499 resultados para ECM


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A desnutrição proteica (DP) pode ocasionar alterações na matriz extracelular (MEC) de diferentes órgãos e tecidos, inclusive o hematopoético, com comprometimento funcional. Estudos do nosso laboratório demonstraram, em modelo murino de DP, aumento da expressão proteica de fibronectina (FN) no estroma medular ósseo in vivo, principalmente na região subendosteal (local de fixação da célula tronco progenitora hemopoética). Já in vitro, no estroma medular ósseo, observou-se tanto o aumento quanto a diminuição de FN e a presença de suas isoformas. Essas alterações de FN parecem estar envolvidas com a hipoplasia da medula óssea (MO) em camundongos desnutridos. As modificações quantitativas de FN podem ser devidas: (i) à ação das metaloproteinases de matriz (MMP) responsáveis pela degradação das proteínas da MEC; (ii) aos inibidores de metaloproteinases (TIMP) que regulam a degradação da MEC; (iii) às alterações transcricionais, reguladas pela via de AKT/mTOR, que controla os splicing alternativos na FN, resultando em isoformas dessa proteína; (iv) a processos pós-transcricionais modulados por LC3, que aumenta a tradução do RNAm de FN. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi elucidar os mecanismos que alteram o turnover de FN no estroma medular ósseo em modelo murino de DP. Utilizamos camundongos, C57BL/6J machos, adultos, separados em dois grupos: controle e desnutrido, alimentados, ad libitum, com ração contendo 12% e 2% de proteína, respectivamente. Após cinco semanas de indução à desnutrição os camundongos foram eutanasiados, e coletado o material biológico. Avaliamos: o estado nutricional, o hematológico, a histologia da MO femoral bem como a determinação imunohistoquímica da FN, MMP-2 e MMP-9, determinação da expressão de FN e suas isoformas em células totais da MO, o estabelecimento do estroma medular ósseo in vitro, por 28 e 35 dias de cultivo. A partir das culturas foram avaliadas a expressão de RNAm de FN e suas isoformas, MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1, TIMP-2, AKT, mTOR e LC3α e β, quantificação de MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1, TIMP-2,TNFα, TGFβ e IL-1β e determinação de LC3β e proteínas da via de AKT/mTOR. Não observamos alterações na expressão do RNAm de FN e suas isoformas ex vivo e in vitro, mas um aumento da deposição de FN na MO.Também não observamos modificações na imunolocalização de MMP-2 e MMP-9 na MO e na atividade dessas proteínas no sobrenadante de culturas de células estromais in vitro, mas houve aumento da expressão do RNAm de MMP-9 em 28 dias de cultivo. Não detectamos alterações na expressão de RNAm e na concentração de TIMP-1 e TIMP-2 no sobrenadante das culturas. Houve redução significativa de TNFα e TGFβ no sobrenadante das culturas de 28 dias. Observamos aumento da expressão do RNAm de mTOR em culturas de 28 dias e LC3α e LC3β em 35 dias de células estromais. Encontramos menor fosforilação de PI3K, AKT, PTEN, mTOR e mTOR total e aumento de LC3β em culturas de 28 dias, mas redução de LC3β em 35 dias. Em função dos dados inferimos que a DP conduz a alterações da FN que não estão relacionadas à ação de MMPs e TIMPs e sim a modificações de LC3β e da via de AKT/mTOR.


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A bioengenharia de tecidos baseia-se no uso de moléculas bioativas, células-tronco e biomateriais para reparação de tecidos e/ou órgãos. Biomateriais podem ser classificados de acordo com sua origem em sintéticos ou biológicos. Biomateriais biológicos podem ser produzidos por decelularização, que visa a remoção de células da matriz extracelular (MEC), a qual deve manter sua integridade química e física. Placentas são órgãos de grande interesse na bioengenharia de tecidos visto que são descartadas após o parto e possuem grande volume de matriz extracelular. Métodos de decelularização podem ser classificados em químicos, físicos e enzimáticos. Todos conhecidamente causam alterações na MEC, sendo que a associação deles é comumente utilizada. Este trabalho comparou diferentes protocolos e estabeleceu um método mais favorável para a decelularização de placentas caninas, visando a produção de um biomaterial para futuras aplicações clínicas. Inicialmente ambas as porções - materna e fetal - das placentas foram submetidas à 10 protocolos, que avaliaram variáveis como concentração e tempo de incubação em detergentes, diferentes gradientes de temperatura e a influência da perfusão versus imersão das soluções, na MEC remanescente. Com base na transparência do tecido e na ausência de núcleo celular em cortes histológicos, dois protocolos foram selecionados (I e II). Além dos critérios já mencionados, ambos os protocolos foram comparados quanto à quantidade de DNA remanescente na MEC decelularizada e à permanência e distribuição de algumas das proteínas da matriz. O detergente SDS foi o mais eficaz na remoção de células, embora não tenha sido suficiente para promover uma decelularização tecidual completa. O congelamento prévio das placentas requereu um maior tempo de incubação posterior das amostras nos distintos detergentes. Ambos métodos de perfusão e imersão foram eficazes na remoção das células, embora grande concentração de proteínas do citoesqueleto tenham permanecido retidas na matriz. As amostras processadas pelo protocolo I (SDS 1%, 5mM EDTA + 50mM TRIS + 0,5% antibiótico, e Triton X-100 1%) apresentaram maior preservação da organização estrutural da MEC quando comparadas àquelas processadas de acordo com o protocolo II (que diferiu do anterior pela utilização de solução contendo 0,05% tripsina ao invés de 50mM TRIS), esse último método entretanto foi o que melhor removeu as células das placentas, conforme observado em lâminas histológicas e demonstrado pela menor concentração de DNA. Tanto as porções materna quanto fetal submetidas à ambos protocolos, mantiveram as proteínas laminina, fibronectina e colágeno tipo I. O colágeno tipo III foi observado somente na porção fetal. Conclui-se que o protocolo II foi o mais eficaz no processo de decelularização de placentas caninas tendo promovido a remoção do conteúdo celular e diminuição da concentração de DNA na MEC remanescente. No entanto é necessário otimizar o tempo de incubação das placentas em soluções enzimáticas visando maior conservação do arranjo da matriz decelularizada. A análise da capacidade da MEC decelularizada por tal método para ser utilizada em bioengenharia de tecidos ainda deve ser avaliada in vitro e in vivo


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o potencial de desenvolvimento do contrato futuro de soja no Brasil, por meio da atração de hedgers brasileiros e argentinos. Para tanto, faz-se necessário conhecer os padrões das conexões dos preços entre as regiões analisadas. Nesse sentido, o Capítulo 2 investigou a integração espacial do mercado físico de soja no Brasil (região de Sorriso, no Mato Grosso) e na Argentina (região de Rosário, na província de Santa Fé) e comparou ao grau de integração com os Estados Unidos. Foram empregados modelos autorregressivos com threshold (TAR e M-TAR) e modelos vetoriais de correção de erros, lineares e com threshold (VECM e TVECM), visando captar os efeitos dos custos de transação sobre a integração espacial entre essas regiões. Os resultados apontaram que o mercado de soja brasileiro, argentino e norte-americano são integrados, mesmo considerando-se os efeitos dos custos de transação sobre as decisões de arbitragem espacial. Consequentemente, os preços da soja no mercado internacional tendem a refletir o comportamento dos principais países produtores. Apesar disso, o tempo de transmissão de choques de preços mostrou-se, em geral, menor entre Brasil e Argentina, refletindo a proximidade geográfica. Apontou-se também o comportamento assimétrico da transmissão desses choques, uma vez que choques positivos sobre a relação de longo prazo tendem a ser mais persistentes que os negativos. Se o contrato futuro reflete o comportamento de preços de um único mercado físico integrado, deve-se então esperar que o risco de base seja menor para este mercado e, portanto, que a eficiência do hedge seja maior. No Capítulo 3, o objetivo se constituiu em verificar se há maior eficiência no hedge realizado com os contratos com vencimento em março na CME em relação à BM&FBOVESPA, considerando-se as relações de longo prazo entre os preços à vista e futuros, bem como a dinâmica na estrutura de covariâncias condicionais, por meio de modelos de correção de erros (VECM) e modelos de heterocedasticidade condicional generalizados com correlação condicional dinâmica (DCC-GARCH). Os resultados mostraram que, em geral, a introdução da dinâmica nos segundos momentos das distribuições dos erros tende a aumentar a eficiência da estratégia de hedge. Além disso, foi observado que os produtores de Sorriso tendem a obter melhores condições de hedge na CME, embora haja redução da variância ao se operar na BM&FBOVESPA. Por outro lado, a eficiência do hedge para os produtores de Rosário foi significativamente maior na BM&FBOVESPA do que na CME, o que indica o mercado potencial de hedgers argentinos para negociar o contrato futuro de soja local no Brasil.


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In the present work, a three-dimensional (3D) formulation based on the method of fundamental solutions (MFS) is applied to the study of acoustic horns. The implemented model follows and extends previous works that only considered two-dimensional and axisymmetric horn configurations. The more realistic case of 3D acoustic horns with symmetry regarding two orthogonal planes is addressed. The use of the domain decomposition technique with two interconnected sub-regions along a continuity boundary is proposed, allowing for the computation of the sound pressure generated by an acoustic horn installed on a rigid screen. In order to reduce the model discretization requirements for these cases, Green’s functions derived with the image source methodology are adopted, automatically accounting for the presence of symmetry conditions. A strategy for the calculation of an optimal position of the virtual sources used by the MFS to define the solution is also used, leading to improved reliability and flexibility of the proposed method. The responses obtained by the developed model are compared to reference solutions, computed by well-established models based on the boundary element method. Additionally, numerically calculated acoustic parameters, such as directivity and beamwidth, are compared with those evaluated experimentally.


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Background. Low back pain is an increasing global health problem, which is associated with intervertebral disc (IVD) damage and degeneration. Major changes occur in the nucleus pulposus (NP), with the degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM).1 Further studies showed that growth factors from transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) and bone morphogenic proteins (BMP) family may induce chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC).2 Focusing on non-viral gene therapies and their possible translation into the clinics, we investigated if GDF6 (syn. BMP13 or CDMP2) can induce regeneration of degraded NP. We hypothesized that IVD transfected with plasmid over-expressing GDF6 also up-regulates other NP- and chondrogenic cell markers and enhances ECM deposition. Methods. Bovine nucleus pulposus (bNPC) and annulus fibrosus cells (bAFC) were harvested from bovine coccygeal IVD. Primary cells were then electroporized with plasmid GDF6 (Origene, vector RG211366) by optimizing parameters using the Neon Transfection system (Life Technologies, Basel). After transfection, cells were cultured in 2D monolayer or 3D alginate beads for 7, 14 or 21 days. Transfection efficiency of pGDF6 was analyzed by immunohistochemistry and fluorescent microscopy. Cell phenotype was quantified by real-time RT-PCR. To test a non-viral gene therapy applied directly to 3D whole organ culture, coccygeal bovine IVDs were harvested as previously described. Bovine IVDs were transfected by injection of plasmid GDF6 into the center. Electroporation was performed with ECM830 Square Wave Electroporation System (Harvard Apparatus, MA) using 2-needle array electrode or tweezertrodes. 72 h after tranfection discs were fixed and cryosectioned and analyzed by immunofluorescence against GDF6. Results. RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry confirmed up-regulation of GFP and GDF6 in the primary bNPC/bAFC culture. The GFP-tagged GDF6 protein, however, was not visible, possibly due to failure of dimer formation as a result of fusion structure. Organ IVD culture transfection revealed GDF6 positive staining in the center of the disc using 2-needle array electrode. Results from tweezertrodes did not show any GDF6 positive cells. Conclusion. Non-viral transfection is an appealing approach for gene therapy as it fulfills the translational safety aspects of transiency and lacks the toxic effects of viral transduction. We identified novel parameters to successfully transfect primary bovine IVD cells. For transfection of whole IVD explants electroporation parameters need to be further optimized. Acknowledgements. This project was funded by the Lindenhof Foundation (Funds “Research & Teaching”) Project no. 13-02-F. The imaging part of this study was performed with the facility of the Microscopy Imaging Center (MIC), University of Bern. References. Roughly PJ (2004): Spine (Phila), 29:2691-2699 Clarke LE, McConell JC, Sherratt MJ, Derby B, Richardson SM, Hoyland JA (2014), Arthritis Research & Therapy, 16:R67


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The expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm has been of considerable interest in recent years as the basis for various algorithms in application areas of neural networks such as pattern recognition. However, there exists some misconceptions concerning its application to neural networks. In this paper, we clarify these misconceptions and consider how the EM algorithm can be adopted to train multilayer perceptron (MLP) and mixture of experts (ME) networks in applications to multiclass classification. We identify some situations where the application of the EM algorithm to train MLP networks may be of limited value and discuss some ways of handling the difficulties. For ME networks, it is reported in the literature that networks trained by the EM algorithm using iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) algorithm in the inner loop of the M-step, often performed poorly in multiclass classification. However, we found that the convergence of the IRLS algorithm is stable and that the log likelihood is monotonic increasing when a learning rate smaller than one is adopted. Also, we propose the use of an expectation-conditional maximization (ECM) algorithm to train ME networks. Its performance is demonstrated to be superior to the IRLS algorithm on some simulated and real data sets.


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During puberty, pregnancy, lactation and postlactation, breast tissue undergoes extensive remodelling and the disruption of these events can lead to cancer. In vitro studies of mammary tissue and its malignant transformation regularly employ mammary epithelial cells cultivated on matrigel or floating collagen rafts. In these cultures, mammary epithelial cells assemble into three-dimensional structures resembling in vivo acini. We present a novel technique for generating functional mammary constructs without the use of matrix substitutes.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-gamma) agonists are increasingly used in patients with diabetes, and small studies have suggested a beneficial effect on renal function, but their effects on. extracellular matrix (ECM) turnover are unknown. The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of the PPAR-gamma agonist pioglitazone on growth and matrix production in human cortical fibroblasts (CF). Cell growth and ECM production and turnover were measured in human CF in the presence and absence of 1 and 3 muM pioglitazone. Exposure of CF to pioglitazone caused an antiproliferative (P < 0.0001) and hypertrophic (P < 0.0001) effect; reduced type IV collagen secretion (P < 0.01), fibronectin secretion (P < 0.0001), and proline incorporation (P < 0.0001); decreased MMP-9 activity (P < 0.05); and reduced tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) and TIMP-2 secretion (P < 0.001 and P < 0.0001, respectively). These effects were independent of TGF-beta1. A reduction in ECM production was similarly observed when CF were exposed to a selective PPAR-gamma agonist (L-805645) in concentrations that caused no toxicity, confirming the antifibrotic effects of pioglitazone were mediated through a PPAR-gamma-dependent mechanism. Exposure of CF to high glucose conditions induced an increase in the expression of collagen IV (P < 0.05), which was reversed both in the presence of pioglitazone (1 and 3 muM) and by L-805645. In summary, exposure of human CIF to pioglitazone causes an antiproliferative effect and reduces ECM production through mechanisms that include reducing TIMP activity, independent of TGF-beta1. These studies suggest that the PPAR-gamma agonists may have a specific role in ameliorating the course of progressive tubulointerstitial fibrosis under both normoglycemic and hyperglycemic states.


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Head and neck cancer (HNSCC) is one of the most distressing human cancers, causing pain and affecting the basic survival functions of breathing and swallowing. Mortality rates have not changed despite recent advances in radiotherapy and surgical treatment. We have compared the expression of over 13,000 unique genes in 7 cases of matched HNSCC and normal oral mucosa. Of the 1,260 genes that showed statistically significant differences in expression between normal and tumor tissue at the mRNA level, the three top ranking of the top 5% were selected for further analysis by immunohistochemistry on paraffin sections,. along with the tumor suppressor genes p16 and p53, in a total of 62 patients including 55 for whom >4-year clinical data was available. Using univariate and multivariate survival analysis, we identified SPARC/osteonectin as a powerful independent prognostic marker for short disease-free interval (DFI) (p < 0.002) and poor overall survival (OS) (p = 0.018) of HNSCC patients. In combination with other ECM proteins found in our analysis, PAI-1 and uPA, the association with DFI and OS became even more significant (p < 0.001). Our study represents the first instance of SPARC as an independent prognostic marker in HNSCC.


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Objective: Inpatient length of stay (LOS) is an important measure of hospital activity, health care resource consumption, and patient acuity. This research work aims at developing an incremental expectation maximization (EM) based learning approach on mixture of experts (ME) system for on-line prediction of LOS. The use of a batchmode learning process in most existing artificial neural networks to predict LOS is unrealistic, as the data become available over time and their pattern change dynamically. In contrast, an on-line process is capable of providing an output whenever a new datum becomes available. This on-the-spot information is therefore more useful and practical for making decisions, especially when one deals with a tremendous amount of data. Methods and material: The proposed approach is illustrated using a real example of gastroenteritis LOS data. The data set was extracted from a retrospective cohort study on all infants born in 1995-1997 and their subsequent admissions for gastroenteritis. The total number of admissions in this data set was n = 692. Linked hospitalization records of the cohort were retrieved retrospectively to derive the outcome measure, patient demographics, and associated co-morbidities information. A comparative study of the incremental learning and the batch-mode learning algorithms is considered. The performances of the learning algorithms are compared based on the mean absolute difference (MAD) between the predictions and the actual LOS, and the proportion of predictions with MAD < 1 day (Prop(MAD < 1)). The significance of the comparison is assessed through a regression analysis. Results: The incremental learning algorithm provides better on-line prediction of LOS when the system has gained sufficient training from more examples (MAD = 1.77 days and Prop(MAD < 1) = 54.3%), compared to that using the batch-mode learning. The regression analysis indicates a significant decrease of MAD (p-value = 0.063) and a significant (p-value = 0.044) increase of Prop(MAD


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The relationship of body condition score ( BCS) and blood urea and ammonia to pregnancy outcome was examined in Italian Mediterranean Buffalo cows mated by AI. The study was conducted on 150 buffaloes at 145 +/- 83 days in milk that were fed a diet comprising 14.8% crude protein, 0.9 milk forage units . kg(-1) dry matter and a non- structural carbohydrate/ crude protein ratio of 2.14. The stage of the oestrous cycle was synchronised by the Ovsynch- TAI programme and blood urea and ammonia levels were assessed on the day of AI. Energy corrected milk ( ECM) production and BCS were recorded bi- weekly. The pregnancy risk was 46.7% and was slightly lower in buffaloes with BCS < 6.0 and BCS > 7.5. There were no significant differences in ECM, urea and ammonia between pregnant and non- pregnant buffaloes. However, pregnancy outcome was higher ( P = 0.02) in buffaloes with blood urea < 6.83 mmol . L-1. The likelihood of pregnancy for buffaloes with low urea blood level was 2.6 greater than for high urea level and exposure to a high urea level lowered the probability of pregnancy by about 0.25. The findings indicate that buffaloes are similar to cattle and increased blood levels of urea are associated with reduced fertility when animals are mated by AI.


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Renal cortical fibroblasts have key roles in mediating intercellular communication with neighboring/infiltrating cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) and maintenance of renal tissue architecture. They express a variety of cytokines, chemokines, growth factors and cell adhesion molecules, playing an active role in paracrine and autocrine interactions and regulating both fibrogenesis and the interstitial inflammatory response. They additionally have an endocrine function in the production of epoetin. Tubulointerstitial fibrosis, the common pathological consequence of renal injury, is characterized by the accumulation of extracellular matrix largely due to excessive production in parallel with reduced degradation, and activated fibroblasts characterized by a myofibroblastic phenotype. Fibroblasts in the kidney may derive from resident fibroblasts, from the circulating fibroblast population or from haemopoetic progenitor or stromal cells derived from the bone marrow. Cells exhibiting a myofibroblastic phenotype may derive from these sources and from tubular cells undergoing epithelial to mesenchymal transformation in response to renal injury. The number of interstitial myofibroblasts correlates closely with tubulointerstitial fibrosis and progressive renal failure. Hence inhibiting myofibroblast formation may be an effective strategy in attenuating the development of renal failure in kidney disease of diverse etiology. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Liver fibrosis and its end-stage disease cirrhosis are a main cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Thus far, there is no efficient pharmaceutical intervention for the treatment of liver fibrosis. Liver fibrosis is characterized by excessive accumulation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. Transglutaminase (TG)-mediated covalent cross-linking has been implicated in the stabilization and accumulation of ECM in a number of fibrotic diseases. Thus, the use of tissue TG2 inhibitors has potential in the treatment of liver fibrosis. Recently, we introduced a novel group of site-directed irreversible specific inhibitors of TGs. Here, we describe the development of a liposome-based drug-delivery system for the site-specific delivery of these TG inhibitors into the liver. By using anionic or neutral-based DSPC liposomes, the TG inhibitor can be successfully incorporated into these liposomes and delivered specifically to the liver. Liposomes can therefore be used as a potential carrier system for site-specific delivery of the TG2 inhibitors into the liver, opening up a potential new avenue for the treatment of liver fibrosis and its end-stage disease cirrhosis.


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Basic biological processes in which tissue transglutaminase (TG2, tTG) is thought to be important including apoptosis, cell adhesion and migration, ECM homeostasis and angiogenesis are key stages in the multistage tumour progression cascade. Studies undertaken with primary tumours and experimental models suggest that TG2 expression and activity in the tumour body and surrounding matrix generally decreases with tumour progression, favouring matrix destabilisation, but supporting angiogenesis and tumour invasion. In contrast, in the secondary metastatic tumour TG2 is often highly expressed whereby its potential roles in cell survival both at the intra- and extracellular level become important. In the following review the underlying molecular basis for the selection of these different phenotypes in tumour types and the anomaly for the requirement of TG2 is discussed in relation to the complex events of tumour progression. © 2007 Springer-Verlag.


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Repair of tissue after injury depends on a series of concerted but overlapping events including, inflammation, re-epithelialization, neovascularization and synthesis and stabilization of a fibrous extracellular matrix (ECM) that is remodeled to emulate normal tissue over time. Particular members of the transglutaminase (TG) family are upregulated during wound healing and act as a novel class of wound-healing mediators during the repair process. This group of enzymes which crosslink proteins via epsilon(gamma-glutamyl) lysine bridges are involved in wound healing through their ability to stabilize proteins and also by regulating the behavior of a wide variety of cell types that are recruited to the damaged area in order to carry out tissue repair. In this article we discuss the function of the most widely expressed member of the TG family "tissue transglutaminase" (TG2) in wound repair. Using both early and recent evidence from the literature we demonstrate how the multifunctional TG2 affects the stability of the ECM, cell-ECM interactions and as a consequence cell behavior within the different phases of wound healing, and highlight how TG2 itself might be exploited for therapeutic use.