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Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) is the major regulator of granulopoiesis and acts through binding to its specific receptor (G-CSF-R) on neutrophilic granulocytes. Previous studies of signaling from the 4 G-CSF-R cytoplasmic tyrosine residues used model cell lines that may have idiosyncratic, nonphysiological responses. This study aimed to identify specific signals transmitted by the receptor tyrosine residues in primary myeloid cells. To bypass the presence of endogenous G-CSF-R, a chimeric receptor containing the extracellular domain of the epidermal growth factor receptor in place of the entire extracellular domain of the G-CSF-R was used. A series of chimeric receptors containing tyrosine mutations to phenylalanine, either individually or collectively, was constructed and expressed in primary bone marrow cells from G-CSF-deficient mice. Proliferation and differentiation responses of receptor-expressing bone marrow cells stimulated by epidermal growth factor were measured. An increased 50% effective concentration to stimulus of the receptor Ynull mutant indicated that specific signals from tyrosine residues were required for cell proliferation, particularly at low concentrations of stimulus. Impaired responses by mutant receptors implicated G-CSF-R Y764 in cell proliferation and Y729 in granulocyte differentiation signaling. In addition, different sensitivities to ligand stimulation between mutant receptors indicated that G-CSF-R Y744 and possibly Y729 have an inhibitory role in cell proliferation. STAT activation was not affected by tyrosine mutations, whereas ERK activation appeared to depend, at least in part, on Y764. These observations have suggested novel roles for the G-CSF-R tyrosine residues in primary cells that were not observed previously in studies in cell lines.


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Few models are in place for analysis of extreme lactation patterns such as that of the fur seals which are capable of extended down regulation of milk production in the absence of involution. During a 10–12 month lactation period, female fur seals suckle pups on shore for 2–3 days, and then undertake long foraging trips at sea for up to 28 days, resulting in the longest intersuckling bouts recorded. During this time the mammary gland down regulates milk production. We have induced Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) mammary cells in vitro to form mammospheres up to 900 μm in diameter, larger than any of their mammalian counterparts. Mammosphere lumens were shown to form via apoptosis and cells comprising the cellular boundary stained vimentin positive. The Cape fur seal GAPDH gene was cloned and used in RT-PCR as a normalization tool to examine comparative expression of milk protein genes (αS2-casein, β-lactoglobulin and lysozyme C) which were prolactin responsive. Cape fur seal mammary cells were found to be unique; they did not require Matrigel for rapid mammosphere formation and instead deposited their own matrix within 2 days of culture. When grown on Matrigel, cells exhibited branching/stellate morphogenesis highlighting the species-specific nature of cell–matrix interactions during morphological differentiation. Matrix produced in vitro by cells did not support formation of human breast cancer cell line, PMC42 mammospheres. This novel model system will help define the molecular pathways controlling the regulation of milk protein expression and species specific requirements of the extracellular matrix in the cape fur seal.


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The article demonstrates the ability of spreadsheets to fit a polynomial to a set of discrete points. It is noted that such an ability enables students to not just evaluate a gradient at a single point, but at a whole family of points, which generates the analytical global gradient function of secants without doing any algebraic manipulations. One of the advantages of such an approach is that it enables the class to focus on the concepts being taught, rather than being hindered by the mechanics of trying to factorise a cubic polynomial.


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Aquaculture of the striped catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage 1878), in Vietnam has become one of the fastest growing primary food production sectors in the world. Although a demand on quantity of fingerlings is currently reached, it is likely that the long term quality of the stocks may be uncertain due to lacking of genetic broodstock management measures. The present study employed five microsatellite loci to investigate levels of genetic variation of the stripped catfish of the current wild stocks as well as of the selected hatcheries in Vietnam. The study included four hatchery populations and two wild populations spawned in 2005 in the Mekong and Bassac Rivers, and one wild population (spawned in 2006) in the Bassac River. The results showed no genetic differentiation among populations as revealed by FST and a model-based clustering method. AMOVA also showed no genetic differentiation between pooled wild and pooled hatchery populations while variation within groups was significant. Genetic variation of wild (mean number of alleles per locus, A = 4.80–6.20; allelic richness, Ar = 4.54–5.06; mean effective number of alleles per locus, Ae = 2.86–3.20; observed heterozygosity, Ho = 0.62–0.65; expected heterozygosity, He = 0.62–0.64) and hatchery populations (A = 4.60–5.20; Ar = 4.10–4.83; Ae = 2.80–3.11; Ho = 0.61–0.66; He = 0.61–0.64) were not statistically different. There were no evidences for recent genetic bottleneck in all populations. Therefore it is implied that the hatchery stocks of striped catfish in Vietnam were founded from sufficient numbers of brooders and current population size is large. The domestication process is in an early stage.


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Extreme variation in early life-history strategies is considered a moderately good predictor of genetic subdivision and hence dispersal for a range of marine species. In reality, however, a good deal of population differentiation must reflect historical effects, more subtle variation in life histories, and, particularly, the interaction of larvae with oceanographic processes. Using a combination of allozyme and microsatellite markers, we show that the large-scale genetic structure of populations of three species (direct and planktonically developing cushion stars and a planktonic developing sea anemone that is also asexually viviparous) varies consistently, in line with the predicted capacity for dispersal within three geographic regions. We detected high levels of genetic subdivision for the direct developing cushion star (FST = 0.6), low levels for the planktonically developing cushion star (FST = 0.009), and intermediate levels for the sexual/asexual sea anmone (FST = 0.19). These patterns are exhibited despite the highly variable patterns of current movement and the presence of biogeographic barriers. Our results suggest that, although there is large scale genetic differentiation for two species, patterns of population connectivity are remarkably consistent within major regions and do not reflect variation in major oceanographic processes or genetic discontinuity coincident with biogeographic boundaries.


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We investigate a dynamic advertising model where product quality is endogenous. In the differential game between single-product firms, there exists a parameter range where the low-quality firm uses a more efficient advertising technology and earns higher profits than the rival. Moreover, we show that equilibrium qualities are the same under duopoly, multiproduct monopoly, and social planning, the only distortion being concerned with the output levels.


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For migrants, we often lack complete information of their spatial distribution year round. Here, we used stable carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen isotope ratios extracted from feathers grown at the wintering sites of the long-distance migratory collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis, to study how individuals from different breeding populations are distributed at the wintering sites. A sub-sample of birds was also sampled in two consecutive years to test for the repeatability of isotope ratios. Birds from the same breeding populations had more similar isotope ratios compared to birds from other nearby populations (10–100 km apart). Furthermore, isotope repeatability within individuals was high, implying that the observed pattern of isotope variation is consistent between years. We put forward two hypotheses for these patterns; 1) strong wintering site philopatry and migratory connectivity, suggesting that migratory connectivity may potentially be found on a much smaller spatial scale than previously considered, and 2) consistent interpopulation differentiation of feeding ecology at their wintering site.


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Diverse species assemblages are often associated with a diversity of habitat structures. Sedimentary systems seem to be no exception, as within sedimentary systems benthic species diversity within a sample point appears to correlate with sediment grain size complexity. However, it remains to be shown whether total benthic species diversity relates to a system’s sediment heterogeneity across multiple systems. In the present paper we examined whether bivalve diversity is associated with: (1) sediment heterogeneity across systems and (2) sediment grain size complexity within systems, at 9 temperate and tropical tidal flat systems. Although bivalve life-history strategies, like post-settlement habitat selection, might suggest that sediment heterogeneity should be important for bivalve species, bivalve diversity and sediment heterogeneity were not associated across systems. Interestingly, the association between total benthic diversity and sediment heterogeneity was also not significant, suggesting that changing species composition across systems does not account for the lack of a correlation between bivalve diversity and sediment heterogeneity. Instead of habitat differentiation, bivalve diversity within a sample point was highest in ‘complex’ fine-grained sediments and bivalve distributions showed a large degree of distributional overlap in all systems. The results of this study at both smaller and larger spatial scales suggest that coexistence between bivalve species in diverse tidal flats is not associated with increased sediment heterogeneity.


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Understanding and resolving conflicts between phenotypic and genetic differentiation is central to evolutionary research. While phenotypically monomorphic species may exhibit deep genetic divergences, some morphologically distinct taxa lack notable genetic differentiation. Here we conduct a molecular investigation of an enigmatic shorebird with a convoluted taxonomic history, the White-faced Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus dealbatus), widely regarded as a subspecies of the Kentish Plover (C. alexandrinus). Described as distinct in 1863, its name was consistently misapplied in subsequent decades until taxonomic clarification ensued in 2008. Using a recently proposed test of species delimitation, we reconfirm the phenotypic distinctness of dealbatus. We then compare three mitochondrial and seven nuclear DNA markers among 278 samples of dealbatus and alexandrinus from across their breeding range and four other closely related plovers. We fail to find any population genetic differentiation between dealbatus and alexandrinus, whereas the other species are deeply diverged at the study loci. Kentish Plovers join a small but growing list of species for which low levels of genetic differentiation are accompanied by the presence of strong phenotypic divergence, suggesting that diagnostic phenotypic characters may be encoded by few genes that are difficult to detect. Alternatively, gene expression differences may be crucial in producing different phenotypes whereas neutral differentiation may be lagging behind.