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Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is one of the ways to probe highly scattering media such as tissue using low-energy near infra-red light (NIR) to reconstruct a map of the optical property distribution. The interaction of the photons in biological tissue is a non-linear process and the phton transport through the tissue is modelled using diffusion theory. The inversion problem is often solved through iterative methods based on nonlinear optimization for the minimization of a data-model misfit function. The solution of the non-linear problem can be improved by modeling and optimizing the cost functional. The cost functional is f(x) = x(T)Ax - b(T)x + c and after minimization, the cost functional reduces to Ax = b. The spatial distribution of optical parameter can be obtained by solving the above equation iteratively for x. As the problem is non-linear, ill-posed and ill-conditioned, there will be an error or correction term for x at each iteration. A linearization strategy is proposed for the solution of the nonlinear ill-posed inverse problem by linear combination of system matrix and error in solution. By propagating the error (e) information (obtained from previous iteration) to the minimization function f(x), we can rewrite the minimization function as f(x; e) = (x + e)(T) A(x + e) - b(T)(x + e) + c. The revised cost functional is f(x; e) = f(x) + e(T)Ae. The self guided spatial weighted prior (e(T)Ae) error (e, error in estimating x) information along the principal nodes facilitates a well resolved dominant solution over the region of interest. The local minimization reduces the spreading of inclusion and removes the side lobes, thereby improving the contrast, localization and resolution of reconstructed image which has not been possible with conventional linear and regularization algorithm.


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Clock synchronisation is an important requirement for various applications in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Most of the existing clock synchronisation protocols for WSNs use some hierarchical structure that introduces an extra overhead due to the dynamic nature of WSNs. Besides, it is difficult to integrate these clock synchronisation protocols with sleep scheduling scheme, which is a major technique to conserve energy. In this paper, we propose a fully distributed peer-to-peer based clock synchronisation protocol, named Distributed Clock Synchronisation Protocol (DCSP), using a novel technique of pullback for complete sensor networks. The pullback technique ensures that synchronisation phases of any pair of clocks always overlap. We have derived an exact expression for a bound on maximum synchronisation error in the DCSP protocol, and simulation study verifies that it is indeed less than the computed upper bound. Experimental study using a few TelosB motes also verifies that the pullback occurs as predicted.


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The notion of the 1-D analytic signal is well understood and has found many applications. At the heart of the analytic signal concept is the Hilbert transform. The problem in extending the concept of analytic signal to higher dimensions is that there is no unique multidimensional definition of the Hilbert transform. Also, the notion of analyticity is not so well under stood in higher dimensions. Of the several 2-D extensions of the Hilbert transform, the spiral-phase quadrature transform or the Riesz transform seems to be the natural extension and has attracted a lot of attention mainly due to its isotropic properties. From the Riesz transform, Larkin et al. constructed a vortex operator, which approximates the quadratures based on asymptotic stationary-phase analysis. In this paper, we show an alternative proof for the quadrature approximation property by invoking the quasi-eigenfunction property of linear, shift-invariant systems. We show that the vortex operator comes up as a natural consequence of applying this property. We also characterize the quadrature approximation error in terms of its energy as well as the peak spatial-domain error. Such results are available for 1-D signals, but their counter part for 2-D signals have not been provided. We also provide simulation results to supplement the analytical calculations.


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Wind stress is the most important ocean forcing for driving tropical surface currents. Stress can be estimated from scatterometer-reported wind measurements at 10 m that have been extrapolated to the surface, assuming a neutrally stable atmosphere and no surface current. Scatterometer calibration is designed to account for the assumption of neutral stability; however, the assumption of a particular sea state and negligible current often introduces an error in wind stress estimations. Since the fundamental scatterometer measurement is of the surface radar backscatter (sigma-0) which is related to surface roughness and, thus, stress, we develop a method to estimate wind stress directly from the scatterometer measurements of sigma-0 and their associated azimuth angle and incidence angle using a neural network approach. We compare the results with in situ estimations and observe that the wind stress estimations from this approach are more accurate compared with those obtained from the conventional estimations using 10-m-height wind measurements.


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In this paper, we present a methodology for designing a compliant aircraft wing, which can morph from a given airfoil shape to another given shape under the actuation of internal forces and can offer sufficient stiffness in both configurations under the respective aerodynamic loads. The least square error in displacements, Fourier descriptors, geometric moments, and moment invariants are studied to compare candidate shapes and to pose the optimization problem. Their relative merits and demerits are discussed in this paper. The `frame finite element ground structure' approach is used for topology optimization and the resulting solutions are converted to continuum solutions. The introduction of a notch-like feature is the key to the success of the design. It not only gives a good match for the target morphed shape for the leading and trailing edges but also minimizes the extension of the flexible skin that is to be put on the airfoil frame. Even though linear small-displacement elastic analysis is used in optimization, the obtained designs are analysed for large displacement behavior. The methodology developed here is not restricted to aircraft wings; it can be used to solve any shape-morphing requirement in flexible structures and compliant mechanisms.


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In this paper, we report the gas phase infrared spectra of fluorene and its methylated derivatives using a heated multipass cell and argon as a carrier gas. The observed spectra in the 4000-400 cm(-1) range have been fitted using the modified scaled quantum mechanical force field (SQMFF) calculation with the 6-311G** basis. The advantage of using the modified SQMFF method is that it scales the force constants to find the best fit to the observed spectral lines by minimizing the fitting error. In this way we are able to assign all the observed fundamental bands in the spectra. With consecutive methyl substitutions two sets of bands are found to shift in a systematic way. The set of four aromatic C-H stretching vibrations around 3000 cm(-1) shifts toward lower frequencies while the single most intense aromatic C-H out-of-plane bending mode around 750 cm(-1) shifts toward higher frequencies. The reason for shifting of aromatic C-H stretching frequency toward lower wave numbers with gradual methyl substitution has been attributed to the lengthening of the C-H bonds due to the +I effect of the methyl groups to the ring current as revealed from the calculations. While the unexpected shifting of the aromatic C-H out-of-plane bend toward higher wave numbers with increasing methyl substitution is ascribed to the lowering of the number of adjacent aromatic C-H bonds on the plane of the benzene ring with gradual methyl substitutions. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Grating Compression Transform (GCT) is a two-dimensional analysis of speech signal which has been shown to be effective in multi-pitch tracking in speech mixtures. Multi-pitch tracking methods using GCT apply Kalman filter framework to obtain pitch tracks which requires training of the filter parameters using true pitch tracks. We propose an unsupervised method for obtaining multiple pitch tracks. In the proposed method, multiple pitch tracks are modeled using time-varying means of a Gaussian mixture model (GMM), referred to as TVGMM. The TVGMM parameters are estimated using multiple pitch values at each frame in a given utterance obtained from different patches of the spectrogram using GCT. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method on all voiced speech mixtures as well as random speech mixtures having well separated and close pitch tracks. TVGMM achieves multi-pitch tracking with 51% and 53% multi-pitch estimates having error <= 20% for random mixtures and all-voiced mixtures respectively. TVGMM also results in lower root mean squared error in pitch track estimation compared to that by Kalman filtering.


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A comprehensive design flow is proposed for the design of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems that are fabricated using SOIMUMPs process. Many of the designers typically do not model the temperature dependency of electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and convection coefficient, as it is very cumbersome to create/incorporate the same in the existing FEM simulators. Capturing these dependencies is very critical particularly for structures that are electrically actuated. Lookup tables that capture the temperature dependency of electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and convection coefficient are created. These look up tables are taken as inputs for a commercially available FEM simulator to model the semiconductor behavior. It is demonstrated that when temperature dependency for all the above mentioned parameters is not captured, then the error in estimation of the maximum temperature (for a given structure) could be as high as 30%. Error in the estimated resistance value under the same conditions is as high as 40%. When temperature dependency of the above mentioned parameters is considered then error w.r.t the measured values is less than 5%. It is evident that error in temperature estimates leads to erroneous results from mechanical simulations as well.


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This work considers the identification of the available whitespace, i.e., the regions that do not contain any existing transmitter within a given geographical area. To this end, n sensors are deployed at random locations within the area. These sensors detect for the presence of a transmitter within their radio range r(s) using a binary sensing model, and their individual decisions are combined to estimate the available whitespace. The limiting behavior of the recovered whitespace as a function of n and r(s) is analyzed. It is shown that both the fraction of the available whitespace that the nodes fail to recover as well as their radio range optimally scale as log(n)/n as n gets large. The problem of minimizing the sum absolute error in transmitter localization is also analyzed, and the corresponding optimal scaling of the radio range and the necessary minimum transmitter separation is determined.


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Contrary to the actual nonlinear Glauber model, the linear Glauber model (LGM) is exactly solvable, although the detailed balance condition is not generally satisfied. This motivates us to address the issue of writing the transition rate () in a best possible linear form such that the mean squared error in satisfying the detailed balance condition is least. The advantage of this work is that, by studying the LGM analytically, we will be able to anticipate how the kinetic properties of an arbitrary Ising system depend on the temperature and the coupling constants. The analytical expressions for the optimal values of the parameters involved in the linear are obtained using a simple Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse matrix. This approach is quite general, in principle applicable to any system and can reproduce the exact results for one dimensional Ising system. In the continuum limit, we get a linear time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation from the Glauber's microscopic model of non-conservative dynamics. We analyze the critical and dynamic properties of the model, and show that most of the important results obtained in different studies can be reproduced by our new mathematical approach. We will also show in this paper that the effect of magnetic field can easily be studied within our approach; in particular, we show that the inverse of relaxation time changes quadratically with (weak) magnetic field and that the fluctuation-dissipation theorem is valid for our model.


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Despite significant advances in recent years, structure-from-motion (SfM) pipelines suffer from two important drawbacks. Apart from requiring significant computational power to solve the large-scale computations involved, such pipelines sometimes fail to correctly reconstruct when the accumulated error in incremental reconstruction is large or when the number of 3D to 2D correspondences are insufficient. In this paper we present a novel approach to mitigate the above-mentioned drawbacks. Using an image match graph based on matching features we partition the image data set into smaller sets or components which are reconstructed independently. Following such reconstructions we utilise the available epipolar relationships that connect images across components to correctly align the individual reconstructions in a global frame of reference. This results in both a significant speed up of at least one order of magnitude and also mitigates the problems of reconstruction failures with a marginal loss in accuracy. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated on some large-scale real world data sets.


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A numerical model for shallow-water equations has been built and tested on the Yin-Yang overset spherical grid. A high-order multimoment finite-volume method is used for the spatial discretization in which two kinds of so-called moments of the physical field [i.e., the volume integrated average ( VIA) and the point value (PV)] are treated as the model variables and updated separately in time. In the present model, the PV is computed by the semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian formulation, whereas the VIA is predicted in time via a flux-based finite-volume method and is numerically conserved on each component grid. The concept of including an extra moment (i.e., the volume-integrated value) to enforce the numerical conservativeness provides a general methodology and applies to the existing semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian formulations. Based on both VIA and PV, the high-order interpolation reconstruction can only be done over a single grid cell, which then minimizes the overlapping zone between the Yin and Yang components and effectively reduces the numerical errors introduced in the interpolation required to communicate the data between the two components. The present model completely gets around the singularity and grid convergence in the polar regions of the conventional longitude-latitude grid. Being an issue demanding further investigation, the high-order interpolation across the overlapping region of the Yin-Yang grid in the current model does not rigorously guarantee the numerical conservativeness. Nevertheless, these numerical tests show that the global conservation error in the present model is negligibly small. The model has competitive accuracy and efficiency.


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A fifth-order theory for solving the problem of interaction between Stokes waves and exponential profile currents is proposed. The calculated flow fields are compared with measurements. Then the errors caused by the linear superposition method and approximate theory are discussed. It is found that the total wave-current field consists of pure wave, pure current and interaction components. The shear current not only directly changes the flow field, but also indirectly does sx, by changing the wave parameters due to wave-current interaction. The present theory can predict the wave kinematics on shear currents satisfactorily. The linear superposition method may give rise to more than 40% loading error in extreme conditions. When the apparent wave period is used and the Wheeler stretching method is adopted to extrapolate the current, application of the approximate theory is the best.


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A literature review was conducted to locate information on the flow of energy from primary producers to the fishery stocks of the Puerto Rican-Virgin Islands insular shelf. This report uses site-specific information to describe the major ecological subsystems, or habitats, of the region, to identify the more common species and the subsystems in which they occur, to quantify productivity and biomass, and to outline trophic relationships. Discussions on each topic and subsystem vary in substance and detail, being limited by the availability and accessibility of information. (PDF contains 189 pages) Seven distinct subsystems are described: mangrove estuary, seagrass bed, coral reef, algal plain, sand/mud bottom, shelf break, and overlying pelagic. Over 50 tables provide lists of species found in each habitat on various surveys dating back to 1956. Estimates of density, relative abundance, and productivity are provided when possible. We evaluated whether sufficient information exists to support an analysis of the energy basis of fishery production in the area, beginning with the design and development of an ecosystem model. Data needs in three categories - species lists, biomass, and trophic relations - were examined for each subsystem and for each of three species groups - primary producers, invertebrates, and fish. We concluded that adequate data, sufficient for modeling purposes, are available in 16 (25%) of 64 categories; limited data, those requiring greater extrapolation, are available in 35 (55%) categories; and no data are available in 13 (20%) categories. The best-studied subsystems are seagrass beds and coral reefs, with at least limited data in all categories. Invertebrates, the intermediate link in the food web between primary producers and fishes, are the least quantified group in the region. Primary production and fishes, however, are relatively well-studied, providing sufficient data to support an ecosystem-level analysis and to initiate a modeling effort.


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Background: Consensus development techniques were used in the late 1980s to create explicit criteria for the appropriateness of cataract extraction. We developed a new appropriateness of indications tool for cataract following the RAND method. We tested the validity of our panel results. Methods: Criteria were developed using a modified Delphi panel judgment process. A panel of 12 ophthalmologists was assembled. Ratings were analyzed regarding the level of agreement among panelists. We studied the influence of all variables on the final panel score using linear and logistic regression models. The explicit criteria developed were summarized by classification and regression tree analysis. Results: Of the 765 indications evaluated by the main panel in the second round, 32.9% were found appropriate, 30.1% uncertain, and 37% inappropriate. Agreement was found in 53% of the indications and disagreement in 0.9%. Seven variables were considered to create the indications and divided into three groups: simple cataract, with diabetic retinopathy, or with other ocular pathologies. The preoperative visual acuity in the cataractous eye and visual function were the variables that best explained the panel scoring. The panel results were synthesized and presented in three decision trees. Misclassification error in the decision trees, as compared with the panel original criteria, was 5.3%. Conclusion: The parameters tested showed acceptable validity for an evaluation tool. These results support the use of this indication algorithm as a screening tool for assessing the appropriateness of cataract extraction in field studies and for the development of practice guidelines.