946 resultados para Farm layout.


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Farm protest in the United States attracted widespread attention in the 1930s as militant farmers interfered with foreclosure sales, demonstrated at county court houses and state capitals, and blocked highways and stopped trains to prevent crops and livestock from going to market in an effort to raise farm prices. The best known of the protest groups was the Farmers Holiday Association, which was formed in 1932. Prior to the Holiday, however, a left-wing group organized by Communists in 1930 known as the United Farmers League (UFL) gained an initial following in the cutover country of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, northern Wisconsin, northern Minnesota, and parts of the Dakotas and northeast Montana. Finnish Americans dominated the UFL in the Upper Midwest and in a few locales in the Dakotas. Evidence for this high level of influence comes from the fact that the head of the Communist Party’s Agrarian Department was Henry Puro, a key figure in Finnish American Communist circles and a member of the Party’s Politburo. This paper will focus on Finnish American involvement in the UFL and, to a lesser extent, the broader-based Farmers Holiday movement.


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Effective techniques for organizing and visualizing large image collections are in growing demand as visual search gets increasingly popular. iMap is a treemap representation for visualizing and navigating image search and clustering results based on the evaluation of image similarity using both visual and textual information. iMap not only makes effective use of available display area to arrange images but also maintains stable update when images are inserted or removed during the query. A key challenge of using iMap lies in the difficult to follow and track the changes when updating the image arrangement as the query image changes. For many information visualization applications, showing the transition when interacting with the data is critically important as it can help users better perceive the changes and understand the underlying data. This work investigates the effectiveness of animated transition in a tiled image layout where the spiral arrangement of the images is based on their similarity. Three aspects of animated transition are considered, including animation steps, animation actions, and flying paths. Exploring and weighting the advantages and disadvantages of different methods for each aspect and in conjunction with the characteristics of the spiral image layout, we present an integrated solution, called AniMap, for animating the transition from an old layout to a new layout when a different image is selected as the query image. To smooth the animation and reduce the overlap among images during the transition, we explore different factors that might have an impact on the animation and propose our solution accordingly. We show the effectiveness of our animated transition solution by demonstrating experimental results and conducting a comparative user study.


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Software visualizations can provide a concise overview of a complex software system. Unfortunately, since software has no physical shape, there is no “natural“ mapping of software to a two-dimensional space. As a consequence most visualizations tend to use a layout in which position and distance have no meaning, and consequently layout typical diverges from one visualization to another. We propose a consistent layout for software maps in which the position of a software artifact reflects its \emph{vocabulary}, and distance corresponds to similarity of vocabulary. We use Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) to map software artifacts to a vector space, and then use Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) to map this vector space down to two dimensions. The resulting consistent layout allows us to develop a variety of thematic software maps that express very different aspects of software while making it easy to compare them. The approach is especially suitable for comparing views of evolving software, since the vocabulary of software artifacts tends to be stable over time.


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Fifty head of crossbred steers started grazing 51 acres of pasture on May 1 in a rotational grazing system using a variable density paddock system. Twenty-two head grazed 92 days, 27 grazed 140 days, and one steer died. A total of 11,922 pounds was produced on 5,804 animal-days of grazing. The average daily gain was 2.02 pounds for group 1 and 2.07 for group 2. The stocking rate for the first 92 days was .98 steers per acre and .53 for the final 48 days. The animal days of grazing per acre was 113 and the pounds of gain per acre was 233. Total return for land, labor and management for the demonstration was $2,829.76 or $55.49/acre.


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The Andrew Jackson Demonstration Farm (AJDF) is located in central Jackson County in east central Iowa. A board of directors operates the farm for the purpose of demonstrating different production practices and management strategies. From 1996 to 1998 management intensive grazing practices and the grazing of stockers on a combination of permanent and tillable pasture have been demonstrated. Grazing strategies or practices demonstrated during these years included establishment of Eastern Gamagrass and Big Bluestem, variable density grazing, measuring forage on-offer, estimating dry matter intake, grazing corn, pasture renovation, and fencing and water systems. Production performance data were gathered for the three years stockers that were grazed. During this time the stockers averaged 121 animal days of grazing, a 1.1 head per acre stocking rate, a 1.85 pound average daily gain, and 228 pounds of gain per acre. The financial measures evaluated the value of gain on pasture and the pasture cost of the gain. The value of gain per pound was positive for 1996 and 1997 at $.58 and $.52 whereas in 1998 it was a -$.04. Pasture costs per pound of gain ranged from $.12 to $.16. Production performance is only one part of the profit picture when evaluating a stocker operation. Buysell margins are the other significant part that can greatly impact the profit potential of a summer grazing program.


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Fifty-five yearling crossbred steers and 3C cow-calf pairs were used in a forage-based beef production system demonstration project at the Armstrong Outlying Research Farm. From May 11 to June 13, steers rotationally grazed a 41-acre grass pasture that was divided into eight paddocks. From June 13 to August 24, steers were placed in a drylot and fed berseem clover/oat soilage from a strip-intercropping system. Beginning June 5, 36 cow-calf pairs were allowed to rotationally graze the 41-acre pasture until September 18. Calf weight gains for the 110 days were 1.57 pounds per day, and total production from the pasture was 151 pounds per acre. No cow weight change or condition score change was measured. Total steer production was 29 and 580 pounds per acre or average daily gains were .67 and 2.23 pounds while grazing pasture and being fed in a drylot.


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The requirement for growth hormone (GH) secretion by the anterior pituitary gland in beef calves is demonstrated by a complete lack of long bone-growth and muscle accretion after hypophysectomy (surgical removal of the pituitary gland). When the connecting link (hypophyseal stalk) to the basal region (hypothalamus) of the brain is surgically severed, long bone growth and body weight gain are greatly limited compared with sham-operated controls. This limited growth results from obliteration of episodic GH secretion and reduced basal blood concentration of the hormone compared with sham-operated controls. Thus, the hypophyseal stalk-transected (HST) calf provides an appropriate model to determine mechanisms by which hypothalamic neuropeptides from the brain regulate GH secretion, and thereby growth in the young calf. Neuropeptides have been isolated and characterized in bovine hypothalamus that stimulate GH secretion (GH-releasing hormone [GHRH]) or factor [GHRF] and inhibit GH secretion (GH release-inhibiting hormone [GHRIH] or somatostatin [SRIH]). A dose of .067 micrograms of GHRF per kilogram of body weight injected intravenously in HST calves abruptly increased plasma GH concentration to 55 nanograms per milliliter from the control period mean of 5 nanograms per milliliter. HST calves then were infused intravenously with .033 and .067 microgram somatostatin per kilogram of body weight, during which a pulse injection of .067 microgram of GHRF was administered. GH increase was limited to 9 and 5 micrograms per kilogram body weight during the .033- and .067 microgram SRIH infusions after GHRF; no GH rebound was observed after the SRIH was discontinued. GHRF from humans contains 40 to 44 amino acids. Rat hypothalamic GHRF analogs containing 29 to 32 amino acids elicited dose-dependent GH peak release in these HST calves. In 1977, Bowers and Monomy isolated novel GH releasing peptides consisting of only six amino acids; they caused GH release by isolated pituitary cells in culture and acute GH release when administered intravenously. We recently have utilized a novel nonpeptidyl GH secretagogue of low molecular weight in the pig to determine its mechanisms of action within the central nervous system.


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Clinical respiratory disease occurs almost every year in fall calves in the McNay Farm herd. Diagnostic procedures have implicated Haemophilus somnus (H. somnus) and bovine respiratory syncyial virus (BRSV) as the infectious agents primarily associated with this disease. Therefore, the 1995 calves were closely monitored after weaning and during the course of a respiratory disease. Serologic evidence indicated the involvement of the same two agents in the pathogenesis of the disease. Also, experimental evidence suggested a role for a preexisting immediate hypersensitivity to H. somnus and the development of this type of response to BRSV. We theorize that the pathogenesis of the clinical disease involved infection with H. somnus, establishment of immediate hypersensitivity in the lungs, viral infection with associated pathologic lesions, and viral exacerbation of the immediate hypersensitivity reaction with resultant clinical signs and tissue damage.


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Fifty-six acres of central Iowa corn land were seeded to bromegrass and divided with high-tensile wire into eight seven-acre plots. This bromegrass was fertilized with 70 pounds of nitrogen each spring and fall, 1987-1990. In 1991 – 1995, the nitrogen was increased to 80 pounds both spring and fall. The plots were stocked with 1.3 cow/calf pairs per acre in 1987-1991 and 1993–1995, but in 1992 the plots were stocked with 1.55 cow/calf pairs per acre. The pairs were rotated using two distinct schemes among four cells for about 150 days. The plots averaged 607 pounds of net calf weight per acre per year over nine years. Rainfall was quite variable during the grazing seasons and was reflected in calf performance as well as summer feed costs. This intensive rotational grazing system has greatly reduced both weed population and the need for mechanical clipping.


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In September 1995, 225 spring-born calves were weaned on pasture at the McNay Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm to explore procedures necessary to conduct a successful pasture-weaning program. In the two to three week post-weaning period, average daily gains (ADG) for the two groups weaned that year were 1.06 and 3.06 pounds; there were no health problems. In 1996, a research trial utilizing 242 spring-born calves was conducted to compare pastureweaned and feedlot-weaned calves. Half of the calves were weaned on pasture for three weeks and then placed in a feedlot for three more weeks. The other half of the calves were weaned directly into the feedlot for the six week post-weaning period. ADGs during the three week post-weaning period were 1.24 and 2.42 for the pastureweaned and feedlot-weaned calves. For the entire six week trial, ADGs were 1.83 and 2.40 for the pastureweaned and feedlot-weaned calves. There was no sickness in either weaning treatment during the six week trial. Initial experience indicates pasture-weaning is a feasible method of getting calves through a stressful procedure.


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Acoustic backscatter contrast in depositional sediments under salmon farm cages in the Bay of Fundy, Canada, was correlated with localized changes in (unknown) sediment geotechnical properties, as indicated by 4 independent measures of organic enrichment. Sediment total sulfides and redox potentials, enzyme hydrolyzable amino acids, sediment profile imaging and macrofaunal samples, taken at mid-cage positions, each rejected the null hypothesis that salmon cage footprints, defined acoustically as high backscatter areas, were indistinguishable from nearby reference areas. Acoustic backscatter imaging appears capable of mapping organic enrichment in depositional sediments caused by excessive inputs of salmon farm wastes associated with intensive aquaculture.


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Recently, the French National Institute for Agricultural Research appointed an expert committee to review the issue of pain in food-producing farm animals. To minimise pain, the authors developed a '3S' approach accounting for 'Suppress, Substitute and Soothe' by analogy with the '3Rs' approach of 'Reduction, Refinement and Replacement' applied in the context of animal experimentation. Thus, when addressing the matter of pain, the following steps and solutions could be assessed, in the light of their feasibility (technical constraints, logistics and regulations), acceptability (societal and financial aspects) and availability. The first solution is to suppress any source of pain that brings no obvious advantage to the animals or the producers, as well as sources of pain for which potential benefits are largely exceeded by the negative effects. For instance, tail docking of cattle has recently been eliminated. Genetic selection on the basis of resistance criteria (as e.g. for lameness in cattle and poultry) or reduction of undesirable traits (e.g. boar taint in pigs) may also reduce painful conditions or procedures. The second solution is to substitute a technique causing pain by another less-painful method. For example, if dehorning cattle is unavoidable, it is preferable to perform it at a very young age, cauterising the horn bud. Animal management and constraint systems should be designed to reduce the risk for injury and bruising. Lastly, in situations where pain is known to be present, because of animal management procedures such as dehorning or castration, or because of pathology, for example lameness, systemic or local pharmacological treatments should be used to soothe pain. These treatments should take into account the duration of pain, which, in the case of some management procedures or diseases, may persist for longer periods. The administration of pain medication may require the intervention of veterinarians, but exemptions exist where breeders are allowed to use local anaesthesia (e.g. castration and dehorning in Switzerland). Extension of such exemptions, national or European legislation on pain management, or the introduction of animal welfare codes by retailers into their meat products may help further developments. In addition, veterinarians and farmers should be given the necessary tools and information to take into account animal pain in their management decisions.


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The aim was to study the variation in metabolic responses in early-lactating dairy cows (n = 232) on-farm that were pre-selected for a high milk fat content (>45 g/l) and a high fat/protein ratio in milk (>1.5) in their previous lactation. Blood was assayed for concentrations of metabolites and hormones. Liver was measured for mRNA abundance of 25 candidate genes encoding enzymes and receptors involved in gluconeogenesis (6), fatty acid β-oxidation (6), fatty acid and triglyceride synthesis (5), cholesterol synthesis (4), ketogenesis (2) and the urea cycle (2). Two groups of cows were formed based on the plasma concentrations of glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and β-hydroxybutyric acid (BHBA) (GRP+, high metabolic load; glucose <3.0 mm, NEFA >300 μm and BHBA >1.0 mm, n = 30; GRP-, low metabolic load; glucose >3.0 mm, NEFA <300 μm and BHBA <1.0 mm, n = 30). No differences were found between GRP+ and GRP- for the milk yield at 3 weeks post-partum, but milk fat content was higher (p < 0.01) for GRP+ than for GRP-. In week 8 post-partum, milk yield was higher in GRP+ in relation to GRP- (37.5 vs. 32.5 kg/d; p < 0.01). GRP+ in relation to GRP- had higher (p < 0.001) NEFA and BHBA and lower glucose, insulin, IGF-I, T3 , T4 concentrations (p < 0.01). The mRNA abundance of genes related to gluconeogenesis, fatty acid β-oxidation, fatty acid and triglyceride synthesis, cholesterol synthesis and the urea cycle was different in GRP+ compared to GRP- (p < 0.05), although gene transcripts related to ketogenesis were similar between GRP+ and GRP-. In conclusion, high metabolic load post-partum in dairy cows on-farm corresponds to differences in the liver in relation to dairy cows with low metabolic load, even though all cows were pre-selected for a high milk fat content and fat/protein ratio in milk in their previous lactation.


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Cocoa production in Alto Beni, Bolivia, is a major source of income and is severely affected by climate change impacts and other stress factors. Resilient farming systems are, thus, important for local families. This study compares indicators for social–ecological resilience in 30 organic and 22 nonorganic cocoa farms of Alto Beni. Organic farms had a higher tree and crop diversity, higher yields and incomes, more social connectedness, and participated in more courses on cocoa cultivation. Resilience was enhanced by local farmers’ organizations, providing organic certification and supporting diversified agroforestry with seedlings and extension, going beyond basic organic certification requirements.


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We present the first study comparing epitheliocystis in a wild and farmed salmonid in Europe. Sampling three tributaries to the Lake Geneva, including one from headwaters to river mouth, revealed an unequal distribution of epitheliocystis in brown trout (Salmo trutta). When evaluated histologically and comparing sites grouped as wild versus farm, the probability of finding infected trout is higher on farms. In contrast, the infection intensities, as estimated by the number of cysts per gill arch, were higher on average and showed maximum values in the wild trout. Sequence analysis showed the most common epitheliocystis agents were Candidatus Piscichlamydia salmonis, all clustering into a single clade, whereas Candidatus Clavichlamydia salmonicola sequences cluster in two closely related sub-species, of which one was mostly found in farmed fish and the other exclusively in wild brown trout, indicating that farms are unlikely to be the source of infections in wild trout. A detailed morphological analysis of cysts using transmission electron microscopy revealed unique features illustrating the wide divergence existing between Ca. P. salmonis and Ca. C. salmonicola within the phylum Chlamydiae