806 resultados para Distance Study Course


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Climate change has differentially affected the timing of seasonal events for interacting trophic levels, and this has often led to increased selection on seasonal timing. Yet, the environmental variables driving this selection have rarely been identified, limiting our ability to predict future ecological impacts of climate change. Using a dataset spanning 31 years from a natural population of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca), we show that directional selection on timing of reproduction intensified in the first two decades (1980-2000) but weakened during the last decade (2001-2010). Against expectation, this pattern could not be explained by the temporal variation in the phenological mismatch with food abundance. We therefore explored an alternative hypothesis that selection on timing was affected by conditions individuals experience when arriving in spring at the breeding grounds: arriving early in cold conditions may reduce survival. First, we show that in female recruits, spring arrival date in the first breeding year correlates positively with hatch date; hence, early-hatched individuals experience colder conditions at arrival than late-hatched individuals. Second, we show that when temperatures at arrival in the recruitment year were high, early-hatched young had a higher recruitment probability than when temperatures were low. We interpret this as a potential cost of arriving early in colder years, and climate warming may have reduced this cost. We thus show that higher temperatures in the arrival year of recruits were associated with stronger selection for early reproduction in the years these birds were born. As arrival temperatures in the beginning of the study increased, but recently declined again, directional selection on timing of reproduction showed a nonlinear change. We demonstrate that environmental conditions with a lag of up to two years can alter selection on phenological traits in natural populations, something that has important implications for our understanding of how climate can alter patterns of selection in natural populations.


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A educação a distância (EAD) é uma importante estratégia na realização de atividades de educação permanente em saúde. Contudo, as raízes pedagógicas de muitas destas práticas convergem para a reapresentação de uma educação tradicional e transmissora, sobretudo pela inexistência de momentos de interação social que possibilitem a troca e o compartilhamento de saberes. Neste sentido, os fóruns on line são considerados um importante recurso para promover um cenário interativo e estimular processos de construção compartilhada do conhecimento (CCC). Nesta pesquisa, defende-se a tese de que dentro da lógica dos processos de educação permanente em saúde, o fórum representa uma ferramenta interativa e possibilita a construção de saberes compartilhados. Assim, o objetivo geral é analisar os fóruns interativos como espaço de processos de ensino-aprendizagem entre enfermeiros da Estratégia de Saúde da Família em um curso de especialização em saúde da família a distância. Além disso, são objetivos específicos desta pesquisa: compreender a política e os projetos de educação permanente em saúde no Brasil; observar as interações sugestivas de processos de construção compartilhada do conhecimento entre alunos e tutores; analisar a percepção dos discentes do curso sobre o fórum interativo e as possíveis repercussões deste em sua prática profissional. A metodologia escolhidabaseia-se no estudo de caso. Na coleta de dados, foram utilizados questionários on line e análise dos fóruns temáticos das disciplinas do curso, segundo análise de suas redes sociais. Tal análise desdobrou-se na construção de três categorias: as relações comunicacionais e os processos interativos como essencialidades da CCC; a formação de grupos as redes sociais na EAD; o tutor como mediador do espaço virtual. Observou-se, neste estudo, que a construção das redes sociais dentro de uma turma de EAD obedece à mesma lógica daquelas construídas presencialmente, ou seja, é baseada na identificação com o grupo e na aceitação de ideias expostas por um determinado coletivo. Os tutores possuem papel essencial na formação das redes sociais e, também, no surgimento das relações dialógicas. As relações de cooperação dentro dos fóruns interativos indicam a existência de processos de CCC; contudo, assim como nas relações presenciais, é impossível dimensionar a influência e as consequências sociais destas construções na vida dos sujeitos. Conclui-se que o fórum possibilita a existência de relações comunicacionais, porém os desdobramentos interativos, bem como os processos de CCC, dependem, não só do instrumento utilizado, mas de outros fatores, como o estímulo do professor-tutor, a participação dos alunos e a criação de redes sociais cooperativas.


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O Núcleo de Apoio Psicopedagógico ao Residente (NAPPRE) em parceria com a Coordenadoria de Desenvolvimento Acadêmico (CDA) do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE) da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), desenvolve desde 2010 o Curso de Formação Pedagógica para a Prática da Preceptoria (CFPPP) curso de extensão na modalidade aperfeiçoamento, tendo como eixos estruturantes cuidado, educação e gestão. Sustentado nos princípios e diretrizes do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e orientado pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais de Graduação em Saúde (DCNs), o curso apresenta-se como uma estratégia de Educação Permanente em Saúde (EPS) desta instituição utilizando, tanto nas atividades presenciais como na educação à distância, metodologias ativas para o desenvolvimento da competência pedagógica do preceptor. O projeto político pedagógico do curso valoriza a integração dos profissionais de diferentes categorias para o trabalho em equipe. O alcance dos objetivos educacionais e a construção de projetos de intervenção a serem desenvolvidos nas instituições de origem durante o curso exige interação constante dos participantes e desenvolvimento de espaços colaborativos facilitados por estratégias mistas de educação em atividades presenciais e à distância. Considerando que, aproximadamente, 57% da carga horária do curso corresponde à atividades no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem é fundamental compreender a relevância e funcionalidade deste modelo pedagógico para promover a aprendizagem e induzir práticas colaborativas interdisciplinares compreendidas como um caminho para o desenvolvimento da capacidade criativa, da solidariedade e da inteligência coletiva favorecendo a autonomia crescente, individual e coletiva, a autoria e a produção de cuidado e educação. Estes são elementos constitutivos de práticas educacionais coerentes com as necessidades de formação dos profissionais para qualificar o cuidado em saúde no nosso País. Este projeto de pesquisa tem como objetivo principal avaliar como a Educação à Distância (EaD) favorece a construção de ambientes colaborativos na formação pedagógica de preceptores. Trata-se de um estudo de caso único, retrospectivo, com duas unidades de análise, explanatório, intrínseco e educacional. São integrantes dessa pesquisa, como participantes, todos os preceptores da 1 e 2 turmas (anos 2010 e 2011 respectivamente). O planejamento educacional do curso foi contextualizado considerando as competências pedagógicas que são objetivos de aprendizagem. Foram analisados documentos produzidos de forma individual e coletiva durante as etapas do curso. Os dados quantitativos foram analisados através de estatística descritiva e a análise dos dados coletados no material documental foi por análise de conteúdo segundo as proposições de Bardin com identificação de núcleos e/ou validação destes núcleos através das nuvens de palavras construídas através do wordle.


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Paralelamente às mudanças ocasionadas pelas tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC), no contexto da sociedade e organizações o treinamento como processo para preparar o trabalhador para atividades imediatas cedeu lugar à educação continuada, que visa a formação do indivíduo numa perspectiva mais abrangente, preparando-o para lidar com as constantes alterações sociais e com o mundo a sua volta. Na sociedade em rede introduz-se um novo conceito de espaço: o ciberespaço. Nesse contexto, não há barreiras físicas à propagação de acontecimentos, notícias, costumes e hábitos. Com o propósito de interconectar pessoas, ideias e experiências, o Sesc implementou o sistema de videoconferência para difundir saberes a seus funcionários, geograficamente dispersos por todo o Brasil. Porém a prática mostrou-nos que a procura por inovações no processo de ensino e aprendizagem deve ser constante. Nessa busca da formação humana mais completa, refletiu-se acerca da potencialidade das TIC para pensar-se em um processo de formação continuada que promova: o fazer junto, a troca de conhecimentos e ideias, reconhecer a riqueza proveniente da diversidade de saberes e práticas, ações que fomentem o diálogo, o pensamento crítico e a vontade em aprender mais. Em suma: valorizar a inteligência coletiva por meio da colaboração. Para chegar-se às respostas percorreu-se um caminho que envolveu estudo de referenciais bibliográficos, a realização de um curso por videoconferência e proposição da experiência no ambiente virtual que serviu como objeto de estudo, definição e aplicação das técnicas de coleta de dados quantitativas e qualitativas cuja averiguação dos resultados permitiu-nos elucidações capazes de responder a hipótese formulada na pesquisa, pois resultados apontaram que criar situações nas quais possam ser compartilhadas as práticas profissionais e experiências de vida são determinantes para a aprendizagem em processos de formação continuada e, no contexto pesquisado, a videoconferência, facilitada por docentes de destaque em suas áreas de atuação, por acontecer de forma síncrona e ser a mídia de EaD que mais se aproxima do ensino presencial, mostrou-se com potencial para compartilhar com os participantes, principalmente, conteúdos oficiais, provenientes de pesquisas e referenciais bibliográficos e o ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, em complementação às sessões de videoconferência, como espaço para viabilizar encontros, compartilhar saberes, experiências e ideias, promovendo um debate acerca da prática cotidiana, tendo como ponto de partida questões norteadoras com os conteúdos apresentados nas aulas proferidas por videoconferência, ou seja, um espaço propício para compartilhar e refletir a práxis a partir da teoria e da prática.


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Visakhapatnam is on the eastern sea board of India (17 degree 40' N and 83 degree 15' E) having a continental shelf of 45 km width which is provided with a polychaete rich, silty clay sea floor to a distance of 15 km and beyond, from the shore. Repeated trawling by a large number of trawlers over an area of 900 sq.km (30 x 30) resulted in the hardening of the substratum to the extent of making it uninhabitable to the polychaetes and polychaete feeding fish. The shoaling and strictly demersal marine catfish, Arius tenuispinis, which is a prolific polychaete feeder on the fishing grounds off Visakhapatnam, has been on the decline since 1979. The catch rate of fish dropped from 9.7 kg/boat per day in 1979 to 2.6 kg by 1985-86. In the bottomset gillnets, the catch per net dwindled from 4.4 kg in 1973 to 0.04 kg by 1985-86. The species has virtually disappeared from the fishing grounds off Visakhapatnam and further north, as a results of the cumulative effect of overfishing with trawlnets and bottomset gillnets. It is further aggravated by the hardening of the sea floor on these grounds due to repeated trawling over a narrow zone.


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The impact of waste discharge on fishery resources is a matter of great concern. The accepted norm in all environmental impact assessment studies is to avoid areas of high fishery potential while locating a marine outfall. Contemplating on this aspect a case study was conducted in the Amba River estuary before and after the establishment of a petrochemical complex at Nagothane. The treated wastewater from this complex is released through a subsurface outfall after adopting effective control measures for marine disposal of waste. Experimental trawling was done at five locations covering a distance of 30 km during 1990 to 1991. The catch rate within the estuary varied from 0.6 to 255 kg/h (av 24 kg/h). The trend indicated considerable decrease in fishery potential from the mouth of the estuary (av 64 kg/h) to the upstream location (av 11 kg/h). A total of 49 species of fishes, 16 species of prawns, 7 species of crabs and 1 species of lobster were identified from the collections. Number of species gradually increased from the interior segment at Dharamtar (8) to the outer area near Revas (18). A comparison of the quantitative and qualitative nature of the post outfall and pre outfall data revealed only marginal difference. The study indicates that if necessary precautions are taken to render the waste harmless the marine ecology will hardly be affected.


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In various areas along the coast in the vicinity of Monterey there are many colonies of the Polychaete worm Dodecaceria pacifica. An attempt has been made to find out something of the distribution, size, structure and the flora and fauna associated with these colonies.


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As an endangered animal group, musk deer (genus Moschus) are not only a great concern of wildlife conservation, but also of special interest to evolutionary studies due to long-standing arguments on the taxonomic and phylogenetic associations in this group. Using museum samples, we sequenced complete mitochondrial cytochrome b genes (1140 bp) of all suggested species of musk deer in order to reconstruct their phylogenetic history through molecular information. Our results showed that the cytochrome b gene tree is rather robust and concurred for all the algorithms employed (parsimony, maximum likelihood, and distance methods). Further, the relative rate test indicated a constant sequence substitution rate among all the species, permitting the dating of divergence events by molecular clock. According to the molecular topology, M. moschiferus branched off the earliest from a common ancestor of musk deer (about 700,000 years ago); then followed the bifurcation forming the M. berezouskii lineage and the lineage clustering M. fuscus, M. chrysogaster, and M. leucogaster (around 370,000 years before present), interestingly the most recent speciation event in musk deer happened rather recently (140,000 years ago), which might have resulted from the diversified habitats and geographic barriers in southwest China caused by gigantic movements of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in history. Combining the data of current distributions, fossil records, and molecular data of this study, we suggest that the historical dispersion of musk deer might be from north to south in China. Additionally, in our further analyses involving other pecora species, musk deer was strongly supported as a monophyletic group and a valid family in Artiodactyla, closely related to Cervidae. (C) 1999 Academic Press.


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The study was undertaken to understand the rural women's (i) extent of participation in some selected aquaculture practices and (ii) extent of empowerment through participation in aquaculture program. Data were collected from 200 selected rural women of two districts - Sherpur and Kishoreganj. Each of the families where the selected rural women who were involved in aquaculture under the supervision of two partner NGOs of DSAP, namely- Foundation for Human Development (FHD) and Center for Rural and Environmental Development (CRED). Both conventional and participatory methods of data collection were employed where structured questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) were used as the tools. The data collection procedure took five-months spanning from September 2004 to January 2005. Appropriate scales were developed and used in order to determine the focus variables of the study, while most analyses regarding women empowerment were done using 'before' and 'after' method. Empowerment of women was measured by five dimensions such as decision making ability, spending ability, social participation, cosmopoliteness, access to assets and resources. The ten selected aquaculture practices were: fish feeding, eradication of aquatic vegetation from fish pond, disease detection, application of fertilizer, liming, harvesting of fry and fish, fish stock management, pond excavation, use of insecticides, and sale of fry and fish. The study also aimed at determining some selected characteristics of rural women and determining relationship between their extent of empowerment and the selected characteristics. The characteristics of rural women included: age, personal education, average family education, family size, family farm size, area under aquaculture, extension media exposure, training exposure, knowledge in aquaculture, and family income. The findings revealed an overall low level of participation by rural women in aquaculture activities. However, significant level of improvement was identified regarding overall status of empowerment during the course of participation in aquaculture program under DSAP.


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Traditional bamboo basket and expanded polystyrene insulated plywood box (second hand tea-chest) were compared for transportation of iced marine, fresh water and brackish water fishes from Kakinada to Madras by rail. Quality of fish at dispatching and receiving centres was assessed by organoleptic, total volatile nitrogen (TVN) and total bacterial count (TBC) tests. Based on the results obtained and the prices fetched, the traditional bamboo basket apart from being cheaper was found to be as good as expanded polystyrene insulated plywood box for short distance transportation of iced fish involving less than 24 hours journey.


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A study was conducted to investigate the quality of iced fish of different species during long distance transportation. Total bacterial counts showed different species to show different quality deterioration under similar handling conditions.


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Artemia is a small crustacean that adapted to live in brine water and has been seen in different brine water sources in Iran. Considering the importance of genetic studies manifest inter population differences in species, to estimate genetic structure, detect difference at molecular level and separate different Artemia populations of Iran, also study of phylogenic relationships among them, samples of Artemia were collected from nine region: Urmia lake in West Azerbaijan, Shoor and Inche-Borun lakes in Golestan, Hoze-Soltan and Namak lakes in Qom, Maharloo and Bakhteghan lakes in Fars, Nough pool in Kerman and Mighan pool in Markazi and DNA extracted by phenol-chloroform method. Primers designed on a ribosomal fragment (16s rRNA) of mt DNA sequence and PCR was done. Digestion of the 1566 bp segment PCR product by 10 restriction endonuclease (Alu I, EcoR I, Eco47 I, Hae III, Hind III, Hinf I, Mbo I, Msp I, Rsa I, TaqI) showed 25 different haplotypes: 9 in Urmia, 4 in Shoor and Inche- Borun, 1 in Namak and Hoze-Soltan, 3 in Mighan, 1 in Bakhtegan Maharlo, 3 in Maharloo and 4 in Nough. Measurement of haplotype and nucleotide diversity intra population and nucleotide diversity and divergence inter populations and evolutionary distance between haplotypes showed a high diversity in mitochondrial genome of Artemia in studied regions whose results are similar to those explained for highly geographic expansion organism. In addition, results showed considerable heterogeneity between different populations and there are enough evidences in haplotypic level for separation of studied samples and division of Iranian Artemia to seven populations including Urmia, Shoor and Inche-Borun, Hoze-Soltan and Namak, Maharloo, Bakhteghan, Nough and Mighan. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA data set resulted strict consensus and neighbor joining distance trees, demonstrated that all samples were monophyletic and parthenogenetic form derivation from bisexual populations and genetically high resemblance to those of A. urmiana. Study of 270 specimens from different region showed the genus Artemia in Iran clustered into three clades including: 1- Shoor, Inche-Burun, Hoze-Soltan, Namak, Bakhtegan and Maharloo 2- Nough and Mighan 3- Urmia. Totally, obtained results indicated to ability of used techniques for study of inter species diversity, population structure, reveal of phylogenic relationship and dividing of different populations of Artemia in Iran.


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To determine the best time for egg stripping after ovulation and over-ripened oocyte in the Caspian brown trout (Salmo trutta caspius), the eggs were retained in the parental abdominal cavity for 40 days post-ovulation (DPO) at 7±0.6°C. Eggs were stripped every 10-day interval in 4 treatment and were fertilized with a pool of semen obtained from 8 males. Also, the physiology and biochemistry of the eggs and ovarian fluids were studied. Results showed that the level of eyed eggs and hatched alevins declined with over-ripening time: that is, the expected amounts (90.65 ± 6.28% for eyeing and 86.33 ± 6.82% for hatching) in newly ovulated eggs (0–10 DPO) decreased to 0.67 ± 1.34% and 0.49 ± 0.98%, respectively, in over-ripened eggs (30–40 DPO). However, larval abnormalities remained constant for 30-days after ovulation. During the course of oocyte over-ripening, the pH of the ovarian fluid significantly decreased and the concentration of glucose, protein, calcium, iron, and aspartate aminotransferase activity significantly increased. Moreover, the concentration of protein, triglycerides, and aspartate aminotransferase activity in the eggs also changed. In the newly ovulated egg, the yolk consisted of homogenous tissue and its perivitelline space diameter had no considerable differences. With over-ripening, the yolk became heterogeneous, while chorion diameter and micropyle did not change. The perivitelline space diameter varied among different areas. The present study demonstrated that the best time to take Caspian brown trout eggs after ovulation at 7± 0.6°C was up to 10 DPO. Among the studied parameters of the egg and ovarian fluid, egg quality was related to both ovarian fluid parameters (e.g., pH, protein, aspartate aminotransferase, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, calcium, iron) and egg parameters (e.g., cholesterol, triglycerides, iron, aspartate aminotransferase). Thus, these parameters can be used as a egg quality markers in this species.


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In this study, which has been done in Hormoz larve Hatchery at Kohestak in Minab at 1385, the efficiency of Ergosen and Vibromax vaccine and the effect of them on growth factors such as total length, Carapase, dry weight and the number of upper mordents of rostrum and survival of the stages of larvae and post larvae of Indian white shrimp was studied. Thus in order to comparison the effects of Vibromax and Ergosen, each of them separately, in one treatment, and in another simultaneously with one control treatment was used. Vaccination against larvae shrimps was done through Artemia. This study used four treatments with three replicates in a completely randomized design and comparison of means was done through Duncan test. Breeding larvae and post larvae of Indian white shrimp from zoa I stage to PL 15 was done in 20 litter plastic buckets. Present results indicated that the highest amount of growth and survival factors in larvae stage (from zoa to PL1), and also in stages of PL5 and PL15, in the treatment of Ergoson effect + vaccine and it was with a little difference from that treatment of Ergoson effect which was in high significance difference in regard to control treatment at α<0.01 level and treatment of vaccine effect and control treatment at α<0.01 level often have no significant difference. This research used environmental stress tests to study the quality of post larvae under experiment. Studying in this field showed that feeding vaccine to larvae of Indian shrimps which was done through Artemia nauplii enrichment ,and ergosen , in treatment of ergosen vaccine lead to more resistance of post larvaes against salinity stress tests and formalin .This case was observed in every three stages ,so that in stress formalin test 100 parts per million and also 10 and 20 salinity parts in thousands the most survival was observed in treatment of Ergosan effect+vaccine and after that in treatment of Ergoson effect and with a little difference in treatment of vaccine effect. Of course this case, in treatment of Ergoson effect + vaccine due to the synergistic properties vaccine with Ergoson was more than to other treatments, while every three treatments, in most stages had significant difference toward control treatment at α<0.01 level and the control treatment because of not having Ergoson and nauplii artemia with vaccine, having the least survival rate in this stages.


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A case study of the response of two buildings to the construction of a 12 m diameter tunnel excavated by conventional method, in Italy, is studied. The 12 m diameter tunnel was constructed carrying out reinforcement of the tunnel face and around the crown prior to excavation and installation of the temporary sprayed concrete lining and the permanent reinforced concrete lining. Reflective prisms, placed at first floor level around the perimeter of the building facades, allowed building settlements to be measured. Ground settlements between the two buildings were measured using BRE type settlement studs. Extensive protective measures were adopted to maintain stability of the tunnel excavation and to reduce ground movements. The number of horizontal jet grout columns installed into the tunnel face was reduced over the course of the project. Results from CPT tests indicate that the undrained shear strength at the tunnel axis is around 120 kPa. SPT and undrained unconsolidated (UU) triaxial tests indicate lower strengths of around 80 kPa, although this may be due to sample disturbance.