871 resultados para Elliott, Matt


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Doktorsavhandlingen Jesus and the Gentiles belyser Jesu attityder gentemot hedningarna. Evangelierna nämner endast två konkreta tillfällen där Jesus hjälper en hedning – en syrisk-fenikisk kvinna (Mark. 7:24–30/Matt. 15:21–28) och en officer i Kafarnaum (Matt. 8:5–13/Luk. 7:1–10). För att förstå Jesu attityder gentemot hedningarna är det viktigt att belysa den sociala, religiösa, ideologiska och etniska bakgrunden av Jesu verksamhet. I ljuset av de arkeologiska utgrävningarna och literära källorna är det klart att i början av första seklet bestod den stora majoriteten av Galileens befolkning av judar. Fastän Jesu verksamhet berörde närmast judar började de tidiga kristna med hednamissionen redan under 40-talet. Hur kan denna unika utveckling förklaras? Inom judendomen var hedningarnas möjliga frälsning oftast anknuten till uppfyllelsen av Israels eskatologiska restauration. De tidiga judekristna trodde att Jesus var Messias och att den eskatologiska tiden hade börjat. Dessa premisser gav de tidiga kristna upphov att tolka GT:s skrifter och Jesu ord och mission från en eskatologisk synvinkel som medförde att frälsingen skulle beröra Israel och även hedningarna. Just i ett eskatologiskt sammanhang är det sannolikt att Jesu liknelser om måltiden i Guds rike (Matt. 8:11-12) och om senapsfrön som växer och blir till ett stort träd (Mark. 4:30–32), refererar till hedningar som skall komma in i Guds rike. De tidiga jude-kristnas hednamission har sina rötter i Jesu förståelse om att den eskatologiska tiden har blivit installerad på något sätt. Även om Jesu verksamhet inte berörde direkt hedningar är det klart att enligt vissa av Jesu autentiska ord var han övertygad om att under den kommande eskatologiska uppfyllelsen skulle en del av hedningarna få plats i Guds rike (Matt. 8:11-12; 11:22-24; 12:41-42).


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Arkit: A-B4.


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Arkit: A-B4.


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1998 Brock Badger men's baseball team photo. Front Row (L to R): Bill Gillen, Ryan Villers, Greg Arbour, Mark Cheeseman, Andrew Tinnish, Rick Bottomley, Matt Fletcher, Brad Namtzu, Darryl Presley, Dan Pino, Grant Giffen, Mike Caruso, Mark Reilly Back Row (L to R): Jeff Lounsbury (Head Coach), Jayar Green, Creston Rudolph, Ryan Fisher, Jamie Trull, Stefan Strecker, Andrew Robb, Jeremy Walker, Ryan Johns, Matt Stezycki, Steve Lester, Fabio Del Rio, Jarrod Haase, Jess Dixon, Rick Falconer (Pitching Coach) Absent: Marc Purdy, Ian Bala, Marc LePage (Asst. Coach), Waybe Briggs-Jude (Asst. Coach)


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The effects of the female postmating odour on male sexual behaviour were examined in Heliconius erato and H. charithonia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Predictions from the antiaphrodisiac hypothesis were tested using the two reproductive strategies of these species. Within the pupal mating strategy, results from behavioural experiments quantified and statistically tested dispersal rates of pupal-perched males to the presence of stimuli with and without the postmating odour. Results do not support an antiaphrodisiac function to the postmating odour. Similarly, within the adult courtship strategy, behavioural test results indicate that males do not alter their expenditure of energy in terms of either the duration or frequency of courtship behaviours elicited by females with and without the postmating odour. The data from both experiments did not support the antiaphrodisiac hypothesis for the function of the female postmating odour. A novel hypothesis predicting that the postmating female odour acts as an oviposition-deterring pheromone is presented.


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In 2007, Barry Bonds hit his 75 6th home run, breaking Hank Aaron's all-time record for most home runs in a Major League career. While it would be expected that such an accomplishment would induce unending praise and adulationfor the new record-holder, Bonds did not receive the treatment typically reserved for a beloved baseball hero. The purpose of this thesis is to assess media representations of the 2007 home run chase in order to shed light upon the factors which led to the mixed representations which accompanied BOlTds ' assault on Aaron's record. Drawingfrom Roland Barthes ' concept of myth, this thesis proposes that Bonds was portrayed in predominantly negative ways because he was seen as failing to embody the values of baseball's mythology. Using a qualitative content analysis of three major American newspapers, this thesis examines portrayals of Bonds and how he was shown both to represent and oppose elements from baseball's mythology, such as youth, and a distant, agrarian past. Recognizing the ways in which baseball is associated with American life, the media representations of Bonds are also evaluated to discern whether he was portrayed as personifYing a distinctly American set of values. The results indicate that, in media coverage of the 2007 home run chase, Bonds was depicted as a player of many contradictions. Most commonly, Bonds' athletic ability and career achievements were contrasted with unflattering descriptions of his character, including discussions of his alleged use of performance-enhancing substances. However, some coverage portrayed Bonds as embodying baseball myth. The findings contribute to an appreciation of the importance of historical context in examining media representations. This understanding is enhanced by an analysis of a selection of articles on Mark McGwire 's record-breaking season in 1998, and careful consideration of, and comparison to, the context under which Bonds performed in 2007. Findings are also shown to support the contemporary existence of a strong American baseball mythology. That Bonds is both condemned for failing to uphold the mythology and praised for personifYing it suggests that the values seen as inherent to baseball continue to act as an American cultural benchmark.


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This paper examines the factors associated with Canadian firms voluntarily disclosing climate change information through the Carbon Disclosure Project. Five hypotheses are presented to explain the factors influencing management's decision to disclose this information. These hypotheses include a response to shareholder activism, domestic institutional investor shareholder activism, signalling, litigation risk, and low cost publicity. Both binary logistic regressions as well as a cross-sectional analysis of the equity market's response to the environmental disclosures being made were used to test these hypotheses. Support was found for shareholder activism, low cost publicity, and litigation risk. However, the equity market's response was not found to be statistically significant.


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A portrait photograph of Col. Frank Case McCordick in his military uniform. undated. The photographers are Elliott & Fry and are located at 55 Baker street London W.