758 resultados para Fringe parking
The following new species are described - Cerambycinae, Sydacini: Sydax flechtmanni sp. nov. from Brazil (São Paulo); Eburiini: Ebrodacrys biffipradorum sp. nov. from Brazil (Roraima); - Lamiinae, Pteropliini: Ataxia piauiensis sp. nov. from Brazil (Piuaí); Calliini: Amucallia carbonaria sp. nov. from French Guiana; A. citrina sp. nov. from Guiana. Also in Lamiinae, two new genera of Onciderini are proposed. Ubytyra gen. nov., type species U. tuberosa sp. nov. from Peru (Junin) e Japi gen. nov., type species J. duartei sp. nov., from Brazil (São Paulo); Ubytyra gen. nov. can be distinguished by the sides of prothorax with long central spine rounded at apex, and this new feature among Onciderini is discussed. Japi gen. nov., is characterized by a fringe of long hairs on the inner side of antennomere III, present only in species from North and Central America, and gender comparison of these species is done and discussed. In Hemilophini, Pseudotacocha gen. nov., type species P. magnifica sp. nov. from Peru (Cuzco), are described. The new genera can be distinguished by eyes well developed, elytra with two carinae and the apices outer with short spine; a comparison with related genera is done.
Questa si ripropone in prima istanza di analizzare le origini e l’evoluzione del concetto di sostenibilità e successivamente di prendere in considerazione uno dei tanti mezzi che consentono di perseguirla: la gestione della sosta. Per molti anni infatti, a partire dal momento in cui sono iniziate ad emergere le esternalità negative legate al traffico, si è pensato che quello dei parcheggi fosse solo un ulteriore problema. Solo di recente, dalla fine degli anni ’90, fatta eccezione per il caso della Gran Bretagna che ha fatto da capofila già a partire dagli anni ’80, si è iniziato a considerare la sosta come parte della soluzione dei problemi di congestione, inquinamento e di vivibilità delle città. Verrà analizzata perciò nel secondo capitolo l’evoluzione delle politiche della sosta a livello europeo, con particolare attenzione all’operato svolto dall’EPA (European Parking Association) associazione leader nel settore riconosciuta dall’Unione Europea e sostenuta da 18 Paesi membri tra cui anche l’Italia. Il lavoro svolto da quest’associazione, nata nei primi anni ’80, è quello di decidere insieme agli associati delle linee comuni da seguire per migliorare le politiche a livello europeo riguardo la gestione della sosta. Si tratta nella pratica di studi, convegni e analisi degli effetti prodotti da provvedimenti intrapresi nelle varie città che hanno iniziato ad introdurre la regolamentazione della sosta. Sempre nel secondo capitolo saranno quindi presentate le linee guida europee nell’ambito dei parcheggi e si analizzeranno casi di “Best Practices” di alcuni Paesi che hanno introdotto provvedimenti per la gestione della sosta. Nel terzo capitolo invece viene considerata la situazione in Italia parlando in principio di Aipark, l’associazione italiana operatori nel settore dei parcheggi che partecipa alle attività dell’Epa e prendendo in esame in seguito le politiche adottate a livello nazionale e nello specifico in alcune tra le più importanti città italiane. Si vedrà come sia ancora troppo marcata la distanza del nostro Paese dai progressi registrati in altri Paesi dell’UE, con le dovute eccezioni. Per quel che riguarda l’aspetto normativo è significativo il fatto che, nonostante il riconoscimento della forte influenza che le politiche della sosta hanno sulla regolazione del traffico, ci siano ancora molte lacune legislative e che spesso la sosta non compaia tra i soggetti delle leggi in tale settore. La legislazione italiana nell’ambito dei parcheggi verrà analizzata nel quarto capitolo. Successivamente, nei capitoli 5 e 6 si parlerà delle fasi preliminari della redazione del Piano della Sosta di Casalecchio di Reno. Il Piano della Sosta è uno dei Piani Particolareggiati che costituiscono il 2° livello di progettazione del PUT (Piano Urbano del Traffico) e rappresenta uno strumento di pianificazione utile ad analizzare lo stato di fatto del sistema dei parcheggi di una città in modo da coglierne le criticità e fornire eventualmente le soluzioni per ovviare ad esse. Nel quinto capitolo viene effettuato un inquadramento territoriale di Casalecchio e si parlerà delle problematiche della sosta emerse nel PGTU (Piano Generale del Traffico Urbano) che costituisce il progetto preliminare o Piano Quadro del PUT. Le fasi attraverso le quali viene elaborato un Piano della sosta si possono sintetizzare nei seguenti punti: - Studio della normativa nazionale e locale e di esempi significativi di altre realtà nell’ambito della sosta. - Analisi dello stato di fatto in termini di domanda e offerta. - Indagini mediante incontri pubblici, distribuzione di questionari o interviste dirette, per cogliere le esigenze degli utenti che usufruiscono del servizio. - Analisi delle eventuali criticità emerse. - Progettazione del nuovo assetto della sosta. - Campagna di sensibilizzazione per fare “accettare” con più facilità i cambiamenti agli utenti. Nel sesto capitolo di questa tesi, e negli allegati si possono consultare i risultati delle indagini su domanda e offerta condotte da TPS (Transport Planning Service), azienda che svolge attività di pianificazione e progettazione, di fornitura software, oltre che indagini e rilievi nell’ambito dei trasporti. Verranno descritte le modalità di rilievo e verranno presentati i risultati ottenuti dall’elaborazione dei dati raccolti, con qualche accenno alle possibili soluzioni per risolvere le problematiche emerse. La fase di progettazione vera e propria degli interventi non verrà invece trattata in questa sede.
Der Begriff "Bannerwolke" bezeichnet ein eindrucksvolles Phänomen aus dem Bereich der Gebirgsmeteorologie. Bannerwolken können gelegentlich im Hochgebirge im Bereich steiler Bergspitzen oder langgezogener Bergrücken, wie z.B. dem Matterhorn in den Schweizer Alpen oder dem Zugspitzgrat in den Bayrischen Alpen beobachtet werden. Der Begriff bezeichnet eine Banner- oder Fahnen-ähnliche Wolkenstruktur, welche an der windabgewandten Seite des Berges befestigt zu sein scheint, während die windzugewandte Seite vollkommen wolkenfrei ist. Bannerwolken fanden bislang, trotz ihres relativ häufigen Auftretens in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur kaum Beachtung. Entsprechend wenig ist über ihren Entstehungsmechanismus und insbesondere die relative Bedeutung dynamischer gegenüber thermodynamischer Prozesse bekannt. In der wissenschaftlichen Literatur wurden bislang 3 unterschiedliche Mechanismen postuliert, um die Entstehung von Bannerwolken zu erklären. Demnach entstehen Bannerwolken durch (a) den Bernoulli-Effekt, insbesondere durch die lokale adiabatische Kühlung hervorgerufen durch eine Druckabnahme entlang quasi-horizontal verlaufender, auf der windzugewandten Seite startender Trajektorien, (b) durch isobare Mischung bodennaher kälterer Luft mit wärmerer Luft aus höheren Schichten, oder (c) durch erzwungene Hebung im aufsteigenden Ast eines Leerotors. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, ein besseres physikalisches Verständnis für das Phänomen der Bannerwolke zu entwickeln. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt auf dem dominierenden Entstehungsmechanismus, der relativen Bedeutung dynamischer und thermodynamischer Prozesse, sowie der Frage nach geeigneten meteorologischen Bedingungen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein neues Grobstruktursimulations (LES)-Modell entwickelt, welches geeignet ist turbulente, feuchte Strömungen in komplexem Terrain zu untersuchen. Das Modell baut auf einem bereits existierenden mesoskaligen (RANS) Modell auf. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das neue Modell ausführlich gegen numerische Referenzlösungen und Windkanal-Daten verglichen. Die wesentlichen Ergebnisse werden diskutiert, um die Anwendbarkeit des Modells auf die vorliegende wissenschaftliche Fragestellung zu überprüfen und zu verdeutlichen. Die Strömung über eine idealisierte pyramidenförmige Bergspitze wurde für Froude-Zahlen Fr >> 1 sowohl auf Labor- als auch atmosphärischer Skala mit und ohne Berücksichtigung der Feuchtephysik untersucht. Die Simulationen zeigen, dass Bannerwolken ein primär dynamisches Phänomen darstellen. Sie entstehen im Lee steiler Bergspitzen durch dynamisch erzwungene Hebung. Die Simulationen bestätigen somit die Leerotor-Theorie. Aufgrund des stark asymmetrischen, Hindernis-induzierten Strömungsfeldes können Bannerwolken sogar im Falle horizontal homogener Anfangsbedingungen hinsichtlich Feuchte und Temperatur entstehen. Dies führte zu der neuen Erkenntnis, dass zusätzliche leeseitige Feuchtequellen, unterschiedliche Luftmassen in Luv und Lee, oder Strahlungseffekte keine notwendige Voraussetzung für die Entstehung einer Bannerwolke darstellen. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Bannerwolkenbildung steigt mit zunehmender Höhe und Steilheit des pyramidenförmigen Hindernisses und ist in erster Näherung unabhängig von dessen Orientierung zur Anströmung. Simulationen mit und ohne Berücksichtigung der Feuchtephysik machen deutlich, dass thermodynamische Prozesse (insbes. die Umsetzung latenter Wärme) für die Dynamik prototypischer (nicht-konvektiver) Bannerwolken zweitrangig ist. Die Verstärkung des aufsteigenden Astes im Lee und die resultierende Wolkenbildung, hervorgerufen durch die Freisetzung latenter Wärme, sind nahezu vernachlässigbar. Die Feuchtephysik induziert jedoch eine Dipol-ähnliche Struktur im Vertikalprofil der Brunt-Väisälä Frequenz, was zu einem moderaten Anstieg der leeseitigen Turbulenz führt. Es wird gezeigt, dass Gebirgswellen kein entscheidendes Ingredienz darstellen, um die Dynamik von Bannerwolken zu verstehen. Durch eine Verstärkung der Absinkbewegung im Lee, haben Gebirgswellen lediglich die Tendenz die horizontale Ausdehnung von Bannerwolken zu reduzieren. Bezüglich geeigneter meteorologischer Bedingungen zeigen die Simulationen, dass unter horizontal homogenen Anfangsbedingungen die äquivalentpotentielle Temperatur in der Anströmung mit der Höhe abnehmen muss. Es werden 3 notwendige und hinreichende Kriterien, basierend auf dynamischen und thermodynamischen Variablen vorgestellt, welche einen weiteren Einblick in geeignete meteorologische Bedingungen geben.
Im Rahmen meiner Dissertation wurde ein 3He-Applikationssystem für die in-vivo 3He-Magnetresonanztomographie der Lunge von Ratten entwickelt. Im Gegensatz zu anderen bisher entwickelten MR-kompatiblen Beatmungsgeräten wurde in diesem Applikationssystem erstmals der polarisationserhaltende ³He-Langzeitspeicher im Streufeld des Tomographen integriert. Bei der 3He-Applikation wird das 3He-Gas automatisch aus dem Langzeitspeicher außerhalb des Magneten zum Tier in den Tomographen geleitet. Die Kernspin-Polarisationsverluste, die beim 3He-Transfer zum Tier in den Tomographen auftreten, betragen etwa 1% (rel.) und sind vernachlässigbar gering. Das Beatmungssystem wurde zusammen mit der MRT-Bildgebungssequenz COMSPIRA an mehr als 200 Tieren erfolgreich getestet. Die MRT-Aufnahmen fanden hauptsächlich an einem 0,47 T Niederfeldtomographen bei der Firma Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharma in Biberach statt. Es wurden sowohl morphologische Aufnahmen der Rattenlunge gemacht als auch der „Apparent Diffusion Coefficient“ (ADC) gemessen. Die relative Streuung der ADC-Werte innerhalb einer Gruppe von Tieren ähnlichen Alters und Gewichts betrug dabei 5%. Bei Wiederholungsmessungen an ein und demselben Tier verringerte sich die relative Streuung auf 1%. Diese Werte unterstreichen die hohe Reproduzierbarkeit des Beatmungssystems sowie des gesamten Messverfahrens. Weiterhin wurde ein Verfahren vorgestellt, das den experimentell bestimmten ADC unabhängig von dem Mischungsverhältnis zwischen dem applizierten 3He und der Atemluft in der Lunge macht. Dies kann erreicht werden, indem das hp 3He mit dem chemisch inerten und ungiftigen Gas SF6 in einem definierten Verhältnis gemischt wird und anschließend dem Tier appliziert wird. Zuletzt wurde der ADC von emphysematischen Rattenlungen und von gesunden Rattenlungen gemessen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten einen signifikant kleineren ADC innerhalb der Gruppe der erkrankten Tiere. Diese Dissertation wurde durch die Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG unterstützt.
Sistema di segnalazione automatica posti auto su strada. Implementato per Android con tecniche di apprendimento automatico supervisionato e Bluetooth per realizzare un'applicazione Context-Aware.
Questa tesi si pone l'obiettivo di esplorare alcuni aspetti di uno dei settori più in crescita in questi anni (e nei prossimi) in ambito informatico: \textbf{Internet of Things}, con un occhio rivolto in particolar modo a quelle che sono le piattaforme di sviluppo disponibili in questo ambito. Con queste premesse, si coglie l'occasione per addentrarsi nella scoperta della piattaforma realizzata e rilasciata da pochi mesi da uno dei colossi del mercato IT: Microsoft. Nel primo capitolo verrà trattato Internet of Things in ambito generale, attraverso una panoramica iniziale seguita da un'analisi approfondita dei principali protocolli sviluppati per questa tecnologia. Nel secondo capitolo verranno elencate una serie di piattaforme open source disponibili ad oggi per lo sviluppo di sistemi IoT. Dal terzo capitolo verrà incentrata l'attenzione sulle tecnologie Microsoft, in particolare prima si tratterà Windows 10 in generale, comprendendo \emph{UWP Applications}. Di seguito, nel medesimo capitolo, sarà focalizzata l'attenzione su Windows IoT Core, esplorandolo dettagliatamente (Windows Remote Arduino, Modalità Headed/Headless, etc.). Il capitolo a seguire concernerà la parte progettuale della tesi, comprendendo lo sviluppo del progetto \textbf{Smart Parking} in tutte le sue fasi (dei Requisiti fino ad Implementazione e Testing). Nel quinto (ed ultimo) capitolo, saranno esposte le conclusioni relative a Windows IoT Core e i suoi vantaggi/svantaggi.
Human development causes degradation of stream ecosystems due to impacts on channel morphology, hydrology, and water quality. Urbanization, the second leading cause of stream impairment, increases the amount of impervious surface cover, thus reducing infiltration and increasing surface runoff of precipitation, which ultimately affects stream hydrologic process and aquatic biodiversity. The main objective of this study was to assess the overall health of Miller Run, a small tributary of the Bull Run and Susquehanna River watersheds, through an integrative hydrologic and water quality approach in order to determine the degree of Bucknell University’s impact on the stream. Hydrologic conditions, including stage and discharge, and water quality conditions, including total suspended solids, ion, nutrient, and dissolved metal concentrations, specific conductivity, pH, and temperature, were measured and evaluated at two sampling sites (upstream and downstream of Bucknell’s main campus) during various rain events from September 2007 to March 2008. The primary focus of the stream analysis was based on one main rain event on 26 February 2008. The results provided evidence that Miller Run is impacted by Bucknell’s campus. From a hydrologic perspective, the stream’s hydrograph showed the exact opposite pattern of what would be expected from a ‘normal’ stream. Miller run had a flashier downstream hydrograph and a broader upstream hydrograph, which was more than likely due to the increased amount of impervious surface cover throughout the downstream half of the watershed. From a water quality perspective, sediment loads increased at a faster rate and were significantly higher downstream compared to upstream. These elevated sediment concentrations were probably the combined result of sediment runoff from upstream and downstream construction sites that were being developed over the course of the study. Sodium, chloride, and potassium concentrations, in addition to specific conductivity, also significantly increased downstream of Bucknell’s campus due to the runoff of road salts. Calcium and magnesium concentrations did not appear to be impacted by urbanization, although they did demonstrate a significant dilution effect downstream. The downstream site was not directly affected by elevated nitrate concentrations; however, soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations tended to increase downstream and ammonium concentrations significantly peaked partway through the rain event downstream. These patterns suggest that Miller Run may be impacted by nutrient runoff from the golf course, athletic fields, and/or fertilizers applications on the main campus. Dissolved manganese and iron concentrations also appeared to slightly increase downstream, demonstrating the affect of urban runoff from roads and parking lots. pH and temperature both decreased farther downstream, but neither showed a significant impact of urbanization. More studies are necessary to determine how Miller Run responds to changes in season, climate, precipitation intensity, and land-use. This study represents the base-line analysis of Miller Run’s current hydrologic and water quality conditions; based on these initial findings, Bucknell should strongly consider modifications to improve storm water management practices and to reduce the campus’s overall impact on the stream in order to enhance and preserve the integrity of its natural water resources.
Slovenia is considered to be one of the most successful Central and Eastern European countries undergoing the process of transition. It has a high GDP per capita (the highest in the Visegrad group) amounting to about 7200 US dollars (at the exchange rates pertaining during Ms. Stropnik's research). In 1994, a low rate of inflation, a low level of public debt and almost balanced public finances, were all positive elements. However, there is a darker side, for instance the dramatic increase in unemployment and (somewhat less dramatic) fall in production during the transition period. This analysis aimed to provide insights into what is actually happening at the household level, since households are the ultimate bearers of macroeconomic and social change. The final output totalled 166 pages in English and Slovenian, available also on disc. The income concept used by Ms. Stropnik is that of the disposable (monetary) household income, i.e. the cash income of all household members - including social security transfers and family benefits, and the net sum of taxes and social security contributions - plus the equivalent of domestic production, used in the household. Non-monetary income sources, such as household own production, benefits in kind, subsidies for goods and services, and fringe benefits, were not taken into account. The concept of relative and objective poverty was followed. Poverty means having less than others in society, it is a state of relative deprivation. Objective aspects of the situation, e.g. command over resources (i.e. the household income) and the relative position of the household in the income distribution, determine who is poor and who is not. Changes in household composition - an increase in the number of pensioners, unemployed and self-employed, concomitant with a large decrease in the number of employees - obviously played a part in the changing structure of household income sources during this period. The overall decrease in the share of wages and salaries from primary employment in 1993 is to be observed in all income deciles. On the other hand, the importance of salaries gained from secondary employment has increased in all deciles. The lower seven deciles experienced a sharp rise in the share of social benefits in the period 1988-1993, mostly because of the increase in the number of persons entitled to claim unemployment benefits. In Slovenia, income inequality has increased considerably during the 1988-1993 period. To make matters worse, the large increase in income inequality occurred in a period of falling real incomes. In 1983 the bottom decile disposed of 3.8 percent and the top decile disposed of 23.4 percent of total monetary income in Slovenia, whereas by 1993 the same statistics revealed 3.1 percent and 18.9 percent respectively. Unemployment greatly increases the risk of living in poverty. In 1993, 35 per cent of all unemployed persons in Slovenia were living in the lowest income quintile. Ms. Stropnik found certain features that were specific to Slovenia and not shared by most countries in transition. For example, the relative income position of pensioners has improved. Retirement did not increase the risk of poverty in 1993 as much as it did in 1983 and 1988. Also, it appears that children have not been particularly hard-hit by the transition upheavals. The incidence of poverty amongst children has not increased in the period 1983-1993. Children were also fairly evenly distributed across income quintiles. In 1983, 11.8 percent of households with children aged 18 or less were poor. In 1993, this figure was 8.4 per cent. On the other hand, poor households with children were, in comparison with other households of the same type, poorer in 1993 than in 1983. Ms. Stropnik also analysed the impact of social transfers. Her conclusion was that the level of social transfers prevented them from being successful in alleviating poverty. Family policy transfers (child allowances, child tax allowances, subsidised child care) did, however, contribute to the lowering of income inequality between families with and without children, and amongst families with different numbers of children. Ms. Stropnik is determined that the results of her research be used in the creation of social policy aimed at helping the poor. She quotes Piachaud approvingly: "If the term 'poverty' carries with it the implication and moral imperative that something should be done about it, then the study of poverty is only ultimately justifiable if it influences individual and social attitudes and actions."
As an important Civil Engineering material, asphalt concrete (AC) is commonly used to build road surfaces, airports, and parking lots. With traditional laboratory tests and theoretical equations, it is a challenge to fully understand such a random composite material. Based on the discrete element method (DEM), this research seeks to develop and implement computer models as research approaches for improving understandings of AC microstructure-based mechanics. In this research, three categories of approaches were developed or employed to simulate microstructures of AC materials, namely the randomly-generated models, the idealized models, and image-based models. The image-based models were recommended for accurately predicting AC performance, while the other models were recommended as research tools to obtain deep insight into the AC microstructure-based mechanics. A viscoelastic micromechanical model was developed to capture viscoelastic interactions within the AC microstructure. Four types of constitutive models were built to address the four categories of interactions within an AC specimen. Each of the constitutive models consists of three parts which represent three different interaction behaviors: a stiffness model (force-displace relation), a bonding model (shear and tensile strengths), and a slip model (frictional property). Three techniques were developed to reduce the computational time for AC viscoelastic simulations. It was found that the computational time was significantly reduced to days or hours from years or months for typical three-dimensional models. Dynamic modulus and creep stiffness tests were simulated and methodologies were developed to determine the viscoelastic parameters. It was found that the DE models could successfully predict dynamic modulus, phase angles, and creep stiffness in a wide range of frequencies, temperatures, and time spans. Mineral aggregate morphology characteristics (sphericity, orientation, and angularity) were studied to investigate their impacts on AC creep stiffness. It was found that aggregate characteristics significantly impact creep stiffness. Pavement responses and pavement-vehicle interactions were investigated by simulating pavement sections under a rolling wheel. It was found that wheel acceleration, steadily moving, and deceleration significantly impact contact forces. Additionally, summary and recommendations were provided in the last chapter and part of computer programming codes wree provided in the appendixes.
In this issue...St. Patrick's Church, Glee Club, Parking Committee, Ron Crosby, Coach McAuliffe, Debate Team, M club, Thanksgiving, Butte, Montana
In this issue...Poison Pen letter, Mr. Cliff Laity, school carnival, Butte Mineral and Gem Club, Central Typing Office, Butte, Montana, coffee shop, Petroleum Building
In this issue...E-days, Residence Hall, campus parking, clergy day, Finlen Hotel, Montana Power Company, Coach Simonich, Copper Guards, Bridge Club
in this issue...M Days, Library Museum, Copper Guards, Loretta Peck, Chess Club, table tennis, mine surveying, Cable TV, campus parking, Kangaroo Court, Convocation
In this issue...New Faculty, Orediggers, Anderson-Carlisle, campus parking, cheerleaders, freshman class, Phil Judd, Mineral dressing, Coach Ed Simonich
In this issue...Berkeley Pit, parking permit, Christmas Formal, NASA, Metals Bank, Mrs. Peck, Alumni Coliseum, Park Street, Big M, barrel racing, Sparky McGarry