995 resultados para Ferguson, Samuel David, 1842-1916.
El present treball es centra en la relaci ó entre Max Reger i Karl Straube i les seves conseqüències interpretatives, tot vinculant-la amb els corrents socials, est ètics i musicals de tot el segle XIX i principis del segle XX. S'avalua el rellevament de la col ·laboració entre compositor i organista, recorrent a expressions i reflexions dels propis protagonistes i de persones properes a ambd ós. La metodologia es basa en l'an àlisi i la comparaci ó de materials editats i aut ògrafs, manuscrits, cartes, i enregistraments amb la finalitat d'aclarir una relaci ó humana, professional i musical de gran envergadura per la hist òria de l'orgue a Alemanya.
Comprend : Historiae encomium... ad Galeacium vice-comitem scriptum ; Clarissimo... viro Reinero Reineccio... principis Brunovicensis etc. historico, in inclyta acad. Julia, amico colendo s. p. d. David Chytraeus ; Historiae et cl. viri Reineri Reineccii genio Arnoldus Freitagius ; De Westphalorum Saxonia et Widechindo Magno etc. Petrus Lotichius Secundus ; In Methodum historicam... Reineri Reineccii Carmen ; De... Widechindo Magno Michael Bojemus
The giant conifer aphids Cinara pinivora (Wilson, 1919) and Cinara atlantica (Wilson, 1919) (Hemiptera, Aphididae) have been observed attacking Pinus spp. in Southern and Southeastern Brazil. The coccinellids, on the other hand, were found feeding on these aphids in the field, which can be regarded as potential biological control agents. The biological cycle and mortality rate of larvae of Cycloneda sanguinea (Linnaeus, 1763) and Hippodamia convergens Guérin-Méneville, 1842 (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) were evaluated using twenty larvae of each predator species fed with nymphs of Cinara. The vials with the insects were kept under 15 ºC, 20 ºC and 25 ºC, with 12h photophase and 70 ± 10% relative humidity. The consumption was evaluated every 24 hours and the nymphs replaced. For C. sanguinea, the egg incubation time was 10.5, 5.0 and 4.0 days; the average larval development period was 33.3, 15.8 and 8.6 days and the larval mortality rate 20%,0% and 15%, respectively at 15 ºC, 20 ºC and 25 ºC. For H. convergens, the larval development time was 41.9, 19.3 and 10.9 days at 15 ºC, 20 ºC and 25 ºC, respectively. The larval mortality rate was 35%, 15% and 0% under the three temperatures. Both species developed adequately when fed nymphs of Cinara, however, C. sanguinea performed better than H. convergens, even at 15 ºC, at which temperature the biological cycles of the coccinellids are prolonged, but the temperature is favorable for the development of Cinara populations in the field.
Titre original : Voltaire, sechs vorträge
Adults and larvae of coccinellids were observed feeding on populations of the giant conifer aphids Cinara spp. on Pinus spp., in Southern Brazil. The objective of this research is to evaluate the consumption capacity of Cycloneda sanguinea (Linnaeus, 1763) and Hippodamia convergens Guérin-Méneville, 1842 (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) on these aphid species, in order to obtain information for biological control programs. Ten larvae of each predator species were fed with aphids of small size (nymphs of 1st and 2nd instars), and 10 with aphids of medium size (nymphs of 3rd and 4th instars), maintained under 15ºC, 20ºC and 25ºC, 12 h photophase and 70 ± 10% relative humidity. The aphids were counted every 24 hours, replacing those that were consumed. The total consumption of Cinara by the larvae of C. sanguinea was not statistically different at the three temperatures: 325.5; 322.2 and 324.8 of small aphids and 121.3; 140.4 and 109.9 of medium ones, respectively at 15ºC, 20ºC and 25ºC. The consumption by H. convergens was higher than by C. sanguinea and increased noticeably with temperature: 444 aphids at 15ºC; 491.3 at 20ºC and 513.3 at 25ºC, considering the small aphids, and 187.1; 205.1 and 216.6 of medium aphids at the three temperatures. The small aphids weigh about half as much as medium ones and were preferred by all larval instars probably because they are easier to manipulate than the large ones. Both predators, especially the 4th instar larvae, showed high consumption capacity on the Cinara nymphs at all temperatures and can be regarded as promising biological control agents.
Este estudo analisa as dinâmicas da imprensa e do jornalismo nos territórios da África Portuguesa (Cabo Verde, Angola, Moçambique, São Tomé e Príncipe e Guiné) ao longo do período colonial, entre 1842-1974. Os papéis desempenhados pelo jornalismo e as características do sistema de imprensa são observados, discutidos e analisados no contexto sociopolítico do império colonial português nos séculos XIX e XX. No estudo das relações entre a imprensa e o império adopta-se uma perspectiva multidisciplinar, na qual dialogam a história, a sociologia e a ciência política, permitindo uma compreensão aprofundada das interacções e interdependências entre a imprensa, o império colonial e os regimes políticos. O estudo de caso da África Portuguesa demonstra que a imprensa e o jornalismo nos cinco territórios apresentaram dinâmicas e características similares no período colonial. A imprensa foi decisiva na afirmação do colonialismo português, mas o jornalismo também contestou e opôs-se e ao projecto imperial. Foi ao longo do colonialismo que a imprensa emergiu, desenvolveu-se e consolidou-se como uma instituição de perfil político e como plataforma dos conflitos sociais.
A compilation of the six sections of David C. Mott's "Abandoned Towns, Villages and Post Offices of Iowa", that was published in the Annals of Iowa: V.17, #6 ,10/1930, pp. 435-465; V.17, #7 ,1/1931, pp. 513-543; V.17, #8 ,4/1931, pp. 578-599; V.18, #1 ,7/1931, pp. 42-69; V.18, #2 ,10/1931, pp. 117-148; V.18, #3 ,1/1932, pp. 189-220. (NOTE: this is a large file and may take a while to download.)