993 resultados para G-f-20
Background. A study of postural stability was undertaken to identify the relationship between vision and support surface across age decades. Understanding when reliance on vision for postural stability emerges and the support conditions contributing to this instability may provide the evidence required to introduce falls-prevention strategies in younger age decades. Methods. We measured postural stability in 453 women aged 20 to 80 years using the Balance Master force-plate system while the women performed the modified Clinical Test for the Sensory Interaction and Balance (firm and foam surfaces, eyes open and closed) and the Single-Limb Stance Test (eyes open and closed). Results. Women in their 60s and 70s were more unstable than younger women in bilateral stance on a firm surface with the eyes closed. This instability was evident from the 50s when a foam surface was introduced and from the 40s when single-limb stance was tested with eyes closed. A further decline in stability was demonstrated for each subsequent decade when the eyes were closed in single-limb stance. Conclusions. Age, visual condition, and support surface were significant variables influencing postural stability in women. Reliance on vision for postural stability was evident for women from the 40s when single-limb stance was tested, from the 50s when bilateral stance on foam was tested, and from the 60s when a firm surface was used. The cause(s) of this decline in stability requires further investigation, and screening for postural instability between the ages of 40 and 60 is advocated.
A self-modulating mechanism by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein has been suggested to influence the level of HCV replication, but current data on this subject are contradictory. We examined the effect of wild-type and mutated core protein on HCV IRES- and cap-dependent translation. The wild-type core protein was shown to inhibit both IRES- and cap-dependent translation in an in vitro system. This effect was duplicated in a dose-dependent manner with a synthetic peptide representing amino acids 1-20 of the HCV core protein. This peptide was able to bind to the HCV IRES as shown by a mobility shift assay. In contrast, a peptide derived from the hepatitis B virus (HBV) core protein that contained a similar proportion of basic residues was unable to inhibit translation or bind the HCV IRES. A recombinant vaccinia-HCV core virus was used to examine the effect of the HCV core protein on HCV IRES-dependent translation in cells and this was compared with the effects of an HBV core-recombinant vaccinia virus. In CV-1 and HuH7 cells, the HCV core protein inhibited translation directed by the IRES elements of HCV, encephalomyocarditis virus and classical swine fever virus as well as cap-dependent translation, whereas in HepG2 cells, only HCV IRES-dependent translation was affected. Thus, the ability of the HCV core protein to selectively inhibit HCV IRES-dependent translation is cell-specific. N-terminal truncated (aa 1-20) HCV core protein that was expressed from a novel recombinant vaccinia virus in cells abrogated the inhibitory phenotype of the core protein in vivo, consistent with the above in vitro data.
Estudou-se o comportamento da mortalidade na mulher de 15 a 49 anos, no período 1985 a 1989 comparando-o a 1970 a 1974, no Município de Ribeirão Preto, SP (Brasil). Os dados de óbitos foram obtidos nos Cartórios de Registro Civil e os de população estimados a partir dos 2 últimos censos. Analisou-se a mortalidade segundo procedência, estado civil, 7 grupos etários qüinqüenais e causas, segundo a Classificação Internacional de Doenças (9ª Revisão, 1975). Ocorreram 1.471 óbitos no período, sendo 705 os de residentes. As 4 principais causas de morte em ordem decrescente, foram: doenças do aparelho circulatório, neoplasmas, lesões e envenenamentos e doenças infecciosas e parasitárias. Os coeficientes específicos de mortalidade segundo grupos etários qüinqüenais, aumentam de modo geral com o avançar da idade, porém com valores menores que os da década anterior, particularmente aqueles codificados no Capítulo I. Os indicadores estudados mostram tendência ao declínio das doenças infecciosas e parasitárias e aumento concomitante das doenças crônico-degenerativas, ou seja, a ocorrência de uma transição epidemiológica vinculada às contradições inerentes ao estado atual de desenvolvimento do país.
Gamma radiations measurements were carried out in the vicinity of a coal-fired power plant located in the southwest coastline of Portugal. Two different gamma detectors were used to assess the environmental radiation within a circular area of 20 km centred in the coal plant: a scintillometer (SPP2 NF, Saphymo) and a high purity germanium detector (HPGe, Canberra). Fifty urban and suburban measurements locations were established within the defined area and two measurements campaigns were carried out. The results of the total gamma radiation ranged from 20.83 to 98.33 counts per second (c.p.s.) for both measurement campaigns and outdoor doses rates ranged from 77.65 to 366.51 Gy/h. Natural emitting nuclides from the U-238 and Th-232 decay series were identified as well as the natural emitting nuclide K-40. The radionuclide concentration from the uranium and thorium series determined by gamma spectrometry ranged from 0.93 to 73.68 Bq/kg, while for K-40 the concentration ranged from 84.14 to 904.38 Bq/kg. The obtained results were used primarily to define the variability in measured environmental radiation and to determine the coal plant’s influence in the measured radiation levels. The highest values were measured at two locations near the power plant and at locations between the distance of 6 and 20 km away from the stacks, mainly in the prevailing wind direction. The results showed an increase or at least an influence from the coal-fired plant operations, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
A previous seroepidemiological study in the rural zone of Vargem Alta (ES) SouthEast of Brazil, showed a prevalence of up to 9% of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) in some areas. One hundred susceptible children aging 1 to 5 years old were selected and immunized with a recombinant DNA hepatitis B vaccine (Smith-Kline 20 mcg) using the 0-1-6 months vaccination schedule. Blood samples were collected at the time of the first vaccine dose (month 0) in order to confirm susceptible individuals and 1,3,6 and 8 months after the first dose , to evaluate the antibody response. Our results showed that two and five months after the second dose, 79% and 88% of children seroconverted respectively, reaching 97% after the third dose. The levels of anti-HBs were calculated in milli International Units/ml (mIU/ml) and demonstrated the markedly increase of protective levels of antibodies after the third dose. These data showed a good immunogenicity of the DNA recombinant hepatitis B vaccine when administered in children of endemic areas.
Introdução: A abordagem inicial do grande queimado até à sua estabilização hemodinâmica e hidroeletrolítica é fundamental para diminuir a morbimortalidade. Material e Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo, descritivo e analítico, de todos os internamentos por queimadura numa Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos durante o período de 20 anos (Abril/1991 a Dezembro/2010). Avaliaram -se parâmetros nosodemográficos, agente causal, gravidade e extensão da queimadura, procedimentos, terapêutica, complicações e resultados. Resultados: Ocorreram 137 internamentos por queimadura correspondentes a 123 doentes e a 1,8% do total de internamentos na UCIP. A mediana de idade foi 3,6 anos e 62,4% era do sexo masculino. Verificou -se maior incidência em Agosto (13,0%). Foram agentes da queimadura: líquido fervente (38,1%), fogo (38,1%) e eletricidade (23,9%). A mediana da superfície corporal queimada foi de 30% (0,5 -92,0%), com queimaduras do terceiro grau em 59,0% dos doentes. Necessitaram de ventilação mecânica 45,5% e de cateter venoso central 64,2% dos doentes. As complicações incluíram: sépsis (29,2%), falência respiratória (21,1%), falência cardiovascular (16,5%) e falência multiorgânica (18,8%). Verificou -se melhoria em 88,6% dos casos e ocorreram 10 óbitos (8,1%), nove dos quais nos primeiros 10 anos do estudo e nove devido a causa infeciosa. No entanto, o score avaliador do risco de mortalidade (PRISM), índice de intervenção terapêutica (TISS) e o risco de probabilidade de morte (RPM) foram mais elevados no segundo decénio. Conclusões: Nos últimos anos do estudo, apesar do maior número de admissões e da sua maior gravidade, verificou -se uma diminuição do número de mortes, o que poderá dever-se à melhoria dos cuidados prestados.
DNA may fold into a diversity of structures and topologies such as duplexes and triplexes. Some specific guanine-rich DNA sequences may even fold into a higher order structures denominated guanine G-quadruplexes (G4). These G-quadruplex forming sequences have shown biological interest since were found in telomeres and in promoter region of oncogenes. Thus, these G4 forming sequences have been explored as therapeutic targets for cancer therapy, since G4 formation was demonstrated to inhibit RNA-polymerase and telomerase activity. However, the G4 structures are transient and are only formed under specific conditions. Hence the main objective of this work is to develop new G4-specific ligands which may potentially find applications in the therapeutic area. Several potential G4-binding ligands were synthesized and characterized. The synthesis of these compounds consisted on a procedure based on van Leusen chemistry and a cross-coupling reaction through C-H activation, affording phenanthroline compounds (Phen-1, 50%; Phen-2, 20%), phenyl (Iso-1, 61%; Iso-2, 21%; Ter-1, 85%; Ter-2, 35%), and quinolyl (Quin-1, 85%; Quin-2, 45%) compounds. Screening assays for selecting the potential G4 compounds were performed by FRET-melting, G4-FID, CD-melting and DSF. Qualitative biophysical studies were performed by fluorescence and CD spectroscopy. Two high-specific G-quadruplex ligands, Phen-1 and Phen-2, were found to effectively bind telomeric and c-myc G4 structures. Phen-1 was found to stabilize parallel telomeric 22AG and c-myc sequence by 4.1 and 4.3 ˚C, respectively. Phen-2 also displayed high affinity towards 22AG (
Flower scent analysis of Encyclia Vespa (vell.) Dressler & G. E. Pollard and E. Fragrans (Sw.) Lemée
The volatile constituents obtained from the pentane extract, using simultaneous distillation-extraction of the flowers of Encyclia vespa and E. fragrans were analysed by GC/ MS. The main volatile components identified in the flowers of E. vespa were terpinen-4-ol (20.3%), verbenone (14.8%), trans-verbenol (13.6%) and x-pinene (11.8%). The major volatiles of the flowers of E. fragrans were terpinen-4-ol (18.3%), (2Z,6E)-farnesol (15.4%) and trans-verbenol (10.2%).
Lauraceae é uma das famílias mais importantes na floresta amazônica. Diversas de suas espécies apresentam em sua composição substâncias com pronunciadas atividades biológicas. Nesse trabalho, os extratos obtidos em etanol de galhos e folhas de 20 espécies de Lauraceae foram coletados na Reserva Florestal Ducke e avaliados quant o às atividades antioxidante frente ao radical livre 2,2-difenil-1-picrilhidrazila(DPPH) e inibidora da enzima acetilcolinesterase. O extrato dos galhos de Licaria martinianal apresentou a maior capacidade de sequestro do radical DPPH (6,96 µg.mL-1),mas os extratos de Ocotea iminor foram os mais ativos na inibição da enzima acetilcolinesterase, apresentando também pronunciada atividade antioxidante. O perfil de atividade antioxidante e anticolinesterásico destes extratos está sendo relatado pela primeira vez neste trabalho.
n.s. no.20(1989)
Plantas de duas formas botânicas de Catharanthus roseus, de flores lilases e de flores brancas foram cultivadas em soluções nutritivas deficientes em N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S e B, e em solução completa, a fim de se obter o quadro sintomatológico das deficiências, assim como os níveis analíticos de nutrientes nas folhas, caules, raízes e flores. Manifestaram-se sintomas de deficiência claros para todos os nutrientes estudados. Nas plantas de flores lilases, as concentrações de nutrientes na matéria seca de folhas de plantas normais e deficientes foram, respectivamente, para cada nutriente estudado: N(%): 3,53-1,20; P(%): 0,35-0,11; K(%): 2,45-0,76; Ca(%): 1,77-0,81; Mg(%): 0,55-0,46; S(%):0,21-0,12; B(ppm): 382-37. Nas plantas de flores brancas, estas concentrações foram: N(%): 3,78-0,92; P(%): 0,38-0,09; K(%): 2,60-0,86; Ca(%): 1,37-1,15; Mg(%): 0,56-0,44; S(%): 0,10-0,07; B(ppm):372-39.
L'objectif de cette étude est d'examiner la structure factorielle et la consistance interne de la TAS-20 sur un échantillon d'adolescents (n = 264), ainsi que de décrire la distribution des caractéristiques alexithymiques dans cet échantillon. La structure à trois facteurs de la TAS-20 a été confirmée par notre analyse factorielle confirmatoire. La consistance interne, mesurée à l'aide d'alpha de Cronbach, est acceptable pour le premier facteur (difficulté à identifier les sentiments (DIF)), bonne pour le second (difficulté à verbaliser les sentiments (DDF)), mais en revanche, faible pour le troisième facteur (pensées orientées vers l'extérieur (EOT)). Les résultats d'une Anova mettent en évidence une tendance linéaire indiquant que plus l'âge augmente plus le niveau d'alexithymie (score total TAS-20), la difficulté à identifier les sentiments et les pensées orientées vers l'extérieur diminuent. En ce qui concerne la prévalence de l'alexithymie, on remarque en effet que 38,5 % des adolescents de moins de 16 ans sont considérés comme alexithymiques, contre 30,1 % des 16-17 ans et 22 % des plus de 17 ans. Notre étude indique donc que la TAS-20 est un instrument adéquat pour évaluer l'alexithymie à l'adolescence, tout en suggérant quelques précautions étant donné l'aspect développemental de cette période.
This study sought the characterization of rotaviruses in a trial with a tetravalent rhesus-human rotavirus vaccine in Belém, Brazil in children who received three doses of vaccine or placebo in the 1st, 3rd and 5th months of life. Rotavirus electropherotypes, subgroups, G serotypes, G, [P] and [P],G genotypes were determined in 93.3%, 95.9%, 93.3%, 73.3%, 95.5% and 92.2% of isolates, respectively. Serotypes G1, G2 and G4 were detected in 58.9%, 30% and 4.4% of the cases, respectively. Rotavirus genotype G5 was detected for the first time in Northern region in 4.4% of the infections. Rotavirus genotypes P[8], P[4], P[6] and P[8+6] were detected in 54.5%, 26.7%, 12.2%, and 2.2% of the cases, respectively. The predominant genotypes were P[8],G1 and P[4],G2 with 53% and 26.6% of the infections, respectively. Unusual strains accounted for 20.5% including P[4],G1, P[6],G1, P[6],G4, P[6],G5, P[8],G2, P[8],G5. Mixed infections involving P[8+6],G2 and P[8+6],G1 were also noted. The neonatal P[6] strains associated with diarrhea were detected among children aged 9-24 months. To our knowledge, this study represents the first in Brazil to analyse, on molecular basis, rotavirus genotypes from children participating in a rotavirus vaccine trial. These results are of potential importance regarding future rotavirus vaccination strategies in Brazil.