955 resultados para Dry-wood-termite
ABSTRACT Climatic conditions stimulates the cambial activity of plants, and cause significant changes in trunk diameter growth and wood characteristics. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of climate variables in the diameter growth rate of the stem and the wood density of Eucalyptus grandis trees in different classes of the basal area. A total of 25 Eucalyptus trees at 22 months of age were selected according to the basal area distribution. Dendrometer bands were installed at the height of 1.30 meters (DBH) to monitor the diameter growth every 14 days, for 26 months. After measuring growth, the trees were felled and wood discs were removed at the DBH level to determine the radial density profile through x-ray microdensitometry and then re-scale the average values every 14 days. Climatic variables for the monitoring period were obtained and grouped every 14 days. The effect of the climate variables was determined by maximum and minimum growth periods in assessing trunk growth. These growth periods were related with precipitation, average temperature and relative air humidity. The re-scaled wood density values, calculated using the radial growth of the tree trunks measured accurately with steel dendrometers, enabled the determination of the relationship of small changes in wood density and the effect of the climatic variations and growth rate of eucalyptus tree trunks. A high sensitivity of the wood density to variation in precipitation levels was found.
AB STRACT This study aimed at evaluating the natural durability of Eucalyptus dunnii, Eucalyptus robusta, Eucalyptus tereticornis and Hovenia dulcis woods submitted to a deterioration test in two environments, field and forest. The test samples were buried until half of their length (150 mm). Evaluations were carried out each 45 days, totalizing a 405-day period, with three-repetition withdrawal of each species for environment, totalizing nine samples from each environment, making up 24 test samples for evaluation. After percentage calculations of mass loss and resistance degree classification, the deterioration index was adopted for decomposition evaluation and fungal decay potential determination of test samples. The study has been carried out in completely randomized design (CRD), evaluated through analysis of variance (ANOVA) with subsequent comparison of means by Turkey' s test, in a 5%-level of probability of error, along with regression analysis. Eucalyptus tereticornis wood presented lesser mass loss in both environments. Hovenia dulcis presented lesser deterioration probability in both environments. Forest environment test samples presented greater mass loss percentages and lesser deterioration index.
Segregering eller segregation är ett fenomen som kan förekomma inom olika områden av samhället. Inom samhällsvetenskaperna kan segregering definieras som det rumsliga åtskiljandet av befolkningsgrupper på urval av ras eller etniskt ursprung, kön, social härkomst, religion, ålder, yrke, osv. Segregering av befolkningsgrupper sker ofta mer eller mindre frivilligt och är motsatsen till integration. Inom partikelteknologi definieras segregering oftast som det rumsliga åtskiljandet av beståndsdelarna i en blandning av olika partiklar. Segregering sker då på urval av bl.a. partiklarnas storlek, densitet, form, elektrostatiska eller mekaniska egenskaper, och kan beskrivas som motsatsen till blandning. Segregeringsmekanismer används för att förklara hur och varför en partikelblandning segregerar samt vad slutresultatet i form av den rumsliga fördelningen av partiklarna blir till följd av att blandningen utsetts för en viss behandling. I denna avhandling har segregering av partikelblandningar och speciellt torra mineralbaserade byggmaterial (t.ex. murbruk) till följd av lagring i siloer studerats. Vid industriell produktion av mineralbaserade byggmaterial används siloer för korttidslagring av slutprodukterna precis innan förpackning. Segregering leder till kraftiga variationer i sammansättningen för partikelströmmen ut ur silon, vilket gör att slutprodukterna inte uppfyller kvalitetskraven och kan därmed inte säljas till kunder. Detta leder till arbetsam och dyr bearbetning (återcirkulation) av produkterna med påföljder för produktionsekonomin samt hållbara utvecklingen. I avhandlingen identifierades de väsentligaste segregeringsmekanismerna för torra mineralbaserade byggmaterial i siloer. Dessutom klargjordes effekterna av materialegenskaper, processbetingelser och siloparametrar. Slutligen behandlas möjliga åtgärder för minskning av partikelsegregering i siloer samt tillämpning av matematiska metoder för simulering av partikelflöden med hjälp av datorer.
The air dry-bulb temperature (t db),as well as the black globe humidity index (BGHI), exert great influence on the development of broiler chickens during their heating phase. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the structure and the magnitude of the t db and BGHI spatial variability, using geostatistics tools such as semivariogram analysis and also producing kriging maps. The experiment was conducted in the west mesoregion of the states of Minas Gerais in 2010, in a commercial broiler house with heating system consisting of two furnaces that heat the air indirectly, in the firsts 14 days of the birds' life. The data were registered at intervals of five minutes in the period from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. The variables were evaluated by variograms fitted by residual maximum likelihood (REML) testing the Spherical and Exponential models. Kriging maps were generated based on the best model used to fit the variogram. It was possible to characterize the variability of the t db and BGHI, which allowed observing the spatial dependence by using geostatistics techniques. In addition, the use of geostatistics and distribution maps made possible to identify problems in the heating system in regions inside the broiler house that may harm the development of chicks.
In Brazil, the best results in milk production are found in the state of Paraná. Such results are reached through genetic selection of the animals and management of their diets, in which whole plant corn silage is widely used. Aiming the silage quality, it was evaluated the influence of dry matter content of the corn culture as forage and the harvester adjustments on the fragment size of whole plant corn silage. The fragment size of two corn hybrids silage (SPEED and 2B688) was evaluated using a 5x3 factorial, with 4 repetitions. The first factor was the harvest time of the plants (105, 108, 112, 118, and 123 days after sowing (DAS)), which determines the forage dry matter (DM) content. The second factor was the harvester adjustments (2, 6.5 and 11mm of theoretical fragment length (TFL)). The DM content did not affect the average fragment size of 2B688. For SPEED, however, the real fragment size decreased as the maturation of plants increased. The conclusion is that the DM content and harvester adjustments can affect the real fragment sizes, according to different plant genotypes. The alterations of the harvester adjustments resulted in different fragment sizes, however, it were different from those indicated by the manufacturer.
The goal of this study was to evaluate the nitrogen fertilization as deep litter for pigs in order to produce biomass and accumulate nutrients by the corn. A deep litter made of rice husk as organic compound, from a commercial pig farm during finishing phase, was used. After three consecutive batches of pigs, the deep litter was subjected to a maturation period of 50 days, and samples of this material were taken for analysis of agronomic value. The experimental design was completely randomized with five replicates. The treatments consisted of doses of 0, 75, 150 and 300mg dm-3 of N of deep litter, as well as an additional treatment with ammonium sulfate, with a dosage of 150mg dm-3 of N. After 45 days, corn plants were harvested in order to evaluate the total dry weight and nutrient concentrations of their aerial parts. Dry matter increases were found with more application of deep litter. Regarding control fertilization, the use of increasing dosages of deep litter allowed accumulation of K, reduced the availability of P, Ca, Mg, Zn and B and did not alter the concentrations of N, Cu, Fe and Mn.
The purpose of this paper was to observe the use of bedding (wood shavings) in physiological variables that indicate thermal stress in gestating sows. The experiment was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of two types of floor (concrete and wood shavings). Worse microclimatic conditions were observed in bedding systems (P<0.05), with an increase in temperature and enthalpy of 1.14 ºC and 2.37 kJ.kg dry air-1, respectively. The floor temperature at the dirty area was higher in the bedding presence in comparison to its absence. In spite of the worse microclimatic conditions in the bedding, the rectal temperature did not differ significantly (P>0.05) but the skin surface temperature was higher in the bedding systems. The same occurred with the respiratory rates. The physical characteristics of the floor material influenced the rate of heat loss by conductance. Estimated values were 35.04 and 7.99 W m-2 for the conductive heat loss between the animal and floor for treatments with or without bedding, respectively. The use of bedding in sow rearing has a negative impact on microclimatic conditions, what implies in thermoregulatory damages.
The application of the Extreme Value Theory (EVT) to model the probability of occurrence of extreme low Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) values leads to an increase of the knowledge related to the occurrence of extreme dry months. This sort of analysis can be carried out by means of two approaches: the block maxima (BM; associated with the General Extreme Value distribution) and the peaks-over-threshold (POT; associated with the Generalized Pareto distribution). Each of these procedures has its own advantages and drawbacks. Thus, the main goal of this study is to compare the performance of BM and POT in characterizing the probability of occurrence of extreme dry SPI values obtained from the weather station of Ribeirão Preto-SP (1937-2012). According to the goodness-of-fit tests, both BM and POT can be used to assess the probability of occurrence of the aforementioned extreme dry SPI monthly values. However, the scalar measures of accuracy and the return level plots indicate that POT provides the best fit distribution. The study also indicated that the uncertainties in the parameters estimates of a probabilistic model should be taken into account when the probability associated with a severe/extreme dry event is under analysis.
The aim of this study was to evaluate chemical attributes alterations of a clay-loam textured soil and dry mass accumulation of maize submitted to application of cassava wastewater doses in three assessment periods. The experiment was conducted under greenhouse using a completely randomized experimental design in a factorial 5 × 3, with four replicates. The analyzed factors of research were doses of cassava wastewater (0; 12.6; 25.2; 50.4; 75.6 m3 ha-1) andassessment periods (20, 40 and 52 days after germination). The following parameters were determined: electric conductivity of soil saturation extract, pH in water, content of available P, content of exchangeable K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+of soil, dry mass of leaves and stem. The application of cassava wastewater on soil enables increase of pH, electric conductivity of saturation extract, contents of available P, contents of exchangeable K+ and Na+ and dry mass of leaves and stem. However, only pH and content of exchangeable K+ of soil, the electric conductivity of saturation extract and dry mass of leaves and stem are influenced by assessment period.
Ett huvudmål med denna avhandling var att erhålla ny information om växelverkan mellan metalljoner i vattenfas och träbaserade material såsom olika pappersmassor, ved och bark. Material av gran, tall och björk har studerats. En ny känslig kolonnkromatografisk metod utvecklades för bestämning av affinitetsordningar för 17 olika metalljoner. Av dessa bands trevärt järn och de mycket toxiska tungmetallerna bly, koppar och kadmium starkast till de studerade materialen. Växelverkan i dessa tvåfas system sker som jonbyte, huvudsakligen via komplexbildning av metalljoner till funktionella grupper i den fasta fasen. Vattenfasens pH är den viktigaste parametern som bestämmer totala halten av metalljoner som binds till materialen. Resultatet i denna avhandling kan delvis betraktas som grundforskning. En ny kunskap om metalljoners förekomst och kemiska reaktioner i dessa system är även av stor ekonomisk och ekologisk, betydelse, när man strävar till allt mera slutna system i moderna massafabriker. Avhandlingen visar också att trädbark har stor potential för biosorption av tungmetaller t.ex. från avfallsvatten. Trädbark har nästan lika stor bindningskapacitet som dyra syntetiska jonbytare.
Knowledge of the behaviour of cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin during wood and pulp processing is essential for understanding and controlling the processes. Determination of monosaccharide composition gives information about the structural polysaccharide composition of wood material and helps when determining the quality of fibrous products. In addition, monitoring of the acidic degradation products gives information of the extent of degradation of lignin and polysaccharides. This work describes two capillary electrophoretic methods developed for the analysis of monosaccharides and for the determination of aliphatic carboxylic acids from alkaline oxidation solutions of lignin and wood. Capillary electrophoresis (CE), in its many variants is an alternative separation technique to chromatographic methods. In capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) the fused silica capillary is filled with an electrolyte solution. An applied voltage generates a field across the capillary. The movement of the ions under electric field is based on the charge and hydrodynamic radius of ions. Carbohydrates contain hydroxyl groups that are ionised only in strongly alkaline conditions. After ionisation, the structures are suitable for electrophoretic analysis and identification through either indirect UV detection or electrochemical detection. The current work presents a new capillary zone electrophoretic method, relying on in-capillary reaction and direct UV detection at the wavelength of 270 nm. The method has been used for the simultaneous separation of neutral carbohydrates, including mono- and disaccharides and sugar alcohols. The in-capillary reaction produces negatively charged and UV-absorbing compounds. The optimised method was applied to real samples. The methodology is fast since no other sample preparation, except dilution, is required. A new method for aliphatic carboxylic acids in highly alkaline process liquids was developed. The goal was to develop a method for the simultaneous analysis of the dicarboxylic acids, hydroxy acids and volatile acids that are oxidation and degradation products of lignin and wood polysaccharides. The CZE method was applied to three process cases. First, the fate of lignin under alkaline oxidation conditions was monitored by determining the level of carboxylic acids from process solutions. In the second application, the degradation of spruce wood using alkaline and catalysed alkaline oxidation were compared by determining carboxylic acids from the process solutions. In addition, the effectiveness of membrane filtration and preparative liquid chromatography in the enrichment of hydroxy acids from black liquor was evaluated, by analysing the effluents with capillary electrophoresis.