818 resultados para Eventos extremos de precipitação


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This study is based on the mapping of occurrences associated with social vulnerability and natural risks, which refer to the resilience of populations and territories, regarding natural hazards associated with the functioning of natural systems (eg, earthquakes, flood, mass movements). According to UNISDR (2014), the state of São Paulo is a reference in working with Urban Resilience and Disaster in the Resilient Cities Campaign (2014), considering the high investment in Risk Areas Mapping and Public Education Campaigns implemented by the Civil Defense. Thus, this study aims to mapping the occurrence of events related to Tree Falls, Erosion, Landslides, Irregular Housing, Rocky Blocks Falls, Wall Falls, Unroofing and Irregular Construction, attended by the Civil Defense in the city of Santos, São Paulo State, from 2011 to 2014. Thereafter, correlated analyzes to the Environmental Vulnerabilities were generated. The Environmental Vulnerability databases used in this dissertation compose the results of the CNPQ Project - Environmental Vulnerability Mapping of the State of Sao Paulo - Brazil: a methodological contribution of Freitas (2013) and Bortolettoet al (2014), with information collected from the 2010 Census (IBGE, 2010), on a census sectors scale. The adopted methodological procedure involves document analysis followed by data integration in Geographic Information System, through algorithms analysis and mapscrossing.The results obtained in Maps of Social and Environmental Vulnerability Occurrences presented areas of High or Very High Vulnerability. The main variables obtained with such characteristics are Irregular Housing, Landslides and Rocky Blocks Falls, which was associated with hilly terrain formations, with slopes above 30%. To the areas of Medium, Low and Very Low Vulnerability were associated the variables Tree Falls, Wall Falls, Erosion, Unroofing and Irregular Construction, which are spatially distributed without an...


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Objective: to describe technical complaints and adverse drug events reported in a sentinel hospital in São Paulo state in 2009 and 2010. Methods: This is a descriptive study. Information was obtained from the sentinel hospital Risk Management database. Results: we found 199 reports related to drugs: 70.0% were technical complaints, 21.0% ineffective therapy and 9.0% adverse reaction to medication. The pharmacological groups with highest number of reports were: drugs that act on alimentary tract and metabolism (25.1%), the nervous system (25.1%) and anti-infective drugs for systemic use (22.1%). Conclusion: technical complaints and adverse drug events were frequent, despite recognized underreporting. The characterization of these events could inform the adoption of control measures and permanent educational actions in health services in order to prevent their occurrence.


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Knowing the annual climatic conditions is of great importance for appropriate planning in agriculture. However, the systems of climatic classification are not widely used in agricultural studies because of the wide range of scales in which they are used. A series with data from 20 years of observations from 45 climatological stations in all over the state of Pernambuco was used. The probability density function of the incomplete gamma distribution was used to evaluate the occurrence of dry, regular and rainy years. The monthly climatic water balance was estimated using the Thornthwaite and Mather method (1955), and based on those findings, the climatic classifications were performed using the Thornthwaite (1948) and Thornthwaite and Mather (1955) for each site. The method of Kriging interpolation was used for the spatialization of the results. The study classifications were very sensitive to the local reliefs, to the amount of rainfall, and to the temperatures of the regions resulting in a wide number of climatic types. The climatic classification system of Thornthwaite and Mather (1955) allowed efficient classification of climates and a clearer summary of the information provided. In so doing, it demonstrated its capability to determine agro climatic zones.


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A climatological characterization of storm properties during two summer seasons, viz. 1998-1999 and 1999-2000, based on observations from the Bauru S-band Doppler radar, was obtained from the TITAN Software of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (Boulder, Co), implemented at IPMet. Parameters, such as mean volume, mean area, mean and maximum echo tops, mean and maximum reflectivity, as well as speed and direction of precipitating systems were determined using the reflectivity >25, 30 and 40 dBZ and a volume >30 km3 as thresholds for storm identification. For the first time, the spatial distributions of these parameters were determined in the central State of São Paulo, based on radar observations. It was found that some preferential areas, where most of the convective activity was concentrated during the study period, were located along the Tietê River. The mean maximum reflectivity field has highlighted preferential regions for convection to develop over the metropolitan area of Campinas, which in turn was reinforced by the distribution of the echo tops and reflectivity >40 dBZ.


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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In a highly competitive and globally integrated market, excellence in production processes has become a survival factor, instead of just a differential point. In this context, companies from various sectors have resorted to philosophies and techniques already established in the literature to improve the efficiency of their production processes. This paper discusses aspects and techniques used to improve the production efficiency of a multinational company that manufactures surgical devices to a global market. Through DMAIC methodology, there were found opportunities to improve machines' efficiency by OEE, an efficiency indicator, in Kaizen Events. A case study was conducted to analyze the methodology and to identify good practices and difficulties along the way


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da topografia e da precipitação pluviométrica na composição arbórea e na produção de liteira em uma floresta ombrófila densa na Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã. Foram demarcadas três parcelas de 1.000 m2 em cada nível topográfico, caracterizado como baixio, intermediário e platô, bem como identificados os indivíduos arbóreos e coletadas amostras da liteira. Nos três níveis, foram registradas 124 espécies em 33 famílias, sendo estas Sapotaceae, Lecythidaceae e Chrysobalanaceae, que apresentaram o maior índice de valor de importância. Lecythis idatimon Aubl., Rinorea guianensis Aubl. e Eschweilera coriacea (DC.) S.A. Mori. A sazonalidade interferiu expressivamente na produção da liteira, revelando a maior produção no final da estação chuvosa e no início da estação seca. O estímulo ambiental para a queda das folhas é, principalmente, devido à diminuição da umidade relativa do ar, justificada pela necessidade das plantas em aumentar a eficiência fotossintética. A diferença na estrutura da população revela estratégias distintas para a produção de flores e, consequentemente, na dispersão de frutos e sementes.


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In a highly competitive and globally integrated market, excellence in production processes has become a survival factor, instead of just a differential point. In this context, companies from various sectors have resorted to philosophies and techniques already established in the literature to improve the efficiency of their production processes. This paper discusses aspects and techniques used to improve the production efficiency of a multinational company that manufactures surgical devices to a global market. Through DMAIC methodology, there were found opportunities to improve machines' efficiency by OEE, an efficiency indicator, in Kaizen Events. A case study was conducted to analyze the methodology and to identify good practices and difficulties along the way


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A segurança do paciente representa um desafio para a excelência da qualidade no setor saúde. Este estudo objetivou: verificar a adequação entre a alocação da equipe de enfermagem e as horas de cuidado requeridas pelos pacientes, bem como identificar a relação entre essa alocação com eventos adversos/incidentes (EA/I). Trata-se de pesquisa observacional, descritiva e prospectiva, desenvolvida nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Clínicas do 4º andar e 6º andar de um Hospital Universitário, do município de São Paulo, Brasil, no período de 01/11/07 a 10/12/07, com 46 pacientes. Nas UTIs 4º andar e 6º andar, respectivamente, 43,3% e 10,3% das alocações foram inadequadas (p = 0,000). Houve diferença na frequência de EA/I nas alocações adequadas e inadequadas da equipe de enfermagem da UTI 4º andar e UTI 6º andar, p = 0,0004 e p = 0,000, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que, quanto maior a diferença entre as horas disponíveis e requeridas de cuidado nas alocações de enfermagem, menor a frequência de EA/I.


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O conhecimento do desempenho das reanálises e dos erros associados a elas apresenta um papel fundamental na compreensão dos processos físicos que ocorrem na atmosfera. Este trabalho tem por objetivo documentar as principais características da precipitação associada à Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul (ZCAS), baseado em seis conjuntos de reanálises atmosféricas (MERRA, ERA-Interim, ERA-40, NCEP 1, NCEP 2 e NCEP CFSR) e cinco conjuntos de produtos observados de precipitação (SALDAS, CPC, CMAP, GPCP e GLDAS). Através destes dados também foi analisado o transporte de umidade sobre a região da ZCAS, para os anos de 1979 a 2007. Em resumo, este trabalho evidencia o avanço das novas reanálises na tentativa de representar de forma mais adequada a variável precipitação acumulada. Os diagramas de Taylor mostram que os produtos de precipitação estão bem correlacionados com o ponto de referência (CPC), com coeficientes entre 0,6 e 0,9. Somente a reanálise do NCEP CFSR possui correlações próximas as dos produtos de precipitação. Os conjuntos mais antigos de reanálises apresentam correlações menores, abaixo de 0,6. O Oceano Atlântico é a fonte principal do fluxo de umidade para a direção da ZCAS, que diminui na direção do continente. Na Região SE do Brasil, a topografia tem um papel importante para a convergência de umidade. Já na parte noroeste da ZCAS, este fator deve estar associado a processos termodinâmicos.


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O estudo da dinâmica de constituição de uma rede visa identificar que tipos de eventos ocorreram nas conexões entre os nós que levaram a formação da estrutura atual da rede em análise. Entender esses eventos é entender as formas específicas e estratégias de conectividade que deram origem a rede. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar esses eventos geradores com foco específico em redes de colaboração científica, considerando relações de coautoria e participação em bancas de defesas de teses e dissertações. Analisando mais de 11.000 documentos específicos da área das Ciências da Comunicação, propomos dois tipos característicos de eventos que pretendem explicar a dinâmica de formação das redes em análise.


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar a variabilidade interanual da precipitação sobre a AMZ e LPB simulada pelo RegCM4 utilizando duas diferentes parametrizações de superfície.


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