479 resultados para Fonts castellanes
Typeface design: collaborative work commissioned by Adobe Inc. Published but unreleased. The Adobe Devanagari typefaces were commissioned from Tiro Typeworks and collaboratively designed by Tim Holloway, Fiona Ross and John Hudson, beginning in 2005. The types were officially released in 2009. The design brief was to produce a typeface for modern business communications in Hindi and other languages, to be legible both in print and on screen. Adobe Devanagari was designed to be highly readable in a range of situations including quite small sizes in spreadsheets and in continuous text setting, as well as at display sizes, where the full character of the typeface reveals itself. The construction of the letters is based on traditional penmanship but possesses less stroke contrast than many Devanagari types, in order to maintain strong, legible forms at smaller sizes. To achieve a dynamic, fluid style the design features a rounded treatment of distinguishing terminals and stroke reversals, open counters that also aid legibility at smaller sizes, and delicately flaring strokes. Together, these details reveal an original hand and provide a contemporary approach that is clean, clear and comfortable to read whether in short or long passages of text. This new approach to a traditional script is intended to counter the dominance of rigid, staccato-like effects of straight verticals and horizontals in earlier types and many existing fonts. OpenType Layout features in the fonts provide both automated and discretionary access to an extensive glyph set, enabling sophisticated typography. Many conjuncts preferred in classical literary texts and particularly in some North Indian languages are included; these literary conjuncts may be substituted by specially designed alternative linear forms and fitted half forms. The length of the ikars—ि and ी—varies automatically according to adjacent letter or conjunct width. Regional variants of characters and numerals (e.g. Marathi forms) are included as alternates. Careful attention has been given to the placements of all vowel signs and modifiers. The fonts include both proportional and tabular numerals in Indian and European styles. Extensive kerning covers several thousand possible combinations of half forms and full forms to anticipate arbitrary conjuncts in foreign loan words. _____
Dictionary compilers and designers use punctuation to structure and clarify entries and to encode information. Dictionaries with a relatively simple structure can have simple typography, and simple punctuation; as dictionaries grew more complex, and encountered the space constraints of the printed page, complex encoding systems were developed, using punctuation and symbols. Two recent trends have emerged in dictionary design: to eliminate punctuation, and sometimes to use a larger number of fonts, so that the boundaries between elements are indicated by font change, not punctuation.
Readers need to easily discriminate between different letters, so typefaces are designed to make these differences distinctive. But there is also a uniformity of style within a typeface. These styles are recognised by typographic designers and may be categorised to enable more efficient discrimination among typefaces. The manner in which designers perceive typefaces is explored using the paradigm of Categorical Perception (CP). A continuum of fonts is created by interpolating between two typefaces and two tasks (identification and discrimination) are used to test for CP. As the application of CP to typefaces is a new approach, various methodological issues are pursued. The experiments reveal that the conditions required to demonstrate CP are quite specific and CP was only evident in Times and Helvetica and not Garamond and Bodoni. Possible reasons for this difference are the characteristics of the two typefaces and their context of use. Speculation as to the purpose of CP in non-designers raises the under-researched question of how we identify letters in different typefaces when reading.
An exhibition of stencil letters from the 18th century to the present day. Co-curated by Eric Kindel and Fred Smeijers, the exhibition featured a wide selection of stencil letters in the context of historical artefacts, documents and ephemera, including stencil plates and stencilling devices, specimens and catalogues and patent inventions. The exhibition also introduced a series of new stencil fonts designed by Maurice Göldner, Pierre Pané-Farré and Fred Smeijers. The design of each font made reference to and was informed by the historical material.
Fiona Ross, Tim Holloway (co-designers) were commissioned by the renowned newspaper and publishing house Anandabazar Patrika (ABP) to design a new low-contrast typeface in a contemporary style for print and screen use in its publications. Ross and Holloway designed ABP's Bengali house typeface (Linotype Bengali - the first digital Bengali font) that has been in daily use in its newspaper since 1982. The design team was augmented by Neelakash Kshetrimayum; OpenType production undertaken by John Hudson. This Bengali typeface is the first fully functional OpenType design for the script. It demonstrates innovative features that resolve problems which hitherto hindered the successful execution of low-contrast Bengali text fonts: this connecting script of over 450 characters has deep verticals, spiralling strokes, wide characters, and intersecting ascenders. The new design has solutions to overcome the necessity to implement wide interlinear spacing and sets more words to the line than has yet been possible. This project therefore combines the use of aesthetic, technical and linguistic skills and is highly visible in newspapers of the largest newspaper group and publishing house in West Bengal in print and on-line. The design and development of Sarkar has positive implications for other non-Latin script designs, just as the Linotype Bengali typeface formed the blueprint for new non-Latin designs three decades ago. Sarkar was released on 31 August 2012 with the launch of Anandabazar Patirka's new newspaper Ebela.
Text designers are likely to benefit from guidance on how to use typographic differentiation for emphasis. Three experiments use purposely-designed fonts to explore the size and nature of differences in the stylistic characteristics of fonts (weight, width, contrast, italic) which affect letter identification. Results indicate that words set in bold and expanded fonts, when alternated with words set in a Neutral test font, may impair performance, whereas changing to italic does not. Possible explanations are explored through measuring the physical and perceptual similarities of the test fonts.
A strong brand can help a company to be easier to recognize and be remembered by their customers. Part of branding is to create a visual appearance which is called a graphic profile and contains information on for instance a logo, colours or typography.The objective of this thesis was to create a graphic profile for Stjørdal Tannhelsesenter that could serve as a base for a brand work in the future. It was important to analyze how the clinic wants to be perceived and how it is perceived today. The methods used to carry out this study were questionnaires, researches and a focus group.The work resulted in the generation of a graphic profile that included a new logo, colours, decorative elements, fonts, templates for stationery, business card / badge, imagery, and examples of some publications.According to the test which was made to examine the results of the project showed that I was successful and that the new design meets all the requests from the previous questionnaires.
The Amharic language is the Official language of over 70 million people mainly in Ethiopia. An extensive literature survey and the government report reveal no single Amharic character recognition is found in the country. The Amharic script has 33 basic characters each with seven orders giving 310 distinct characters, including numbers and punctuation symbols. The characters are visually similar; there is a typeface, but no capitalization. Beside this there is no any standard font to use the language in the computer but they use different fonts developed by different stakeholders without keeping a standard on their own way and interest and this create a problem of incompatibility between different fonts and documents.This project is to investigate the reason why Amharic optical character recognition is not addressed by local and international researchers and developers and finally to develop Amharic optical character recognition uses the features and facilities of Microsoft windows Vista or 7 using Unicode standard.
Idag använder allt fler människor sina smartphones för att surfa och använda tjänster online. Detta innebär att en stor del text läses på små skärmar. Detta arbete handlar om hur text bäst utformas och struktureras för att enklast kunna läsas och uppfattas på en mobilskärm. Faktorer som berörs är typgrad, ljusrum, textlängd, teckensnittsklass, radlängd, bild i text och kontrastverkan. Arbetet utgår från en normativ, svensk person utan funktionsnedsättningar. Arbetet är grundat på litteratur, egna analyser, intervjuer med branschfolk, enkätundersökning och test med fokusgrupp. Resultatet blev att en text på smartphone bäst utformas med flera styckesindelningar i form av blankrader, med bilder där bilden tillför något i informativt syfte och textlängd baserat på ämneskategori. Bilden bör sättas ovanför brödtexten. Längre texter ska sättas med scrollfunktion. Kontrast har stor betydelse på mobiltelefoner, texter går bra att läsa även när de är satta negativt. Teckensnittsklass är enligt resultatet av denna rapport inte av betydelse. Både seriff och sanserif kan läsas utan problem på smartphones. Typgraden bör förstoras något i förhållande till telefonens default-inställningar. På grund av att text på skärm inte stödjer avstavningar rekommenderas korta ord där det är möjligt för att förhindra en allt för hackig högerkant.
E ste estudo foi motivado pelo sentimento de que o alto custo tínanceiro que se verifica em várias pequenas empresas é, pelo menos em parte. relacionado com a precariedade dos controles administrativos e das infOlmaç õc s contábeis que deveriam suportar a tomada de decisões diárias de seus respectivos gestores. O objetivo desta dissertação é estudar as conseqüênc ias para as pequenas empresas brasileiras de uma má administração de reeursos financeiros, causadas principalmente pela informalidade do negócio e pela precariedade de informações contábeis uti lizadas na tomada de decisões. Partindo-se de pesquisas que mostram a elevada taxa de mortalidade em pequenos negóeios no Brasil e suas principais causas, faz-se nesta dissertação uma descrição sumária dos pri ncipais aspectos teóri cos que envolvem a administração financeira e o processo contábil de geração de informação, além de um estudo sobre as principais fontes de captação de recursos disponíveis para as pequenas empresas e o custo dessas operações.
Praticas na midia social se refere a vista ou a percepcao de uma marca nao so com base em suas ofertas e servicos, mas tambem sobre seus valores e cultura como percebido principalmente pelos consumidores. As organizacoes podem utilizer a imagem que é interessante e aceitavel para os clients. Nos ultimos anos, uma das formas que as organizacoes de forma consistente comercializar ou publicitar a sua marca envolve midias sociais. O ojetivo deste estudo é explorer quais sao as praticas de midia social no negocio de educacao de viagens. Para obter os dados, a pesquisadora entrevistou pessoas de seis empresas de educacao de viagens e cotejadas informacoes sobre o tema a partir de fonts primarias e secundarias existentes. O pesquisador conduziu a pesquisa para determiner praticas de marketing de midia social em que se aplicam nos sectores do turismo e educacao. Com base nos dados obtidos pelo pesquisador, as praticas de marketing de midia social incluem a utilizacao de plataformas de midia social com um alcance internacional generalizada tipo Facebook, Twitter, Instagram e YouTube. Outra estratégia é para postar constantemente as atualizações que não são apenas interessante, mas também informativo sobre os produtos e serviços oferecidos por uma marca ou organização. As empresas ou organizações devem também interagir com os clientes ou clientes on-line, a fim de manter os interesses deste último em ofertas e serviços da ex. O envolvimento do cliente é uma das razões por que os clientes optam por seguir as empresas on-line através da mídia social. A pesquisa também revela outras vantagens e benefícios da mídia social que constituem as melhores práticas, tais como a conversão de não-clientes para os clientes, o aumento da presença da mídia para aumentar a popularidade, a comunicação eficaz das metas e objetivos organizacionais, bem como a formação de um bom relacionamento com os clientes. As organizações também podem usar turístico criado conteúdo (TCC) e outros tipos de conteúdo para orientar a tomada de decisão no desenvolvimento do produto gerado pelo usuário.
This study aims to acknowledge the domain level and influence of the neuromarketing construct. This is done considering professionals at advertising agencies in Brazil. The presence of concepts related to this new approach is very little divulged, and there are little analysis performed on this area. Thus, the research is of qualitative and exploratory nature and used as primary fonts books, articles related to marketing, neuroscience, and psychology as well as secondary fonts. A profound interview was realized aiming the main advertising agencies in Brazil. The public was composed by managers responsible for planning. A content analysis was performed afterwards. The advances related to the brain science have permitted the development of technological innovation. These go primarily towards knowledge and unconscious experiences of consumers, which are responsible for the impulse of decision making and consumer behavior. These issues are related to Neuromarketing, that in turn, uses techniques such as FMRI, PET and FDOT. These scan the consumer s brain and produces imagines on the neuron s structures and functioning. This is seen while activities such as mental tasks for the visualization of brands, images or products, watching videos and commercials are performed. It is observed that the agencies are constantly in search of new technologies and are aware of the limitations of the current research instruments. On the other hand, they are not totally familiar with concepts related to neuromarketing. In relation to the neuroimage techniques it is pointed out by the research that there is full unawareness, but some agencies seem to visualize positive impacts with the use of these techniques for the evaluation of films and in ways that permit to know the consumer better. It is also seen that neuroimage is perceived as a technique amongst others, but its application is not real, there are some barriers in the market and in the agencies itself. These barriers as well as some questioning allied to the scarce knowledge of neuromarketing, make it not possible to be put into practice in the advertising market. It is also observed that even though there is greater use of neuromarketing; there would not be any meaningful changes in functioning and structuring of these agencies. The use of the neuro-image machines should be done in research institutes and centers of big companies. Results show that the level of domain of the neuromarketing construct in the Brazilian advertising agencies is only a theoretical one. Little is known of this subject and the neurological studies and absolutely nothing of neuroimage techniques
The inclusion of local suppliers in production chains has considerable impact on its performance, but most notably in its main actors. The results of this process may be of different kinds and can be analyzed from economic or institutional approaches. This study aimed to verify the existence of different performances of Petrobras due to the inclusion of local suppliers in the oil and gas production chain in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the viewpoints of transaction costs and the Institutional Theory. In order to this, were made the characterization of the PROMINP, the description of its actions and results, the mapping of its institutional context of reference, and identification of results obtained by Petrobras in terms of transaction costs and legitimacy. The theoretical framework is based on authors dealing with industrial concentration, as like Marshall, Krugman, Porter and Schmitz, from the sociological perspective of neoinstitucional theory, as like DiMaggio and Powell and Scott and Meyer, and transaction costs, as like Williamson. This is a qualitative research, with data collection done by consulting secondary fonts and semi-structured interviews with nineteen actors of three groups, namely: actors involved in actions of the program, representatives of enterprises and representative of Petrobras. To analyze the content was used the Suchman s model (1995) for categories associated with strategies of legitimation and fourteen variables associated with the three variables assets specificity, bounded rationality and opportunism (Williamson, 1995, 1989) in the case of transaction costs. The results indicate that PROMINP has achieved its objectives by encouraging the increased participation of local companies in the oil and gas production chain, reflecting in the economic development of the state. The Redepetro/RN, fostered and built upon the interaction of the participants, is presented as a solution of continuity to the participation of enterprises in the chain, after the closure of the actions of the program. PROMINP demands responses to coercive, legislative and regulatory pressures of the organizational field, whose institutional context of reference is wide. From the point of view of legitimacy, through strategies to gain cognitive legitimacy and maintaining pragmatic legitimacy, Petrobras can manipulate the environment, ensuring the compliance of the constituents to their technical and institutional demands. Enterprises, in turn, respond to the demands through compliance with technical demands, mainly through the certification of processes, and cultural changes. There aren t clear gains related to the transaction costs, however, gains in legitimacy can be seen as a cumulative capital that can serve as a competitive differential that generates economic gains. In terms of theoretical findings, it was found that, due to its explanatory power for actions that are difficult to explain only in economic terms, Institutional Theory may be used as theoretical support concurrent with other theories. TCE model has limitations in explaining the program actions. In the case, it s emphasized that Petrobras doesn t seek only economic efficiency, but has in its mission the commitment to social development.
The freedom of social communication referred to those freedoms exercised under of the media. The journalism is professional activity responsible for factual information, real, pluralistic and of the public interest, directed diffusely to social orientation. The right of the information, characterized as diffuse right or of fruition by uncertain and numerous holders, is subdivided in the right of the inform, inform yourself and right to be informed. The journalists, as occupants of a enlarged spectrum concerning of right of the inform, have responsibility for the information they disseminate, devoir that puts on the basis of the constitutional right to be informed. This duty is divided with journalistic companies, when them realized. In the research, examined the existence of constitutional guarantees the right to be informed. To answer the question, realized research to support bibliographical and documentary. The guaranty is a empirical preoccupation coated with legality, since lends itself effect concretize a right. Traced so a panel of guarantees of institutional imprint, substantive and procedural. Treating of the institutional guarantees the right to information, it would refer to true institutions (as the free press) and may begin subjective rights. In the case of substantial guarantees, we would have access to information, the confidentiality of the fonts and the incensurable feature of journalistic information. A guarantee peculiar would be constitution of bodies responsible for monitoring the quality of the vehicles of communication. Trace it also a panel strict of procedural safeguards, such as public civil action, the security s warrant, and the rights of petition and answer.
This study aims to reconstruct the story of Education of the School called Desembargador Vicente de Lemos in the city of Senador Elói de Souza in Rio Grande do Norte in Natal- Brazil. This is done considering activities that were realized by the teacher Anália Maciel. Since the worl deals with an investigation that is related to Cultural History field, the research emphasized the school as well as the presence of female teachers, in particular Anália Maciel. Concepts present in the work of Chartier (1990), Burke (1992), Le Goff (1992) and Morais (2002) were used in order to comprehend the transformation process in which local schools have been through. This is also done considering the state educational actions of behalf of the teacher. The documental fonts regarded available records such as Governmental correspondence, Law and Decrees. The information fonts used were available at the The Geographical and Historical Institute of Rio Grande do Norte as well as the State s Public Archive. Other information fonts were newspapers such as A República, Diário de Natal and Tribuna do Norte. Some people that were contemporary with the teacher and were there when the school was created were interviewed. Discourses from the decades of 1930 and 1940 were analyzed. The research was guided by the History of Education and Scholar Institution field of analysis. The research also allows to reflect on the pedagogical practices of the time and permits to understand a past-still present -as well as all the development of process that the education went through in the historical context of the city of Senador Elói de Souza. It was also possible to acknowledge that the creation of the school represented thoroughly a landmark in the education in this city and it contributed in a determinant manner for the formation of the students