457 resultados para GLUCOCORTICOID


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The rat glucocorticoid receptor confers hormone-dependent transcriptional enhancement when expressed in yeast, thereby enabling the genetic identification of nonreceptor proteins that function in the hormone signal-transduction pathway. We isolated a yeast mutant, lem1, with increased sensitivity to dexamethasone and triamcinolone acetonide; responsiveness to a third agonist, deoxycorticosterone, is unaffected. Cloning of wild-type LEM1 revealed a putative transport protein of the ATP-binding cassette family. Dexamethasone accumulation is increased in lem1 cells, suggesting that wild-type LEM1 decreases dexamethasone potency by exporting this ligand. LEM1 appears to affect certain steroids and not others. We propose that transporters like LEM1 can selectively modulate the intracellular levels of steroid hormones. Differential activities of such transporters in mammalian cells might regulate hormone availability and thereby hormone signaling in a cell-type specific manner.


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A exibição do comportamento vocal em muitas espécies de anfíbios anuros é relacionada aos níveis de hormônios esteroides gonadais e interrenais. Esses hormônios poderiam mediar a relação entre intensidade de sinais e imunidade, pois estão envolvidos no desenvolvimento das características sexuais secundárias, comportamento de corte e mobilização de reservas energéticas durante a atividade reprodutiva, enquanto apresentam também efeitos imunomoduladores. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi explorar as relações entre comportamento reprodutivo, imunidade e níveis plasmáticos de testosterona e corticosterona em machos do sapo do semiárido brasileiro, Rhinella granulosa, em atividade reprodutiva e após manipulação hormonal. A precipitação foi o principal determinante ambiental para o aumento dos níveis de testosterona e corticosterona circulantes em machos de R. granulosa, estimulando o comportamento de vocalização. As relações fisiológicas encontradas indicam que os altos níveis plasmáticos de testosterona nos primeiros dias após a chuva devem promover o início do turno vocal, porém a corticosterona deve modular o esforço de vocalização. De forma geral, a exacerbação do comportamento vocal de R. granulosa tem efeitos negativos sobre a imunocompetência, porém alguns indivíduos que apresentam maiores concentrações plasmáticas de corticosterona apresentam concomitantemente alto esforço vocal e alta imunidade. De acordo, a aplicação transdérmica de corticosterona promoveu elevação aguda dos níveis plasmáticos deste glicocorticoide, bem como um aumento da função imune. Assim, apesar de a atenção principal ser comumente colocada no papel da testosterona na mediação de sinais honestos, nossos resultados corroboram a importância da corticosterona na mediação da expressão do comportamento de corte e imunocompetência em machos R. granulosa


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Les glucocorticoïdes sont les médicaments les plus efficaces pour le contrôle de l'obstruction respiratoire chez les chevaux atteints du souffle, et de l'asthme humain. Toutefois, les neutrophiles persistent dans les voies respiratoires suite à ce traitement. Nous avons précédemment rapporté que les neutrophiles sanguins humains et équins sont sensibles à l'action des glucocorticoïdes. Comme elle contribue à l'insensibilité des cellules épithéliales pulmonaires humaines aux glucocorticoïdes, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que l'IL-17 a un effet similaire sur les neutrophiles et qu’elle contribue à leur persistance dans les voies respiratoires asthmatiques. Objectifs : Évaluer 1. L’expression des deux sous-unités du récepteur de l’IL-17 (l'IL-17RA/IL-17RC) chez les neutrophiles équins hautement purifiés. 2. Si l'IL-17 active directement les neutrophiles et si cette réponse est sensible à l'action des glucocorticoïdes. 3. L'effet de l'IL-17 sur la viabilité et l'apoptose des neutrophiles. Résultats: 1. Les neutrophiles expriment l’IL-17RA/IL-17RC aux niveaux translationnel et protéique. 2. L’IL-17 induit une activation sélective des neutrophiles (surrégulation de l’IL-8), qui n’est pas atténuée par dexaméthasone et 3. l’IL-17 augmente la viabilité des neutrophiles stimulés (LPS) par une diminution de l'apoptose. Nos résultats indiquent que l'IL-17 active directement le neutrophile équin, et que l’augmentation de l’IL-8 (puissant chimioatractant des neutrophiles) qui en résulte n’est pas contrôlée par la dexaméthasone. L'IL-17 pourrait aussi contribuer à la persistance de neutrophiles dans les voies respiratoires chez les chevaux atteints du souffle, en diminuant l'apoptose.


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The prevalence of "primary aldosteronism" (PAL) cannot be precisely determined at this time, given 1) lack of a universally accepted definition, and 2) normotensive as well as normokalemic phases in the evolutionary development of a disease eventually characterized by hypertension and hypokalemia. The exception is fully genetically characterised forms such as glucocorticoid-suppressible hyperaldosteronism, the true prevalence of which could be proven today by universal screening using a single blood sample, but this is neither practical nor appropriate. Controversy has arisen regarding the rareness, or otherwise, of PAL because of 1) rediscovery in the last 12 years of the normokalemic phase described by Conn, 2) application of widely available methods for measurement of aldosterone and renin to "screening", 3) variable quality of these methods, and of their application, and 4) lack of the necessary "diagnostic", in addition to "screening", tests in some studies. PAL is significantly more common than previously thought, and a very important potentially curable form of hypertension. Early diagnosis and specific treatment avoids morbidity. The current focus on increased detection is essential, and will help to resolve the question of prevalence.


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Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized by idiopathic fatigue of greater than 6 months' duration with postexertional exacerbation and many other symptoms. A trend toward relative hypocortisolism is described in CFS. Twin and family studies indicate a substantial genetic etiologic component to CFS. Recently, severe corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) gene mutations have been associated with CFS in isolated kindreds. Human leukocyte elastase, an enzyme important in CBG catabolism at inflammatory sites, is reported to be elevated in CFS. We hypothesized that CBG gene polymorphisms may act as a genetic risk factor for CFS. A total of 248 patients with CFS defined by Centers for Disease Control criteria, and 248 controls were recruited. Sequencing and restriction enzyme testing of the CBG gene coding region allowed detection of severe CBG gene mutations and a common exon 3 polymorphism (c.825G --> T, Ala-Ser(224)). Plasma CBG levels were measured in 125 CFS patients and 198 controls by radioimmunoassay. Total and free (calculated and measured) cortisol levels were ascertained in single samples between 8-10 a.m. The age of onset (mid 30s) and gender ratio (2.2:1, female:male) of the patients were similar to those reported in U.S. epidemiologic studies. A trend toward a preponderance of serine(224) homozygosity among the CFS patients was noted, compared with controls (chi(2) = 5.31, P = 0.07). Immunoreactive-CBG (IR-CBG) levels were higher in Serine/Alanine (Ser/Ala) than Ala/Ala subjects and higher again in Ser/Ser subjects, this effect was strongest in controls; Ser/Ser: 46.1 +/- 1.8 (n = 31, P = 0.03) vs. Ser/Ala: 42.4 +/- 1.0 (n = 56, P = 0.05) vs. Ala/Ala: 40.8 +/- 1.7 mug/mL (n = 21). Despite higher CBG levels, there was a nonsignificant trend toward lower total and free plasma cortisol in serine allele positive patients, total cortisol: Ser/Ser: 13.3 +/- 1.4 (n = 34) vs. Ser/Ala: 14.0 +/- 0.7 (n = 66) vs. Ala/Ala: 15.4 +/- 1.0 (n = 23). Homozygosity for the serine allele of the CBG gene may predispose to CFS, perhaps due to an effect on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function related to altered CBG-cortisol transport function or immune-cortisol interactions.


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The high-affinity ligand-binding form of unactivated steroid receptors exists as a multicomponent complex that includes heat shock protein (Hsp)90; one of the immunophilins cyclophilin 40 (CyP40), FKBP51, or FKBP52; and an additional p23 protein component. Assembly of this heterocomplex is mediated by Hsp70 in association with accessory chaperones Hsp40, Hip, and Hop. A conserved structural element incorporating a tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain mediates the interaction of the immunophilins with Hsp90 by accommodating the C-terminal EEVD peptide of the chaperone through a network of electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. TPR cochaperones recognize the EEVD structural motif common to both Hsp90 and Hsp70 through a highly conserved clamp domain. In the present study, we investigated in vitro the molecular interactions between CyP40 and FKBP52 and other stress-related components involved in steroid receptor assembly, namely Hsp70 and Hop. Using a binding protein-retention assay with CyP40 fused to glutathione S-transferase immobilized on glutathione-agarose, we have identified the constitutively expressed form of Hsp70, heat shock cognate (Hsc)70, as an additional target for CyP40. Deletion mapping studies showed the binding determinants to be similar to those for CyP40-Hsp90 interaction. Furthermore, a mutational analysis of CyP40 clamp domain residues confirmed the importance of this motif in CyP40-Hsc70 interaction. Additional residues thought to mediate binding specificity through hydrophobic interactions were also important for Hsc70 recognition. CyP40 was shown to have a preference for Hsp90 over Hsc70. Surprisingly, FKBP52 was unable to compete with CyP40 for Hsc70 binding, suggesting that FKBP52 discriminates between the TPR cochaperone-binding sites in Hsp90 and Hsp70. Hop, which contains multiple units of the TPR motif, was shown to be a direct competitor with CyP40 for Hsc70 binding. Similar to Hop, CyP40 was shown not to influence the adenosine triphosphatase activity of Hsc70. Our results suggest that CyP40 may have a modulating role in Hsc70 as well as Hsp90 cellular function.


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Some causes of low renin hypertension are familial with known genetic bases. One of them, primary aldosteronism, is specifically treatable by mineralocorticoid receptor blockers or by surgery, and has at least two different familial varieties. These have provided insights into its natural history, with long normotensive and normokalemic phases, and variable expression within the same family. Primary aldosteronism was considered rare, but recent work beginning in 1992 suggests that it might be the most common curable cause of hypertension, worth screening for in every hypertensive. Evidence is now compelling that inappropriate aldosterone for salt status can cause not only hypertension, but vascular inflammation and end-organ damage, preventable by mineralocorticoid receptor blockade.


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It is unclear whether a random plasma cortisol measurement and the corticotropin (ACTH) test adequately reflect glucocorticoid secretory capacity in critical illness. This study aimed to determine whether these tests provide information representative of the 24 hour period. Plasma cortisol was measured hourly for 24 hours in 21 critically ill septic patients followed by a corticotropin test with 1 μ g dose administered intravenously. Serum and urine were analysed for ACTH and free cortisol respectively. Marked hourly variability in plasma cortisol was evident (coefficient of variation 8-30%) with no demonstrable circadian rhythm. The individual mean plasma cortisol concentrations ranged from 286 59 nmol/l to 796 &PLUSMN; 83 nmol/l. The 24 hour mean plasma cortisol was strongly correlated with both random plasma cortisol (r(2) 0.9, P< 0.0001) and the cortisol response to corticotropin (r(2) 0.72, P< 0.001). Only nine percent of patients increased their plasma cortisol by 250 nmol/l after corticotropin (euadrenal response). However, 35% of non-responders had spontaneous hourly rises > 250 nmol/l thus highlighting the limitations of a single point corticotropin test. Urinary free cortisol was elevated (865&PLUSMN; 937 nmol) in both corticotropin responders and non-responders suggesting elevated plasma free cortisol. No significant relationship was demonstrable between plasma cortisol and ACTH. We conclude that although random cortisol measurements and the low dose corticotropin tests reliably reflect the 24 hour mean cortisol in critical illness, they do not take into account the pulsatile nature of cortisol secretion. Consequently, there is the potential for erroneous conclusions about adrenal function based on a single measurement. We suggest that caution be exercised when drawing conclusions on the adequacy of adrenal function based on a single random plasma cortisol or the corticotropin test.


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Because the poor growth performance of intensively housed pigs is associated with increased circulating glucocorticoid concentrations, we investigated the effects of glucocorticoid suppression by inducing a humoral immune response to ACTH on physiological and production variables in growing pigs. Grower pigs (28.6 0.9 kg) were immunized with amino acids 1 through 24 of ACTH conjugated to ovalbumin and suspended in diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) dextran-adjuvant or adjuvant alone (control) on d 1, 28, and 56. The ACTH-specific antibody titers generated suppressed increases in cortisol concentrations on d 63 in response to an acute stressor (P = 0.002; control = 71 +/- 8.2 ng/ mL; ACTH-immune = 43 +/- 4.9 ng/mL) without altering basal concentrations. Plasma beta-endorphin concentrations were also increased (P < 0.001) on d 63 (control = 18 +/- 2.1 ng/mL; ACTH-immune = 63 +/- 7.3 ng/mL), presumably because of a release from negative feedback on the expression of proopiomelanocortin in pituitary corticotropes. Immunization against ACTH did not alter ADG (P = 0.120; control = 1,077 25; ACTH-immune = 1,143 25 g) or ADFI (P = 0.64; control = 2,719 42; ACTH-immune = 2,749 42 g) and did not modify behavior (P = 0.681) assessed by measuring vocalization in response to acute restraint. In summary, suppression of stress-induced cortisol responses through ACTH immunization increased beta-endorphin concentrations, but it did not modify ADG, ADFI, or restraint vocalization score in growing pigs.


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The semelparous dasyurids display a unique life history, in that all males die within a few weeks of the completion of the breeding season. Studies of several semelparous species have revealed that the male die-off is stress-related, and accompanied by increased plasma androgen and cortisol levels and decreased corticosteroid binding capacity, resulting in suppression of immune and inflammatory responses. This study examines the endocrine profile of male brush-tailed phascogales (Phascogale tapoatafa) that survive beyond the breeding season in captivity. Plasma cortisol, corticosteroid binding globulin and albumin levels were monitored in both males and females and steroid partitioning calculated. Captive males surviving beyond the breeding season did not show the elevation in plasma cortisol and decrease in corticosteroid binding capacity reported in wild males. Plasma albumin concentrations also remained constant during the sampling period. These data indicate that captive males do not undergo the same stress response described in wild populations. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Monogenic mutations leading to excessive activation of the mineralocorticoid pathway result, almost always, in suppressed renin and hypertension in adult life and sometimes in hypokalaemia and alkalosis, which can be severe. In most of these syndromes, precise molecular changes in specific steroidogenic or effector genes have been identified, permitting appreciation of (1) pathophysiology, (2) great diversity of phenotype and (3) possibility of genetic methods of diagnosis. Yet to be achieved elucidation of the genetic basis of familial hyperaldosteronism type 11, the most common and clinically significant of them, will enhance detection of primary aldosteronism, currently the commonest specifically treatable and potentially curable form of hypertension. While classic, complete-phenotype presentations of monogenic forms of mineralocorticoid hypertension are rarely recognised, more subtle genetic expression causing less florid manifestations could represent a significant proportion of so-called 'essential hypertension.'


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Little is known about the transdermal penetration of hydrocortisone in the horse and, although commercial formulations containing hydrocortisone are registered for topical use in the horse, there have been no studies investigating the movement of this glucocorticoid through different regions of equine skin. Skin was harvested from the thorax, groin and leg (dorsal metacarpal) regions of five Thoroughbred geldings and frozen (-20 degrees C) until required. Defrosted skin was placed in Franz-type diffusion cells and the amount of radiolabelled (H-3) hydrocortisone, in a saturated solution of unlabelled hydrocortisone in 50% ethanol (w/w), which penetrated through and remained within skin samples was measured over 24 h. Significantly higher (P < 0.001) maximum flux (J(max); mol/cm(2)/h) was measured when hydrocortisone was applied to skin from the leg, compared to thorax and groin, although significantly less hydrocortisone (P < 0.001) was retained within skin from the leg at 24 h. Topical application of hydrocortisone in a vehicle containing ethanol would penetrate faster through leg skin from the lower leg when compared with the thorax or groin, which depending on cutaneous blood flow, may result in higher systemic drug concentrations or greater efficiency in treating local inflamed tissue.


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Electrolyte Transport in the Mammalian Colon: Mechanisms and Implications for Disease. Physiol. Rev. 82: 245-289, 2002.The colonic epithelium has both absorptive and secretory functions. The transport is characterized by a net absorption of NaCl, short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), and water, allowing extrusion of a feces with very little water and salt content. In addition, the epithelium does secret mucus, bicarbonate, and KCl. Polarized distribution of transport proteins in both luminal and basolateral membranes enables efficient salt transport in both directions, probably even within an individual cell. Meanwhile, most of the participating transport proteins have been identified, and their function has been studied in detail. Absorption of NaCl is a rather steady process that is controlled by steroid hormones regulating the expression of epithelial Na+ channels (ENaC), the Na+-K+-ATPase, and additional modulating factors such as the serum- and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase SGK. Acute regulation of absorption may occur by a Na+ feedback mechanism and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Cl- secretion in the adult colon relies on luminal CFTR, which is a cAMP-regulated Cl- channel and a regulator of other transport proteins. As a consequence, mutations in CFTR result in both impaired Cl- secretion and enhanced Na+ absorption in the colon of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Ca2+- and cAMP-activated basolateral K+ channels support both secretion and absorption of electrolytes and work in concert with additional regulatory proteins, which determine their functional and pharmacological profile. Knowledge of the mechanisms of electrolyte transport in the colon enables the development of new strategies for the treatment of CF and secretory diarrhea. It will also lead to a better understanding of the pathophysiological events during inflammatory bowel disease and development of colonic carcinoma.