968 resultados para Factor Beta


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Les cellules beta pancréatiques sécrètent l’insuline lors d’une augmentation post-prandiale du glucose dans le sang. Ce processus essentiel est contrôlé par des facteurs physiologiques, nutritionnels et pathologiques. D’autres sources d’énergie, comme les acides aminés (leucine et glutamine) ou les acides gras potentialisent la sécrétion d’insuline. Une sécrétion d’insuline insuffisante au besoin du corps déclanche le diabète. Le rôle que joue l’augmentation du calcium intracellulaire et les canaux K+/ATP dans la sécrétion d’insuline est bien connu. Bien que le mécanisme exact de la potentialisation de la sécrétion d’insuline par les lipides est inconnu, le cycle Glycérolipides/Acides gras (GL/FFA) et son segment lipolytique ont été reconnu comme un composant essentiel de la potentialisation lipidique de la sécrétion d’insuline. Le diacylglycérol, provenant de la lipolyse, a été proposé comme un signal lipidique important d’amplification. Cependant, l’hydrolyse des triglycérides et des diacylglycérides a été démontrée essentielle pour la sécrétion d’insuline stimulée par le glucose, en suggérant un rôle du monoacylglycérol (MAG) dans ce processus. Dans cette étude, on démontre que la réduction de la sécrétion d’insuline stimulée par le glucose, lors d’une inhibition de la lipolyse, est restaurée par l’addition de MAG. Dans les cellules beta pancréatiques, le niveau de MAG augmente en présence des concentrations élevées du glucose, et également lorsqu’on inhibe l’enzyme MAG hydrolase abhydrolase-6 (ABHD6) avec l’inhibiteur spécifique WWL70. L’analyse lipidomique a démontré qu’après la stimulation des cellules beta pancréatiques avec le glucose et aussi avec le WWL70, l’espèce la plus accumulée de MAG était le 1-stearoylglycérol (1-SG). L’addition de 1-SG, de 1-palmitoylglycérol (1-PG) ou de WWL70 augmente la sécrétion d’insuline stimulée par le glucose, et cette augmentation est indépendante de la génération de acides gras à partir de MAG. Cela suggère que le MAG est un signal lipidique pour la potentialisation de la sécrétion d’insuline stimulée par le glucose. De plus, la surexpression du gène d’ABHD6 dans les cellules INS832/13 cause une réduction de la sécrétion d’insuline, due probablement à la diminution des niveaux intracellulaire de MAG. Avec le but de comprendre le mécanisme moléculaire impliqué dans la potentialisation de la sécrétion d’insuline par le MAG, on a bloqué l’action du récepteur vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) liant le MAG par l’agent pharmacologiste, AMG9810. Le traitement des cellules beta pancréatique par AMG9810 entraîne une diminution de la potentialisation de la sécrétion de l’insuline induite par le MAG. Il est a noter que le MAG pourrait activer TRPV1 par une liaison physique dans la membrane cellulaire interne; ce qui entraînerai l’entrée du calcium dans la cellule, et ensuite la stimulation de l’exocytose des granules à insuline. En soutien de cette hypothèse, on a trouvé une diminution du calcium intracellulaire lorsqu’on traite au AMG9810 des cellules beta pancréatique de rat (provenant des îlots dispersés) stimulées au glucose et au WWL70. L’ensemble des résultats suggère que le MAG est un médiateur de la potentialisation lipidique de la sécrétion d’insuline stimulée par le glucose. Vu que l’inhibition pharmacologique d’ABHD6 augmente la sécrétion d’insuline, on pourra conclure que cette enzyme représente une cible thérapeutique potentielle dans le développement des médicaments anti-diabétiques, visant une augmentation de la sécrétion d’insuline.


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Le facteur de transcription BP1 humain est exprimé dans les cellules érythroïdes pendant le développement fœtal mais son niveau d’expression est réduit au stade adulte. Les études antérieures in vitro ont montré que BP1 est un répresseur du gène adulte de β-globine mais sa fonction dans la régulation des gènes ε et γ n’a pas été abordée à ce jour. Dans notre étude, nos analyses de BP1 humain ont été menées in vivo au stade embryonnaire en utilisant une lignée de souris transgénique surexprimant BP1 dans les cellules érythroïdes définitives murines. Au niveau protéique, BP1 humain est exprimé aux âges E12.5 et E13.5 dans les cellules érythroïdes fœtales des embryons transgéniques. Toutefois, les niveaux de BP1 humain ne perturbent pas l’érythropoïèse définitive fœtale: les embryons transgéniques ne sont pas anémiques et ne meurent pas in utero. La surexpression de BP1 humain altère tout de même le niveau endogène des facteurs de transcription Ikaros et SOX6 impliqués dans la régulation des gènes de β-globine durant l’érythropoïèse définitive fœtale murine. Chez les embryons doubles transgéniques exprimant BP1 et les gènes humains de β-globine à E12.5, l’expression du gène adulte β est réduite alors que celle des gènes ε et γ est non réprimée. Les mesures d’expression des gènes humains de β-globine effectuées en absence d’Ikaros à E12.5 précisent le rôle de BP1 humain dans l’activation du gène embryonnaire ε. Dans les cellules érythroïdes fœtales murines dépourvues d’Ikaros à E12.5, BP1 humain augmente grandement l’expression des facteurs de transcription EKLF et BCL11A et semble déréprimer l’expression de SOX6, ce qui conduit à une répression des gènes fœtaux et une activation du gène adulte β au jour embryonnaire murin suivant. Puisque BP1 atténue l’altération de l’expression des gènes fœtaux et adultes causée par l’absence d’Ikaros, nous proposons que BP1 et Ikaros soient liés dans les mécanismes de transcription des gènes humains de β-globine.


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Le cycle glycérolipides/acides gras libres (GL/FFA) est une voie métabolique clé qui relie le métabolisme du glucose et des acides gras et il est composé de deux processus métaboliques appelés lipogenèse et lipolyse. Le cycle GL/FFA, en particulier la lipolyse des triglycérides, génère diverses molécules de signalisation pour réguler la sécrétion d'insuline dans les cellules bêta pancréatiques et la thermogenèse non-frissonnante dans les adipocytes. Actuellement, les lipides provenant spécifiquement de la lipolyse impliqués dans ce processus sont mal connus. L’hydrolyse des triglycérides dans les cellules β est réalisée par les actions successives de la triglycéride lipase adipocytaire pour produire le diacylglycérol, ensuite par la lipase hormono-sensible pour produire le monoacylglycérol (MAG) et enfin par la MAG lipase (MAGL) qui relâche du glycerol et des acides gras. Dans les cellules bêta, la MAGL classique est très peu exprimée et cette étude a démontré que l’hydrolyse de MAG dans les cellules β est principalement réalisée par l'α/β-Hydrolase Domain-6 (ABHD6) nouvellement identifiée. L’inhibition d’ABHD6 par son inhibiteur spécifique WWL70, conduit à une accumulation des 1-MAG à longues chaines saturées à l'intérieur des cellules, accompagnée d’une augmentation de la sécrétion d'insuline stimulée par le glucose (GSIS). Baisser les niveaux de MAG en surexprimant ABHD6 dans la lignée cellulaire bêta INS832/13 réduit la GSIS, tandis qu’une augmentation des niveaux de MAG par le « knockdown » d’ABHD6 améliore la GSIS. L'exposition aiguë des monoacylglycérols exogènes stimule la sécrétion d'insuline de manière dose-dépendante et restaure la GSIS supprimée par un inhibiteur de lipases appelé orlistat. En outre, les souris avec une inactivation du gène ABHD6 dans tous les tissus (ABHD6-KO) et celles avec une inactivation du gène ABHD6 spécifiquement dans la cellule β présentent une GSIS stimulée, et leurs îlots montrent une augmentation de la production de monoacylglycérol et de la sécrétion d'insuline en réponse au glucose. L’inhibition d’ABHD6 chez les souris diabétiques (modèle induit par de faibles doses de streptozotocine) restaure la GSIS et améliore la tolérance au glucose. De plus, les résultats montrent que les MAGs non seulement améliorent la GSIS, mais potentialisent également la sécrétion d’insuline induite par les acides gras libres ainsi que la sécrétion d’insuline induite par divers agents et hormones, sans altération de l'oxydation et l'utilisation du glucose ainsi que l'oxydation des acides gras. Nous avons démontré que le MAG se lie à la protéine d’amorçage des vésicules appelée Munc13-1 et l’active, induisant ainsi l’exocytose de l'insuline. Sur la base de ces observations, nous proposons que le 1-MAG à chaines saturées agit comme facteur de couplage métabolique pour réguler la sécrétion d'insuline et que ABHD6 est un modulateur négatif de la sécrétion d'insuline. En plus de son rôle dans les cellules bêta, ABHD6 est également fortement exprimé dans les adipocytes et son niveau est augmenté avec l'obésité. Les souris dépourvues globalement d’ABHD6 et nourris avec une diète riche en gras (HFD) montrent une faible diminution de la prise alimentaire, une diminution du gain de poids corporel et de la glycémie à jeun et une amélioration de la tolérance au glucose et de la sensibilité à l'insuline et ont une activité locomotrice accrue. En outre, les souris ABHD6-KO affichent une augmentation de la dépense énergétique et de la thermogenèse induite par le froid. En conformité avec ceci, ces souris présentent des niveaux élevés d’UCP1 dans les adipocytes blancs et bruns, indiquant le brunissement des adipocytes blancs. Le phénotype de brunissement est reproduit dans les souris soit en les traitant de manière chronique avec WWL70 (inhibiteur d’ABHD6) ou des oligonucléotides anti-sense ciblant l’ABHD6. Les tissus adipeux blanc et brun isolés de souris ABHD6-KO montrent des niveaux très élevés de 1-MAG, mais pas de 2-MAG. L'augmentation des niveaux de MAG soit par administration exogène in vitro de 1-MAG ou par inhibition ou délétion génétique d’ABHD6 provoque le brunissement des adipocytes blancs. Une autre évidence indique que les 1-MAGs sont capables de transactiver PPARα et PPARγ et que l'effet de brunissement induit par WWL70 ou le MAG exogène est aboli par les antagonistes de PPARα et PPARγ. L’administration in vivo de l’antagoniste de PPARα GW6471 à des souris ABHD6-KO inverse partiellement les effets causés par l’inactivation du gène ABHD6 sur le gain de poids corporel, et abolit l’augmentation de la thermogenèse, le brunissement du tissu adipeux blanc et l'oxydation des acides gras dans le tissu adipeux brun. L’ensemble de ces observations indique que ABHD6 régule non seulement l’homéostasie de l'insuline et du glucose, mais aussi l'homéostasie énergétique et la fonction des tissus adipeux. Ainsi, 1-MAG agit non seulement comme un facteur de couplage métabolique pour réguler la sécrétion d'insuline en activant Munc13-1 dans les cellules bêta, mais régule aussi le brunissement des adipocytes blancs et améliore la fonction de la graisse brune par l'activation de PPARα et PPARγ. Ces résultats indiquent que ABHD6 est une cible prometteuse pour le développement de thérapies contre l'obésité, le diabète de type 2 et le syndrome métabolique.


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The management of straw residue can be a concern in non-inversion tillage systems where straw tends to be incorporated at shallow depths or left on the soil surface. This can lead to poor crop establishment because straw residue can impede or hinder crop emergence and growth. Small container-based experiments were undertaken using varying amounts of wheat straw residue either incorporated or placed oil the soil surface. The effects on (lays to seedling emergence, percentage emergence, seedling dry-weight and soil temperature using sugar beet and oilseed rape were investigated because these crops often follow wheat in a cropping sequence. The position of the straw residue was found to be the primary factor in reducing crop emergence and growth. Increasing the amount of straw residue (from 3.3 t ha(-1) to 6.7 t ha(-1)) did not show any consistent trends in reducing crop emergence or growth. However, in some instances, results indicated that an interaction between the position and the amount of straw residue Occurred particularly when the straw and seed was placed on the soil surface. Straw placed on the soil surface significantly reduced mean day-time soil temperature by approximately 2.5 degrees C compared to no residue. When the seed and straw was placed on the soil Surface a lack of seed-to-soil contact caused a reduction in emergence by approximately 30% because of the restriction in available moisture that limited the ability for seed imbibition. This trend was reversed when the seed was placed in the soil, but with straw residue still on the soil surface, because the surface straw was likely to reduce moisture evaporation and improved seed-to-soil contact that led to rapid emergence. In general, when straw was mixed in or placed on the soil surface along with the seed, sugar beet and oilseed rape emergence and early growth biomass was significantly restricted by approximately 50% compared to no residue. The consequences of placing seed with or near to straw residue have been shown to cause a restriction in crop establishment. In both oilseed tape and sugar beet, this could lead to a reduction in final crop densities, poor, uneven growth and potentially lower yields that could lower financial margins. Therefore, if farmers are planning to use non-inversion tillage methods for crop establishment, the management and removal of straw residue from near or above the seed is considered important for successful crop establishment. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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X-ray diffraction studies show that peptides Boc-Leu-Aib-m-ABA-OMe (I) (Aib, alpha-aminoisobutyric acid; m-ABA, meta-aminobenzoic acid) and Boc-Phe-Aib-m-ABA-OMe, (II) adopt a type-II beta-turn conformation, solely stabilized by co-operative steric interactions amongst the amino acid residues. This type of U-turn without any intramolecular hydrogen bonding is generally referred to as an open turn. Although there are some examples of constrained cyclic peptides in which o-substituted benzenes have been inserted to mimic the turn region of the neurotrophin, a nerve growth factor, peptides I and II present novel two examples where m-aminobenzoic acid has been incorporated in the beta-turn of acyclic tripeptides. The result also demonstrates the first crystallographic evidence of a beta-turn structure containing an inserted m-aminobenzoic acid, which can be considered as a rigid gamma-aminobutyric acid with an all-trans extended configuration. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have described here the self-assembling properties of the synthetic tripeptides Boc-Ala(1)-Aib(2) -Val (3)-OMe 1, BocAla(l)-Aib(2)-Ile(3)-OMe 2 and Boc-Ala(l)-Gly(2)-Val(3)-OMe 3 (Aib=alpha-arnino isobutyric acid, beta-Ala=beta-alanine) which have distorted beta-turn conformations in their respective crystals. These turn-forming tripeptides self-assemble to form supramolecular beta-sheet structures through intermolecular hydrogen bonding and other noncovalent interactions. The scanning electron micrographs of these peptides revealed that these compounds form amyloid-like fibrils, the causative factor for many neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease and Prion-related encephalopathies. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Gas-phase rate coefficients for the atmospherically important reactions of NO3, OH and O-3 are predicted for 55 alpha,beta-unsaturated esters and ketones. The rate coefficients were calculated using a correlation described previously [Pfrang, C., King, M.D., C. E. Canosa-Mas, C.E., Wayne, R.P., 2006. Atmospheric Environment 40, 1170-1179]. These rate coefficients were used to extend structure-activity relations for predicting the rate coefficients for the reactions of NO3, OH or O-3 with alkenes to include alpha,beta-unsaturated esters and ketones. Conjugation of an alkene with an alpha,beta-keto or alpha,beta-ester group will reduce the value of a rate coefficient by a factor of similar to 110, similar to 2.5 and similar to 12 for reaction with NO3, OH or O-3, respectively. The actual identity of the alkyl group, R, in -C(O)R or -C(O)OR has only a small influence. An assessment of the reliability of the SAR is given that demonstrates that it is useful for reactions involving NO3 and OH, but less valuable for those of O-3 or peroxy nitrate esters. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) has been shown to have a central role in physiological adaptation to stress. It is recognized for stimulating the release of adrenocorticotropin from the anterior pituitary gland, and has more recently been implicated as a regulator of autonomic and immunological responses to stress. Much confusion has surrounded the characterization of CRF receptors, with proteins of varying molecular weights having been identified but never purified and characterized. Recently, two CRF receptors have been cloned from brain and pituitary gland, but evidence from in-situ hybridization studies suggests that further CRF receptor types exist. We therefore developed two techniques which enable the isolation of CRF receptors from whole rat brain. The use of a solid-phase CRF analogue affinity column and elution using a competing ligand resulted in the purification of a single protein of 61 kDa. A second technique was devised which allowed the co-isolation of associated signalling proteins and the identification of CRF bound species following purification. CRF was covalently cross-linked to receptors and the complex purified using antibodies specific for the ligand. This enabled the purification of a CRF receptor of approximately 65 kDa and associated alpha and beta gamma G protein subunits. This study demonstrates the successful isolation of CRF receptors which are of different molecular weights to those previously observed from affinity cross-linking studies or predicted from cloned genes. In addition, we confirm the involvement of G proteins in CRF stimulated cell signalling by demonstrating their association with purified CRF receptor.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: The PPARGC1A gene coactivates multiple nuclear transcription factors involved in cellular energy metabolism and vascular stasis. In the present study, we genotyped 35 tagging polymorphisms to capture all common PPARGC1A nucleotide sequence variations and tested for association with metabolic and cardiovascular traits in 2,101 Danish and Estonian boys and girls from the European Youth Heart Study, a multicentre school-based cross-sectional cohort study. METHODS: Fasting plasma glucose concentrations, anthropometric variables and blood pressure were measured. Habitual physical activity and aerobic fitness were objectively assessed using uniaxial accelerometry and a maximal aerobic exercise stress test on a bicycle ergometer, respectively. RESULTS: In adjusted models, nominally significant associations were observed for BMI (rs10018239, p = 0.039), waist circumference (rs7656250, p = 0.012; rs8192678 [Gly482Ser], p = 0.015; rs3755863, p = 0.02; rs10018239, beta = -0.01 cm per minor allele copy, p = 0.043), systolic blood pressure (rs2970869, p = 0.018) and fasting glucose concentrations (rs11724368, p = 0.045). Stronger associations were observed for aerobic fitness (rs7656250, p = 0.005; rs13117172, p = 0.008) and fasting glucose concentrations (rs7657071, p = 0.002). None remained significant after correcting for the number of statistical comparisons. We proceeded by testing for gene x physical activity interactions for the polymorphisms that showed nominal evidence of association in the main effect models. None of these tests was statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Variants at PPARGC1A may influence several metabolic traits in this European paediatric cohort. However, variation at PPARGC1A is unlikely to have a major impact on cardiovascular or metabolic health in these children.


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BACKGROUND: Brain inflammation has been recognized as a complex phenomenon with numerous related aspects. In addition to the very well-described neurodegenerative effect of inflammation, several studies suggest that inflammatory signals exert a potentially positive influence on neural stem cell proliferation, migration and differentiation. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) is one of the best-characterized mediators of inflammation. To date, conclusions about the action of TNF on neural stem or progenitor cells (NSCs, NPCs) have been conflicting. TNF seems to activate NSC proliferation and to inhibit their differentiation into NPCs. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the molecular signal transduction mechanisms induced by TNF and resulting in NSC proliferation. RESULTS: Here we describe for the first time the TNF-mediated signal transduction cascade in neural stem cells (NSCs) that results in increased proliferation. Moreover, we demonstrate IKK-alpha/beta-dependent proliferation and markedly up-regulated cyclin D1 expression after TNF treatment. The significant increase in proliferation in TNF-treated cells was indicated by increased neurosphere volume, increased bromodeoxyuridin (BrdU) incorporation and a higher total cell number. Furthermore, TNF strongly activated nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappaB) as measured by reporter gene assays and by an activity-specific antibody. Proliferation of control and TNF-treated NSCs was strongly inhibited by expression of the NF-kappaB super-repressor IkappaB-AA1. Pharmacological blockade of IkappaB ubiquitin ligase activity led to comparable decreases in NF-kappaB activity and proliferation. In addition, IKK-beta gene product knock-down via siRNA led to diminished NF-kappaB activity, attenuated cyclin D1 expression and finally decreased proliferation. In contrast, TGFbeta-activated kinase 1 (TAK-1) is partially dispensable for TNF-mediated and endogenous proliferation. Understanding stem cell proliferation is crucial for future regenerative and anti-tumor medicine. CONCLUSION: TNF-mediated activation of IKK-beta resulted in activation of NF-kappaB and was followed by up-regulation of the bona-fide target gene cyclin D1. Activation of the canonical NF-kappaB pathway resulted in strongly increased proliferation of NSCs.


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Objective: Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HM beta) is a metabolite of leucine widely used for improving sports performance. Although limp is recognized to promote anabolic or anti-catabolic effects on protein metabolism, the impact of its long-term use on skeletal muscle and/or genes that control the skeletal protein balance is not fully known. This study aimed to investigate whether chronic HM beta treatment affects the activity of GH/IGF-I axis and skeletal muscle IGF-I and myostatin mRNA expression. Design: Rats were treated with HK beta (320 mg/kg BW) or vehicle, by gavage, for 4 weeks, and killed by decapitation. Blood was collected for evaluation of serum insulin, glucose and IGF-I concentrations. Samples of pituitary, liver, extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles were collected for total RNA or protein extraction to evaluate the expression of pituitary growth hormone (GH) gene (mRNA and protein), hepatic insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) mRNA, skeletal muscle IGF-I and myostatin mRNA by Northern blotting/real time-PCR, or Western blotting. Results: Chronic HM beta treatment increased the content of pituitary GH mRNA and GH, hepatic IGF-I mRNA and serum IGF-I concentration. No changes were detected on skeletal muscle IGF-I and myostatin mRNA expression. However, the HIM-treated rats although normoglycemic, exhibited hyperinsulinemia. Conclusions: The data presented herein extend the body of evidence on the potential role of HM beta-treatment in stimulating GH/IGF-I axis activity. In spite of this effect, HM beta supplementation also induces an apparent insulin resistance state which might limit the beneficial aspects of the former results, at least in rats under normal nutritional status and health conditions. (C) 2010 Growth Hormone Research Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chronic exposure of pancreatic beta-cells to saturated non-esterified fatty acids can lead to inhibition of insulin secretion and apoptosis. Several previous studies have demonstrated that saturated fatty acids such as PA (palmitic acid) are detrimental to beta-cell function compared with unsaturated fatty acids. In the present study, we describe the effect of the polyunsaturated AA (arachidonic acid) on the function of the clonal pancreatic beta-cell line BRIN-BD11 and demonstrate AA-dependent attenuation of PA effects. When added to beta-cell incubations at 100 mu M, AA can stimulate cell proliferation and chronic (24 h) basal insulin secretion. Microarray analysis and/or real-time PCR indicated significant AA-dependent up-regulation of genes involved in proliferation and fatty acid metabolism [e.g. Angptl (angiopoietin-like protein 4), Ech1 (peroxisomal Delta(3.5),Delta(2.4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase), Cox-1 (cyclo-oxygenase-1) and Cox-2, P < 0.05]. Experiments using specific COX and LOX (lipoxygenase) inhibitors demonstrated the importance of COX-1 activity for acute (20 min) stimulation of insulin secretion, suggesting that AA metabolites may be responsible for the insulinotropic effects. Moreover, concomitant incubation of AA with PA dose-dependently attenuated the detrimental effects of the saturated fatty acid, so reducing apoptosis and decreasing parameters of oxidative stress [ROS (reactive oxygen species) and NO levels] while improving the GSH/GSSG ratio. AA decreased the protein expression of iNOS (inducible NO synthase), the p65 subunit of NF-kappa B (nuclear factor kappa B) and the p47 subunit of NADPH oxidase in PA-treated cells. These findings indicate that AA has an important regulatory and protective beta-cell action, which may be beneficial to function and survival in the `lipotoxic` environment commonly associated with Type 2 diabetes mellitus.


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TNF alpha is an important mediator of catabolism in cachexia. Most of its effects have been characterized in peripheral tissues, such as skeletal muscle and fat. However, by acting directly in the hypothalamus, TNF alpha can activate thermogenesis and modulate food intake. Here we show that high concentration TNF alpha in the hypothalamus leads to increased O(2) consumption/CO(2) production, increased body temperature, and reduced caloric intake, resulting in loss of body mass. Most of the thermogenic response is produced by beta 3-adrenergic signaling to the brown adipose tissue (BAT), leading to increased BAT relative mass, reduction in BAT lipid quantity, and increased BAT mitochondria density. The expression of proteins involved in BAT thermogenesis, such as beta 3-adrenergic receptor, peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1 alpha, and uncoupling protein-1, are increased. In the hypothalamus, TNF alpha produces reductions in neuropeptide Y, agouti gene-related peptide, proopiomelanocortin, and melanin-concentrating hormone, and increases CRH and TRH. The activity of the AMP-activated protein kinase signaling pathway is also decreased in the hypothalamus of TNF alpha-treated rats. Upon intracerebroventricular infliximab treatment, tumor-bearing and septic rats present a significantly increased survival. In addition, the systemic inhibition of beta 3-adrenergic signaling results in a reduced body mass loss and increased survival in septic rats. These data suggest hypothalamic TNF alpha action to be important mediator of the wastage syndrome in cachexia. (Endocrinology 151: 683-694, 2010)


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Magnetic nanoparticles surface-functionalized with meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (MNPs-DMSA) constitute an innovative and promising approach for tissue- and cell-targeted delivery of therapeutic drugs in the lung. Transendothelial migration of leukocytes in the lung is a side effect of endovenous administration of MNPs-DMSA. Using cytologic and phenotypic analysis of murine bronchoalveolar lavage cells, we identified monocytes/macrophages as the main subpopulation of leukocytes involved in this process. Moreover, ultrastructural analysis revealed the presence of nanoparticles inside of numerous macrophages from bronchoalveolar lavage. MNPs-DMSA at concentrations as high as 1 X 10(15) nanoparticles/mL had no toxic effects on macrophages, as evidenced by 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazolyi-2)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. Notably, MNPs-DMSA up-regulated the mRNA expression of E, L- and P-selectin and macrophage-1 antigen in the murine lung. Upregulation of these cell adhesion molecules was associated with an increased concentration of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in lung. Finally, the critical relevance of the beta(2) integrin-dependent pathway in leukocyte transmigration elicited by MNPs-DMSA was demonstrated by use of knockout mice. Our results characterize mechanisms of the pro-inflammatory effects of MNPs-DMSA in the lung, and identify beta(2) integrin-targeted interventions as promising strategies to reduce pulmonary side effects of MNPs-DMSA during biomedical applications. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Considering that melatonin has been implicated in body weight control, this work investigated whether this effect involves the regulation of adipogenesis. 3T3-L1 preadipocytes were induced to differentiate in the absence or presence of melatonin (10(-3) m). Swiss-3T3 cells ectopically and conditionally (Tet-off system) over-expressing the 34 kDa C/EBP beta isoform (Swiss-LAP cells) were employed as a tool to assess the mechanisms of action at the molecular level. Protein markers of the adipogenic phenotype were analyzed by Western blot. At 36 hr of differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, a reduction of PPAR gamma expression was detected followed by a further reduction, at day 4, of perilipin, aP2 and adiponectin protein expression in melatonin-treated cells. Real-time PCR analysis also showed a decrease of PPAR gamma (60%), C/EBP alpha (75%), adiponectin (30%) and aP2 (40%) mRNA expression. Finally, we transfected Swiss LAP cells with a C/EBP alpha gene promoter/reporter construct in which luciferase expression is enhanced in response to C/EBP beta activity. Culture of such transfected cells in the absence of tetracycline led to a 2.5-fold activation of the C/EBP alpha promoter. However, when treated with melatonin, the level of C/EBP alpha promoter activation by C/EBP beta was reduced by 50% (P = 0.05, n = 6). In addition, this inhibitory effect of melatonin was also reflected in the phenotype of the cells, since their capacity to accumulate lipids droplets was reduced as confirmed by the poor staining with Oil Red O. In conclusion, melatonin at a concentration of 10(-3) m works as a negative regulator of adipogenesis acting in part by inhibiting the activity of a critical adipogenic transcription factor, C/EBP beta.