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This work deals with coming and going verbs in three typologically distinct languages: a Romance one (Spanish), a Germanic one (German) and a Slavic one (Polish) within Fillmore`s (1966, 1971, 1975, 1982, 1983) framework. On the grounds of data description it is shown that visible linguistic phenomena, such as deixis or Aktionsart related clearly to the coming and going verbs, can be transcended, resorting to the more abstract notion called by the author, following Winston (1987) and Speas and Tenny (2003), “viewpoint”.
The adult, pupal and larval morphology of S. argentiscutum sp. nov., a member of the S. amazonicum-group, is compared with S. amazonicum Goeldi and its distribution, biology and medical importance are discussed. S. argentiscutum is one the most important anthropophilic species in the S. amazonicum-group as it is responsible, together with S. amazonicum, for the transmission of Mansonella ozzardi in Brazil.
A new Brazilian simuliid species, Simulium (Chirostilbia) dekeyseri, is described from reared adults as well as larvas and pupae. This zoophilic species has only been recorded from localities in the Cerrado region of the Central Brazilian Plateu.
The Stanley lattice, Tamari lattice and Kreweras lattice are three remarkable orders defined on the set of Catalan objects of a given size. These lattices are ordered by inclusion: the Stanley lattice is an extension of the Tamari lattice which is an extension of the Kreweras lattice. The Stanley order can be defined on the set of Dyck paths of size n as the relation of being above. Hence, intervals in the Stanley lattice are pairs of non-crossing Dyck paths. In a former article, the second author defined a bijection Φ between pairs of non-crossing Dyck paths and the realizers of triangulations (or Schnyder woods). We give a simpler description of the bijection Φ. Then, we study the restriction of Φ to Tamari’s and Kreweras’ intervals. We prove that Φ induces a bijection between Tamari intervals and minimal realizers. This gives a bijection between Tamari intervals and triangulations. We also prove that Φ induces a bijection between Kreweras intervals and the (unique) realizers of stack triangulations. Thus, Φ induces a bijection between Kreweras intervals and stacktriangulations which are known to be in bijection with ternary trees.
The subgenus Trichopygomyia Barreto, 1962 of the phlebotomine genus Lutzomyia França, 1924 is reviewed. This subgenus corresponds to the informal species group longispina of Theodor (1965). Lutzomyia (Trichopygomya) ratcliffei n.sp. from the Brazilian Amazon Basin is described. Figures, keys, distribution maps and notes on ecology are presented for all the known forms. The better known species are most frequently encountered in armadillo burrows and, therefore, could well be vectors of Leishmania.
L’anàlisi de l’estat actual dels equipaments i activitats d’educació ambiental (EA) en l’àmbit del Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu (PNAP) ha detectat un grau de desenvolupament molt baix d’aquesta disciplina. Per aquest motiu, s’elabora una nova eina, amb l’objectiu d’establir unes pautes per a l’elaboració d’una activitat d’EA concreta: els itineraris d’EA; i així ampliar l’escassa oferta actual. El protocol per al disseny d’itineraris d’EA, dóna unes directrius per a estandarditzar la descripció i l’anàlisi de la zona proposada. La finalitat del qual és facilitar i agilitar la implantació d’itineraris que presentin unes condicions mínimes establertes. La eficiència d’aquesta eina, queda verificada amb els resultats obtinguts en la realització de dues proves pilot en dues zones amb possibilitats de desenvolupar-hi itineraris d’EA. Una de les zones ha quedat descartada, per l’incompliment d’un dels criteris que s’ha definit en el protocol com a imprescindibles pel bon desenvolupament de l’activitat que es planteja. Mentre que en l’altre zona, el compliment de totes aquestes condicions o criteris, fan viable la implantació de l’itinerari d’EA, duent a terme així el seu posterior disseny. Malgrat l’estudi es centri en un espai natural protegit concret, és una eina que pretén ser extrapolable en d’altres espais d’aquesta categoria.
El parc rural de la Torre Negra ha estat protegit recentment després de 15 anys de lluita ciutadana, gràcies a l’aprovació del Pla Especial de Protecció i Millora el 29 de juny del present any. A partir d’ara, s’obre un ampli ventall de possibilitats per a la seva gestió i desenvolupament. En aquest context és on es situa el present estudi, amb la finalitat de presentar unes línies estratègiques bàsiques per a iniciar l’activitat al parc. Una activitat que té en el punt de mira el desenvolupament rural de l’espai i la transformació social de la ciutadania.
During recent studies of the parasites of birds from the Amazonian Regio, the following nematodes were recovered: Hoazinstrongylus amazonensis n.gen.n.sp. from Opisthocomus hoazin (Muller, 1776); Ascaridia columbae (Gmel., 1790) Travassos, 1913, from Leptotila r. rufaxilla (Richard & Bernard, 1712) representing a new host record; Inglisakis ibanezi Freitas, Vicente & Santos, 1969, Cyrnea (C.) semilunaris (Molin, 1860) Seurat, 1914 and Thelazia digitata Travassos, 1918. A compelte description is restrained to the new genus and new species here proposed. The other known and well described species are listed and accounted.
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte que consisteix a elaborar un algoritme d’optimització que permeti, mitjançant un ajust de dades per mínims quadrats, la extracció dels paràmetres del circuit equivalent que composen el model teòric d’un ressonador FBAR, a partir de les mesures dels paràmetres S. Per a dur a terme aquest treball, es desenvolupa en primer lloc tota la teoria necessària de ressonadors FBAR. Començant pel funcionament i l’estructura, i mostrant especial interès en el modelat d’aquests ressonadors mitjançant els models de Mason, Butterworth Van-Dyke i BVD Modificat. En segon terme, s’estudia la teoria sobre optimització i programació No-Lineal. Un cop s’ha exposat la teoria, es procedeix a la descripció de l’algoritme implementat. Aquest algoritme utilitza una estratègia de múltiples passos que agilitzen l'extracció dels paràmetres del ressonador.
Aquest projecte neix d'una demanda real d'una empresa del sector immobiliari, amb la finalitat d'actualitzar i augmentar les funcionalitats que presenta la web d'aquesta, s'ha implementat un aplicatiu que satisfà tant a l'empresa com als seus clients potencials. S'ha elaborat una completa documentació que inclou una memòria on es descriuen detalladament totes les etapes seguides en el desenvolupament del projecte, un manual d'usuari documentat gràficament, una valoració econòmica del projecte i una descripció de cadascun dels scripts utilitzats per facilitar el manteniment de l'aplicació.
Aquest projecte descriu el disseny i desenvolupament d’una eina gràfica per a la depuració de projectes desenvolupats amb un llenguatge de descripció de sistemes com és el SystemC. Amb aquest llenguatge s’ha desenvolupat una NoC (Network on Chip). L’eina desenvolupada mostra de forma visual l’arquitectura de la xarxa NoC, els valors dels senyals que es transmeten a través de la xarxa i estadístiques sobre aquests per tal de poder fer un seguiment exhaustiu i agilitzar la recerca d’errors com interbloquejos, pèrdua de dades i d’altres. Al concentrar en un únic entorn la descripció de la NoC i les dades relatives a les senyals en temps de simulació, proporciona un valor afegit a altres eines disponibles per a realitzar aquesta tasca.
Within last few years a new type of instruments called Terrestrial Laser Scanners (TLS) entered to the commercial market. These devices brought a possibility to obtain completely new type of spatial, three dimensional data describing the object of interest. TLS instruments are generating a type of data that needs a special treatment. Appearance of this technique made possible to monitor deformations of very large objects, like investigated here landslides, with new quality level. This change is visible especially with relation to the size and number of the details that can be observed with this new method. Taking into account this context presented here work is oriented on recognition and characterization of raw data received from the TLS instruments as well as processing phases, tools and techniques to do them. Main objective are definition and recognition of the problems related with usage of the TLS data, characterization of the quality single point generated by TLS, description and investigation of the TLS processing approach for landslides deformation measurements allowing to obtain 3D deformation characteristic and finally validation of the obtained results. The above objectives are based on the bibliography studies and research work followed by several experiments that will prove the conclusions.
The interfaces between the intrapsychic, interactional, and intergenerational domains are a new frontier. As a pilot, we exposed ourselves to a complex but controllable situation as viewed by people whose main interest is in one of the three interfaces; we also fully integrated the subjects in the team, to learn about their subjective perspectives and to provide them with an enriching experience. We started with a brief "triadification" sequence (i.e., moving from a "two plus one" to a "three together" family organization). Considering this sequence as representing at a micro level many larger family transitions, we proceeded with a microanalytic interview, a psychodynamic investigation, and a family interview. As expected, larger patterns of correspondences are emerging. Central questions under debate are: What are the most appropriate units at each level of description and what are their articulations between these levels? What is the status of "triadification"? Les interfaces entre les domaines intrapsychiques, interactionnels et intergénérationnels représentent une nouvelle frontiére. A titre exploratoire, nous nous sommes exposés à une situation complexe mais contrǒlable ainsi que le voient ceux dont I'intérět principal se porte sur l'une de ces trois interfaces. Nous avons aussi entièrement intégré les sujets dans l'équipe, de facon à comprendre leur perspective subjective et à leur offrir une expérience enrichissante. Nous avons commencé avec une brève séquence de "triadification," c'est-à-dire passer d'une organisation familiale "deux plus un" à Ltne organisation familiale "trois (add sentenc)ensemble." Considérant cette séquence comme representative à un niveau microscopique de transitions familiales bien plus larges, nous avons procedé à l'entretien microanalytique, à une enquěte psychodynamique et à un entretien familial. Comme prévu, de grands patterns de correspondances émergent. Les questions essentielles sur lesquelles portent le débat sont: quelles les unités les plus appropiées à chaque niveau de description et quelles sont les articulations entre ces niveaux? Quel est le statut de la "triadification"?
BACKGROUND: Even if a large proportion of physiotherapists work in the private sector worldwide, very little is known of the organizations within which they practice. Such knowledge is important to help understand contexts of practice and how they influence the quality of services and patient outcomes. The purpose of this study was to: 1) describe characteristics of organizations where physiotherapists practice in the private sector, and 2) explore the existence of a taxonomy of organizational models. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional quantitative survey of 236 randomly-selected physiotherapists. Participants completed a purpose-designed questionnaire online or by telephone, covering organizational vision, resources, structures and practices. Organizational characteristics were analyzed descriptively, while organizational models were identified by multiple correspondence analyses. RESULTS: Most organizations were for-profit (93.2%), located in urban areas (91.5%), and within buildings containing multiple businesses/organizations (76.7%). The majority included multiple providers (89.8%) from diverse professions, mainly physiotherapy assistants (68.7%), massage therapists (67.3%) and osteopaths (50.2%). Four organizational models were identified: 1) solo practice, 2) middle-scale multiprovider, 3) large-scale multiprovider and 4) mixed. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study provide a detailed description of the organizations where physiotherapists practice, and highlight the importance of human resources in differentiating organizational models. Further research examining the influences of these organizational characteristics and models on outcomes such as physiotherapists' professional practices and patient outcomes are needed.
A study on the ecology of phlebotomine sandfly fauna in a restricted focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in northern Venezuela was undertaken in order to investigate the species responsible for the transmission. The study area and catching methods for phlebotomine sandflies are described. A total of 9,061 females and 1,662 males were collected during a year-term study. 12 species of Lutzomya and 1 species of Brumptomya sp. were identified. Absolute and relative abundance and ocurrence for each species were determined. The rel ative occurrence allowed to distinguish the common species, viz. L. panamensis, L. ovallesi, L. gomezi, L. tinidadensis, L. atroclavata, L. cayennensis, L. shannoni and L. olmeca bicolor from the rare species vis., L. punctigeniculata, L. rangeliana, L. evansi and L. dubitans. General comments on the species composition of the sandfly fauna in this locality are made.