779 resultados para Family physicians (or general practitioners)


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Underdeveloped nations have the largest absolute number of the world's elderly population. Approximately 10.7% of the Brazilian population comprises aged individuals. Aging populations are associated with a higher incidence of chronic degenerative diseases such as dementia. Demented individuals place a high burden of care on healthcare systems and family members. General practitioners should be able to diagnose the most common elderly diseases such as dementia since they act as gatekeepers to specialized care. In Brazil, many medical students work as general practitioners upon graduating. The present study shows some scenarios of medical schools worldwide, including Brazilian, regarding teaching on dementia.


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Background: The incidence of depression in children and adolescents still increasing and this disorder is now a major public health challenge worldwide. The Psychiatric Reform suggested an end to the fragmented and inefficient service by proposing integrated and quality care. In this context, family narratives are a way to recognize vulnerabilities and provide psychopathology prevention in primary care. Methods: Two medical databases (LILACS and SciELO) were surveyed and 14 texts published between 2004 and 2011 were selected and reviewed. Results and discussion: Children and adolescents are nowadays exposed to several stressing factors, in addition to natural vulnerabilities of this age group. Prevention is associated with a qualified hearing of family narratives in primary care and healthcare professionals should be able to perceive said and unsaid elements across the speech. Conclusion: In spite of the advances about children and adolescents mental health, some procedures must be adapted to achieve an efficient mental health policy though analyzing family discourse.


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Rationale and aim: This paper has the object to present the impact of nuts' and seeds' injuries withdrawing data from the Susy Safe registry, highlighting that as for other foreign bodies the main item efficiently and substantially susceptible to changes to decrease the accidents' rates is the education of adults and children, that can be shared with parents both from pediatricians and general practitioners. Indeed labeling and age related warnings have also a fundamental relevance in prevention. Methods: The present study draws its data from the Susy Safe registry. Details on injuries are entered in the Susy Safe Web-registry through a standardized case report form, that includes information regarding: children age and gender, features of the object, circumstances of injury (presence of parents and activity) and hospitalization's details (lasting, complications and removal details). Cases are prospectively collected using the Susy Safe system from 06/2005; moreover, also information regarding past consecutive cases available in each centre adhering to the project have been entered in the Susy Safe registry. Results: Nuts and seeds are one of the most common food item retrieved in foreign bodies injuries in children. In Susy Safe registry they represent the 38% in food group, and almost the 10% in general cases. Trachea, bronchi and lungs were the main location of FB's retrieval, showing an incidence of 68%. Hospitalization occurred in 83% of cases, showing the major frequency for foreign bodies located in trachea. This location was also the principal site of complications, with a frequency of 68%. There were no significant associations between these outcomes and the age class of the children. The most common complications seen (22.4%) was bronchitis, followed by pneumonia (19.7%). Adult presence was recorded as positive in 71.2% of cases, showing an association (p value 0.009) between the adult supervision and the hospitalization outcome. On the contrary there was a non significant association between adult presence and the occurrence of complications. In 80.7% of cases, the incident happened while the child was eating. Among those cases, 88.6% interested trachea, lungs and bronchi. Conclusions: Food-related aspiration injuries are common events for young children, particularly under 4 years of age, and may lead to severe complication. There is a need to study in more depth specific characteristics of foreign bodies associated with increased hazard, such as size, shape, hardness or firmness, lubricity, pliability and elasticity, in order to better identify risky foods, and more precisely described the pathogenetic pathway. Parents are not adequately conscious and aware toward this risk; therefore, the number and severity of the injuries could be reduced by educating parents and children. Information about food safety should be included in all visits to pediatricians in order to make parents able to understand, select, and identify key characteristics of hazardous foods and better control the hazard level of various foods. Finally, preventive measures including warning labels on high-risk foods could be implemented. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is responsible for major epidemics worldwide. Autochthonous cases were recently reported in several European countries. Acute infection is thought to be monophasic. However reports on chronic pain related to CHIKV infection have been made. In particular, the fact that many of these patients do not respond well to usual analgesics suggests that the nature of chronic pain may be not only nociceptive but also neuropathic. Neuropathic pain syndromes require specific treatment and the identification of neuropathic characteristics (NC) in a pain syndrome is a major step towards pain control. Methods We carried out a cross-sectional study at the end of the major two-wave outbreak lasting 17 months in Réunion Island. We assessed pain in 106 patients seeking general practitioners with confirmed infection with the CHIK virus, and evaluated its impact on quality of life (QoL). Results The mean intensity of pain on the visual-analogical scale (VAS) was 5.8 ± 2.1, and its mean duration was 89 ± 2 days. Fifty-six patients fulfilled the definition of chronic pain. Pain had NC in 18.9% according to the DN4 questionnaire. Conversely, about two thirds (65%) of patients with NC had chronic pain. The average pain intensity was similar between patients with or without NC (6.0 ± 1.7 vs 6.1 ± 2.0). However, the total score of the Short Form-McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ)(15.5 ± 5.2 vs 11.6 ± 5.2; p < 0.01) and both the affective (18.8 ± 6.2 vs 13.4 ± 6.7; p < 0.01) and sensory subscores (34.3 ± 10.7 vs 25.0 ± 9.9; p < 0.01) were significantly higher in patients with NC. The mean pain interference in life activities calculated from the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) was significantly higher in patients with chronic pain than in patients without it (6.8 ± 1.9 vs 5.9 ± 1.9, p < 0.05). This score was also significantly higher in patients with NC than in those without such a feature (7.2 ± 1.5 vs 6.1 ± 1.9, p < 0.05). Conclusions There exists a specific chronic pain condition associated to CHIKV. Pain with NC seems to be associated with more aggressive clinical picture, more intense impact in QoL and more challenging pharmacological treatment.


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L’aumento dei costi in sanità, l’aumentata prevalenza delle patologie croniche, le disuguaglianze attuali, evidenziano la domanda crescente di una popolazione fragile che richiede una risposta globale ai bisogni della persona nel suo insieme, attraverso la costruzione di un sistema sanitario integrato che ne garantisca una presa in carico efficace. Riuscire a gestire le patologie croniche in modo appropriato è la sfida a cui sono chiamati i professionisti socio-sanitari; ma quali sono gli elementi per riuscirci? Le evidenze scientifiche dimostrano che è fondamentale l’integrazione tra i professionisti e lo sviluppo dei Percorsi Diagnostici Terapeutici Assistenziali (PDTA). In quest’ottica, in Italia e in particolare in Emilia-Romagna e nell’Azienda USL di Bologna si sono succeduti, e ancora si stanno evolvendo, diversi modelli di organizzazione per migliorare la gestione appropriata delle patologie croniche e l’aderenza alle linee guida e/o ai PDTA. Il ruolo del medico di medicina generale (MMG) è ancora fondamentale e il suo contributo integrato a quello degli gli altri professionisti coinvolti sono imprescindibili per una buona gestione e presa in carico del paziente cronico. Per questo motivo, l’Azienda USL di Bologna ha sviluppato e implementato una politica strategica aziendale volta a disegnare i PDTA e incoraggiato la medicina generale a lavorare sempre di più in gruppo, rispetto al modello del singolo medico. Lo studio ha individuato nelle malattie cardiovascolari, che rimangono la causa principale di morte e morbilità, il suo focus prendendo in esame, in particolare,lo scompenso cardiaco e il post-IMA. L’obiettivo è verificare se e quanto il modello organizzativo, le caratteristiche del medico e del paziente influiscono sul buon management delle patologie croniche in esame valutando la buona adesione alla terapia farmacologica raccomandata dalle linee guida e/o PDTA dello scompenso cardiaco e post-IMA.


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La formazione, in ambito sanitario, è considerata una grande leva di orientamento dei comportamenti, ma la metodologia tradizionale di formazione frontale non è la più efficace, in particolare nella formazione continua o “long-life education”. L’obiettivo primario della tesi è verificare se l’utilizzo della metodologia dello “studio di caso”, di norma utilizzata nella ricerca empirica, può favorire, nel personale sanitario, l’apprendimento di metodi e strumenti di tipo organizzativo-gestionale, partendo dalla descrizione di processi, decisioni, risultati conseguiti in contesti reali. Sono stati progettati e realizzati 4 studi di caso con metodologia descrittiva, tre nell’Azienda USL di Piacenza e uno nell’Azienda USL di Bologna, con oggetti di studio differenti: la continuità di cura in una coorte di pazienti con stroke e l’utilizzo di strumenti di monitoraggio delle condizioni di autonomia; l’adozione di un approccio “patient-centred” nella presa in carico domiciliare di una persona con BPCO e il suo caregiver; la percezione che caregiver e Medici di Medicina Generale o altri professionisti hanno della rete aziendale Demenze e Alzheimer; la ricaduta della formazione di Pediatri di Libera Scelta sull’attività clinica. I casi di studio sono stati corredati da note di indirizzo per i docenti e sono stati sottoposti a quattro referee per la valutazione dei contenuti e della metodologia. Il secondo caso è stato somministrato a 130 professionisti sanitari all’interno di percorso di valutazione delle competenze e dei potenziali realizzato nell’AUSL di Bologna. I referee hanno commentato i casi e gli strumenti di lettura organizzativa, sottolineando la fruibilità, approvando la metodologia utilizzata, la coniugazione tra ambiti clinico-assistenziali e organizzativi, e le teaching note. Alla fine di ogni caso è presente la valutazione di ogni referee.


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In Deutschland wird zur oralen Vitamin-K-Antagonistentherapie überwiegend der Wirkstoff Phenprocoumon (PPC) eingesetzt und die meisten Patienten werden durch ihren Hausarzt betreut. In einer deskriptiven, nicht-interventionellen Studie wurde die Ist-Situation der Versorgung von PPC-Patienten im ambulanten Sektor untersucht. Ziel war es, die Qualität und Effektivität der bisherigen Standardtherapie zu evaluieren. In Anbetracht der Einführung der neuen oralen Antikoagulantien (NOAC) ist die Untersuchung der PPC-Therapie von besonderem Interesse. Dem „Throughput-Modell“ folgend sollten „Input“- und „Outcome“-Parameter analysiert werden. rnIn einer klinischen Studie wurden 50 ambulant behandelte Patienten mit PPC-Therapie jeweils über einen Zeitraum von 3 Jahren retrospektiv beobachtet. In 5 niedergelassenen Arztpraxen in Rheinland-Pfalz wurden dazu 10 Patienten pro Praxis rekrutiert. Anhand der Patientenakte wurde eine Dokumentenanalyse durchgeführt. Die Selbstmedikation wurde mit einem eigens erstellten Fragebogen erfasst. rnIm Studienkollektiv wurden im Median 3 Comorbiditäten ermittelt. Die mediane Wochendosis betrug 4,0 Tabletten à 3 mg PPC. Die Patienten wurden im Median mit weiteren 15 verschiedenen Wirkstoffen therapiert, einer davon wurde in Selbstmedikation eingenommen. Im gesamten Beobachtungszeitraum fanden pro Patient im Median 57 Arztbesuche statt, die durch die Phenprocoumon-Therapie bedingt waren. INR (International normalized ratio)-Messungen (Median 47) waren der häufigste Grund für die Arztbesuche, so dass ein 3-Wochen-Rhythmus vom Gesamtkollektiv zu 97% erreicht wurde. Die „stabile“ INR-Einstellung wurde im Median nach 94 Tagen erreicht. Die prozentuale Rate (INR (%)) für die Einhaltung des INR-Zielbereiches (ZSB) erreichte internationale Benchmark-Werte, was auf eine gute Versorgungsqualität hindeutete. Die genauere Analyse ergab jedoch große interindividuelle Schwankungen. Während der „stabilen“ INR-Einstellung wurden bessere Ergebnisse als im Gesamtbeobachtungszeitraum erzielt. Drei Patienten (6%) erreichten die „stabile“ INR-Einstellung innerhalb von 3 Jahren nie. Die Auswertung für den erweiterten ZSB (ZSB ± 0,2) ergab bessere INR (%)-Ergebnisse als für den ZSB. Die Zeit im INR-ZSB (TTR (%)) erreichte mit 75% höhere Werte als INR (%) im ZSB mit 70%. Tendenziell war das Patientenkollektiv eher unter- als übertherapiert (Median „Under-INR“ 18% bzw. „Over-INR“ 8%). Erkrankungen und Impfungen stellten die wichtigsten der zahlreichen Einflussfaktoren für INR-Shifts hin zu Werten außerhalb des ZSB dar. Patienten, die Comedikation mit hohem Interaktionspotential einnahmen, erreichten in den INR-Qualitätsindikatoren schlechtere Ergebnisse als Patienten ohne potentiell interagierende Comedikation (Mann-Whitney-U-Test; p-Wert=0,003 für TTR (%), p=0,008 für INR (%)). In Zeitintervallen der „stabilen“ INR-Einstellung war der Unterschied nur für TTR (%) auffällig (Mann-Whitney-U-Test; p=0,015). Für den erweiterten ZSB waren die Unterschiede bezüglich beider INR-Qualitätsindikatoren nicht auffällig. Insgesamt wurden 41 unerwünschte Ereignisse (UAW) beobachtet, davon 24 (59%) in der Phase der „stabilen“ INR-Einstellung (21 leichte Blutungen, 1 schwere Blutung, 2 thromboembolische Ereignisse (TE)). Je 4 leichte Blutungen (19%) wurden in einen möglichen bzw. sicheren kausalen Zusammenhang mit der VKA-Therapie gebracht, wenn ein Zeitintervall von 3 Tagen zwischen der INR-Messung und Auftreten der UAW geprüft wurde. Ein TE wurde als sicher kausal gewertet. Von insgesamt 5 Krankenhausaufenthalten waren 3 bzw. 2 durch Blutungen bzw. TE veranlasst. Des Weiteren wurde im 3-Tage-Zeitintervall für 4 INR-Shifts hin zu Werten außerhalb des ZSB eine Interaktion mit verordneter CM als in sicherem oder möglichem kausalen Zusammenhang bewertet. Bei 49% der beobachteten Grippeimpfungen wurde ein INR-Shift festgestellt, der in ca. 60% der Fälle zu einem subtherapeutischen INR-Wert führte. Insgesamt war das klinische Ergebnis nicht optimal. rnDas „Outcome“ in Form der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität (LQ) wurde retrospektiv-prospektiv mittels SF-36-Fragebogen ermittelt. Die Patienten zeigten gegenüber der Normalbevölkerung einen Verlust an LQ auf körperlicher Ebene bzw. einen Gewinn auf psychischer Ebene. Das humanistische Ergebnis erfüllte bzw. übertraf damit die Erwartungen. rnInsgesamt wiesen die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass Qualität und Effektivität der Antikoagulationstherapie mit PPC im ambulanten Sektor weiterer Optimierung bedürfen. Mit intensivierten Betreuungsmodellen lässt sich ein besseres Outcome erzielen. rn


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Objectives To examine gender differences along the care pathway to total hip replacement. Methods We conducted a population-based cross-sectional study of 26,046 individuals aged 35 years and over in Avon and Somerset. Participants completed a questionnaire asking about care provision at five milestones on the pathway to total hip replacement. Those reporting hip disease were invited to a clinical examination. We estimated odds ratios (ORs) [95% confidence intervals (CI)] for provision of care to women compared with men. Results 3169 people reported hip pain, 2018 were invited for clinical examination, and 1405 attended (69.6%). After adjustment for age and disease severity, women were less likely than men to have consulted their general practitioner (OR 0.78, 95%-CI 0.61–1.00), as likely as men to have received drug therapy for hip pain in the previous year (OR 0.96, 95%-CI 0.74–1.24), but less likely to have been referred to specialist care (OR 0.53, 95%-CI 0.40–0.70), to have consulted an orthopaedic surgeon (OR 0.50, 95%-CI 0.32–0.78), or to be on a waiting list for total hip replacement (OR 0.41, 95%-CI 0.20–0.87). Differences remained in the 746 people who had sought care from their general practitioner, and after adjustment for willingness and fitness for surgery. Conclusions There are gender inequalities in provision of care for hip disease in England, which are not fully accounted for by gender differences in care seeking and treatment preferences. Differences in referral to specialist care by general practitioners might unwittingly contribute to this inequity. Accurate information about availability, benefits and risks of hip replacement for providers and patients, and continuing education to ensure that clinicians interpret and correct patients' assumptions could help reduce inequalities.


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In Switzerland, approximately 350,000 people aged 70 years or older own a valid driving license. By law, these drivers are medically assessed every other year, most commonly by their general practitioner, to exclude that a medical condition is interfering with their driving skills. A prerequisite for driving is the integration of high-level cognitive functions with perception and motor function. Ageing, per se, does not necessarily impair driving or increase the crash risk. However, medical conditions, such as cognitive impairment and dementia, become more prevalent with advancing age and may contribute to poor driving and an increased crash risk. The extent to which driving skills are impaired depends on the cause of dementia, disease severity, other co-morbidities and individual compensation strategies. Dementia often remains undiagnosed and therefore general practitioners (GPs) can find themselves in the difficult situation to disclose a suspicion about cognitive impairment and queries about medical fitness to drive, at the same time. In addition, the literature suggests that cognitive screening tests, most commonly used by GPs, have a limited role in judging whether an older person remains fit to drive. Further specialist assessment, for example in a memory clinic or on the road testing (ORT), may be helpful when the diagnosis or its implication for driving remain unclear. Here, we review the literature about cognition and driving, for GPs who advise older drivers who wish to continue driving.


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The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of informal care support networks on the health status, life satisfaction, happiness and anxiety of elderly individuals in Argentina and Cuba. Recent economic changes, demographic changes, the structure of families and changes in women?s labor participation have affected the availability of informal care. Additionally, the growing number of elderly as a percentage of total population has significant implications for both formal and informal care in Argentina and Cuba. Methods: The SABE - Survey on Health, Well-Being, and Aging in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2000 was used as the data source. The survey has a sample of 10,656 individuals aged 60 years and older residing in private households occupied by permanent dwellers in 7 cities in the Latin American and Caribbean region. My study will focus on the Buenos Aires and Havana samples in which there were 1043 individuals and 1905 individuals respectively. General sampling design was used to establish comparability between countries. Individuals requiring assistance are surveyed on their source of help and the relative impact of informal versus paid help is measured for this group. Other measures of social support (number of living children, companionship and number of individuals living in the same dwelling) are used to measure networks for the full sample. Multivariate probit regression analyses were run separately for Cuba and for Argentina to evaluate the marginal impacts of the types of social support on health status, life satisfaction, happiness and anxiety. Results: For Argentina, almost all of the family help variables positively impact good health. Getting help from most other members of the family negatively impacts satisfaction with life. Happiness is affected differently by each of the family help variables but community support increases the likelihood of being happy. Although none of the family or community help variables show statistical significance, most negatively affect anxiety levels. In Cuba, all of the social support variables have a positive marginal impact on the health status of the elderly. In this case, some of the family and community help variables have a negative marginal impact on life satisfaction; however, it appears that having those closest to the elderly, children, spouse, or other family, positively impacts life satisfaction. Most of the support variables negatively impact happiness. Receiving help from a child, spouse or parent is associated with a marginal increase in anxiety, whereas receiving help from a grandchild, another family member or a friend actually reduces anxiety. Discussion: The study highlights the necessity for enhancing the coordination of various care networks in order to provide adequate care and reduce the burdens of old age on the individual, family and society and the need for consistent support for the caregivers. More qualitative work should be done to identify how support is given and what comprises the support. The constant change and advancement of the world, and the growth of the Latin American and Caribbean region, suggests that more updates studies need to be done.


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Transplantation is the treatment of choice for many different organ failures. Despite growing experience in surgery and immunosuppression protocols, the long-term mortality of the procedure remains much higher than in the general population. Second only to cardiovascular diseases as the cause of death in organ transplant recipients, cancer is now known to be at least partly related to the immunosuppression regimen. Nevertheless, if calcineurin inhibitors have a demonstrated pro-oncogenic effect, other classes, such as mTOR inhibitors, are antiproliferative, and even demonstrated as an efficient therapy in some advanced oncological situations. Therefore, the adaptation of the therapy protocol evolves now towards an individualized medicine based on the risk factors of each transplant recipient in terms of cardiovascular, infectious and oncological diseases. As the first organ involved by tumor is the skin, many different guidelines have been published to try and adapt the therapy to the occurrence of a new lesion. If, for example, limited actinic keratosis or the first episode of a non-melanoma skin cancer usually requires no change of the immunosuppressive therapy, but a local specialized care and frequent clinical controls, more advanced lesions imply the adaptation of the drug regimen. In any case, the collaboration between general practitioners, dermatologists and the transplantation team is mandatory.


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INTRODUCTION: Understanding the help-seeking pathways of patients with a putative risk of developing psychosis helps improving development of specialised care services. This study aimed at obtaining information about: type of health professionals contacted by patients at putative risk for psychosis on their help-seeking pathways; number of contacts; type of symptoms leading to contacts with health professionals; interval between initial contact and referral to a specialised outpatient service. METHOD: The help-seeking pathways were assessed as part of a prospective study in 104 patients with suspected at-risk states for psychosis. RESULTS: The mean number of contacts prior to referral was 2.38. Patients with psychotic symptoms more often contacted mental health professionals, whereas patients with insidious and more unspecific features more frequently contacted general practitioners (GPs). CONCLUSIONS: GPs have been found to under-identify the insidious features of emerging psychosis (Simon et al. (2005) Br J Psychiatry 187:274-281). The fact that they were most often contacted by patients with exactly these features calls for focussed and specialised help for primary care physicians. Thus, delays along the help-seeking pathways may be shortened. This may be of particular relevance for patients with the deficit syndrome of schizophrenia.


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BACKGROUND: The study is part of a nationwide evaluation of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in primary care in Switzerland. The goal was to evaluate the extent and structure of basic health insurance expenditures for complementary and alternative medicine in Swiss primary care. METHODS: The study was designed as a cross-sectional evaluation of Swiss primary care providers and included 262 certified CAM physicians, 151 noncertified CAM physicians and 172 conventional physicians. The study was based on data from a mailed questionnaire and on reimbursement information obtained from health insurers. It was therefore purely observational, without interference into diagnostic and therapeutic procedures applied or prescribed by physicians. Main outcome measures included average reimbursed costs per patient, structured into consultation- and medication-related costs, and referred costs. RESULTS: Total average reimbursed cost per patient did not differ between CAM physicians and conventional practitioners, but considerable differences were observed in cost structure. The proportions of reimbursed costs for consultation time were 56% for certified CAM, 41% for noncertified CAM physicians and 40% for conventional physicians; medication costs--including expenditures for prescriptions and directly dispensed drugs--respectively accounted for 35%, 18%, and 51% of costs. CONCLUSION: The results indicate no significant difference for overall treatment cost per patient between CAM and COM primary care in Switzerland. However, CAM physicians treat lower numbers of patients and a more cost-favourable patient population than conventional physicians. Differences in cost structure reflect more patient-centred and individualized treatment modalities of CAM physicians.


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BACKGROUND: Opportunistic screening for genital chlamydia infection is being introduced in England, but evidence for the effectiveness of this approach is lacking. There are insufficient data about young peoples' use of primary care services to determine the potential coverage of opportunistic screening in comparison with a systematic population-based approach. AIM: To estimate use of primary care services by young men and women; to compare potential coverage of opportunistic chlamydia screening with a systematic postal approach. DESIGN OF STUDY: Population based cross-sectional study. SETTING: Twenty-seven general practices around Bristol and Birmingham. METHOD: A random sample of patients aged 16-24 years were posted a chlamydia screening pack. We collected details of face-to-face consultations from general practice records. Survival and person-time methods were used to estimate the cumulative probability of attending general practice in 1 year and the coverage achieved by opportunistic and systematic postal chlamydia screening. RESULTS: Of 12 973 eligible patients, an estimated 60.4% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 58.3 to 62.5%) of men and 75.3% (73.7 to 76.9%) of women aged 16-24 years attended their practice at least once in a 1-year period. During this period, an estimated 21.3% of patients would not attend their general practice but would be reached by postal screening, 9.2% would not receive a postal invitation but would attend their practice, and 11.8% would be missed by both methods. CONCLUSIONS: Opportunistic and population-based approaches to chlamydia screening would both fail to contact a substantial minority of the target group, if used alone. A pragmatic approach combining both strategies might achieve higher coverage.


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BACKGROUND: Pain is a common experience in later life. There is conflicting evidence of the prevalence, impact, and context of pain in older people. GPs are criticised for underestimating and under-treating pain. AIM: To assess the extent to which older people experience pain, and to explore relationships between self-reported pain and functional ability and depression. DESIGN OF STUDY: Secondary analysis of baseline data from a randomised controlled trial of health risk appraisal. SETTING: A total of 1090 community-dwelling non-disabled people aged 65 years and over were included in the study from three group practices in suburban London. METHOD: Main outcome measures were pain in the last 4 weeks and the impact of pain, measured using the 24-item Geriatric Pain Measure; depression symptoms captured using the 5-item Mental Health Inventory; social relationships measured using the 6-item Lubben Social Network Scale; Basic and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and self-reported symptoms. RESULTS: Forty-five per cent of women and 34% of men reported pain in the previous 4 weeks. Pain experience appeared to be less in the 'oldest old': 27.5% of those aged 85 years and over reported pain compared with 38-53% of the 'younger old'. Those with arthritis were four times more likely to report pain. Pain had a profound impact on activities of daily living, but most of those reporting pain described their health as good or excellent. Although there was a significant association between the experience of pain and depressed mood, the majority of those reporting pain did not have depressed mood. CONCLUSION: A multidimensional approach to assessing pain is appropriate. Primary care practitioners should also assess the impact of pain on activities of daily living.