962 resultados para Endocrinologia veterinaria


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Canine and human visceral leishmaniasis is endemic in several States of Brazil, and it is associated with infected dogs and the presence of the vector. Aiming at using polymerase chain reaction as a diagnostic tool in dogs, we amplified a 120bp fragment from kDNA of Leishmania spp. by PCR in blood samples. The lower detection limit observed was 0.1 parasites per 500 mu L of blood, which is a highly satisfactory result. on the other hand, PCR evaluation in 166 blood samples of dogs from Poxoreo, MS, Brazil, resulted in 55% sensitivity and 66.3% specificity, considering indirect imunnofluorescent test as gold standard.


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Two cases of tetralogy of Fallot in calves, characterized by cardiac systolic murmur, thoracic palpable thrill, polycythemia, radiographic presence of enlargement of the cardiac silhouette and increased amplitude of P waves, QRS complexes and T waves by eletrocardiography, revealed atrial and ventricular enlargement and hypoxia of the myocardium. Tetralogy of Fallot is a rare congenital cardiac anomaly and difficult to diagnose, but a detailed physical exam followed by complementary exams can help veterinarians to diagnose this condition.


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Ruminal acidosis is due to excessive ingestion of carbohydrates of rapid fermentation without previous adaptation of the microorganisms, causing severe metabolic disturbances to the animals. The objective of the present study was to assess the neutrophilic oxidative metabolism in sheep treated with sodium monensin in experimentally induced ruminal lactic acidosis. A total of 18 male sheep, half-bred (ideal x Merino), fistulated in the rumen, were used; nine of them received 33 mg/kg of the ionophore diet per day, for 30 days; the others were controls. The acidosis was induced by supplying 15g of sucrose/kg of body weight. The clinical evaluation and the rumen and blood samples were obtained before (0h) and at 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours post-induction. In both groups, all the animals presented clinical manifestations of ruminal lactic acidosis 6 hours after the induction. From this period on, a significant pH decrease (P<0.05) was observed in the ruminal fluid, which reached levels below 5. There were relevant differences (P<0.05) between the groups 12 hours after the induction, when the sheep treated with monensin had higher values than those of the control group. During this period, the oxidative metabolism of the neutrophils remained inhibited, and the reestablishment of this function only occurred in the sheep which received monensin. Blood pH, plasmatic glucose and the ionizable calcium suffered alterations within its levels. The seric cortisol concentration rose significantly (P<0.05) in both groups, although differences (P<0.05) between them were found at the end of the observation period. The treatment with monensin did not influence the oxidative metabolism of the neutrophils inhibited by the lactic acidosis; however, a faster recovery of this metabolism was verified in the animals treated with the ionophore.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Laskoski L.M., Doria R.G.S., Avila L.G., Rocha T.G., Freitas S.H. de & Lacerda Neto J.C. [Paradoxal effect of the seizures treatment caused by physical exercise in a foal - Case report]. Efeito paradoxal do tratamento de manifestacoes convulsivas desencadeadas por exercicio fisico em uma potra - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 33(2):95-98, 2011. Rua Presidende Wenceslau Braz, numero 670, apart. 1101. Morada do Sol, Cuiaba, 78043-508. MT, Brasil. Email: lucianelaskoski@hotmail.comNeurological disturbs, in special seizures, are rare in adult horses and are normally observed in young animals in consequence of several diseases. A foal was admitted with neurological signs characterized by seizures during exercise. A maintenance protocol with anticonvulsants was not possible to establish therefore all the drugs had aggravated the seizures even with low dosages. Restriction of physical activity was the option, leaving the animal in stall until it had reached the maturity and at this time the neurological signs had stopped.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar morfológica e funcionalmente a tireóide de pacientes com diabetes mellitus (DM) acompanhados ambulatorialmente no Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu. MÉTODOS: No período de 1996 a 1998, a todo paciente com DM, exceto os com tireopatia prévia, era solicitada dosagem sérica de T4L, TSH, anti-TPO e TRAb e ultra-sonografia (US) da tireóide. Diagnosticou-se tireopatia quando havia dois ou mais parâmetros séricos ou a US alterados. Procedeu-se igualmente com pacientes ambulatoriais da mesma Instituição, sem DM e não-tireopatas prévios (controle). RESULTADOS: Os 256 pacientes com DM apresentaram maior freqüência de tireopatias que os 75 controles (51,6% vs. 38,7%; P<0,05). Entre os com tireopatias, ambos os grupos não diferiram quanto ao estado funcional da tireóide. Entre os pacientes com DM com e sem tireopatias, os primeiros apresentaram maior freqüência de mulheres, de DM tipo 2 e de história familiar de tireopatia. CONCLUSÕES: A elevada prevalência de tireopatias na população com DM conduz à recomendação de avaliação tireoidiana em todo paciente com DM.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The status of Babesia spp. infection in dogs from rural areas of São Paulo State, Brazil was Studied. For this, l 50 animals were examined by blood smears and by PCR; the presence of tick infestation was also investigated. By the blood smear examination, 3 animals (2%) were detected positive and by PCR for Babesia spp. 12 (8%) were positive, with bands Visualized in 450 bp. Rhipicephalus sanguineus or Amblyomma spp. were found on 36 (24%) of the 150 dogs. Amblyomma species found were A. cajennense (9/36-25%) and A. ovale (9/36-25%). It was not possible to correlate the presence of R. sanguineus and the infection with Babesia spp. The sequencing of four positive samples demonstrated close identity with B. canis vogeli already characterized in Brazil.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Between 2000 and 2004, 170 sand flies were captured in urban or peri-urban areas of the Rio Claro city, SP, Brazil. Nyssomyia neivai, the main LTA vector species in São Paulo territory, corresponded to 124 specimens (72,94%) of the total number of captured insects. Incidence of American Cutaneous (LTA) and Visceral leishmaniasis (LVA) is increasing in human and dogs in São Paulo State. Rio Claro city is located in the center-east region of the State. During 2001 and 2003, two cases of alochtonus canine LVA and an autochthonous case of canine LTA were locally diagnosed. Results indicate the risk of LVA establishment in this region. Possible role of alternative vectors in leishmaniasis transmission is discussed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A proliferação da célula tiroideana normal é regulada por fatores de crescimento estimuladores e inibidores, que atuam através de seus receptores de membrana e, subseqüentemente, através de transdutores citoplasmáticos. Na glândula normal adulta, o equilíbrio de sinais é tal que a proliferação é mínima, enquanto nas neoplasias o crescimento resulta de um distúrbio irreversível desse equilíbrio. Apesar do número de moléculas envolvidas nesse processo ser grande, apenas um pequeno subgrupo parece estar envolvido na tumorigênese tiroideana. Tais proteínas são codificadas pelos genes RAS, RET, NTRK1 e TP53. O transdutor de sinais ras é ativado por mutações em ponto e constitui uma alteração genética precoce nos tumores com histologia folicular. Os genes dos receptores de crescimento RET e NTRK1 são alterados por rearranjos cromossômicos do tipo translocação ou inversão nos carcinomas papilares e por mutações em ponto nos medulares. As alterações do gene TP53, por sua vez, têm sido observadas em carcinomas tiroideanos pobremente diferenciados e na maioria dos indiferenciados, o que sugere sua participação na progressão dessas lesões. O modelo molecular da carcinogênese tiroideana, embora ainda incompleto, pode fornecer instrumentos importantes para o diagnóstico diferencial e para o desenvolvimento de novas técnicas terapêuticas nesse grupo de neoplasias.