901 resultados para GC-MS analysis
We report that silver ion HPLC provides remarkable separations of C27 sterols differing only in the number or location of olefinic double bonds. This technique has been extended to LC-MS, analysis of purified components by GC, GC-MS, and 1H NMR, and to its use on a semipreparative scale. The application of this methodology for the demonstration of the catalysis, by rat liver microsomes, of the conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol to cholesta-5,8-dien-3 beta-ol is also presented.
The California five-spined ips, Ips paraconfusus Lanier, produces the myrcene-derived acyclic monoterpene alcohols ipsenol (2-methyl-6-methylene-7-octen-4-ol) and ipsdienol (2-methyl-6-methylene-2,7-octadien-4-ol) as components of its aggregation pheromone. The pine engraver beetle, Ips pini (Say), produces only ipsdienol. Previous studies have shown that myrcene, a monoterpene in the pines colonized by these beetles, is a direct precursor to these pheromone components. In vivo radiolabeling studies reported here showed that male I. paraconfusus incorporated [1-14C]acetate into ipsenol, ipsdienol, and amitinol (trans-2-methyl-6-methylene-3,7-octadien-2-ol), while male I. pini incorporated [1-14C]acetate into ipsdienol and amitinol. Females of these species produced neither labeled nor unlabeled pheromone components. The purified radiolabeled monoterpene alcohols from-males were identified by comparison of their HPLC and GC retention times with those of unlabeled standards. HPLC-purified fractions containing the individual radiolabeled components were analyzed by GC-MS and were shown to include only the pure alcohols. To further confirm that ipsdienol and ipsenol were radiolabeled, diastereomeric ester derivatives of the isolated alcohols were synthesized and analyzed by HPLC and GC-MS. After derivatization of the radiolabeled alcohols, the HPLC analysis demonstrated expected shifts in retention times with conservation of naturally occurring stereochemistry. The results provide direct evidence for de novo biosynthesis of ipsenol, ipsdienol, and amitinol by bark beetles.
A constante preocupação com o aumento do uso de agrotóxicos nas lavouras e os riscos gerados pelos resíduos destes compostos fazem com que os órgãos responsáveis pela fiscalização de alimentos no Brasil controlem a presença dessas substâncias nos produtos que chegam à mesa do consumidor. Atualmente, um dos grandes problemas na produção de alimentos é a utilização de substâncias proibidas em lavouras, muitas das quais não possuem estudos nem limites máximos de resíduos (LMR) estabelecidos, assim como a utilização de substâncias já registradas, mas em quantidades ou métodos de manejo incorretos. Ambos os casos podem resultar em sérios problemas à saúde humana. O objetivo deste estudo foi a avaliação da determinação de morfolina em amostras de manga utilizando técnicas como a Extração em Fase Sólida e a Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada à Espectrometria de Massas (SPE-GC-MS), assim como a Microextração em Sorvente Empacotado e Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada à Espectrometria de Massas (MEPS-GC-MS). Um segundo objetivo deste estudo consistiu em desenvolver, validar e avaliar uma metodologia analítica capaz de identificar quantitativamente a morfolina em amostras de manga por Cromatografia Líquida de Ultra Eficiência acoplada a Espectrometria de Massas em tandem (UHPLC-MS/MS). Para análise por GC-MS fez-se necessária a etapa de derivatização do analito, de forma que o mesmo aumentasse sua volatilidade e diminuísse a polaridade. A comparação entre as técnicas SPE e MEPS não foi possível devido ao efeito de matriz causado pela contaminação do liner e da coluna cromatográfica. Já a metodologia validada por UHPLC-MS/MS seguiu os critérios exigidos pelo Manual de Garantia da Qualidade Analítica, do Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). O método foi aplicado em mangas de diferentes variedades obtidas no comércio local. Não foram encontrados resíduos de morfolina em nenhuma das amostras investigadas, de acordo com a metodologia proposta. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho estabelecem metodologias eficientes, rápidas e de baixo custo na determinação de morfolina em amostras de manga.
A espécie endêmica G. elliptica R. E. Fries não apresentava estudos fitoquímicos e biológicos detalhados na literatura. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a composição química e as propriedades biológicas dos óleos essenciais, extratos brutos, alcaloides totais, tortas, frações das tortas, amostras isoladas dessa espécie. O material vegetal foi coletado em Paranapiacaba (Santo André, SP, Brasil). O óleo essencial extraído das folhas por destilação à vapor apresentou um rendimento de 0,2%. A análise histológica das folhas encontrou óleo em células oleíferas localizadas no parênquima esponjoso. A composição do óleo (CG-EM) indicou espatulenol e óxido de cariofileno como compostos majoritários. Os alcaloides totais foram obtidos dos extratos brutos das folhas e dos galhos e analisados por CG-EM, identificando quatro aporfinas (nornuciferina, estefarina, corituberina e asimilobina) e duas protoberberinas (discretamina e caseadina). Os alcaloides totais foram fracionados em coluna cromatográfica ou por Extração em Fase Sólida e purificados por cromatografia em camada preparativa, originando duas amostras (Amostra 9 e 10). Na Amostra 9, foram identificados dois alcaloides aporfinicos nornuciferina e asimilobina (CG-EM e RMN-1H). Na Amostra 10, foram identificados (LC-EM/EM) cinco alcaloides aporfínicos (desidronantenina, glaunidina, liriodenina, N-óxido de oliverina e telikovina) e um alcaloide protoberberínico (caseadina). Caseadina, glaunidina, N-óxido de oliverina e telikovina não foram previamente identificados em Guatteria. Os resíduos dos extratos brutos livres de alcaloides foram fracionados pelo método de partição com solventes de polaridade crescente. Os extratos brutos e as frações acetato de etila e butanólicas de folhas e galhos apresentaram flavonoides (NP-PEG). Nos ensaios biológicos, a melhor atividade antioxidante (sequestro do radical DPPH) foi encontrada para a fração clorofórmica dos galhos (EC50=24,25±1,14 µg/mL) e a torta dos galhos (EC50=26,23±4,20 µg/mL). No ensaio antimicrobiano pelo método turbidimétrico a atividade mais importante foi obtida contra Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538) para os alcaloides totais dos galhos (CIM/CBM=0,12±0,01/0,26 mg/mL) e das folhas (CIM/CBM=0,21±0,01/0,28 mg/mL), e fração hexânica das folhas (CIM/CBM=0,24±0,02/>1 mg/mL). Uma alta atividade antitumoral foi observada frente a células humanas de mama (MCF-7) para Amostra 10 (IC50=2,28±0,18 µg/mL), fração de acetato de etila das folhas (IC50=4,47±0,40 µg/mL), óleo essencial (IC50=7,01±0,23 µg/mL) e os alcaloides totais das folhas (IC50=9,32±0,36 µg/mL). Para as células de próstata (PC-3), foi encontrada atividade para a Amostra 10 (IC50=1,37±0,36 µg/mL) e o óleo essencial (IC50=5,32±0,35 µg/mL). A futura aplicação dos extratos e frações de G. elliptica como um agente antitumoral parece ser segura, pois mantiveram uma viabilidade celular maior do que 90% no ensaio de citotoxicidade com culturas de fibroblasto murino (BALB/c 3T3, ATCC CCL-163) nas concentrações onde a atividade antitumoral foi promissora (<30 µg/mL) contra MCF-7 e/ou PC-3.
A matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) representa um importante reservatório de carbono (C) nos ecossistemas terrestres. O conteúdo de C estocado no solo pode ser liberado para a atmosfera na forma de CO2, com a decomposição da MOS, ou pode ser aumentado com a entrada de resíduos e retenção da MOS. Nesse sentido, é importante entender os mecanismos de estabilidade e retenção da MOS para predizer como os solos respondem a mudanças, quer sejam elas induzidas por alterações climáticas ou por práticas de manejo. Dentro dos Latossolos, classe que ocupa cerca de 32 % do território brasileiro, há aqueles que possuem horizonte A húmico hiper espesso e, portanto, com maior estoque de C. Aspectos sobre a origem, formação e preservação do horizonte A húmico destes solos em suas ocorrências em diferentes biomas ainda não foram completamente elucidados e estão estritamente ligados à fonte, dinâmica e mecanismos de preservação e distribuição da MOS no solo. O objetivo deste trabalho é entender a gênese da MO dos Latossolos húmicos que ocorrem no Bioma Cerrado, por meio da caracterização molecular pela técnica da pirólise acoplada à cromatografia gasosa e espectroscopia de massas (pirólise - CG/EM). Para isso, foram coletadas amostras dos horizontes A em dois perfis de Latossolos com horizonte A húmico (LH1, LH2) e um perfil de Latossolo com horizonte A moderado (solo de referência; LNH) situados em superfície de aplanamento adjacente à Serra do Espinhaço, no município de Grão Mogol - MG, sob clima tropical semi-úmido e vegetação de cerrado sensu strictu. Por meio da descrição morfológica dos solos em diferentes níveis de observação (campo, lupa e microscópio) procurou-se entender melhor os mecanismos de espessamento do horizonte A e a distribuição de partículas de carvão ao longo do perfil. As amostras dos horizontes foram submetidas ao fracionamento físico e extração da MOS, gerando as seguintes frações: fração leve livre (FLL); fração leve oclusa (FLO), fração extraível com NaOH (EXT) e resíduo (RES). A morfologia dos perfis evidencia a intensa e longa atividade biológica (fauna e raízes) a que esses solos foram e estão submetidos. Isso explica a abundância de microagregados e a consequente macropososidade elevada, assim como a ampla distribuição de fragmentos de carvão em todo o horizonte A, e parte do B, com dimensões milimétricas a submilimétricas, sugerindo a fragmentação destes ao longo do tempo. Foi evidenciado o maior conteúdo de carvões nos dois LHs em comparação ao LNH. A distribuição da MOS nas frações estudadas foi a mesma para os três perfis estudados: RES>EXT>FLL>FLO, que mostra a importância da fração RES para estes solos. Produtos da carbonização (Black carbon; BC: hidrocarbonetos poliaromáticos) foram mais abundantes na fração RES e FLO, no entanto, a maior diferença qualitativa entre a MOS de LHs e LNH diz respeito à abundância de BC na fração RES, que é maior em LHs do que LNH; confirmando a maior quantidade de carvões em LHs verificada na morfologia. Um índice de degradação do BC foi estabelecido com base em análise fatorial com os todas as frações estudadas e produtos poliaromáticos. Este índice, aplicado às frações EXT e RES, mostrou que a degradação do BC aumenta com a profundidade/idade, e não houve diferenças significativas entre os perfis estudados. Portanto, LHs provavelmente tem maior entrada de carvões, o que deve estar ligado a um histórico de maior incidência de incêndios ou maior abundância local de espécies arbóreas.
Active packaging is becoming an emerging food technology to improve quality and safety of food products. One of the most common approaches is based on the release of antioxidant/antimicrobial compounds from the packaging material. In this work an antifungal active packaging system based on the release of carvacrol and thymol was optimized to increase the post-harvest shelf life of fresh strawberries and bread during storage. Thermal properties of the developed packaging material were determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Volatile compounds in food samples contained in active packaging systems were monitored by using headspace solid phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography analysis (HS-SPME-GC-MS) at controlled conditions. The obtained results provided evidences that exposure to carvacrol and thymol is an effective way to enlarge the quality of strawberries and bread samples during distribution and sale.
A fast, simple and environmentally friendly ultrasound-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (USA-DLLME) procedure has been developed to preconcentrate eight cyclic and linear siloxanes from wastewater samples prior to quantification by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A two-stage multivariate optimization approach has been developed employing a Plackett-Burman design for screening and selecting the significant factors involved in the USA-DLLME procedure, which was later optimized by means of a circumscribed central composite design. The optimum conditions were: extractant solvent volume, 13 µL; solvent type, chlorobenzene; sample volume, 13 mL; centrifugation speed, 2300 rpm; centrifugation time, 5 min; and sonication time, 2 min. Under the optimized experimental conditions the method gave levels of repeatability with coefficients of variation between 10 and 24% (n=7). Limits of detection were between 0.002 and 1.4 µg L−1. Calculated calibration curves gave high levels of linearity with correlation coefficient values between 0.991 and 0.9997. Finally, the proposed method was applied for the analysis of wastewater samples. Relative recovery values ranged between 71–116% showing that the matrix had a negligible effect upon extraction. To our knowledge, this is the first time that combines LLME and GC-MS for the analysis of methylsiloxanes in wastewater samples.
An exhaustive characterization of the biogas from some waste disposal facilities has been carried out. The analysis includes the main components (methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen) as well as trace components such as hydrogen sulphide, ammonia and VOCs (volatile organic compounds) including siloxanes and halogenated compounds. VOCs were measured by GC/MS (Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry) using two different procedures: thermal desorption of the Tenax TA and Carbotrap 349 tubes and SPME (Solid Phase Micro-Extraction). A method has been established to measure the total halogen content of the biogas with the AOX (adsorbable organically bound halogens) technique. The equipment used to analyze the samples was a Total Organic Halogen Analyzer (TOX-100). Similar results were obtained when comparing the TOX (Total Organic Halogen) values with those obtained by GC/MS. The halogen content in all the samples was under 22 mg Cl/Nm3 which is below the limit of 150 mg/Nm3 proposed in the Spanish Regulations for any use of the biogas. The low chlorine content in the biogas studied, as well as the low content of other trace compounds, makes it suitable for use as a fuel for electricity generating engines.
Abstract Hydrocarbons in surface sediments were studied quantitatively and qualitatively in 18 stations along the coastline of Gabes Gulf in Tunisia. The results show that the total hydrocarbon levels vary along a wide range from 90 to 1,800 ppm. The GC-MS profiles of aliphatic hydrocarbons vary according to the stations and show that the hydrocarbons were derived from various sources. A special feature prevalent in several stations was identified: aliphatic hydrocarbons with distinctive chemical features. This includes a high abundance of even-numbered n-alkanes (n-C14 - n-C26, maximizing at n-C18, n-C20 and n-C22) and n-alk-1-enes (n-C14:1 - n-C24:1, maximizing at n-C16:1, n-C18:1, n-C20:1 and n-C22:1). This unusual predominance of even-numbered n-alkanes/alkenes is reported for the first time in the Gulf of Gabes and it thus contributes to the information on the rare occurrence of such distributions in the geosphere.
We studied variations in terrigenous (TOM) and marine organic matter (MOM) input in a sediment core on the northern Barents Sea margin over the last 30 ka. Using a multiproxy approach, we reconstructed processes controlling organic carbon deposition and investigated their paleoceanographic significance in the North Atlantic-Arctic Gateways. Variations in paleo-surface-water productivity are not documented in amount and composition of organic carbon. The highest level of MOM was deposited during 25-23 ka as a result of scavenging on fine-grained, reworked, and TOM-rich material released by the retreating Svalbard/Barents Sea ice sheet during the late Weichselian. A second peak of MOM is preserved because of sorptive protection by detrital and terrigenous organic matter, higher surface-water productivity due to permanent intrusion of Atlantic water, and high suspension load release by melting sea ice during 15.9-11.2 ka.
A simple, reliable, and efficient method has been elaborated for direct determination of isotopic composition of authigenic uranium in siliceous lacustrine sediments. The method is based on studying kinetics of selective extraction of authigenic uranium from sediments by weak solutions of ammonium hydrocarbonate followed by ICP-MS analysis of nuclides. To estimate contamination of authigenic uranium by terrigenous one contents of 232Th and some other clastogenic elements in the extracts were measured simultaneously. Selectivity of extraction of authigenic uranium from the sediments treated with 1% NH4HCO3 solution appeared to be no worse than 99%. The method was applied to analysis of isotopic composition of authigenic uranium at several key horizons of the earlier dated core from the Baikal Lake. Measurements directly show that 234U/238U values in Baikal water varied depending on climate, which contradicts existing hypotheses. Measured 234U/238U ratios in water of the paleo-Baikal match corresponding values reconstructed from isotopic data for total uranium in the sediments on supposition that U/Th ratio is constant in terrigenous fraction of the sediments. Direct experimental determination of total and authigenic nuclides in sediments enhances potentiality of the method for 234U-230Th dating of non-carbonate lacustrine sediments including those from the Baikal Lake within intervals corresponding to periods of glaciation, when sediments were rich in terrigenous components. Portions of terrigenous and authigenic uranium are well separated and we can study variability of sources of terrigenous matter and refine the earlier model for reconstructing climate humidity in the East Siberia.
The psaBCA locus of Streptococcus pneumoniae encodes a putative ABC Mn2+-permease complex. Downstream of the operon is psaD, which may be co-transcribed and encodes a thiol peroxidase. Previously, there has been discordance concerning the phenotypic impact of mutations in the psa locus, resolution of which has been complicated by differences in mutant construction and the possibility of polar effects. Here, we constructed unmarked, in frame deletion mutants DeltapsaB, DeltapsaC, DeltapsaA, DeltapsaD, DeltapsaBC, DeltapsaBCA and DeltapsaBCAD in S. pneumoniae D39 to examine the role of each gene within the locus in Mn2+ uptake, susceptibility to oxidative stress, virulence, nasopharyngeal colonization and chain morphology. The requirement for Mn2+ for growth and transformation was also investigated for all mutants. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis provided the first direct evidence that PsaBCA is indeed a Mn2+ transporter. However, this study did not substantiate previous reports that the locus plays a role in choline-binding protein pro-duction or chain morphology. We also confirmed the importance of the Psa permease in systemic virulence and resistance to superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, as well as demonstrating a role in nasopharyngeal colonization for the first time. Further evi-dence is provided to support the requirement for Mn2+ supplementation for growth and transformation of DeltapsaB, DeltapsaC, DeltapsaA, DeltapsaBC, DeltapsaBCA and DeltapsaBCAD mutants. However, transformation, as well as growth, of the DeltapsaD mutant was not dependent upon Mn2+ supplementation. We also show that, apart from sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide, the DeltapsaD mutant exhibited essentially similar phenotypes to those of the wild type. Western blot analysis with a PsaD antiserum showed that deleting any of the genes upstream of psaD did not affect its expression. However, we found that deleting psaB resulted in decreased expression of PsaA relative to that in D39, whereas deleting both psaB and psaC resulted in at least wild-type levels of PsaA.
8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine (80HDG) is a specific marker of oxidative damage to DNA. We have observed that patients with SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus), have undetectable levels of urinary 80HDG by HPLC. Further analysis by GC-MS confirmed that levels of 80HDG in SLE urine were 10(3)-fold lower than in an age- and sex-matched control group. Experiments utilising cultures of SLE and normal lymphocytes exposed to H2O2 confirmed the impaired ability of SLE lymphocytes to repair 80HDG. We subsequently observed in SLE patients that 80HDG had accumulated in low molecular weight DNA associated with circulating immune complexes. We suggest that oxygen radicals may induce pathology in SLE by maintaining the presence of an antigenic form of DNA in the circulation.
The involvement of oxidatively modified low density lipoprotein (LDL) in the development of CHD is widely described. We have produced two antibodies, recognizing the lipid oxidation product malondialdehyde (MDA) on whole LDL or ApoB-100. The antibodies were utilized in the development of an ELISA for quantitation of MDA-LDL in human plasma. Intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation (% CV) were measured as 4.8 and 7.7%, respectively, and sensitivity of the assay as 0.04 μg/ml MDA-LDL. Recovery of standard MDA-LDL from native LDL was 102%, indicating the ELISA to be specific with no interference from other biomolecules. Further validation of the ELISA was carried out against two established methods for measurement of lipid peroxidation products, MDA by HPLC and F2-isoprostanes by GC-MS. Results indicated that MDA-LDL is formed at a later stage of oxidation than either MDA or F2- isoprostanes. In vivo analysis demonstrated that the ELISA was able to determine steady-state concentrations of plasma MDA-LDL (an end marker of lipid peroxidation). A reference range of 34.3 ± 8.8 μg/ml MDA-LDL was established for healthy individuals. Further, the ELISA was used to show significantly increased plasma MDA-LDL levels in subjects with confirmed ischemic heart disease, and could therefore possibly be of benefit as a diagnostic tool for assessing CHD risk. © 2003 Elsevier Inc.