991 resultados para Fishes -- Ecology
A computer program has been written in order to generate a population of fishes following a Von Bertalanffy growth curve with a random Gaussian variability for birth dates and growth parameters K and L ∞. Standard deviations for these 3 parameters are chosen separately for each run. Fishing and natural mortalities are applied to this population. Using as an input parameters usually taken for yellowfin in the eastern Atlantic, the simulation suggests a standard deviation between 1 and 2 months for the birth dates in this population. It also indicates that increasing levels of fishing mortalities must produce a better agreement between age and length for the larger fish.
An attempt was made to calculate zooplankton production from weights and settled volumes and from the life cycle of some copepods. Biomass data were recorded during several years from 24 monthly cruises and from a coastal station sampled biweekly. Dry weight data were directly measured or were calculated from the settled volumes using a linear regression. They range, on an average, from 0.965 to 5.56 g m-2 day-1 from the shore line to the edge of the continental shelf. The mean life-span of the cohorts of 12 species of copepods is about 20 days. It is assumed that only 1 spawn occurs per generation-time and that the standing stock is turned-over during the life span of a cohort. The production ranges from 48.2 to 278 mg dry weight m-2 day-1 or 17.9 to 103 mg C m-2 day-1, according to the depth of the studied areas. One third of carnivorous production occurs among the copepods. So, it is assumed that the herbivorous and omnivorous production is about 2/3 of the total zooplanktonic production. This would be a more accurate estimate of secondary production. The standing stock of zooplankton and fishes are in the same order of magnitude; the ratio zooplanktonic production/total fishery is 0.8%.
Elops lacerta is a juvenil's predator of all the fish species living in the same biotope. its preys follow three systematic orders: 1 - Fishes: they are the most important in the stomachal contents of Elops lacerta, and are dominated by clupeidae, mainly by Ethmalosa fimbriata; 2 - Shrimps: mainly the Peneidae, are not very important; 3 - Molluscs: they are the less important preys and are represented by only one Pelecypoda family: the Corbulidae. This earlier predator feeds rather at night than during the day. It has neither preferential prey nor apparent seasonal variations in its food habits.
The European grayling, Thymallus thymallus, is a highly under-rated freshwater fish, particularly in the United Kingdom. As such, little scientific research has been conducted on its biology, ecology or specific management plans, in comparison to the related species, salmon, Salmo salar L. and brown trout, Salm.o trutta trutta L. or the nearest relative to T. thymallus, the Arctic grayling, Thymallus arcticus (Walbaum), whose life history has been well documented in view of its high ranking by anglers, as a game fish. However, the importance of sound scientific research cannot be over stressed for this species, which can potentially provide an excellent fishery and source of income in salmonid depauparate rivers. The aim of this report therefore, is to review all available information on the biology, ecology and management of the European grayling, T. thymallus, incorporating findings for T. arcticus to bridge subjects where the literature is scarce, and propose management strategies for T. thymallus in the United Kingdom, bridge subjects where the literature is scarce, and propose management strategies for T. thymallus in the UK.
Entender processos que envolvem a interação entre zona ripária e sistemas aquáticos é de fundamental importância para o estudo da dinâmica trófica em riachos. Os mecanismos atuantes nessa complexa interação são muitos, mas o estudo dos peixes pode facilitar a estruturação deste conhecimento, pois estes são os principais organismos que interagem com a biota aquática. Neste sentido, o presente estudo avalia a influência da cobertura do dossel ripário sobre a dinâmica trófica da espécie de lambari B. microcephalus em duas localidades no córrego Andorinha, Ilha Grande-RJ, através da análise da dieta, seletividade de presas e comportamento alimentar. Os dados obtidos e as análises realizadas sugerem que a espécie possui dieta onívora, muito influenciada pela cobertura de dossel e pouco sucetível a mudanças sazonais. Esta variação na dinâmica trófica é percebida em todos os aspectos observados, sugerindo uma marcada plasticidade que permite o ajuste da alimentação, preferência alimentar e comportamento de forrageio às diferentes condições locais. Este estudo contribui para o reconhecimento do valor da floresta ripária como importante agente estruturador da dinâmica trófica em ambientes aquáticos.
Investigations on the zooplankton in Lake Kariba were carried out as part of a broader programme investigating components of the sardine, Limnothrissa miodon, food chain and factors affecting their productivity. This report deals mainly with the crustacean zooplankton, Bosmina longirostris and Mesocyclops leuckarti, which are the most important species in the sardine's diet. Factors which influence the number and distribution of the zooplankton are discussed. The relationship between the zooplankton and Limnothrissa are also briefly discussed.
The study of the length weight relationships and condition factors of the brackishwater fishes found in Kuala Gigieng was conducted. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the growth patterns and condition factor of the belanak (Mugil cephalus), seriding (Ambassis koopsii) and petek (Leiognathus fasciatus). The sampling was conducted for eight time on July 2011 by using gillnet and castnet. The results showed that the belanak (M. cephalus) and seriding (A. koopsii) have allometric negative growth patten, while the petek (L. fasciatus) has an allometric positive. In addition, the relative weight condition factor’s was higher than 100. And the Fulton’s condition factor were not different significantly among fishes. Indicating the condition of the Kuala Gigeng is relatively in good condition and support fish growth as well.
The aquarium trade and other wildlife consumers are at a crossroads forced by threats from global climate change and other anthropogenic stressors that have weakened coastal ecosystems. While the wildlife trade may put additional stress on coral reefs, it brings income into impoverished parts of the world and may stimulate interest in marine conservation. To better understand the influence of the trade, we must first be able to quantify coral reef fauna moving through it. Herein, we discuss the lack of a data system for monitoring the wildlife aquarium trade and analyze problems that arise when trying to monitor the trade using a system not specifically designed for this purpose. To do this, we examined an entire year of import records of marine tropical fish entering the United States in detail, and discuss the relationship between trade volume, biodiversity and introduction of non-native marine fishes. Our analyses showed that biodiversity levels are higher than previous estimates. Additionally, more than half of government importation forms have numerical or other reporting discrepancies resulting in the overestimation of trade volumes by 27%. While some commonly imported species have been introduced into the coastal waters of the USA (as expected), we also found that some uncommon species in the trade have also been introduced. This is the first study of aquarium trade imports to compare commercial invoices to government forms and provides a means to, routinely and in real time, examine the biodiversity of the trade in coral reef wildlife species.
Many highly exploited ecosystems are managed on the basis of single-species demographic information. This management approach can exacerbate tensions among stakeholders with competing interests who in turn rely on data with notoriously high variance. In this case study, an application of diet and dive survey data was used to describe the prey preference of lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) in a predictive framework on nearshore reefs off Oregon. The lingcod is a large, fast-growing generalist predator of invertebrates and fishes. In response to concerns that lingcod may significantly reduce diminished populations of rockfishes (Sebastes spp.), the diets of 375 lingcod on nearshore reefs along the Oregon Coast were compared with estimates of relative prey availability from dive surveys. In contrast to the transient pelagic fishes that comprised 46% of lingcod diet by number, rockfishes comprised at most 4.7% of prey items. Rockfishes were the most abundant potential prey observed in dive surveys, yet they were the least preferred. Ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) requires information about primary trophic relationships, as well as relative abundance and distribution data for multiple species. This study shows that, at a minimum, predation relative to prey availability must be considered before predator effects can be understood in a management context.
During the last century, the population of Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) in the California Current Ecosystem has exhibited large fluctuations in abundance and migration behavior. From approximately 1900 to 1940, the abundance of sardine reached 3.6 million metric tons and the “northern stock” migrated from offshore of California in the spring to the coastal areas near Oregon, Washington, and Vancouver Island in the summer. In the 1940s, the sardine stock collapsed and the few remaining sardine schools concentrated in the coastal region off southern California, year-round, for the next 50 years. The stock gradually recovered in the late 1980s and resumed its seasonal migration between regions off southern California and Canada. Recently, a model was developed which predicts the potential habitat for the northern stock of Pacific sardine and its seasonal dynamics. The habitat predictions were successfully validated using data from sardine surveys using the daily egg production method; scientific trawl surveys off the Columbia River mouth; and commercial sardine landings off Oregon, Washington, and Vancouver Island. Here, the predictions of the potential habitat and seasonal migration of the northern stock of sardine are validated using data from “acoustic–trawl” surveys of the entire west coast of the United States during the spring and summer of 2008. The estimates of sardine biomass and lengths from the two surveys are not significantly different between spring and summer, indicating that they are representative of the entire stock. The results also confirm that the model of potential sardine habitat can be used to optimally apply survey effort and thus minimize random and systematic sampling error in the biomass estimates. Furthermore, the acoustic–trawl survey data are useful to estimate concurrently the distributions and abundances of other pelagic fishes.
The small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) (Linnaeus, 1758) and the longnose spurdog (Squalus blainville) (Risso, 1826) are two species occurring in the European and western African continental shelves with a wide geographical distribution. In this study, the diet of S. blainville and S. canicula off the Portuguese western Atlantic coast was investigated in 2006 by collecting monthly samples of these two species from local fishing vessels. In the stomachs of both species, crustaceans and teleosts were the dominant prey items, and molluscs, polychaetes, echinoderms, and sipunculids were found in lower abundance. In S. canicula, urochordate and chondrichthyan species were also observed in stomachs and were classified as accidental prey items. Scyliorhinus canicula consumed a broader group of prey items than did S. blainville. A significant diet overlap was observed, despite both species occupying different depth ranges over the continental shelf. Scyliorhinus canicula exhibited a consistency in diet composition among seasons, sexes, and maturity stages. Nonetheless, for both adults and juveniles, an increase in relative abundance of teleosts in the diet was observed in the spring and summer. This study provides evidence of the importance of S. canicula and S. blainville as benthic and pelagic predators along the western Atlantic coast.
Previous studies indicate that elasmobranch fishes (sharks, skates and rays) detect the Earth’s geomagnetic field by indirect magnetoreception through electromagnetic induction, using their ampullae of Lorenzini. Applying this concept, we evaluated the capture of elasmobranchs in the presence of permanent magnets in hook-and-line and inshore longline fishing experiments. Hooks with neodymium-iron-boron magnets significantly reduced the capture of elasmobranchs overall in comparison with control and procedural control hooks in the hook-and-line experiment. Catches of Atlantic sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae) and smooth dogfish (Mustelus canis) were signif icantly reduced with magnetic hook-and-line treatments, whereas catches of spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) and clearnose skate (Raja eglanteria) were not. Longline hooks with barium-ferrite magnets significantly reduced total elasmobranch capture when compared with control hooks. In the longline study, capture of blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) and southern stingrays (Dasyatis americana) was reduced on magnetic hooks, whereas capture of sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus) was not affected. Teleosts, such as red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus), oyster toadfish (Opsanus tau), black sea bass (Centropristis striata), and the bluefish (Pomatomas saltatrix), showed no hook preference in either hook-and-line or longline studies. These results indicate that permanent magnets, although eliciting species-specific capture trends, warrant further investigation in commercial longline and recreational fisheries, where bycatch mortality is a leading contributor to declines in elasmobranch populations.
Acoustic recorders were used to document black drum (Pogonias cromis) sound production during their spawning season in southwest Florida. Diel patterns of sound production were similar to those of other sciaenid fishes and demonstrated increased sound levels from the late afternoon to early evening—a period that lasted up to 12 hours during peak season. Peak sound production occurred from January through March when water temperatures were between 18° and 22°C. Seasonal trends in sound production matched patterns of black drum reproductive readiness and spawning reported previously for populations in the Gulf of Mexico. Total acoustic energy of nightly chorus events was estimated by integration of the sound pressure amplitude with duration above a threshold based on daytime background levels. Maximum chorus sound level was highly correlated with total acoustic energy and was used to quantitatively represent nightly black drum sound production. This study gives evidence that long-term passive acoustic recordings can provide information on the timing and location of black drum reproductive behavior that is similar to that provided by traditional, more costly methods. The methods and results have broad application for the study of many other fish species, including commercially and recreationally valuable reef fishes that produce sound in association with reproductive behav
Surveys were conducted to evaluate and compare assemblage structure and trophodynamics of ichthyoplankton, and their variability, in an estuarine transition zone. Environmental gradients in the saltfront region of the Patuxent River subestuary, Chesapeake Bay, were hypothesized to define spatiotemporal distributions and assemblages of ichthyoplankton. Larval fishes, zooplankton, and hydrographic data were collected during spring through early summer 2000 and 2001. Larvae of 28 fish species were collected and species richness was similar each year. Total larval abundance was highest in the oligohaline region down-estuary of the salt front in 2000, but highest at the salt front in 2001. Larvae of anadromous fishes were most abundant at or up-estuary of the salt front in both years. Two ichthyoplankton assemblages were distinguished: 1) riverine—characterized predominantly by anadromous species (Moronidae and Alosinae); and 2) estuarine—characterized predominantly by naked goby (Gobiosoma bosc) (Gobiidae). Temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity-associated variables (e.g., salt-front location), and concentrations of larval prey, specifically the calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis and the cladoceran Bosmina longirostris, were important indicators of larval fish abundance. In the tidal freshwater region up-estuary of the salt front, there was substantial diet overlap between congeneric striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and white perch (M. americana) larvae, and also larvae of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) (overlap= 0.71–0.93). Larval abundance, taxonomic diversity, and dietary overlap were highest within and up-estuary of the salt front, which serves to both structure the ichthyoplankton community and control trophic relationships in the estuarine transition zone.
Diet, gastric evacuation rates, daily ration, and population-level prey demand of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) were estimated in the continental shelf waters off North Carolina. Bluefin tuna stomachs were collected from commercial fishermen during the late fall and winter months of 2003–04, 2004–05, and 2005–06. Diel patterns in mean gut fullness values were used to estimate gastric evacuation rates. Daily ration determined from mean gut fullness values and gastric evacuation rates was used, along with bluefin tuna population size and residency times, to estimate population-level consumption by bluefin tuna on Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus). Bluefin tuna diet (n= 448) was dominated by Atlantic menhaden; other teleosts, portunid crabs, and squid were of mostly minor importance. The time required to empty the stomach after peak gut fullness was estimated to be ~20 hours. Daily ration estimates were approximately 2% of body weight per day. At current western Atlantic population levels, bluefin tuna predation on Atlantic menhaden is minimal compared to predation by other known predators and the numbers taken in commercial harvest. Bluefin tuna appear to occupy coastal waters in North Carolina during winter to prey upon Atlantic menhaden. Thus, changes in the Atlantic menhaden stock status or distribution would alter the winter foraging locations of bluefin