940 resultados para Femoral-neck
Gene therapy aims to treat diseases by introducing genetic material to the diseased tissue. For cancer treatment it is important to destroy cancerous cells; this can be achieved by introducing a gene, which induces cell death or by allowing viral vectors to replicate, which also results in destruction of cancerous cells. For cardiac diseases the approach is more like the former, except the gene produces beneficial effects, like angiogenesis. Adenoviruses have many beneficial qualities, which make the virus an interesting gene therapy vector; it can be produced relatively easily, its manipulation is quite easy and it has naturally broad tropism. By removing or replacing certain genes in the adenoviral genome, it can be made non-replicative. In this study, adenoviral receptor expression patterns were characterized in both head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and the human heart. Adenovirus serotype 5 receptor expression in head and neck cancer cell lines was found to be highly variable between cell lines and overall at lower levels, while Ad35 receptor expression was more uniform and at higher levels in all analyzed cell lines. It was also shown that a hybrid virus Ad5/35 is able to infect cells refractory to Ad5, which correlates with receptor expression in these cells. Furthermore, this difference in infection properties extends to cell killing efficiency in case of conditionally replicative viruses. Expression levels of adenoviral receptors CAR, CD46, CD86 and αv-integrins were found to be high both in normal and dilated cardiomyopathy heart tissue. The receptor levels also correlate with transduction efficiency after intracardiac injection. Ad5 showed superior transduction ability compared with Ad5/35, but evoked also a more profound immune reaction when administered this way. Adenoviral gene therapy vectors are the most used delivery vehicles in clinical trials to date. These vectors have proven to be well tolerated and positive results have been obtained when combined with traditional treatments, although poor transduction efficiency has often been reported due to low-level expression of viral receptors on target cells. In spite of this, the results are encouraging and merit for further research.
The presentation of acute appendicitis in femoral hernia is rare. The gastrointestinal symptons are overshadowed by the local findings. This may lead to delayed diagnosis and complications such as formation of fistula. The authors report a case of a 76-year-old female patient which presented with stercoral fistula after drainage of a right groin abscess ten months earlier.
Osteochondromas are the most common benign tumor of the bone. They are sometimes responsible for vascular complications involving either veins or arteries, principally around the knee. Pseudoaneurysms are considered a rare condition. The authors describe the occurrence of a pseudoaneurysm of the popliteal artery in association with a femoral osteochondroma in a 30-years-old man.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a ocorrência do refluxo da safena magna através da ultrassonografia com Doppler colorido em sujeitos submetidos ao tratamento da insuficiência da junção safeno-femoral por ligadura simples ou por ligadura com secção da crossa. MÉTODOS: foram realizadas 60 operações (45 sujeitos) de varizes com insuficiência da junção safeno-femoral (JSF), pertencentes à classificação clínica do CEAP 2 a 5, que foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos. Um grupo denominado C, com ligadura e secção da crossa, e um grupo denominado L, com ligadura simples sem secção da crossa da veia safena magna. Foi então pesquisada a ocorrência do refluxo da safena magna nos grupos C e L através da ultrassonografia doppler colorida após o tratamento cirúrgico com intervalos de seis meses a um ano. RESULTADOS: dos 60 membros submetidos à abordagem da crossa da safena magna, 57 foram avaliados pela ultrassonografia doppler pós-operatório, pois dois sujeitos (três membros) não retornaram e foram excluídos do estudo. A média de idade foi 54 anos, 93% do sexo feminino e predominância da classificação (CEAP) C2 de 60,5%. Das 57 operações para o tratamento do refluxo da crossa da safena, 43,9% apresentaram refluxo no pós-operatório, sendo 14,1% do grupo C e 29,8% no grupo L (p<0,05). O risco relativo de apresentar refluxo da crossa da safena no grupo L foi 2,03 vezes maior em comparação com o grupo C. CONCLUSÃO: a secção da crossa da safena magna apresenta menos refluxo pós-operatório do que a ligadura simples no tratamento da insuficiência da crossa da veia safena magna.
Objective: To evaluate the safety and tolerability of controlled-release oxycodone in the treatment of postoperative pain of head and neck oncologic resections.Methods: We conducted a prospective, observational and open study, with 83 patients with moderate to severe pain after head and neck oncological operations. All patients received general anesthesia with propofol, fentanyl and sevoflurane. Postoperatively, should they have moderate or severe pain, we began controlled-release oxycodone 20 mg 12/12 b.i.d on the first day and 10 mg b.i.d. on the second. We assessed the frequency and intensity of adverse effects, the intensity of postoperative pain by a verbal numeric scale and the use of rescue analgesia from 12 hours after administration of the drug and between 7 and 13 days after the last oxycodone dose.Results: The most common adverse events were nausea, vomiting, dizziness, pruritus, insomnia, constipation and urinary retention, most mild. No serious adverse events occurred. In less than 12 hours after the use of oxycodone, there was a significant decrease in the intensity of postoperative pain, which remained until the end of the study. The rescue medication was requested at a higher frequency when the opioid dose was reduced, or after its suspension.Conclusion: Controlled release oxycodone showed to be safe and well tolerated and caused a significant decrease in post-operative pain.
ABSTRACTObjective:the study has the intention of evaluate the accuracy of computed tomography for the diagnosis of cervical lesions on penetrating neck trauma and also identify the most frequent mechanisms of trauma. Most injured structures, determine the age range and the most prevalent sex.Methods: observational descriptive retrospective study executed by the systematic retrospective review of medical records of all patients victims of penetrating neck trauma that went through surgery and CT scans, admitted into Hospital do Trabalhador, between January 2009 and December 2013.Results:the final sample was of 30 patients, 96.7% of the male sex, the median age was of 28 years old. Most patients suffered injuries by gun (56.7%) and 33,3% suffered stab wounds. The most stricken area of the neck was Zone II (77.8%) and the left side (55.2%). Regarding the structures injured, the CT showed 6.7% lesions on airways but the surgery showed 40% of damaged, with a value of p=0.002. As to damages of the esophagus and pharynx the CT detected 10% of lesions, while surgery found 30% of lesions, therefore with a significant value of p=0.013. As for the analysis the CT showed reliable. As for the analysis of vascular damage, the CT showed to be, in most cases, reliable to the findings during the surgical act.Conclusion:besides the great use of CT for the diagnosis of penetrating neck injuries we can say that this is an exam with low accuracy for the diagnosis of lesions of aerodigestive tract, therefore it is important a clinical correlation for a good diagnosis.as for the vascular lesions and of other structures, the CT had high sensibility and specificity, thus a good exam to be used in overall.
Objective: to assess the prevalence of abnormalities found by computed tomography (CT) of the chest in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Methods: we retrospectively analyzed chest CT exams of 209 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. The CT findings were stratified as inflammatory / infectious, parenchymal, nodular uncharacteristic and nodular metastatic / tumoral Results: alterations were diagnosed in 66.6% of patients. Of these, 25.3% represented emphysema; 18.8%, uncharacteristic micronodules; 12.9%, metastases; 11.9%, thoracic lymph node enlargements; and in 6.6% we detected active pulmonary tuberculosis or its sequelae, pneumonia or inflammatory / infectious signs and pleural thickening or effusion. Conclusion: the prevalence of exams with alterations and the considerable rate of detected metastases indicate that chest CT should be required for diagnostic and / or staging in cases of head and neck cancer.
OBJETIVO: estabelecer novo marcador não invasivo na detecção da anemia fetal, em gestantes isoimunizadas por antígenos eritrocitários. MÉTODOS: em estudo transversal o índice ecográfico obtido pela razão entre a medida ecográfica do diâmetro biventricular externo (DBVE) e do comprimento do fêmur (ambos em centímetros) foi correlacionado à concentração da hemoglobina fetal. Foram incluídos no estudo 59 fetos de gestantes isoimunizadas selecionados para propedêutica invasiva que foram submetidos a 130 cordocenteses para diagnóstico e tratamento da anemia. A medida do índice cárdio-femoral foi obtida imediatamente antes da cordocentese e o valor da hemoglobina foi determinado em amostra de sangue fetal obtida durante o procedimento. A correlação entre o índice cárdio-femoral e o valor da hemoglobina fetal foi avaliada por regressão linear e o ponto de corte de melhor acuidade no diagnóstico da anemia (hemoglobina menor que 10 g/dl), verificado pela curva ROC. RESULTADOS: a medida ecográfica do DBVE variou de 1,6 a 4,7 cm (média 2,5±1,3 cm) e a do comprimento do fêmur de 3,0 a 6,9 cm (média 4,3±0,9 cm). O índice cárdio-femoral calculado variou de 0,4 a 1,0 (média 0,6±0,1). Observou-se correlação inversa entre o índice ecográfico e a hemoglobina fetal (R²=0,37 e p<0,0001). O valor 0,60 para o índice cárdio-femoral foi o ponto de corte com melhor acuidade para a predição de um nível de hemoglobina fetal menor que 10,0 g/dl: sensibilidade 80,9%, especificidade 83,1%, valor preditivo positivo 73,1% e valor preditivo negativo 88,5%. CONCLUSÃO: o índice cárdio-femoral apresentou boa acuidade na predição do nível de hemoglobina fetal abaixo de 10 g/dl em gestantes isoimunizadas por antígenos eritrocitários, podendo se tornar marcador não invasivo da anemia fetal.
Na tentativa de evitar algumas das dificuldades associadas à osteotomia pélvica tripla (OPT), foi desenvolvido experimentalmente o método de aplicação de cunha na junção sacroilíaca para aumentar a ventroversão acetabular. O objetivo deste estudo foi aplicar as técnicas de cunha sacroilíaca e OPT em cadáveres e avaliar radiograficamente a eficácia da ventroversão acetabular. Para tal, foram utilizados 10 cadáveres de cães, adultos, com 15-25 kg. Em cada hemipelve direita foi realizada OPT com placas de 20° e 40°. Na hemipelve esquerda foram aplicadas cunhas nas articulações sacroilíacas de 20° e 40°. Avaliações radiográficas em projeções ventrodorsais foram realizadas para mensuração da cobertura acetabular à cabeça femoral nas duas técnicas. De acordo com os dados obtidos pode-se observar que não houve diferença entre a técnica de OPT e o uso de cunha sacroilíaca utilizando implantes de 20° e 40°, mas ocorreu diferença significativa (p<0,05) entre os cães antes e após a aplicação dos implantes de 20° e 40°, e também entre os que receberam implantes de 20° e os de 40°. A aplicação de cunha sacroilíaca produziu resultados semelhantes à OPT, e também se mostrou como de mais fácil aplicação.
O mocó (Kerodon rupestris Wied,1820), um mamífero roedor da família Cavidae, que se assemelha bastante ao preá, é um animal altamente adaptado às condições de calor e de escassez de água e de alimento, principalmente nos períodos das grandes secas que assolam periodicamente a região do semi-árido nordestino. Verifiica-se que na literatura há escassez de dados referentes à anatomia funcional dos mocós, em especial de trabalhos envolvendo a anatomia do sistema nervoso. Visando conhecer a origem do nervo femoral junto aos forames intervertebrais, sua localização e distribuição pelo membro pélvico, a musculatura envolvida em seu trajeto, a importância desse estudo para clínica de animais silvestres e contribuir para o desenvolvimento da neuroanatomia comparada, procedeu-se esta pesquisa, na qual foram utilizados dez animais adultos de diferentes idades (4 machos e 6 fêmeas) que vieram a óbito no Centro de Multiplicação de Animais Silvestres (Cemas) da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (Ufersa). Os animais foram fiixados em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10% e posteriormente tiveram a cavidade abdominal dissecada até a completa visualização do nervo femoral. Foram verifiicadas variações no número de vértebras lombares nos animais, entre seis (30%) e sete (70%) vértebras, alterando, conseqüentemente, a origem do nervo. No antímero direito, verifiicou-se que em 40% dos animais o nervo femoral originava-se de ramos ventrais de L5L6, em 40% de L5L6L7 e em 20% de L4L5L6. Já no esquerdo 50% dos exemplares o nervo femoral foi formado de raízes ventrais de L5L6, em 30% de L5L6L7 e em 20% de L4L5L6.
Placas ósseas confeccionadas a partir de diáfise cortical equina na osteossíntese femoral em coelhos
A evolução tecnológica tem possibilitado o desenvolvimento e o aperfeiçoamento de novos materiais para implantes. Apesar dos fundamentais benefícios providos pelos dispositivos ortopédicos, complicações decorrentes de corrosão, degradação, infecção, além de outras podem ocorrer. O entendimento das características dos biomateriais é fundamental para a previsibilidade do seu comportamento in vivo, fornecendo subsídios para que o composto mais adequado seja escolhido na reconstrução do defeito ósseo. As placas de origem metálica são as mais utilizadas para o reparo de fraturas de ossos longos, sendo mecanicamente resistentes e biocompatíveis. No entanto, a necessidade de remoção e o enfraquecimento do osso são suas principais desvantagens. Neste trabalho, placas produzidas a partir de osso cortical equino foram empregadas experimentalmente em fêmur osteotomizado de coelhos (Grupo osso-GO), num estudo comparativo com placas de metal (Grupo metal-GM). A avaliação radiográfica foi realizada a cada 30 dias, durante 120 dias, momento em que foi então realizada análise histológica do material em estudo. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois grupos com relação à morfometria do calo ósseo e consolidação óssea em todos os momentos avaliados, sendo que ambas as placas permitiram a consolidação em todos os animais. Entretanto, observou-se que o calo ósseo foi menor no GO, em relação ao GM, em todos os momentos do estudo. Por outro lado, a maior parte dos animais do GO apresentou consolidação completa da fratura aos 90 dias, enquanto que no GM isto ocorreu aos 60 dias. Não foram evidenciadas células do tipo corpo estranho na histopatologia dos animais do GO, mas maior quantidade de tecido fibroso foi identificada, envolvendo este biomaterial. A placa confeccionada com osso equino representa uma alternativa de baixo custo e muito viável, uma vez que permitiu estabilização adequada para consolidação óssea de fratura de fêmur em coelhos. Neste estudo, a menor formação de calo periosteal, associada a um tempo superior para consolidação em GO sugerem maior estabilidade da fratura onde a placa de osso foi utilizada.
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) using 18F-FDG is playing a vital role in the diagnosis and treatment planning of cancer. However, the most widely used radiotracer, 18F-FDG, is not specific for tumours and can also accumulate in inflammatory lesions as well as normal physiologically active tissues making diagnosis and treatment planning complicated for the physicians. Malignant, inflammatory and normal tissues are known to have different pathways for glucose metabolism which could possibly be evident from different characteristics of the time activity curves from a dynamic PET acquisition protocol. Therefore, we aimed to develop new image analysis methods, for PET scans of the head and neck region, which could differentiate between inflammation, tumour and normal tissues using this functional information within these radiotracer uptake areas. We developed different dynamic features from the time activity curves of voxels in these areas and compared them with the widely used static parameter, SUV, using Gaussian Mixture Model algorithm as well as K-means algorithm in order to assess their effectiveness in discriminating metabolically different areas. Moreover, we also correlated dynamic features with other clinical metrics obtained independently of PET imaging. The results show that some of the developed features can prove to be useful in differentiating tumour tissues from inflammatory regions and some dynamic features also provide positive correlations with clinical metrics. If these proposed methods are further explored then they can prove to be useful in reducing false positive tumour detections and developing real world applications for tumour diagnosis and contouring.
The genetic alterations observed in head and neck cancer are mainly due to oncogene activation (gain of function mutations) and tumor suppressor gene inactivation (loss of function mutations), leading to deregulation of cell proliferation and death. These genetic alterations include gene amplification and overexpression of oncogenes such as myc, erbB-2, EGFR and cyclinD1 and mutations, deletions and hypermethylation leading to p16 and TP53 tumor suppressor gene inactivation. In addition, loss of heterozygosity in several chromosomal regions is frequently observed, suggesting that other tumor suppressor genes not yet identified could be involved in the tumorigenic process of head and neck cancers. The exact temporal sequence of the genetic alterations during head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) development and progression has not yet been defined and their diagnostic or prognostic significance is controversial. Advances in the understanding of the molecular basis of head and neck cancer should help in the identification of new markers that could be used for the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of the disease.
Our aim was to determine if anatomical abnormalities of the upper airway (UA) and facial skeleton of class III severely obese patients are related to the presence and severity of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Forty-five patients (69% females, mean age 46.5 ± 10.8 years) with a body mass index (BMI) over 40 kg/m² underwent UA and facial skeletal examinations as well as polysomnography. Mean BMI was 49 ± 7 kg/m² and mean neck circumference was 43.4 ± 5.1 cm. Polysomnographic findings showed that 22% had a normal apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and 78% had an AHI over 5. The presence of OSAS was associated with younger age (P = 0.02), larger neck circumference (P = 0.004), presence of a voluminous lateral wall (P = 0.0002), posteriorized soft palate (P = 0.0053), thick soft palate (P = 0.0014), long uvula (P = 0.04), thick uvula (P = 0.0052), and inferior turbinate hypertrophy (P = 0.04). A larger neck circumference (P = 0.02), presence of a voluminous lateral wall (P = 0.04), posteriorized soft palate (P = 0.03), and thick soft palate (P = 0.04) were all associated with OSAS severity. The prevalence of OSAS in this group was high. A larger neck circumference and soft tissue abnormalities of the UA were markers for both the presence and severity of OSAS. Conversely, no abnormalities in the facial skeleton were associated with OSAS in patients with morbid obesity.
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is one of the most potent endothelial cell mitogens and plays a critical role in angiogenesis. Polymorphisms in this gene have been evaluated in patients with several types of cancer. The objectives of this study were to determine if there was an association of the -1154G/A polymorphism of the VEGF gene with head and neck cancer and the interaction of this polymorphism with lifestyle and demographic factors. Additionally, the distribution of the VEGF genotype was investigated with respect to the clinicopathological features of head and neck cancer patients. The study included 100 patients with histopathological diagnosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Patients with treated tumors were excluded. A total of 176 individuals 40 years or older were included in the control group and individuals with a family history of neoplasias were excluded. Analysis was performed after extraction of genomic DNA using the real-time PCR technique. No statistically significant differences between allelic and genotype frequencies of -1154G/A VEGF polymorphism were identified between healthy individuals and patients. The real-time PCR analyses showed a G allele frequency of 0.72 and 0.74 for patients and the control group, respectively. The A allele showed a frequency of 0.28 for head and neck cancer patients and 0.26 for the control group. However, analysis of the clinicopathological features showed a decreased frequency of the A allele polymorphism in patients with advanced (T3 and T4) tumors (OR = 0.36; 95%CI = 0.14-0.93; P = 0.0345). The -1154A allele of the VEGF gene may decrease the risk of tumor growth and be a possible biomarker for head and neck cancer. This polymorphism is associated with increased VEGF production and may have a prognostic importance.