995 resultados para Ex traditione innovatio. Miscellanea in honorem Max Pfister septuagenarii oblata
Using this metaphoric framework as a starting point, I would like to focus on the characteristics of the District Six Museum which extend its work beyond being that of representation (of traumatic memory). Representation signifies in some ways distance and separation, a telling of a story depicted for others. The work of the Museum is more akin to what could broadly speaking be described as ‘engagement’. Although this is word is much over-used, it nonetheless indicates more closely an embodied practice which invites personal insertion, empathy and emplacement. It includes a whole range of sense-making practices by those closest to the Museum’s story – the dispossessed ex-residents – who participate in the memorialisation practices of the Museum in both harmonious and dissonant ways. The architectural metaphor of this seminar is key to this approach, indicating a practice which is constructed and layered, fixed yet changeable. It speaks to a spectrum of activities related to the imperatives to develop as well as conserve – elements which are central to the Museum’s work in relation to the process of return and restitution. To signify the unfinished business of representation, the permanent exhibition is called Digging Deeper, a framework which allows for an always further uncovering of facts, meanings and perspectives.
The effect of a warmer climate on the properties of extra-tropical cyclones is investigated using simulations of the ECHAM5 global climate model at resolutions of T213 (60 km) and T319 (40 km). Two periods representative of the end of the 20th and 21st centuries are investigated using the IPCC A1B scenario. The focus of the paper is on precipitation for the NH summer and winter seasons, however results from vorticity and winds are also presented. Similar number of events are identified at both resolutions. There are, however, a greater number of extreme precipitation events in the higher reso- lution run. The difference between maximum intensity distributions are shown to be statistically significant using a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. A Generalised Pareto Distribution is used to analyse changes in extreme precipitation and wind events. In both resolutions, there is an increase in the number of ex- treme precipitation events in a warmer climate for all seasons, together with a reduction in return period. This is not associated with any increased verti- cal velocity, or with any increase in wind intensity in the winter and spring. However, there is an increase in wind extremes in the summer and autumn associated with tropical cyclones migrating into the extra-tropics.
Evolutionary change in New World Monkey (NWM) skulls occurred primarily along the line of least resistance defined by size (including allometric) variation (g(max)). Although the direction of evolution was aligned with this axis, it was not clear whether this macroevolutionary pattern results from the conservation of within population genetic covariance patterns (long-term constraint) or long-term selection along a size dimension, or whether both, constraints and selection, were inextricably involved. Furthermore, G-matrix stability can also be a consequence of selection, which implies that both, constraints embodied in g(max) and evolutionary changes observed on the trait averages, would be influenced by selection Here, we describe a combination of approaches that allows one to test whether any particular instance of size evolution is a correlated by-product due to constraints (g(max)) or is due to direct selection on size and apply it to NWM lineages as a case study. The approach is based on comparing the direction and amount of evolutionary change produced by two different simulated sets of net-selection gradients (beta), a size (isometric and allometric size) and a nonsize set. Using this approach it is possible to distinguish between the two hypotheses (indirect size evolution due to constraints or direct selection on size), because although both may produce an evolutionary response aligned with g(max), the amount of change produced by random selection operating through the variance/covariance patterns (constraints hypothesis) will be much smaller than that produced by selection on size (selection hypothesis). Furthermore, the alignment of simulated evolutionary changes with g(max) when selection is not on size is not as tight as when selection is actually on size, allowing a statistical test of whether a particular observed case of evolution along the line of least resistance is the result of selection along it or not. Also, with matrix diagonalization (principal components [PC]) it is possible to calculate directly the net-selection gradient on size alone (first PC [PC1]) by dividing the amount of phenotypic difference between any two populations by the amount of variation in PC1, which allows one to benchmark whether selection was on size or not
Objective: We investigated the influence of acute inflammation in skin isograft acceptance. Methods: Two mouse lines selected for maximal (AIR(MAX)) or minimal inflammatory response (AIR(MIN)) were transplanted with syngeneic skin. Cellular infiltrates and cytokine production were measured 1, 3, 7 or 14 days post-transplantation. The percentage of CD4(+) CD25(+) Foxp3(+) cells in the lymph nodes was also evaluated. Results: Grafts were totally accepted in 100% of AIR(MAX) and in 26% of AIR(MIN) mice. In the latter, partial acceptance was observed in 74% of the animals. Emigrated cells were basically PMN and were enhanced in AIR(MAX) transplants. IL-10 production by graft infiltrating cells showed no interline differences. IFN-gamma was increased in AIR(MIN) grafts at day 14 and lower percentages of CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) cells in the lymph nodes were observed in these mice. Conclusions: Our data suggest that differences in graft acceptance might be due to a lack of appropriate regulation of the inflammatory response in AIR(MIN) mice compromising the self/non-self recognition.
Estudo sobre o Curso Pré-vestibular Comunitário da Maré (CPV Maré), a partir de sua inserção no movimento de pré-vestibulares comunitários existente hoje em todo o Brasil. Os dados e fontes coletados permitiram entender como se deu a trajetória do curso, bem como seus resultados e limites. Através do crescimento do curso, é possível entender o processo de crescimento e institucionalização do Centro de Estudos e Ações Solidárias da Maré (CEASM), organização não governamental criada por moradores e ex-moradores da Maré em 1997, que teve crescente e expressivo crescimento desde a sua formação. Em sete anos de existência - 1998 a 2005 -, os estudantes que freqüentaram o CPV Maré obtiveram, ao todo, 539 aprovações para universidades públicas e privadas, sobretudo para a PUC-RJ, totalizando 408 ingressos de alunos no ensino superior. Em consonância com a proposta do curso, e diante da condição econômica de seus alunos, serão aqui consideradas apenas as aprovações para as universidades públicas e para a PUC RJ, tendo em vista a parceria estabelecida entre essa universidade e o CEASM, no tocante à concessão de bolsas de estudo. Assim, são 355 alunos que ingressaram nas universidades públicas e na PUC-Rio. È com esse quantitativo que iremos trabalhar neste estudo.
This paper studies cost-sharing rules under dynamic adverse selection. We present a typical principal-agent model with two periods, set up in Laffont and Tirole's (1986) canonical regulation environment. At first, when the contract is signed, the firm has prior uncertainty about its efficiency parameter. In the second period, the firm learns its efficiency and chooses the level of cost-reducing effort. The optimal mechanism sequentially screens the firm's types and achieves a higher level of welfare than its static counterpart. The contract is indirectly implemented by a sequence of transfers, consisting of a fixed advance payment based on the reported cost estimate, and an ex-post compensation linear in cost performance.
This work analyses pedagogical practices of Adelle Sobral de Oliveira, from 1900 to 1940, in order to notice how her performance as educator and administrator took place in Externato Angelo Varela in the Rio Grande do Norte city of Ceará-Mirim within a time in which the public teaching started to be considered modern in the State. Adelle was a self learner who developed an important role as a mentality mentor of a generation in the region. As the research corpus we have taken the five Reading Books written by Felisberto de Carvalho used by Adelle in her Externato, interviews with her ex-students and researches in the newspapers of her time, in the Public Archives and in the Historical and Geographic Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, and also in the governors messages, Education Department documents such as laws, and government decrees and acts. It was also taken as a research font the Publich Archives of Ceará-Mirim. The aim of this PhD thesis is understand the primary instruction spreading and modernization in the countryside of Rio Grande do Norte, which began with her teaching pedagogical practices. The research results show Adele Oliveira used practical and experimental modern methodological teaching methods in the subjects she taught. Due to this, in her scholar routine, she avoided physical punishment and mechanical teaching and learning strategies
A adubação com micronutrientes, como o manganês em gramíneas forrageiras tropicais, contribui para o atendimento das exigências nutricionais tanto das plantas quanto dos animais. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, estudar os efeitos da aplicação de manganês no crescimento, na nutrição e na produção de matéria seca de plantas de Brachiaria brizantha, em condições de casa de vegetação. Para isto, realizou-se um experimento em casa de vegetação da FCAV/UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal, com Brachiaria brizantha (cv. MG4), em vasos com 3,5 dm³ preenchidos com amostras de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico (Mn = 0,6 mg dm-3). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos, que corresponderam às doses de manganês (0, 15, 30, 60 e 120 mg dm-3), e quatro repetições. Avaliaram-se, nos dois cortes da forrageira (primeiro corte, 35 dias após o transplantio e, segundo, 30 dias após o primeiro), as variáveis de crescimento, produção de massa de forragem, teor e acúmulo de Mn na parte aérea. As doses de manganês aplicadas aumentaram a concentração deste micronutriente no solo e nas plantas e a produção de massa de forragem no primeiro corte. A Brachiaria brizantha cv. MG4 apresenta alta tolerância ao manganês, atingindo elevados teores de Mn na parte aérea, mesmo sem provocar sintomas visuais de toxicidade.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In order to test if the maximal velocity of shortening (V(max)TP) reflects the level of inotropism and is affected by preload and afterload, the behavior of this index was compared in two groups of anesthetized, atropinized dogs when preload and afterload were raised with an angiotensin II infusion. In seven dogs (group I), the arterial pressure elevation was allowed to inhibit reflectively the sympathetic tone and depress contractility. In eleven dogs (group II), the adrenergic activity was abolished by previous administration of reserpine. In group I, there was a significant decrease in V(max)TP during the angiotensin infusion. In group II, there was no significant change in the value of this index when the drug was infused. In six animals of this group, a further increase of arterial pressure was induced, but the values of V(max)TP remained similar to control. These results suggest that this index reflects the inotropic state of the myocardium and does not suffer significantly from the influence of preload and afterload elevations within our experimental limits.
This work presents the application of a scalar finite element formulation for Ex (TE-like) modes in anisotropic planar and channel waveguides with diagonal permittivity tensor, diffused in both transversal directions. This extended formulation considers explicitly both the variations of the refractive index and their spatial derivates inside of each finite element. Dispersion curves for Ex modes in planar and channel waveguides are shown, and the results compared with solutions obtained by other formulations.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the high values of insertion torques on the stress and strain distribution in cortical and cancellous bones. Based on tomography imaging, a representative mathematical model of a partial maxilla was built using Mimics 11.11 and Solid Works 2010 softwares. Six models were built and each of them received an implant with one of the following insertion torques: 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 or 80 Ncm on the external hexagon. The cortical and cancellous bones were considered anisotropic. The bone/implant interface was considered perfectly bonded. The numerical analysis was carried out using Ansys Workbench 10.0. The convergence of analysis (6%) drove the mesh refinement. Maximum principal stress (σ max) and maximum principal strain (ε max) were obtained for cortical and cancellous bones around to implant. Pearson's correlation test was used to determine the correlation between insertion torque and stress concentration in the periimplant bone tissue, considering the significance level at 5%. The increase in the insertion torque generated an increase in the σ max and ε max values for cortical and cancellous bone. The σmax was smaller for the cancellous bone, with greater stress variation among the insertion torques. The ε max was higher in the cancellous bone in comparison to the cortical bone. According to the methodology used and the limits of this study, it can be concluded that higher insertion torques increased tensile and compressive stress concentrations in the periimplant bone tissue.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)