938 resultados para Electro-reológicos
Foi avaliado o estudo reológico do suco de manga - efeito dos sólidos insolúveis a peneiramento com diferentes malhas e no suco centrifugado. Os resultados foram analisados em função do ajuste dos modelos reológicos de Casson e de Mizrahi-Berk. Três conjuntos bem diferenciados foram identificados pelo produto passado em (a) finisher de 1,6mm e peneira de 1,8mm; (b) peneira de 0,84mm e 0,59mm e (c) peneira de 0,149mm e material centrifugado.
Seis amostras comerciais de queijo petit suisse foram coletadas em supermercados da cidade de Campinas e analisadas quanto à composição química, capacidade de retenção de água, propriedades reológicas e aceitação sensorial. Os produtos comerciais diferiram especialmente em relação ao tipo de hidrocolóide adicionado e na relação proteína/gordura. O produto B apresentou uma capacidade de retenção de água maior que o dobro da apresentada pelas demais amostras. Este produto apresentou uma relação proteína/gordura intermediária e continha os hidrocolóides concentrado protéico de soro (CPS) e pectina. A amostra E apresentou os maiores valores de viscosidade aparente (etaa), viscosidade complexa (eta*), módulo de armazenamento (G), módulo de dissipação (G) e também apresentou a maior relação proteína/gordura, sugerindo haver boa correlação entre a razão proteína/gordura e os parâmetros reológicos. A relação proteína/gordura influenciou significativamente os valores G, G e eta*, confirmando a influência da composição do produto na estrutura e na elasticidade do queijo petit suisse. Todas as amostras mostraram comportamento viscoelástico, sendo que G (o caráter elástico) foi maior que G (o caráter viscoso), em todas as freqüências estudadas. Todas as amostras apresentaram características de "gel fraco" com a relação G/G entre 3 e 4. Houve diferença significativa (p<0,05) entre as amostras quanto aos atributos sensoriais aparência global e sabor. Em geral, os produtos apresentaram aceitação variando entre gostei ligeiramente e gostei muito. A única rejeição foi atribuída ao produto A, provavelmente devido à elevada sinerese apresentada. Em geral, as amostras E e F receberam a melhor aceitação sensorial e a amostra B, a aceitação mais baixa. A alta aceitação de alguns dos produtos analisados indica um bom potencial de consumo por adultos, que pode ser explorado pelos fabricantes de queijo petit suisse nacional.
Neste trabalho estudou-se o comportamento reológico da mistura ternária de polpa de manga e sucos de laranja e cenoura, nas temperaturas de 10 e 60ºC. As proporções dos componentes foram determinadas através da metodologia de superfície de resposta para mistura. As medidas experimentais foram realizadas no reômetro Haake Rotovisco RV-20 e as curvas de escoamento foram ajustadas ao modelo de Ostwald- De Waele. Os parâmetros reológicos foram utilizados como resposta no delineamento e verificou-se que os parâmetros índice de consistência e índice de comportamento do fluido, nas duas temperaturas, foram melhores ajustados com os modelos linear e quadrático, respectivamente.
Neste trabalho foi determinado o comportamento reológico do suco industrializado de acerola, mediante um reômetro de cilindros concêntricos, em concentrações de sólidos solúveis de 4, 7, 10, 13 e 16ºBrix e no intervalo de temperatura de 5ºC a 85ºC. Os dados experimentais dos reogramas foram ajustados aos modelos reológicos de Ostwald-de-Waele, Herschel-Bulkley, Mizrahi & Berk e Casson. O modelo de Herschel-Bulkley descreveu adequadamente o comportamento reológico do suco industrializado de acerola. Os baixos valores obtidos para o índice de comportamento (0,338 < n hb < 0,759) confirmaram o comportamento pseudoplástico do suco. O efeito da temperatura no comportamento reológico do suco de acerola foi descrito por uma equação análoga a de Arrhenius (etaa = eta0 exp(Eat/RT)). Foi observado que a energia de ativação diminuiu com o aumento da concentração das amostras, expressa em sólidos solúveis, variando desde 3,50kcal/gmol, para as amostras a 4ºBrix, até 1,79kcal/gmol, para as amostras a 16ºBrix. Os dados da viscosidade aparente e da concentração de sólidos solúveis foram ajustados aos modelos potencial e exponencial. O modelo potencial mostrou ser o mais adequado para descrever o efeito da concentração sobre a viscosidade aparente do suco de acerola.
A proteólise do leite UAT/UHT durante a estocagem à temperatura ambiente é um dos fatores limitantes de sua vida de prateleira. Neste trabalho, dois lotes de leite cru contendo 10 amostras cada e, posteriormente ao processamento, dois lotes de leite UAT/UHT contendo 25 amostras cada foram colhidos em um laticínio para a contagem de microrganismos psicrotróficos (leite cru) e para o estudo do comportamento reológico e o índice proteolítico (leite UAT/UHT durante 120 dias de estocagem). Para a contagem de microrganismos psicrotróficos, foi utilizada a técnica da contagem padrão em placas. Para a determinação do índice proteolítico, foi determinada a presença de glicomacropeptídeo livre por espectrofotometria a 470 nm. A determinação dos parâmetros reológicos foi efetuada à temperatura ambiente, em quintuplicata em um reômetro de cone e placa. Houve aumento da proteólise no decorrer do armazenamento e aumento da viscosidade aparente após 60 dias de estocagem, provavelmente relacionados à presença de proteases de bactérias psicrotróficas do leite cru.
This literature review aims to clarify what is known about map matching by using inertial sensors and what are the requirements for map matching, inertial sensors, placement and possible complementary position technology. The target is to develop a wearable location system that can position itself within a complex construction environment automatically with the aid of an accurate building model. The wearable location system should work on a tablet computer which is running an augmented reality (AR) solution and is capable of track and visualize 3D-CAD models in real environment. The wearable location system is needed to support the system in initialization of the accurate camera pose calculation and automatically finding the right location in the 3D-CAD model. One type of sensor which does seem applicable to people tracking is inertial measurement unit (IMU). The IMU sensors in aerospace applications, based on laser based gyroscopes, are big but provide a very accurate position estimation with a limited drift. Small and light units such as those based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical (MEMS) sensors are becoming very popular, but they have a significant bias and therefore suffer from large drifts and require method for calibration like map matching. The system requires very little fixed infrastructure, the monetary cost is proportional to the number of users, rather than to the coverage area as is the case for traditional absolute indoor location systems.
O conhecimento do comportamento reológico é de grande importância no processamento, manuseio, controle de qualidade e desenvolvimento de produtos alimentícios. A literatura relata que a maioria dos alimentos apresenta comportamento não newtoniano, em que a sua viscosidade pode variar com o tempo e com as condições de escoamento. Neste trabalho foi realizada a caracterização reológica de cinco diferentes tipos de sorvetes. As amostras nos sabores creme, creme light, limão, iogurte e soja banana foram fornecidas pela empresa Amoratto Sorvetes Artesanais, localizada na cidade de Florianópolis/SC. Os dados reológicos foram obtidos através de um reômetro com geometria de cilindros concêntricos. Os ensaios foram realizados em três diferentes temperaturas (-2, 0 e 2 °C) e os resultados experimentais foram ajustados pelos modelos de Bingham, Casson, Herschel-Bulkley e Lei da Potência. As diferentes amostras apresentaram comportamento não newtoniano nas três temperaturas. Os parâmetros reológicos (K e n) foram obtidos através do ajuste dos modelos e o da Lei da Potência mostrou o melhor ajuste aos resultados, com coeficientes de correlação (r) iguais a 0,99 para quatro das cinco amostras, nas três diferentes temperaturas.
Neste trabalho, o comportamento reológico de sistemas pécticos formulados com as pectinas extraídas das polpas de morango, amora-preta e framboesa foi investigado através de testes reológicos oscilatórios. Adicionalmente, as propriedades químicas dessas pectinas foram estudadas. Os sistemas pécticos das polpas de frutas vermelhas apresentaram um caráter de gel forte de acordo com os testes reológicos, sendo o gel de morango caracterizado como o mais forte. Os testes reológicos foram confirmados pelo experimento de Cox-Merz, grau de esterificação e peso molecular médio. O ácido galacturônico está diretamente relacionado com a formação da rede de pectina. Além disso, a diferença entre a força dos três géis pécticos pode ser atribuída aos valores do grau de esterificação e peso molecular médio desses biopolímeros. As pectinas extraídas das frutas vermelhas estudadas neste trabalho podem ser classificadas como pectinas de alta metoxilação, apresentado o grau de esterificação maior que 50%. Os três géis pécticos apresentaram uma boa estabilidade ao aumento da temperatura e ao tempo de cisalhamento oscilatório constante.
Foram avaliadas as viscosidades extensional e em cisalhamento de suspensões acidificadas de amido de amaranto-caseinato de sódio. Sistemas mistos de amido de amaranto-caseinato de sódio acidificados com glucona-delta-lactona (GDL) foram estudados por ensaios reológicos em compressão biaxial e cisalhamento. Os efeitos da velocidade de acidificação (lenta e rápida) e pH final (neutro e no ponto isoelétrico da caseína) foram avaliados considerando as interações entre os biopolímeros e sua consequente influência nos parâmetros reológicos. Todas as amostras apresentaram comportamento pseudoplástico, no entanto, a adição de caseinato de sódio nas suspensões de amido, em pH neutro, promoveu um efeito negativo sobre a viscosidade aparente. Amostras acidificadas apresentaram um aumento na complexidade do sistema devido à formação da rede de amido e caseína, observando que a força necessária para o escoamento foi sempre maior para as amostras contendo concentrações maiores de caseinato. Isso mostra que a agregação e gelificação da proteína promovidas pela acidificação, impediram a microsseparação de fases. Esta rede foi mais forte em sistemas gelificados lentamente, devido à formação de uma rede de proteína mais organizada. Apesar da técnica de compressão biaxial imperfeita ser limitada para avaliação de determinados sistemas, neste estudo, mostrou ser um modo prático e eficiente de se mensurar o comportamento reológico.
ABSTRACT Towards a contextual understanding of B2B salespeople’s selling competencies − an exploratory study among purchasing decision-makers of internationally-oriented technology firms The characteristics of modern selling can be classified as follows: customer retention and loyalty targets, database and knowledge management, customer relationship management, marketing activities, problem solving and system selling, and satisfying needs and creating value. For salespeople to be successful in this environment, they need a wide range of competencies. Salespeople’s selling skills are well documented in seller side literature through quantitative methods, but the knowledge, skills and competencies from the buyer’s perspective are under-researched. The existing research on selling competencies should be broadened and updated through a qualitative research perspective due to the dynamic nature and the contextual dependence of selling competencies. The purpose of the study is to increase understanding of the professional salesperson’s selling competencies from the industrial purchasing decision- makers’ viewpoint within the relationship selling context. In this study, competencies are defined as sales-related knowledge and skills. The scope of the study includes goods, materials and services managed by a company’s purchasing function and used by an organization on a daily basis. The abductive approach and ‘systematic combining’ have been applied as a research strategy. In this research, data were generated through semi- structured, person-to-person interviews and open-ended questions. The study was conducted among purchasing decision-makers in the technology industry in Finland. The branches consisted of the electronics and electro-technical industries and the mechanical engineering and metals industries. A total of 30 companies and one purchasing decision-maker from each company were purposively chosen for the sampling. The sample covers different company sizes based on their revenues, their differing structures – varying from public to family companies –that represent domestic and international ownerships. Before analyzing the data, they were organized by the purchasing orientations of the buyers: the buying, procurement or supply management orientation. Thematic analysis was chosen as the analysis method. After analyzing the data, the results were contrasted with the theory. There was a continuous interaction between the empirical data and the theory. Based on the findings, a total of 19 major knowledge and skills were identified from the buyers’ perspective. The specific knowledge and skills from the viewpoint of customers’ prevalent purchasing orientations were divided into two categories, generic and contextual. The generic knowledge and skills apply to all purchasing orientations, and the contextual knowledge and skills depend on customers’ prevalent purchasing orientations. Generic knowledge and skills relate to price setting, negotiation, communication and interaction skills, while contextual ones relate to knowledge brokering, ability to present solutions and relationship skills. Buying-oriented buyers value salespeople who are ‘action oriented experts, however at a bit of an arm’s length’, procurement buyers value salespeople who are ‘experts deeply dedicated to the customer and fostering the relationship’ and supply management buyers value salespeople who are ‘corporate-oriented experts’. In addition, the buyer’s perceptions on knowledge and selling skills differ from the seller’s ones. The buyer side emphasizes managing the subject matter, consisting of the expertise, understanding the customers’ business and needs, creating a customized solution and creating value, reliability and an ability to build long-term relationships, while the seller side emphasizes communica- tion, interaction and salesmanship skills. The study integrates the selling skills of the current three-component model− technical knowledge, salesmanship skills, interpersonal skills− and relationship skills and purchasing orientations, into a selling competency model. The findings deepen and update the content of these knowledges and skills in the B2B setting and create new insights into them from the buyer’s perspective, and thus the study increases contextual understanding of selling competencies. It generates new knowledge of the salesperson’s competencies for the relationship selling and personal selling and sales management literature. It also adds knowledge of the buying orientations to the buying behavior literature. The findings challenge sales management to perceive salespeople’s selling skills both from a contingency and competence perspective. The study has several managerial implications: it increases understanding of what the critical selling knowledge and skills from the buyer’s point of view are, understanding of how salespeople effectively implement the relationship marketing concept, sales management’s knowledge of how to manage the sales process more effectively and efficiently, and the knowledge of how sales management should develop a salesperson’s selling competencies when managing and developing the sales force. Keywords: selling competencies, knowledge, selling skills, relationship skills, purchasing orientations, B2B selling, abductive approach, technology firms
The awareness and concern of our environment together with legislation have set more and more tightening demands for energy efficiency of non-road mobile machinery (NRMM). Integrated electro-hydraulic energy converter (IEHEC) has been developed in Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT). The elimination of resistance flow, and the recuperation of energy makes it very efficient alternative. The difficulties of IEHEC machine to step to the market has been the requirement of one IEHEC machine per one actuator. The idea is to switch IEHEC between two actuators of log crane using fast on/off valves. The control system architecture is introduced. The system has been simulated in co-simulation using two different software. The simulated responses of pump-controlled system is compared to the responses of the conventional valve-controlled system.
The purpose of this study is to improve the potential energy recovery to electric energy in an electrohydraulic forklift system. The initial achieved result for energy saving ratio after structural optimization is 40 %. Component optimization is applied to the tested drive which consists of a DTC controlled electric servo motor directly running a reversible hydraulic pump. According to the study the energy efficiency and the energy recovery from the electro-hydraulic forklift system can be increased by 11 % units. New ideas and directions of further research were obtained during the study.
Turvalaakereita käytetään suojaamaan aktiivisia magneettilaakereita vikatilanteiden tapahtuessa. Tässä kandidaatintyössä suunniteltiin erilaisia ratkaisuja toteuttaa turvalaakerin toiminta sähkömekaanisella toimilaitteella. Työn tarkoituksena oli löytää uusia tapoja toteuttaa turvalaakerin rakenne. Uusilla ratkaisuilla poistettiin turvalaakereille ominaisia ongelmia. Suunnittelussa käytettiin perinteisiä koneensuunnittelun menetelmiä. Menetelmien tarkoitus oli mahdollistaa järjestelmällinen suunnittelu. Tässä työssä myös kirjallisuuskatsaus toimi yhtenä suunnittelun vaiheena. Tuloksiksi saatiin hahmotelmia ja 3D-malleja. Tulokset poikkesivat tavanomaisista turvalaakereiden rakenteista. Tuloksissa huomioitiin, että tässä työssä ei suunnitella valmista tuotetta. Suunniteltujen turvalaakereiden toiminta perustui mekanismeihin, jotka toivat mukanaan uusia ominaisuuksia. Sähkömekaanisen toimilaitteen sijoittaminen mekanismeihin oli kuitenkin vaikeaa. Työn tulokset avasivat uusia näkökulmia turvalaakerirakenteiden jatkokehittämiseen.
The ability to introduce DNA and express custom DNA sequences in bacteria opened the door for improvements in a large number of fields including agriculture, pharmacology, medicine, nutrition, etc. The ability to introduce foreign DNA sequences into mammalian cells in an efficient manner would have a large impact on therapeutic applications especially gene therapy. The methods in use today suffer from low efficiencies and sometimes toxicity. In this work a number of factors were evaluated for their effect onONA uptake efficiency. The factors studied included exposure to sublethal concentration of hydrogen peroxide which have been show to lead to destabilisation ofthe lysosomes. These exposures have proven to be very toxic to cells when combined with either the calcium phosphate or the lipofectAMINE® transfection methods. Another factor evaluated was exposure to Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMF). This was fuelled by the fact that EMF have been shown to mediate a number of effects on cell structure and/or physiology. EMF exposure by itself was not sufficient to induce the cells to pick up the DNA, therefore its effect on calcium phosphate and lipofectAMINE® was tested. Although some positive results were obtained, the variability of these results exceeded by far any observed enhancements which discouraged any further work on EMF. Also tested was the possible effect the presence of the cytomegalovirus (CMV) sequence might have on DNA uptake (based on previous results in this lab). It was found that the presence ofCMV in the DNA sequence does not enhance uptake or slow down degradation of the internalised DNA. The final factor tested was the effect of basic amino acids on transfection efficiency. It was found that arginine can enhance DNA uptake by about 170% v/ith calcium phosphate and about 200% with LipofectAMINE®. A model was proposed to explain the effect of arginine as well as the lack of effect from other amino acids.
Daytime napping improves well-being and performance for young adults. The benefits of napping in older adults should be investigated because they have fragmented nocturnal sleep, cognitive declines, and more opportunity to nap. In addition, experience with napping might influence the benefits of napping. Study 1 examined the role of experience with napping in young adults. Habitual (n = 23) and non-habitual nappers (n = 16) were randomly assigned to a 20-minute nap or a 20- minute reading condition. Both groups slept the same according to macro architecture. However, microarchitecture showed greater theta, alpha, and beta power during Stage 1, and greater delta, alpha, and sigma power during Stage 2 for habitual nappers, for the most part indicating better sleep. Both groups felt less sleepy after the nap. P2 latency, reflecting information processing, decreased after the nap for habitual nappers, and after the control condition for non-habitual nappers. In sum, both groups who slept felt better, but only the habitual nappers who napped gained a benefit in terms of information processing. Based on this outcome, experience with napping was investigated in Study 2. Study 2 examined the extent to which daytime napping enhanced cognition in older adults, especially frontal lobe function. Cognitive deficits in older adults may be due to sleep loss and age-related decline in brain functioning. Longer naps were expected to provide greater improvement, particularly for older adults, by reducing sleep pressure. Thirty-two adults, aged 24-70 years, participated in a repeated measures dose-response manipulation of sleep pressure. Twenty- and sixty-minute naps were compared to a no-nap condition in three age groups. Mood, subjective sleepiness, reaction time, working memory, 11 novelty detection, and waking electro physiological measures were taken before and after each condition. EEG was also recorded during each nap or rest condition. Napping reduced subjective sleepiness, improved working memory (serial addition / subtraction task), and improved attention (reduced P2 amplitude). Physiological sleepiness (i.e., waking theta power) increased following the control condition, and decreased after the longer nap. Increased beta power after the short nap, and seen with older adults overall, may have reflected increased mental effort. Older adults had longer latencies and smaller amplitudes for several event-related potential components, and higher beta and gamma power. Following the longer nap, gamma power decreased for older adults, but increased for young adults. Beta and gamma power may represent enhanced alertness or mental effort. In addition, Nl amplitude showed that benefits depend on the preceding nap length as well as age. Since the middle group had smaller Nl amplitudes following the short nap and rest condition, it is possible that they needed a longer nap to maintain alertness. Older adults did not show improvements to Nl amplitude following any condition; they may have needed a nap longer than 60 minutes to gain benefits to attention or early information processing. Sleep characteristics were not related to benefits of napping. Experience with napping was also investigated. Subjective data confirmed habitual nappers were happier to nap, while non-habitual nappers were happier to stay awake, reflecting self-identified napping habits. Non-habitual nappers were sleepier after a nap, and had faster brain activity (i.e., heightened vigilance) at sleep onset. These reasons may explain why non-habitual nappers choose not to nap.