930 resultados para Facial reconstruction
Purpose - The aim of this study was to investigate whether the presence of a whole-face context during facial composite production facilitates construction of facial composite images. Design/Methodology - In Experiment 1, constructors viewed a celebrity face and then developed a facial composite using PRO-fit in one of two conditions: either the full-face was visible while facial features were selected, or only the feature currently being selected was visible. The composites were named by different participants. We then replicated the study using a more forensically-valid procedure: In Experiment 2 non-football fans viewed an image of a premiership footballer and 24 hours later constructed a composite of the face with a trained software operator. The resulting composites were named by football fans. Findings - In both studies we found that presence of the facial context promoted more identifiable facial composite images. Research limitations/implications – Though this study uses current software in an unconventional way, this was necessary to avoid error arising from between-system differences. Practical implications - Results confirm that composite software should have the whole-face context visible to witnesses throughout construction. Though some software systems do this, there remain others that present features in isolation and these findings show that these systems are unlikely to be optimal. Originality/value - This is the first study to demonstrate the importance of a full-face context for the construction of facial composite images. Results are valuable to police forces and developers of composite software.
Grattan, J.P., Gilbertson, D.D., Hunt, C.O. (2007). The local and global dimensions of metaliferrous air pollution derived from a reconstruction of an 8 thousand year record of copper smelting and mining at a desert-mountain frontier in southern Jordan. Journal of Archaeological Science 34, 83-110
Williams, Mike, Culture and Security: Symbolic Power and the Politics of International Security (Oxon: Routledge, 2007), pp.xii+172 RAE2008
New, Elizabeth, 'The Jesus Chapel in St Paul's Cathedral, London: a reconstruction of its appearance before the Reformation', Antiquaries Journal (2005) 85, pp.103-124 RAE2008
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária
Material discrimination based on conventional or dual energy X-ray computed tomography (CT) imaging can be ambiguous. X-ray diffraction imaging (XDI) can be used to construct diffraction profiles of objects, providing new molecular signature information that can be used to characterize the presence of specific materials. Combining X-ray CT and diffraction imaging can lead to enhanced detection and identification of explosives in luggage screening. In this work we are investigating techniques for joint reconstruction of CT absorption and X-ray diffraction profile images of objects to achieve improved image quality and enhanced material classification. The initial results have been validated via simulation of X-ray absorption and coherent scattering in 2 dimensions.
We establish the equivalence of type reconstruction with polymorphic recursion and recursive types is equivalent to regular semi-unification which proves the undecidability of the corresponding type reconstruction problem. We also establish the equivalence of type reconstruction with polymorphic recursion and positive recursive types to a special case of regular semi-unification which we call positive regular semi-unification. The decidability of positive regular semi-unification is an open problem.
A method for reconstruction of 3D polygonal models from multiple views is presented. The method uses sampling techniques to construct a texture-mapped semi-regular polygonal mesh of the object in question. Given a set of views and segmentation of the object in each view, constructive solid geometry is used to build a visual hull from silhouette prisms. The resulting polygonal mesh is simplified and subdivided to produce a semi-regular mesh. Regions of model fit inaccuracy are found by projecting the reference images onto the mesh from different views. The resulting error images for each view are used to compute a probability density function, and several points are sampled from it. Along the epipolar lines corresponding to these sampled points, photometric consistency is evaluated. The mesh surface is then pulled towards the regions of higher photometric consistency using free-form deformations. This sampling-based approach produces a photometrically consistent solution in much less time than possible with previous multi-view algorithms given arbitrary camera placement.
A method for reconstructing 3D rational B-spline surfaces from multiple views is proposed. The method takes advantage of the projective invariance properties of rational B-splines. Given feature correspondences in multiple views, the 3D surface is reconstructed via a four step framework. First, corresponding features in each view are given an initial surface parameter value (s; t), and a 2D B-spline is fitted in each view. After this initialization, an iterative minimization procedure alternates between updating the 2D B-spline control points and re-estimating each feature's (s; t). Next, a non-linear minimization method is used to upgrade the 2D B-splines to 2D rational B-splines, and obtain a better fit. Finally, a factorization method is used to reconstruct the 3D B-spline surface given 2D B-splines in each view. This surface recovery method can be applied in both the perspective and orthographic case. The orthographic case allows the use of additional constraints in the recovery. Experiments with real and synthetic imagery demonstrate the efficacy of the approach for the orthographic case.
A method for reconstruction of 3D rational B-spline surfaces from multiple views is proposed. Given corresponding features in multiple views, though not necessarily visible in all views, the surface is reconstructed. First 2D B-spline patches are fitted to each view. The 3D B-splines and projection matricies can then be extracted from the 2D B-splines using factorization methods. The surface fit is then further refined via an iterative procedure. Finally, a hierarchal fitting scheme is proposed to allow modeling of complex surfaces by means of knot insertion. Experiments with real imagery demonstrate the efficacy of the approach.
A system for recovering 3D hand pose from monocular color sequences is proposed. The system employs a non-linear supervised learning framework, the specialized mappings architecture (SMA), to map image features to likely 3D hand poses. The SMA's fundamental components are a set of specialized forward mapping functions, and a single feedback matching function. The forward functions are estimated directly from training data, which in our case are examples of hand joint configurations and their corresponding visual features. The joint angle data in the training set is obtained via a CyberGlove, a glove with 22 sensors that monitor the angular motions of the palm and fingers. In training, the visual features are generated using a computer graphics module that renders the hand from arbitrary viewpoints given the 22 joint angles. We test our system both on synthetic sequences and on sequences taken with a color camera. The system automatically detects and tracks both hands of the user, calculates the appropriate features, and estimates the 3D hand joint angles from those features. Results are encouraging given the complexity of the task.
Facial features play an important role in expressing grammatical information in signed languages, including American Sign Language(ASL). Gestures such as raising or furrowing the eyebrows are key indicators of constructions such as yes-no questions. Periodic head movements (nods and shakes) are also an essential part of the expression of syntactic information, such as negation (associated with a side-to-side headshake). Therefore, identification of these facial gestures is essential to sign language recognition. One problem with detection of such grammatical indicators is occlusion recovery. If the signer's hand blocks his/her eyebrows during production of a sign, it becomes difficult to track the eyebrows. We have developed a system to detect such grammatical markers in ASL that recovers promptly from occlusion. Our system detects and tracks evolving templates of facial features, which are based on an anthropometric face model, and interprets the geometric relationships of these templates to identify grammatical markers. It was tested on a variety of ASL sentences signed by various Deaf native signers and detected facial gestures used to express grammatical information, such as raised and furrowed eyebrows as well as headshakes.
This paper reports a new strategy, recursive directional ligation by plasmid reconstruction (PRe-RDL), to rapidly clone highly repetitive polypeptides of any sequence and specified length over a large range of molecular weights. In a single cycle of PRe-RDL, two halves of a parent plasmid, each containing a copy of an oligomer, are ligated together, thereby dimerizing the oligomer and reconstituting a functional plasmid. This process is carried out recursively to assemble an oligomeric gene with the desired number of repeats. PRe-RDL has several unique features that stem from the use of type IIs restriction endonucleases: first, PRe-RDL is a seamless cloning method that leaves no extraneous nucleotides at the ligation junction. Because it uses type IIs endonucleases to ligate the two halves of the plasmid, PRe-RDL also addresses the major limitation of RDL in that it abolishes any restriction on the gene sequence that can be oligomerized. The reconstitution of a functional plasmid only upon successful ligation in PRe-RDL also addresses two other limitations of RDL: the significant background from self-ligation of the vector observed in RDL, and the decreased efficiency of ligation due to nonproductive circularization of the insert. PRe-RDL can also be used to assemble genes that encode different sequences in a predetermined order to encode block copolymers or append leader and trailer peptide sequences to the oligomerized gene.
BACKGROUND: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is associated with a high incidence of second tears (graft tears and contralateral ACL tears). These secondary tears have been attributed to asymmetrical lower extremity mechanics. Knee bracing is one potential intervention that can be used during rehabilitation that has the potential to normalize lower extremity asymmetry; however, little is known about the effect of bracing on movement asymmetry in patients following ACL reconstruction. HYPOTHESIS: Wearing a knee brace would increase knee joint flexion and joint symmetry. It was also expected that the joint mechanics would become more symmetrical in the braced condition. OBJECTIVE: To examine how knee bracing affects knee joint function and symmetry over the course of rehabilitation in patients 6 months following ACL reconstruction. STUDY DESIGN: Controlled laboratory study. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level 3. METHODS: Twenty-three adolescent patients rehabilitating from ACL reconstruction surgery were recruited for the study. The subjects all underwent a motion analysis assessment during a stop-jump activity with and without a functional knee brace on the surgical side that resisted extension for 6 months following the ACL reconstruction surgery. Statistical analysis utilized a 2 × 2 (limb × brace) analysis of variance with a significant alpha level of 0.05. RESULTS: Subjects had increased knee flexion on the surgical side when they were braced. The brace condition increased knee flexion velocity, decreased the initial knee flexion angle, and increased the ground reaction force and knee extension moment on both limbs. Side-to-side asymmetry was present across conditions for the vertical ground reaction force and knee extension moment. CONCLUSION: Wearing a knee brace appears to increase lower extremity compliance and promotes normalized loading on the surgical side. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Knee extension constraint bracing in postoperative ACL patients may improve symmetry of lower extremity mechanics, which is potentially beneficial in progressing rehabilitation and reducing the incidence of second ACL tears.
Asymmetries in sagittal plane knee kinetics have been identified as a risk factor for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) re-injury. Clinical tools are needed to identify the asymmetries. This study examined the relationships between knee kinetic asymmetries and ground reaction force (GRF) asymmetries during athletic tasks in adolescent patients following ACL reconstruction (ACL-R). Kinematic and GRF data were collected during a stop-jump task and a side-cutting task for 23 patients. Asymmetry indices between the surgical and non-surgical limbs were calculated for GRF and knee kinetic variables. For the stop-jump task, knee kinetics asymmetry indices were correlated with all GRF asymmetry indices (P < 0.05), except for loading rate. Vertical GRF impulse asymmetry index predicted peak knee moment, average knee moment, and knee work (R(2) ≥ 0.78, P < 0.01) asymmetry indices. For the side-cutting tasks, knee kinetic asymmetry indices were correlated with the peak propulsion vertical GRF and vertical GRF impulse asymmetry indices (P < 0.05). Vertical GRF impulse asymmetry index predicted peak knee moment, average knee moment, and knee work (R(2) ≥ 0.55, P < 0.01) asymmetry indices. The vertical GRF asymmetries may be a viable surrogate for knee kinetic asymmetries and therefore may assist in optimizing rehabilitation outcomes and minimizing re-injury rates.