934 resultados para Drets humans -- Xina
El rock'n'roll, un dels estils musicals més influents del segle XX, es va gestar als EUA durant la dècada de 1940 a partir del blues, el rhythm'n'blues i el country. Joel vaig descobrir de forma conscient el 1979, quan tenia 14 anys. I el seu ritme em va captivar tant les neurones que continua sent el meu estil musical predilecte, amb el qual identifico bona part de les meves emocions.
Virtually every cell and organ in the human body is dependent on a proper oxygen supply. This is taken care of by the cardiovascular system that supplies tissues with oxygen precisely according to their metabolic needs. Physical exercise is one of the most demanding challenges the human circulatory system can face. During exercise skeletal muscle blood flow can easily increase some 20-fold and its proper distribution to and within muscles is of importance for optimal oxygen delivery. The local regulation of skeletal muscle blood flow during exercise remains little understood, but adenosine and nitric oxide may take part in this process. In addition to acute exercise, long-term vigorous physical conditioning also induces changes in the cardiovasculature, which leads to improved maximal physical performance. The changes are largely central, such as structural and functional changes in the heart. The function and reserve of the heart’s own vasculature can be studied by adenosine infusion, which according to animal studies evokes vasodilation via it’s a2A receptors. This has, however, never been addressed in humans in vivo and also studies in endurance athletes have shown inconsistent results regarding the effects of sport training on myocardial blood flow. This study was performed on healthy young adults and endurance athletes and local skeletal and cardiac muscle blod flow was measured by positron emission tomography. In the heart, myocardial blood flow reserve and adenosine A2A receptor density, and in skeletal muscle, oxygen extraction and consumption was also measured. The role of adenosine in the control of skeletal muscle blood flow during exercise, and its vasodilator effects, were addressed by infusing competitive inhibitors and adenosine into the femoral artery. The formation of skeletal muscle nitric oxide was also inhibited by a drug, with and without prostanoid blockade. As a result and conclusion, it can be said that skeletal muscle blood flow heterogeneity decreases with increasing exercise intensity most likely due to increased vascular unit recruitment, but exercise hyperemia is a very complex phenomenon that cannot be mimicked by pharmacological infusions, and no single regulator factor (e.g. adenosine or nitric oxide) accounts for a significant part of exercise-induced muscle hyperemia. However, in the present study it was observed for the first time in humans that nitric oxide is not only important regulator of the basal level of muscle blood flow, but also oxygen consumption, and together with prostanoids affects muscle blood flow and oxygen consumption during exercise. Finally, even vigorous endurance training does not seem to lead to supranormal myocardial blood flow reserve, and also other receptors than A2A mediate the vasodilator effects of adenosine. In respect to cardiac work, atheletes heart seems to be luxuriously perfused at rest, which may result from reduced oxygen extraction or impaired efficiency due to pronouncedly enhanced myocardial mass developed to excel in strenuous exercise.
The anatomical comparative studies among the primates are important for the investigation of ethology, evolution, taxonomy, and comprehension of tools by hominoids. Especially the anatomical knowledge of Cebus contributes to conservation of the species, and to development of surgical procedures and clinical treatments of these animals, as they frequently are victims of automobile accidents. Recent anatomical studies came to a wrong conclusion regarding behavioral traits of Cebus, ascribed to few data available in previous literature. Therefore, to provide anatomical data and to support the other sciences related to anatomy, and to develop surgical and/or clinical procedures, we described the nerves of the legs of Cebus foccusing on their position and trajectory, as wll as innerved muscles, and compared these results with those of humans and other primates. Eight adult capuchin specimens were used for this study. The anatomical comparative study of the leg's nerves of Cebus demonstrated that, in general, structural organization of the nerves is similar among the four primates analyzed here (Cebus, chimpanzees, baboons and humans), which might be attributed to the fact that the all four primates have similar body structures. However, nerve trajectory and muscles innervation in Cebus was more similar to baboons.
The white adipose tissue mainly serves the purpose of energy storage, while brown adipose tissue (BAT) has the capacity to generate heat under cold conditions in mammals and in human infants. BAT is controlled by the central nervous system, and BAT function is accompanied by increased energy expenditure. However, it was not previously certain whether adult humans also have functional BAT. The aim of this doctoral work was to identify functional BAT in adult humans and to characterise its glucose uptake and blood flow under cold and insulin stimulation conditions in lean and in obese humans, by using positron emission tomography. Further, the impact of weight loss on BAT glucose uptake was assessed. Cerebral glucose uptake was also studied in relation to BAT function and cold exposure. The results showed that healthy adult humans have functional BAT, as assessed by the intense cold-induced glucose uptake and by biopsies. BAT was also found to be a highly insulinsensitive tissue in lean humans, but the effects of insulin and cold exposure were attenuated in obese humans, although the glucose uptake capacity of cold-activated BAT might be increased by weight loss. Blood flow in the BAT of lean humans was associated with whole-body energy expenditure. The presence of cold-activated BAT was related to lower body mass index and higher insulin sensitivity. Finally, BAT activation was linked to the activity of the cerebellum, the thalamus and certain neocortical regions. The cold-induced cerebral glucose uptake was also lower in obese than in lean adult humans.
To evaluate the effect of exercise intensity on post-exercise cardiovascular responses, 12 young normotensive subjects performed in a randomized order three cycle ergometer exercise bouts of 45 min at 30, 50 and 80% of VO2peak, and 12 subjects rested for 45 min in a non-exercise control trial. Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) were measured for 20 min prior to exercise (baseline) and at intervals of 5 to 30 (R5-30), 35 to 60 (R35-60) and 65 to 90 (R65-90) min after exercise. Systolic, mean, and diastolic BP after exercise were significantly lower than baseline, and there was no difference between the three exercise intensities. After exercise at 30% of VO2peak, HR was significantly decreased at R35-60 and R65-90. In contrast, after exercise at 50 and 80% of VO2peak, HR was significantly increased at R5-30 and R35-60, respectively. Exercise at 30% of VO2peak significantly decreased rate pressure (RP) product (RP = HR x systolic BP) during the entire recovery period (baseline = 7930 ± 314 vs R5-30 = 7150 ± 326, R35-60 = 6794 ± 349, and R65-90 = 6628 ± 311, P<0.05), while exercise at 50% of VO2peak caused no change, and exercise at 80% of VO2peak produced a significant increase at R5-30 (7468 ± 267 vs 9818 ± 366, P<0.05) and no change at R35-60 or R65-90. Cardiovascular responses were not altered during the control trial. In conclusion, varying exercise intensity from 30 to 80% of VO2peak in young normotensive humans did not influence the magnitude of post-exercise hypotension. However, in contrast to exercise at 50 and 80% of VO2peak, exercise at 30% of VO2peak decreased post-exercise HR and RP.
The target of any immunization is to activate and expand lymphocyte clones with the desired recognition specificity and the necessary effector functions. In gene, recombinant and peptide vaccines, the immunogen is a single protein or a small assembly of epitopes from antigenic proteins. Since most immune responses against protein and peptide antigens are T-cell dependent, the molecular target of such vaccines is to generate at least 50-100 complexes between MHC molecule and the antigenic peptide per antigen-presenting cell, sensitizing a T cell population of appropriate clonal size and effector characteristics. Thus, the immunobiology of antigen recognition by T cells must be taken into account when designing new generation peptide- or gene-based vaccines. Since T cell recognition is MHC-restricted, and given the wide polymorphism of the different MHC molecules, distinct epitopes may be recognized by different individuals in the population. Therefore, the issue of whether immunization will be effective in inducing a protective immune response, covering the entire target population, becomes an important question. Many pathogens have evolved molecular mechanisms to escape recognition by the immune system by variation of antigenic protein sequences. In this short review, we will discuss the several concepts related to selection of amino acid sequences to be included in DNA and peptide vaccines.
A transient significant decrease in mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) from 107 ± 3 to 98 ± 3 mmHg (P<0.05) was observed in elderly (59-69 years of age), healthy volunteers 25-30 min following ingestion of a test meal. In young volunteers (22-34 years of age), a postprandial decrease of MAP from 88 ± 3 to 83 ± 4 mmHg was also noted but it was not statistically significant. A 40% decrease in bradykinin (BK) content of circulatory high molecular weight kininogen had previously been observed in human subjects given the same test meal. We presently demonstrate by specific ELISA that the stable pentapeptide metabolite (1-5 BK) of BK increases from 2.5 ± 1.0 to 11.0 ± 2.5 pg/ml plasma (P<0.05) in elderly volunteers and from 2.0 ± 1.0 to 10.3 ± 3.2 pg/ml plasma (P<0.05) in young volunteers 3 h following food intake. This result suggests that ingestion of food stimulates BK release from kininogen in normal man. Postprandial splanchnic vasodilatation, demonstrated by a decrease of plasma half-life of intravenously administered indocyanine green (ICG), a marker of mesenteric blood flow to the liver, from 4.4 ± 0.4 to 3.0 ± 0.1 min (P<0.05) in young volunteers and from 5.2 ± 1.0 to 4.0 ± 0.5 min (P<0.05) in elderly volunteers, accompanied BK release. The participation of BK in this response was investigated in subjects given the BK-potentiating drug captopril prior to food intake. Postprandial decreases of ICG half-lives were not changed by this treatment in either young or elderly subjects, a result which may indicate that BK released following food intake plays no role in postprandial splanchnic vasodilatation in normal man.
Carotid bodies are chemoreceptors sensitive to a fall of partial oxygen pressure in blood (hypoxia). The morphological alterations of these organs in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and in people living at high altitude are well known. However, it is not known whether the histological profile of human carotid bodies is changed in acute clinical conditions such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The objective of the present study was to perform a quantitative analysis of the histology of carotid bodies collected from patients who died of ARDS. A morphometric study of carotid bodies collected during routine autopsies was carried out on three groups: patients that died of non-respiratory diseases (controls, N = 8), patients that presented COPD and died of its complications or associated diseases (N = 7), and patients that died of ARDS (N = 7). Morphometric measurements of the volume fraction of clusters of chief cells were performed in five fields on each slide at 40X magnification. The numerical proportion of the four main histological cell types (light, dark, progenitor and sustentacular cells) was determined analyzing 10 fields on each slide at 400X magnification. The proportion of dark cells was 0.22 in ARDS patients, 0.12 in controls (P<0.001), and 0.08 in the COPD group. The proportion of light cells was 0.33 (ARDS), 0.44 (controls) (P<0.001), and 0.36 (COPD). These findings suggest that chronic and acute hypoxia have different effects on the histology of glomic tissue.
We describe the impact of subtype differences on the seroreactivity of linear antigenic epitopes in envelope glycoprotein of HIV-1 isolates from different geographical locations. By computer analysis, we predicted potential antigenic sites of envelope glycoprotein (gp120 and gp4l) of this virus. For this purpose, after fetching sequences of proteins of interest from data banks, values of hydrophilicity, flexibility, accessibility, inverted hydrophobicity, and secondary structure were considered. We identified several potential antigenic epitopes in a B subtype strain of envelope glycoprotein of HIV-1 (IIIB). Solid- phase peptide synthesis methods of Merrifield and Fmoc chemistry were used for synthesizing peptides. These synthetic peptides corresponded mainly to the C2, V3 and CD4 binding sites of gp120 and some parts of the ectodomain of gp41. The reactivity of these peptides was tested by ELISA against different HIV-1-positive sera from different locations in India. For two of these predicted epitopes, the corresponding Indian consensus sequences (LAIERYLKQQLLGWG and DIIGDIRQAHCNISEDKWNET) (subtype C) were also synthesized and their reactivity was tested by ELISA. These peptides also distinguished HIV-1-positive sera of Indians with C subtype infections from sera from HIV-negative subjects.
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strains are important agents of infantile diarrhea all over the world, gaining even greater importance in developing countries. EPEC have also been isolated from various animal species, but most isolates belong to serotypes that differ from those recovered from humans. However, it has been demonstrated that several isolates from non-human primates belong to the serogroups and/or serotypes related to those implicated in human disease. The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic differences between thirteen strains isolated from non-human primates and the same number of strains isolated from human infections. Human isolates belonged to the same serogroup/serotype as the monkey strains and the evaluation was done by analysis of random amplified polymorphic DNA. Dendrogram analysis showed that there was no clustering between human and monkey strains. Human and non-human isolates of the EPEC serotypes O127:H40 and O128:H2 shared 90 and 87% of their bands, respectively, indicating strong genomic similarity between the strains, leading to the speculation that they may have arisen from the same pathogenic clone. To our knowledge, this study is the first one comparing genomic similarity between human and non-human primate strains and the results provide further evidence that monkey EPEC strains correlate with human EPEC, as suggested in a previous investigation.
Individual circadian clocks entrain differently to environmental cycles (zeitgebers, e.g., light and darkness), earlier or later within the day, leading to different chronotypes. In human populations, the distribution of chronotypes forms a bell-shaped curve, with the extreme early and late types _ larks and owls, respectively _ at its ends. Human chronotype, which can be assessed by the timing of an individual's sleep-wake cycle, is partly influenced by genetic factors - known from animal experimentation. Here, we review population genetic studies which have used a questionnaire probing individual daily timing preference for associations with polymorphisms in clock genes. We discuss their inherent limitations and suggest an alternative approach combining a short questionnaire (Munich ChronoType Questionnaire, MCTQ), which assesses chronotype in a quantitative manner, with a genome-wide analysis (GWA). The advantages of these methods in comparison to assessing time-of-day preferences and single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping are discussed. In the future, global studies of chronotype using the MCTQ and GWA may also contribute to understanding the influence of seasons, latitude (e.g., different photoperiods), and climate on allele frequencies and chronotype distribution in different populations.