988 resultados para Eduard Quillinan
BACKGROUND: Few studies have evaluated the influence of colectomy on antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) positivity in ulcerative colitis (UC). In small series of patients it has been suggested that ANCA positivity in UC might be predictive for development of pouchitis after colectomy. AIMS: To assess the prevalence of ANCA in UC patients treated by colectomy and a Brooke's ileostomy (UC-BI) or ileal pouch anal anastomosis (UC-IPAA), and the relation between the presence of ANCA, the type of surgery, and the presence of pouchitis. SUBJECTS: 63 UC patients treated by colectomy (32 with UC-BI and 31 with UC-IPAA), 54 UC, and 24 controls. METHODS: Samples were obtained at least two years after colectomy. ANCA were detected by indirect immunofluorescent assay. RESULTS: There were no differences between patients with (36.3%) or without pouchitis (35.0%) and between patients with UC (55%), UC-BI (40.6%), and UC-IPAA (35.4%). However, ANCA prevalence significantly decreases in the whole group of operated patients (38.0%) compared with non-operated UC (p = 0.044). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of ANCA in operated patients was significantly lower than in non-operated UC, suggesting that it might be related either to the presence of inflamed or diseased tissue. ANCA persistence is not related to the surgical procedure and it should not be used as a marker for predicting the development of pouchitis.
La serie de Eoceno y Paleoceno de El Far (provincia de Gerona), presenta un gran interés por servir de punto de enlace entre el Paleógeno de la Cordillera Prelitoral Catalana (en la zona de la Plana de Vic) y el Prepirineo. Es por ello que lieinos considerado interesante el pulilicar una serie detallada que sirva de jalón para poder correlacionar el Eoceno de la Plana de Vic con el de La Salut, Bellmunt y Puigsacalm, sobre todo en los tramos inferiores. Ambas series eocénicas poseen diferencias muy notables en su litología (cainbios laterales de facies) y potencia (aumento pogresivo hacia el surco paleógeno prepirenaico), lo que influye en la misma fauna...
Se demuestra que las 'margas de Baolas' (ALMELA y Ros 1943) y las margas que se sitan encima de la 'caliza de Tavertet' (REGUAN1967) entre Vic y El Far son dos formaciones distintas. Estas ltimas que se pueden llamar 'margas de El Coll de Malla', son de edad Biarritzense inferior, mientras que las 'margas de Baolas' son posiblemente del Luteciense inferior o medio.
Most sedimentary modelling programs developed in recent years focus on either terrigenous or carbonate marine sedimentation. Nevertheless, only a few programs have attempted to consider mixed terrigenous-carbonate sedimentation, and most of these are two-dimensional, which is a major restriction since geological processes take place in 3D. This paper presents the basic concepts of a new 3D mathematical forward simulation model for clastic sediments, which was developed from SIMSAFADIM, a previous 3D carbonate sedimentation model. The new extended model, SIMSAFADIM-CLASTIC, simulates processes of autochthonous marine carbonate production and accumulation, together with clastic transport and sedimentation in three dimensions of both carbonate and terrigenous sediments. Other models and modelling strategies may also provide realistic and efficient tools for prediction of stratigraphic architecture and facies distribution of sedimentary deposits. However, SIMSAFADIM-CLASTIC becomes an innovative model that attempts to simulate different sediment types using a process-based approach, therefore being a useful tool for 3D prediction of stratigraphic architecture and facies distribution in sedimentary basins. This model is applied to the neogene Vallès-Penedès half-graben (western Mediterranean, NE Spain) to show the capacity of the program when applied to a realistic geologic situation involving interactions between terrigenous clastics and carbonate sediments.
La evolución de los sistemas lacustres cenozoicos en España estuvo claramente influida por: l) la edificación de los orógenos pirenaico y bético y la intensa deformación interna que afectó la microplaca de Iberia. 2) l0s cambios de las condiciones paleogeogrlficas y paleoclimáticas generales que afectaron la región mediterránea occidental-atlántica oriental en la que se localizaba Iberia. Potentes sucesiones de carbonatos y evaporitas lacustres han sido reconocidas en la mayor parte de las cuencas cenozoicas españolas. Junto a estos depósitos se registra la presencia de otros menos frecuentes (carbón, devósitos bituminosos, diatomitas, arcillas especiales) también significativos desde un punto de vista geolimnolÓgico e interesantes desde una perspectiva económica. Los mayores y mis persistentes sistemas lacustres se ubicaron en las cuencas de antepaís, arealmente muy extensas. Los de menor entidad y mis corta evolución se formaron en cuencas limitadas por fallas de distintos tipos. En ambos casos los sistemas lacustres evolucionaron en estrecharelacióncon sistemas aiuviales y sus características hidroquírnicas estuvieron muy influidas por el reciclaje de depósitos de carbonatos, sulfatos y cloruros, fundamentalmente de edad mesozoica. Este reciclaje influyó tanto en la litologia de las sucesiones lacustres resultantes como sobre las caracteristicas de las asociaciones de organismos limnicos que se desarrollaron en los sistemas lacustres.
We consider systems that can be described in terms of two kinds of degree of freedom. The corresponding ordering modes may, under certain conditions, be coupled to each other. We may thus assume that the primary ordering mode gives rise to a diffusionless first-order phase transition. The change of its thermodynamic properties as a function of the secondary-ordering-mode state is then analyzed. Two specific examples are discussed. First, we study a three-state Potts model in a binary system. Using mean-field techniques, we obtain the phase diagram and different properties of the system as a function of the distribution of atoms on the different lattice sites. In the second case, the properties of a displacive structural phase transition of martensitic type in a binary alloy are studied as a function of atomic order. Because of the directional character of the martensitic-transition mechanism, we find only a very weak dependence of the entropy on atomic order. Experimental results are found to be in quite good agreement with theoretical predictions.
The critical behavior of a system constituted by molecules with a preferred symmetry axis is studied by means of a Monte Carlo simulation of a simplified two-dimensional model. The system exhibits two phase transitions, associated with the vanishing of the positional order of the center of mass of the molecules and with the orientational order of the symmetry axis. The evolution of the order parameters and the specific heat is also studied. The transition associated with the positional degrees of freedom is found to change from a second-order to a first-order behavior when the two phase transitions are close enough, due to the coupling with the orientational degrees of freedom. This fact is qualitatively compared with similar results found in pure liquid crystals and liquid-crystal mixtures.
Domain growth in a system with nonconserved order parameter is studied. We simulate the usual Ising model for binary alloys with concentration 0.5 on a two-dimensional square lattice by Monte Carlo techniques. Measurements of the energy, jump-acceptance ratio, and order parameters are performed. Dynamics based on the diffusion of a single vacancy in the system gives a growth law faster than the usual Allen-Cahn law. Allowing vacancy jumps to next-nearest-neighbor sites is essential to prevent vacancy trapping in the ordered regions. By measuring local order parameters we show that the vacancy prefers to be in the disordered regions (domain boundaries). This naturally concentrates the atomic jumps in the domain boundaries, accelerating the growth compared with the usual exchange mechanism that causes jumps to be homogeneously distributed on the lattice.
Domain growth in a two-dimensional binary alloy is studied by means of Monte Carlo simulation of an ABV model. The dynamics consists of exchanges of particles with a small concentration of vacancies. The influence of changing the vacancy concentration and finite-size effects has been analyzed. Features of the vacancy diffusion during domain growth are also studied. The anomalous character of the diffusion due to its correlation with local order is responsible for the obtained fast-growth behavior.
We study the behavior of the random-bond Ising model at zero temperature by numerical simulations for a variable amount of disorder. The model is an example of systems exhibiting a fluctuationless first-order phase transition similar to some field-induced phase transitions in ferromagnetic systems and the martensitic phase transition appearing in a number of metallic alloys. We focus on the study of the hysteresis cycles appearing when the external field is swept from positive to negative values. By using a finite-size scaling hypothesis, we analyze the disorder-induced phase transition between the phase exhibiting a discontinuity in the hysteresis cycle and the phase with the continuous hysteresis cycle. Critical exponents characterizing the transition are obtained. We also analyze the size and duration distributions of the magnetization jumps (avalanches).
An Ising-like model, with interactions ranging up to next-nearest-neighbor pairs, is used to simulate the process of interface alloying. Interactions are chosen to stabilize an intermediate "antiferromagnetic" ordered structure. The dynamics proceeds exclusively by atom-vacancy exchanges. In order to characterize the process, the time evolution of the width of the intermediate ordered region and the diffusion length is studied. Both lengths are found to follow a power-law evolution with exponents depending on the characteristic features of the model.