993 resultados para Factor loadings


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Tau-mediated neurodegeneration is a central event in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other tauopathies. Consistent with suggestions that lifetime stress may be a clinically-relevant precipitant of AD pathology, we previously showed that stress triggers tau hyperphosphorylation and accumulation; however, little is known about the etiopathogenic interaction of chronic stress with other AD risk factors, such as sex and aging. This study focused on how these various factors converge on the cellular mechanisms underlying tau aggregation in the hippocampus of chronically stressed male and female (middle-aged and old) mice expressing the most commonly found disease-associated Tau mutation in humans, P301L-Tau. We report that environmental stress triggers memory impairments in female, but not male, P301L-Tau transgenic mice. Furthermore, stress elevates levels of caspase-3-truncated tau and insoluble tau aggregates exclusively in the female hippocampus while it also alters the expression of the molecular chaperones Hsp90, Hsp70, and Hsp105, thus favoring accumulation of tau aggregates. Our findings provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms through which clinically-relevant precipitating factors contribute to the pathophysiology of AD. Our data point to the exquisite sensitivity of the female hippocampus to stress-triggered tau pathology.


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Here we focus on factor analysis from a best practices point of view, by investigating the factor structure of neuropsychological tests and using the results obtained to illustrate on choosing a reasonable solution. The sample (n=1051 individuals) was randomly divided into two groups: one for exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and principal component analysis (PCA), to investigate the number of factors underlying the neurocognitive variables; the second to test the "best fit" model via confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). For the exploratory step, three extraction (maximum likelihood, principal axis factoring and principal components) and two rotation (orthogonal and oblique) methods were used. The analysis methodology allowed exploring how different cognitive/psychological tests correlated/discriminated between dimensions, indicating that to capture latent structures in similar sample sizes and measures, with approximately normal data distribution, reflective models with oblimin rotation might prove the most adequate.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Judiciário


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Sandwich geometries, mainly in the form of panels and beams, are commonly applied in various transportation industries, such as aerospace, aeronautic and automotive. Sandwich geometries represent important advantages in structural applications, namely high specific stiffness, low weight, and possibility of design optimization prior to manufacturing. The aim of this paper is to uncover the influence of the number of reinforcements (ribs), and of the thickness on the mechanical behavior of all-metal sandwich panels subjected to uncoupled bending and torsion loadings. In this study, four geometries are compared. The orientation of the reinforcements and the effect of transversal ribs are also considered in this study. It is shown that the all the relations are non-linear, despite the elastic nature of the analysis in the Finite Element software ANSYS MECHANICAL APDL.


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Una de las principales causas de pérdida reproductiva en condiciones normales, es la mortalidad embrionaria basal. Por lo tanto, estaría ampliamente justificado el diseño de experiencias que nos permitan encontrar las causas de las pérdidas y detectar la preñez tan precozmente, como fuere posible. Las causas de las pérdidas embrionarias en muchos casos se relacionan con fallas en las señales del embrión dirigidas a la madre con el fin de establecer inmunotolerancia, fenómeno imprescindible para la sobrevida del embrión porque modifica la respuesta inmune de modo favorable para éste. La inmunomodulación es ejercida por sustancias de naturaleza proteica detectadas durante la gestación. Entre estas se encuentra el Factor Precoz de Preñez (EPF). Durante la preñez, el EPF tiene dos fuentes de producción: una materna y otra embrionaria. El EPF materno, también llamado temprano, se produce durante los períodos pre y periimplantacional y persiste hasta el último tercio de la preñez. Hasta el presente, la única técnica desarrollada para la detección del EPF, es un ensayo in vitro propuesto por Morton que mide de manera indirecta la actividad del factor. Dicha técnica se basa en la capacidad que tiene el EPF de potenciar la acción de un suero antilinfocitario (SAL), para inhibir la formación de rosetas entre linfocitos T y eritrocitos heterólogos en presencia de complemento. Esta técnica es efectiva pero muy compleja para realizarse rutinariamente en el laboratorio. De todo lo expuesto surge claramente la necesidad del aislamiento y purificación del EPF, lo que permitiría desarrollar metodologías inmunológicas aplicables para el diagnóstico de rutina de detección de preñez en cerdos y un notable adelanto en el estudio de alguno de los factores que afectan los sucesos de concepción y el curso de preñez, momentos claves en la fisiología reproductiva. Objetivos Generales - Desarrollar una técnica de detección rápida y precisa del Factor Precoz de Preñez (EPF) en cerdos. Objetivos Específicos - Aislar, purificar y caracterizar al Factor Precoz de Preñez (EPF) a partir de suero y placenta de cerdas gestantes. - Obtener y valorar un antisuero policlonal anti-EPF en conejos a partir de la fracción purificada con mayor índice de actividad EPF.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2008


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2010


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2010


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The present contribution aims at evaluating the carapace width vs. humid weight relationship and the condition factor of Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763), in the mangrove forests of the Ariquindá and Mamucabas rivers, state of Pernambuco, Brazil. These two close areas present similar characteristics of vegetation and substrate, but exhibit different degrees of environmental conservation: the Ariquindá River is the preserved area, considered one of the last non-polluted of Pernambuco, while the Mamucabas River suffers impacts from damming, deforestation and deposition of waste. A total of 1,298 individuals of U. cordatus were collected. Males were larger and heavier than females, what is commonly observed in Brachyura. Ucides cordatus showed allometric negative growth (p < 0.05), which is probably related to the dilatation that this species develops in the lateral of the carapace, which stores six pairs of gills. The values of b were within the limit established for aquatic organisms. Despite of the condition factor being considered an important feature to confirm the reproductive period, since it varies with cyclic activities, in the present study it was not correlated to the abundance of ovigerous females. However, it was considered a good parameter to evaluate environmental impacts, being significantly lower at the impacted area.


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The condition factor is a parameter which acts as a general indicator of the "well-being" of a species, and it can be obtained through the analysis of width vs. weight relationships. The present work aims to investigate size vs. weight relationship and the condition factor of the crab Goniopsis cruentata (Latreille, 1803). The study area was the Mundaú/Manguaba estuarine complex, Maceió, state of Alagoas, Northeast Brazil. Samplings were monthly accomplished from August 2007 to July 2008. A total of 626 individuals were analyzed, being 309 males and 317 females. Males were larger and heavier than females, what is expected in many brachyuran. The growth was positive allometric to both males (b = 3.42) and females (b = 3.30), not obeying the "cube law". The condition factor of female was higher than that of male crabs, probably due to the gonad weight of females. It also varied seasonally for both sexes, being higher in the autumn and winter in males, and in the autumn and spring in females, and related to the molt and period of spawning intensification.


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The effect of testosterone propionate in different treatments was tested in adult male rats (250 g.) with mechanical skin experimental lesions. The whole period of cicatrization was investigated in normals, castrated and testosterone treated animals. We could not detect any alteration in the regeneration process in both treated and untreated rats (normals and castrated). Diffusing factor obtained from homologous testis, directly applied upon the lesions also do not change the healing period. Related to the course of the healing process, little evidence is presented by variance analysis that significative differences could be detected in the first periods, in both castrated and testosterone treated groups; however new well planed experiments should be carried to test this point.