1000 resultados para Fundamentos de investigación


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The objective of this study is to gather information regarding the adaptation of the range of socio educational projects and services aimed at the transition to an adult life of young persons with intellectual disabilities in Spain. The research of the study has been done in three stages. During each stage, a specific tool has been used. One to one in-depth interviews have been undertaken with 45 professionals and 20 individuals with intellectual disabilities. The Delphi method has been applied to two panels consisting of 20 experts each. Firstly, results focus on the approach to different issues related to the devices. Secondly, the training opportunities that these individuals receive to ease the transition period is addressed. And finally, the study refers to the participation of the individuals themselves and their families in the process. The developed analysis allows us to propose strategies to improve the transition to adult life


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The analysis of drugs and metabolites in biological fluids usually requires extraction procedures to achieve sample clean-up and analyte preconcentration. Commonly, extraction procedures are performed using liquid-liquid extraction or solid-phase extraction. Nevertheless, these extraction techniques are considered to be time-consuming and require a large amount of organic solvents. On this basis, microextraction techniques have been developed. Among them, liquid-phase microextraction has been standing out. This review describes the liquid-phase microextraction technique based on hollow fibers as a novel and promising alternative in sample preparation prior to chromatographic or electrophoretic analysis. The basic concepts related to this technique and its applicability in extraction of drugs are discussed.


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The sensitivity and accuracy of sequential injection methods are dependent on efficient overlapping of reagent and sample zones as they are propelled toward the detector cell. The formation of the reduced phosphomolybdic acid is used to demonstrate that the overlapping efficiency in a fixed reaction coil relies on a suitable choice of reagent to sample volume ratio. Additionally, under poor mixing conditions or highly concentrated samples, the reaction extension is strongly dependent on the reagent concentration. The zone-sampling concept is exploited to determine phosphate in cola-based soft drinks after in-line dilution in an auxiliary coil.


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A lo largo de la última década, la adolescencia ha sido un tema dediscusión política en distintos espacios europeos al más alto nivel. En unasociedad aceleradamente cambiante se percibe que la adecuada socializaciónde las generaciones más jóvenes constituye un reto socio-históricoque nos afecta a todos. Los cambios en que estamos sumergidos son tanplurales (demográficos, sociales, tecnológicos, económicos, políticos,etc.) que generan un amplísimo frente de nuevos dilemas éticos. La opiniónde los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea se muestra preocupada pornuevos valores y destaca la preferencia por la responsabilidad en coherenciacon dicha situación cambiante. Todo este macrocontexto psicosocialviene planteando nuevos retos teóricos y de investigación a la comunidadcientífica. De hecho las ciencias humanas y sociales han empezadoa desarrollar nuevas líneas de investigación para comprender mejor lasnuevas relaciones entre adultos y adolescentes y las nuevas culturas queemergen entre estos últimos, impulsadas por nuevas aspiraciones socialescompartidas por grupos más o menos amplios de la población joven. Eldesarrollo de técnicas e instrumentos que nos permitan comprender mejorla perspectiva del adolescente se hace más evidente si analizamos su relacióncon las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Dichastecnologías comportan nuevos riesgos, pero también nuevas oportunidades,entre las que destaca la posibilidad de establecer nuevas formasde relación. La motivación que muestran los más jóvenes por las nuevastecnologías constituye un gran reto a los investigadores aplicados parasugerir formas de maximizar las potencialidades latentes


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Research on residential care is still scarce despite its high implementation in Spain. This article presents the results of a research using qualitative methods. The study analyses the situation experienced by young people who lived in foster care in the province of Girona (1994-2002) based on their opinions and perceptions expressed in a semi-structured interview. The results, clustered into subcategories, show lack of knowledge about the reasons why they needed foster care, if it was better being there than staying with their parents, and the lack of support for transition to adulthood. The study shows implications for children and youth policies, professional practice and research


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Los programas de inmersión lingüística han constituido y constituyen dentro del Sistema Educativo catalánla principal forma para que el alumnado de lengua familiar no-catalana aprenda una nueva lengua, el catalán,sin que, en su proceso de aprendizaje, vea mermado ni el desarrollo de su propia lengua ni su rendimientoacadémico. El éxito de la inmersión lingüística en las décadas anteriores ha sido frecuentemente utilizado comouno de los argumentos orientativos para justificar la política lingüística que se sigue en la escolarización de lainfancia extranjera. Sin embargo, los resultados obtenidos por investigaciones recientes parece que no avalanempíricamente dicho argumento. Este artículo analiza dichos resultados y expone, a partir del Plan para laLengua y Cohesión Social puesto en marcha por el Departamento de Educación de la Generalitat de Cataluña,cuáles son los retos que se presentan a su Sistema Educativo dentro del nuevo marco que supone el aumento de ladiversidad cultural y lingüística en la actual sociedad catalana


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The theoretical aspects of Voltammetry of Immobilized Microparticles (VIM) were discussed. The immobilization of microparticles on electrode surface, the electrode cleaning processes and the electrode materials were analyzed. The three-phase electrode model and the possible reactions between the immobilized particle and the electrolytic solution were discussed. In addition, this work discusses some selected applications of VIM published in the last years.


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Chemical imprinting technology has been widely used as a valuable tool in selective recognition of a given target analyte (molecule or metal ion), yielding a notable advance in the development of new analytical protocols. Since their discovery, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) have been extensively studied with excellent reviews published. However, studies involving ion imprinted polymers (IIPs), in which metal ions are recognized in the presence of closely related inorganic ions, remain scarce. Thus, this review involved a survey of different synthetic approaches for preparing ion imprinted adsorbents and their application for the development of solid phase extraction methods, metal ion sensors (electrodes and optodes) and selective membranes.


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This review deals with the basis and novel trends in electrochromism, describing the basic aspects and methodologies employed for the construction and analyses of different modified electrodes. The work presents the classic materials used for the construction of electrochromic electrodes, such as WO3 and a view on the basic concepts of chromaticity as a useful approach for analyzing colorimetric results. The report also addresses how the incorporation of nanomaterials and the consequent novel modification of electrodes have furthered this area of science, producing electrochromic electrodes with high performance, high efficiency and low response times.


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Sample preparation is commonly considered a key step to achieve selective, sensitive, and reliable chemical analyses, particularly those involving complex matrices. Although the application of electric fields to improve the speed and efficiency of sample preparation methods has been proven, this approach is still considered to be state-of-the-art; hence, further development is necessary to improve future applications. This review describes the fundamentals, advances, applications, and perspectives of using electric fields to enhance sample preparation techniques such as liquid-liquid and solid-liquid extractions in conventional and microscale devices.


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Since their original discovery in 1914, ionic liquids (IL) have been widely examined and explored in chemistry due to their unique physical and chemical properties. Ionic liquids are collectively known as organic salts and have melting points of 100 °C or under. The molten salts most employed in analytical chemistry, including gas chromatography (GC), consist of an organic cation paired with an organic or inorganic anion. This class of materials exhibits negligible vapor pressure and may have their properties (e.g.thermal stability and selectivity) structurally tuned by imparting different moieties to the cation/anion. Currently, there are an estimated 1018possible combinations of IL. In this context, the prospection of highly selective IL-based stationary phases for gas-liquid chromatography has enabled high peak capacity and efficient separations of many critical pairs in complex samples. In this review, we present and discuss fundamental characteristics of ionic liquids and introduce important solvation models for gas-liquid systems. In addition, recent advances and applications of IL in conventional and multidimensional gas chromatography are outlined.


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Trata-se de discutir as críticas a conceitos insuficientes de liberdade, tais como elas aparecem na Filosofia do direito, de Hegel. Com isto, espera-se expor os verdadeiros problemas que a teoria hegeliana do Estado procura resolver. Tais problemas permitem lançar novas luzes em alguns aspectos decisivos da teoria hegeliana do reconhecimento.


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O ponto de partida da Philosophia prima de Hobbes tem como referência a Física e a Metafísica de Aristóteles. O desenvolvimento posterior de sua Philosophia prima, porém, põe em marcha uma crítica da metafísica aristotélica que conduzirá a um remanejamentoteórico de uma série de princípios e conceitos herdados da tradição. Considerada em seu conjunto, a filosofia primeira hobbesiana é constituída por uma definição ampla, isto é, a metafísica definida como ciência do ente enquanto ente (ao invés da clássica definição de ciência do ser enquanto ser), sobre a qual duas definições strictu sensu são erigidas: a metafísica como física geral - dizer o ente (ens) é dizer o corpo (corpus) - e a metafísica como representação. Este paper é um esforço no sentido de compreender essas e outras questões concernentes aos estudos hobbesianos sobre a forma como conhecemos o mundo, as coisas e nós mesmos.