1000 resultados para Fronts (Meteorology)
A large part of the work done by women is not counted in the gross national product (GDP) of nations. Which type of work are we referring to? Unpaid work; also commonly called domestic work. Because all the services produced by households for their own consumption are not subject to monetary exchange, they are excluded from de production boundary defined by the United Nations System of National Accounts (SNA). In doing so, this key statistics, inspired by the Keynesian school of thoughts, shows an accepted iniquity in the quantification of the product since women’s productive contribution within the households is not taken into account. In other words, national accounts are not gender neutral. In fact, this breach of a fundamental ethical rule which is equity towards gender inequalities is just the reflection of a social conception that prevails within the SNA since its creation, namely that domestic work is not considered as work. It is therefore essential to quantify women’s unpaid work, a concern that has long been the preserve of feminist activists even though; this should go beyond feminists considerations. This article shows how the issue of measuring unpaid work on a broader prospective is relevant on both ethical and economic fronts. The recognition of this production factor as a macroeconomic variable is indeed fundamental to get a more complete understanding and assessment of the economy. Valorization of unpaid work would also allow women to claim better retribution, or at least, to expect an effective social recognition of their actions and efforts and in the end would contribute to the establishment of greater social justice.
Cette thèse enquête sur l’émergence d’espaces de soin à l’ère de la mondialisation numérique. Elle s’articule autour d’incursions au sein du Pan-African e Network Project (PAN), un réseau de cybersanté par l’entremise duquel des hôpitaux tertiaires situés en Inde offrent des services de téléconsultations et de formation médicale à des centres de santé africains. Des incursions sur la piste d’un projet en constante mutation, pour en saisir la polyvalence ontologique, la pertinence politique, la valeur thérapeutique. Le PAN, c’est une entreprise colossale, aux ramifications multiples. C’est le travail quotidien d’ingénieurs, médecins, gestionnaires. Ce sont des routines techniques, des équipements. À la fois emblème d’une résurgence de la coopération indo-africaine et expression d’une étonnante histoire cybermédicale indienne, le réseau incarne une Inde néolibérale, portée par l’ambition technique et commerciale de propulser la nation au centre de la marche du monde. Le PAN, c’est une ouverture numérique de la clinique, qui reconfigure la spatialité de la prise en charge de patients. C’est un réseau clé en main, une quête insatiable de maîtrise, une infrastructure largement sous-utilisée. C’est le projet d’une humanité à prendre en charge : une humanité prospère, en santé, connectée. De part en part, l’expérience du PAN problématise le telos cybermédical. Au romantisme d’une circulation fluide et désincarnée de l’information et de l’expertise, elle oppose la concrétude, la plasticité et la pure matérialité de pratiques situées. Qu’on parle de « dispositifs » (Foucault), de « réseaux » (Latour), ou de « sphères » (Sloterdijk), la prise en charge du vivant ne s’effectue pas sur des surfaces neutres et homogènes, mais relève plutôt de forces locales et immanentes. Le PAN pose la nécessité de penser la technique et le soin ensemble, et d’ainsi déprendre la question du devenir de la clinique autant du triomphalisme moderne de l’émancipation que du recueillement phénoménologique devant une expérience authentique du monde. Il s’agit, en somme, de réfléchir sur les pratiques, événements et formes de pouvoir qui composent ces « espaces intérieurs » que sont les réseaux cybermédicaux, dans tout leur vacarme, leur splendeur et leur insuffisance.
This thesis questions the major esthetic differences between the artistic productions of the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939) and the nationalist artistic productions of the Civil War years and the first decade of the francoist dictatorship. These differences are analysed using the artistic productions of Josep Renau (1907 Valence – 1982 Berlin East) and of Ignacio Zuloaga (Elibar 1870 – Madrid 1945). Renau was an important artistic figure during the Spanich Republic. In this thesis, we analyse Renau’s different propaganda productions between 1931 and 1939. Zuloaga was an international artist when the nationalist uprising occurred in 1936. He was recognized by the European elites for his portraits of Andalousian and Castillian sceneries. Zuloaga supported the nationalist putsch and the francoist ideology. In 1939, the Caudillo ordered the painting of the portrait that we will be analysing. The theories of François Hartog, Reinhart Koselleck, Paul Ricoeur and Hannah Arendt are used to analyse the historical conceptual confrontation in Spain, portrayed by the artworks that we studied. During the Republic, it was the modern historical regime that was in force. The historical references used are close in time and the history is constructed in the future and attached to the idea of progress. With the nationalists, the historical conception is connected to the Historia magistra where the past is used as an example. In the first francoism, a return to Spain’s glorious past (the Middle Ages, the Golden Century and the Counter Reform) is clearly claimed in order to rescue the country from the ills of modernity. It is with these different historical conceptions in mind that we compare the esthetics specificities of the artworks, the identity and historical references and the mediums used to legitimize the power and the political actions of each front.
Les femmes autochtones vivent une discrimination intersectionnelle, en ce qu’elle provient d’au moins deux sources: le genre et la race (ou la culture), et qu’elle est plus complexe que la somme de ses sources. Par conséquent, les revendications des femmes autochtones se situent sur au moins deux plans: elles ont des revendications comme autochtones au sein de la population canadienne et comme femmes à l’intérieur de leurs communautés. Partant de la prémisse que l’État canadien doit reconnaître le droit à l’autodétermination des peuples autochtones et par le fait même le droit autochtone, nous nous interrogeons sur les moyens qui permettraient aux femmes autochtones d’exercer l’influence nécessaire pour faire reconnaître et accepter leurs revendications politiques et juridiques dans les processus décisionnels de leurs communautés. Féminisme et revendications autochtones sont-ils nécessairement antinomiques? Pour certaines auteures autochtones, une approche libérale fondée sur la « structure des droits » est incompatible avec les valeurs autochtones. Comment surmonter ces objections en apparence inébranlables? Le problème des femmes autochtones est-il simplement une affaire de « droits » non reconnus? N’est-ce pas plutôt un problème de rapports de pouvoir à l’extérieur, mais également à l’intérieur, des communautés? Nous tentons dans ce qui suit de démontrer qu’au-delà d’un cadre théorique basé sur les droits de la personne, une approche basée sur le principe démocratique permettrait aux femmes autochtones de faire valoir leurs revendications en tant que femmes et en tant qu’autochtones d’une manière plus efficace. En effet, la participation démocratique de tous les membres de la communauté permettrait de contourner les problèmes théoriques liés à une dichotomie entre droits individuels et collectifs, en mettant l’accent sur le processus décisionnel plutôt que sur la valeur des décisions en découlant. Dans cette perspective, féminisme et revendications autochtones peuvent s’allier avantageusement.
Grâce à son accessibilité, sa polyvalence et sa sécurité, l'échocardiographie est devenue la technique d'imagerie la plus utilisée pour évaluer la fonction cardiaque. Au vu du succès de l'échographie ultrarapide par ondes planes des techniques similaires pour augmenter la résolution temporelle en échocardiographie ont été mise en oeuvre. L’augmentation de la résolution temporelle de l’échographie cardiaque au-delà des valeurs actuellement atteignables (~ 60 à 80 images par secondes), pourrait être utilisé pour améliorer d’autres caractéristiques de l'échocardiographie, comme par exemple élargir la plage de vitesses détectables en imagerie Doppler couleur limitées par la valeur de Nyquist. Nous avons étudié l'échocardiographie ultrarapide en utilisant des fronts d’ondes ultrasonores divergentes. La résolution temporelle atteinte par la méthode d'ondes divergentes a permis d’améliorer les capacités des modes d’échocardiographie en mode B et en Doppler couleur. La résolution temporelle de la méthode mode B a été augmentée jusqu'à 633 images par secondes, tout en gardant une qualité d'image comparable à celle de la méthode d’échocardiographie conventionnelle. La vitesse de Nyquist de la méthode Doppler couleur a été multipliée jusqu'à 6 fois au delà de la limite conventionnelle en utilisant une technique inspirée de l’imagerie radar; l’implémentation de cette méthode n’aurait pas été possible sans l’utilisation de fronts d’ondes divergentes. Les performances avantageuses de la méthode d'échocardiographie ultrarapide sont supportées par plusieurs résultats in vitro et in vivo inclus dans ce manuscrit.
The thesis gives a general introduction about the topic include India, the spatial and temporal variation of the surface meteorological parameters are dealt in detail. The general pattern of the winds over the region in different seasons and the generation and movements of the thermally and dynamically originated local wind systems of Western Ghats region has been studied. The modification of the prevailing winds over region by the Palghat Gap and its effect on the mouth regions pf the gap is analysed in great depth. The thesis gives the information of climatic elements of the mountain region such as energy budgets, rainfall studies, evaporation and condensation and the variation in the heat fluxes over the region. The impact of orography is studied in a different approach. The type of hypothetical study gives more insight into the control of mountain on the distribution of meteorological parameter over the study region and helps to quantify the impact of the mountain in varying the weather climate of region. The detailed study of the hydro-meteorological aspects of the main river basins of the region also should be included to the climatic studies for the total understanding of the weather and climate over the region.
Mann–Kendall non-parametric test was employed for observational trend detection of monthly, seasonal and annual precipitation of five meteorological subdivisions of Central Northeast India (CNE India) for different 30-year normal periods (NP) viz. 1889–1918 (NP1), 1919–1948 (NP2), 1949–1978 (NP3) and 1979–2008 (NP4). The trends of maximum and minimum temperatures were also investigated. The slopes of the trend lines were determined using the method of least square linear fitting. An application of Morelet wavelet analysis was done with monthly rainfall during June– September, total rainfall during monsoon season and annual rainfall to know the periodicity and to test the significance of periodicity using the power spectrum method. The inferences figure out from the analyses will be helpful to the policy managers, planners and agricultural scientists to work out irrigation and water management options under various possible climatic eventualities for the region. The long-term (1889–2008) mean annual rainfall of CNE India is 1,195.1 mm with a standard deviation of 134.1 mm and coefficient of variation of 11%. There is a significant decreasing trend of 4.6 mm/year for Jharkhand and 3.2 mm/day for CNE India. Since rice crop is the important kharif crop (May– October) in this region, the decreasing trend of rainfall during themonth of July may delay/affect the transplanting/vegetative phase of the crop, and assured irrigation is very much needed to tackle the drought situation. During themonth of December, all the meteorological subdivisions except Jharkhand show a significant decreasing trend of rainfall during recent normal period NP4. The decrease of rainfall during December may hamper sowing of wheat, which is the important rabi crop (November–March) in most parts of this region. Maximum temperature shows significant rising trend of 0.008°C/year (at 0.01 level) during monsoon season and 0.014°C/year (at 0.01 level) during post-monsoon season during the period 1914– 2003. The annual maximum temperature also shows significant increasing trend of 0.008°C/year (at 0.01 level) during the same period. Minimum temperature shows significant rising trend of 0.012°C/year (at 0.01 level) during postmonsoon season and significant falling trend of 0.002°C/year (at 0.05 level) during monsoon season. A significant 4– 8 years peak periodicity band has been noticed during September over Western UP, and 30–34 years periodicity has been observed during July over Bihar subdivision. However, as far as CNE India is concerned, no significant periodicity has been noticed in any of the time series.
TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) is reported to be a useful sensor to measure the atmospheric and oceanic parameters even in cloudy conditions. Vertically integrated specific humidity, Total Precipitable Water (TPW) retrieved from the water vapour absorption channel (22GHz.) along with 10m wind speed and rain rate derived from TMI is used to investigate the moisture variation over North Indian Ocean. Intraseasonal Oscillations (ISO) of TPW during the summer monsoon seasons 1998, 1999, and 2000 over North Indian Ocean is explored using wavelet analysis. The dominant waves in TPW during the monsoon periods and the differences in ISO over Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal are investigated. The northward propagation of TPW anomaly and its coherence with the coastal rainfall is also studied. For the diagnostic study of heavy rainfall spells over the west coast, the intrusion of TPW over the North Arabian Sea is seen to be a useful tool.
Màster en Meteorologia
Tropical Mesoscale Convective Systems and Associated Energetics : Observational and Modeling Studies
The main purpose of the thesis is to improve the state of knowledge and understanding of the physical structure of the TMCS and its short range prediction. The present study principally addresses the fine structure, dynamics and microphysics of severe convective storms.The structure and dynamics of the Tropical cloud clusters over Indian region is not well understood. The observational cases discussed in the thesis are limited to the temperature and humidity observations. We propose a mesoscale observational network along with all the available Doppler radars and other conventional and non—conventional observations. Simultaneous observations with DWR, VHF and UHF radars of the same cloud system will provide new insight into the dynamics and microphysics of the clouds. More cases have to be studied in detail to obtain climatology of the storm type passing over tropical Indian region. These observational data sets provide wide variety of information to be assimilated to the mesoscale data assimilation system and can be used to force CSRM.The gravity wave generation and stratosphere troposphere exchange (STE) processes associated with convection gained a great deal of attention to modem science and meteorologist. Round the clock observations using VHF and UHF radars along with supplementary data sets like DWR, satellite, GPS/Radiosondes, meteorological rockets and aircrafl observations is needed to explore the role of convection and associated energetics in detail.