1000 resultados para Ensaios irlandeses Teses
A psorase uma doena inflamatria relativamente comum da pele e das articulaes, podendo se tornar crnica. Nos ltimos anos, a expanso do arsenal teraputico para o paciente com psorase tem permitido aos mdicos combaterem, de forma mais agressiva, a patognese da doena. Um frmaco utilizado para o tratamento o metotrexato, que, apesar de ser bastante eficaz, possui potencial para a toxicidade sistmica, como toxicidade hematolgica, heptica e pulmonar. Sendo assim, muita ateno tem sido dada ao desenvolvimento de novos veculos com o objetivo no s de aumentar a eficcia teraputica de substncias ativas, como tambm de permitir a reduo da sua dose total necessria, minimizando os efeitos colaterais txicos. Os cristais-lquidos so sistemas promissores para aplicao tpica, pois promovem liberao controlada de frmacos, contribuindo para amenizar efeitos adversos, por exemplo, do metotrexato. Uma vez que h possibilidade de as substncias incorporadas em formulaes tpicas serem absorvidas pela pele e mucosas, existe a necessidade de garantir que as formulaes sejam seguras. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar a bioadeso e a citotoxicidade in vitro de trs sistemas lquido-cristalinos contendo metotrexato para o tratamento da psorase. Resultados de bioadeso revelaram que as trs formulaes analisadas apresentaram foras bioadesivas prximas, sendo o sistema A mais bioadesivo. Com relao a estudos de reologia, houve comportamento de fluido no-newtoniano, pseudoplstico e tixotrpico. Alm disso, a adio de metotrexato formulao A, aumentou a viscosidade do sistema. Ensaios de citotoxicidade sugerem a possibilidade de liberao prolongada de metotrexato, contribuindo para o aumento da viabilidade celular
Coleus blumei Benth (Lamiaceae), popularly known in Brazil as heart-hurt or coleus-of-Java is an ornamental plant widely used due to the color of its leaves. Several species of the genus Coleus present compounds with antioxidant, antimicrobial and allopathic activities due to the presence of chemicals such coleonol, forskolin and rosmarinic acid. Therefore, this study aimed to carry out phytochemical study and biological tests to evaluate the antibacterial, antioxidant and allopathic activities of the 70% ethanol extract and its fractions ethyl acetate, dichloromethane and end aqueous fraction leaf of Coleus blumei Benth. The plant extract was prepared by turbolisis from the powder of dried leaves, as a solvent for extraction using 70% ethanol. The ethanol extract was fractionated with solvents dichloromethane and ethyl acetate. The phytochemical study identified the presence of saponins, free anthraquinones, flavonoids and anthocyanidins. In evaluating the antibacterial dichloromethane fraction showed activity against all microorganisms tested both in agar diffusion test and microdilution test. The 70% ethanol extract showed activity against the micro-organisms S. aureus and S. epidermidis in agar diffusion test and against all microorganisms tested in microdilution test. The ethyl acetate fraction showed activity against the micro-organism S. aureus in the agar diffusion test and against all microorganisms tested in microdilution test. The end aqueous fraction showed no activity against any micro-organism tested. In the test of evaluation activity allopathic dichloromethane fraction showed greater inhibition of seed germination and growth of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), followed by 70% ethanolic extract, the ethyl acetate fraction and the end aqueous fraction. In testing the antioxidant activity with DPPH ethyl acetate fraction showed higher antioxidant activity followed... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Bamboo has one of the highest growth rates among plants, however, its lignifications (which confers resistance) takes around a few years and, therefore, certain physical characteristics and mechanical, that depend on this process will only be acquired between the three to six years old. In addition, bamboo also has significant density variations in different parts of the stem, both in the radial direction as the axial. In particular the radial direction, where the density found in the inner and outer (near the bark) of a single stem can range on average from 0.5 to 0.9 g/cm3. Thus, the application of bamboo as a floor, there to examine whether both sides of the bamboo (internal and external), provide resistance properties required for that purpose. In this study sought to characterize and quantify the influence of the concentration of fiber bundles in the inner and outer sides of rules or bamboo strips of bamboo flooring through testing service. Analyses performed were based on ASTM D 2394- 83 for wooden floors and derivatives. This was necessary because of the absence of a specific prohibition of the use and testing of floors made of bamboo and its products. The data were analyzed by ball indentation test shooting, test for resistance to abrasion, indentation test for stress / load treadmill test and by indentation loads applied to small areas - test the jump. The results of the tests were extremely friendly bamboo, even this presents considerable differences between the resistances obtained from assay of the cover of the inner and outer face, being comparable with those of many commonly used to manufacture wood flooring. This comparison was made possible by information from technical trials of several floors made with wood
O Brasil um pas dotado de Biodiversidade incomparvel da qual advm inmeras plantas medicinais que so frequentemente utilizadas de acordo com conhecimento emprico da populao em geral. Considerando a importncia de investigar os efeitos farmacolgicos e toxicolgicos de espcies vegetais utilizadas com fins teraputicos, foi objetivo do presente trabalho avaliar a atividade mutagnica dos extratos metanlicos e hexnicos de Pouteria ramiflora e Pouteria torta, pois seus dados farmacolgicos descritos na literatura so bastante restritos, destacando-se as atividades antimicrobiana, citotxica e imunomoduladora. Como ferramenta foram escolhidos os testes de Ames e do Microncleo, pois ambos so preconizados pela ANVISA em testes de toxicidade de fitoterpicos. No Teste de Ames foram utilizadas as linhagens TA100, TA98, TA97a e TA102 de Salmonella typhimurium em presena e ausncia de metabolizao e no ensaio do microncleo foi utilizado o sangue perifrico de camundongos Swiss tratados in vivo. Os resultados constataram que os extratos de ambas as espcies provocaram desvios da normalidade, ou seja, o Teste de Ames detectou aumento no nmero de revertentes por placa e o Teste do microncleo mostrou aumento significativo no nmero de clulas micronucleadas. Esses resultados demonstraram claramente que as duas espcies de Pouteria estudadas apresentaram potencial mutagnico e, portanto, o uso popular dessas plantas deve ser feito com cautela
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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a biodegradao de efluente oleosos em ambiente terrestre. Foram avaliados os potenciais degradao dos seguintes leos: leo lubrificante automotivo usado, leo vegetal novo e usado, e biodiesel. Os ensaios realizados objetivaram, pelo mtodo de respirometria, quantificar e comparar as porcentagens de biodegradao medida atravs da formao do CO2 da respirometria bacteriana entre amostras de solos contaminados por diferentes tipos de leo. Alm destes ensaios, foram realizados testes colorimtricos que, indicaro, pela mudana de cor do indicador, quais os leos levam mais tempo para serem completamente degradados. Dessa maneira, foi possvel verificar a degradabilidade relativa dos leos, e contribuir para futuras pesquisas envolvendo a poluio de ambientes com efluentes oleosos. Os dados coletados permitiram verificar a toxicidade e biodegradabilidade relativa dos leos, de modo que os ensaios contendo biodiesel e leo vegetal novo tiveram menor ndice de biodegradao, quando comparado ao leo automotivo usado.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Letras - FCLAS
Ps-graduao em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Ps-graduao em Geocincias e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
During the retaining wall project in soil reinforced with geogrids and face milling system for segmental blocks is essential to determine the maximum connection resistance between the block and the geogrid. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the connection resistance based on ASTM D- 6638-01 between the segmental block model MW of Muros Terrae company with the geogrids model Fortrac M 35 / 20x20, Fortrac M 55 / 30x20, Fortrac M 80 / 30x20 and Fortrac M 110 / 30x20 of HUESKER Synthetic GmbH using gravel 1 as a filling material. As a result, the resistance curves were obtained for the four models of geogrids and was described how it fracture. An additional investigation was the average gain connection resistance percentage when it is applied to geogrid a second layer instead of a single layer. The average percentage gains in the connection resistance to the geogrids model Fortrac M 35 / 20x20, Fortrac M 55 / 30x20, Fortrac M 80 / 30x20 and Fortrac M 110 / 30x20 were, respectively, 63.20 %, 63, 47%, 62.23 % and 51.34 %. Finally, we made a comparative analysis of the results of this study with those obtained by Guimares (2006), Urashima et. al (2008) and Almeida and Toma (2011) to evaluate which combinations offered higher connection resistance
Ps-graduao em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
This work aims to identify the rootmetaphor of John Deweys philosophical and educational discourse, by means of rhetorical analyses parameters. This methodology is founded in Aristotle and in the works of Cham Perelman and other contemporary authors involved in the revision of Aristotelian philosophy. The article examines the essays The philosophical work of Herbert Spencer and The influence of darwinism on philosophy, published by John Dewey respectively in 1904 e 1909. They were written in the early years of Dewey in Columbia University, which intellectual environment was not dominated by Pragmatism, and for this reason they can be considered seminal in the structuring of the authors arguments. The analysis reveals that Dewey is favorable to Darwinian evolutionism thesis and opposite to Spencers one. This positioning suggests that Deweys discourse is bound to the metaphor undetermined route because it situates evolution as a process devoid of previously listed purposes at a pre-determined plan, subject only to the relations that are established, so unpredictable, between organisms and the environmental conditions that surround. Analyzing Deweys ideas about education, the article concludes that undetermined route is the rootmetaphor of Deweys discourse, hypothesis that can contribute to discuss Dewey in the context of contemporary philosophy.