall'altro una nozione della definizione come definizione implicita, che si richiama alla concezione di P. Boghossian. In quest'ultima, la definizione implicita è data nella forma di un condizionale linguistico (EA, 2002; BR, 2003), ottenuto mediante una fattorizzazione della teoria costruita sul modello carnapiano per i termini teorici delle teorie empiriche. Un'analisi attenta del lavoro di Rudolf Carnap (Philosophical foundations of Physics, 1966), mostra che la strategia di scomposizione rappresenta una strada possibile per una nozione di analiticità adeguata ai termini teorici. La strategia carnapiana si colloca, infatti, nell'ambito di un tentativo di elaborazione di una nozione di analiticità che tiene conto degli aspetti induttivi delle teorie empiriche


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Riassunto Il nostro viaggio attraverso la musica folk americana partirà dal un racconto della Grande Depressione, dello stato di indigenza nel quale versava la maggior parte della popolazione e attraverso le vicende e le canzoni del nonno della canzone di protesta: Woody Guthrie. Sottolineeremo come egli abbia influenzato successivamente tutta una serie di cantautori che si formarono con lui, attraverso i suoi scritti o i suoi pezzi. Vedremo dunque come un altro grande musicista, Pete Seeger lottò più volte contro la censura per dare risonanza a tante battaglie altrimenti inascoltate, come i movimenti per i diritti civili degli afroamericani e per la pace. Con le canzoni di Bob Dylan analizzeremo i movimenti giovanili e pacifisti contro la guerra nel Vietnam e i fermenti della beat generation. Considereremo con Bruce Springsteen i nuovi diseredati della recessione economica, la nuova ondata di nazionalismi, le censure successive agli attentati dell’ 11 Settembre 2001 e il nuovo ordine mondiale. La musica folk continuerà dunque a vivere grazie alla comunità che la rende viva e la fa circolare, ma soprattutto, grazie al passaggio di testimone tra i grandi artisti che l’hanno resa concretamente la voce dell’America.


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Capire come ottenere l'informazione accessibile, cioè quanta informazione classica si può estrarre da un processo quantistico, è una delle questioni più intricate e affascinanti nell'ambito della teoria dell'informazione quantistica. Nonostante l'importanza della nozione di informazione accessibile non esistono metodi generali per poterla calcolare, esistono soltanto dei limiti, i più famosi dei quali sono il limite superiore di Holevo e il limite inferiore di Josza-Robb-Wootters. La seguente tesi fa riferimento a un processo che coinvolge due parti, Alice e Bob, che condividono due qubits. Si considera il caso in cui Bob effettua misure binarie sul suo qubit e quindi indirizza lo stato del qubit di Alice in due possibili stati. L'obiettivo di Alice è effettuare la misura ottimale nell'ottica di decretare in quale dei due stati si trova il suo qubit. Lo strumento scelto per studiare questo processo va sotto il nome di 'quantum steering ellipsoids formalism'. Esso afferma che lo stato di un sistema di due qubit può essere descritto dai vettori di Bloch di Alice e Bob e da un ellissoide nella sfera di Bloch di Alice generato da tutte le possibili misure di Bob. Tra tutti gli stati descritti da ellissoidi ce ne sono alcuni che manifestano particolari proprietà, per esempio gli stati di massimo volume. Considerando stati di massimo volume e misure binarie si è riuscito a trovare un limite inferiore all'informazione accessibile per un sistema di due qubit migliore del limite inferiore di Josza-Robb-Wootters. Un altro risultato notevole e inaspettato è che l'intuitiva e giustificata relazione 'distanza tra i punti nell'ellissoide - mutua informazione' non vale quando si confrontano coppie di punti ''vicine'' tra loro e lontane dai più distanti.


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In older patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the prevention of relapse has remained one of the major therapeutic challenges, with more than 75% relapses after complete remission. The anti-CD33 immunotoxin conjugate gemtuzumab ozogamicin (GO) has shown antileukemic remission induction activity in patients with relapsed AML. Patients with AML or refractory anemia with excess blasts in first complete remission attained after intensive induction chemotherapy were randomized between 3 cycles of GO (6 mg/m(2) every 4 weeks) or no postremission therapy (control) to assess whether GO would improve outcome. The 2 treatment groups (113 patients receiving GO vs 119 control patients) were comparable with regard to age (60-78 years, median 67 years), performance status, and cytogenetics. A total of 110 of 113 received at least 1 cycle of GO, and 65 of 113 patients completed the 3 cycles. Premature discontinuation was mainly attributable to incomplete hematologic recovery or intercurrent relapse. Median time to recovery of platelets 50 x 10(9)/L and neutrophils 0.5 x 10(9)/L after GO was 14 days and 20 days. Nonhematologic toxicities were mild overall, but there was 1 toxic death caused by liver failure. There were no significant differences between both treatment groups with regard to relapse probabilities, nonrelapse mortality, overall survival, or disease-free survival (17% vs 16% at 5 years). Postremission treatment with GO in older AML patients does not provide benefits regarding any clinical end points. The HOVON-43 study is registered at The Netherlands Trial Registry (number NTR212) and at http://www.controlled-trials.com as ISRCTN77039377.