971 resultados para Dibujo en 3D


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A través de un recorrido histórico centrado en el Renacimiento, se exponen las aportaciones más significativas de teóricos y artistas en la evolución del escorzo de la figura humana desde un punto de vista geométrico. Los artistas que con sus dibujos y escritos ayudaban a otros en el aprendizaje de la representación, se apresuraron a incluir el estudio del escorzo en sus tratados, buscando métodos que facilitaran su dibujo sobre cualquier soporte y en cualquier posición en el espacio. En este artículo se analizan y enlazan los trazados propuestos por los estudiosos de la geometría, con las obras de arte que reflejan importantes avances en este sentido. Soportes como el lienzo, el muro o la bóveda, presentan al pintor superficies diferentes de trabajo y en distintas posiciones en el espacio. La figura humana, protagonista en la escena, tendrá que adaptarse a ellos para ser contemplada desde unos espacios arquitectónicos cada vez más amplios y con más posibilidades. Fue necesario dominar la perspectiva en la pintura, y muy particularmente en la mural, para ofrecer composiciones cada día más ambiciosas y sorprendentes.


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The present paper was aimed at presenting the time-averaged velocity and turbulence intensity at the initial plane from a ship’s propeller. The flow characteristics of a ship’s propeller jet are of particular interest for the researchers investigating the jet induced seabed damage as documented in the previous studies. Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) measurements show that the axial component of velocity is the main contributor to the velocity magnitude at the initial plane of a ship’s propeller jet. The tangential component contributes to the rotation while the radial component which contributes to the diffusion, are the second and third largest contributors to the velocity magnitude. The maximum tangential and radial velocity components at the initial plane are approximately 82% and 14% of the maximum axial velocity component, respectively. The axial velocity distribution at the initial plane shows two peaked ridges with a low velocity core at the rotation axis. The turbulence intensity distribution shows a three-peaked profile at the initial plane.


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This research presents the development of an analytical model to predict the elastic stiffness performance of orthogonal interlock bound 3D woven composites as a consequence of altering the weaving parameters and constituent material types. The present approach formulates expressions at the micro level with the aim of calculating more representative volume fractions of a group of elements to the layer. The rationale in representing the volume fractions within the unit cell more accurately was to improve the elastic stiffness predictions compared to existing analytical modelling approaches. The models developed in this work show good agreement between experimental data and improvement on existing predicted values by models published in literature.


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This article investigates the damage imparted on load-bearing carbon fibers during the 3D weaving process and the subsequent compaction behavior of 3D woven textile preforms. The 3D multi-layer reinforcements were manufactured on a textile loom with few mechanical modifications to produce preforms with fibers orientated in the warp, weft, and through-the-thickness directions. Tensile tests were conducted on three types of commercially available carbon fibers, 12k HTA, 6k HTS, and 3k HTS in an attempt to quantify the effect of fiber damage induced during the 3D weaving process on the mechanical and physical performance of the fiber tows in the woven composite. The tests were conducted on fiber tows sampled from different locations in the manufacturing process from the bobbin, through the creel and loom mechanism, to the final woven fabric. Mechanical and physical testing were then conducted to quantify the tow geometry, orientation and the effect of compaction during manufacture of two styles of 3D woven composite by vacuumassisted resin transfer molding (VaRTM).


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The motivation for this paper is to present procedures for automatically creating idealised finite element models from the 3D CAD solid geometry of a component. The procedures produce an accurate and efficient analysis model with little effort on the part of the user. The technique is applicable to thin walled components with local complex features and automatically creates analysis models where 3D elements representing the complex regions in the component are embedded in an efficient shell mesh representing the mid-faces of the thin sheet regions. As the resulting models contain elements of more than one dimension, they are referred to as mixed dimensional models. Although these models are computationally more expensive than some of the idealisation techniques currently employed in industry, they do allow the structural behaviour of the model to be analysed more accurately, which is essential if appropriate design decisions are to be made. Also, using these procedures, analysis models can be created automatically whereas the current idealisation techniques are mostly manual, have long preparation times, and are based on engineering judgement. In the paper the idealisation approach is first applied to 2D models that are used to approximate axisymmetric components for analysis. For these models 2D elements representing the complex regions are embedded in a 1D mesh representing the midline of the cross section of the thin sheet regions. Also discussed is the coupling, which is necessary to link the elements of different dimensionality together. Analysis results from a 3D mixed dimensional model created using the techniques in this paper are compared to those from a stiffened shell model and a 3D solid model to demonstrate the improved accuracy of the new approach. At the end of the paper a quantitative analysis of the reduction in computational cost due to shell meshing thin sheet regions demonstrates that the reduction in degrees of freedom is proportional to the square of the aspect ratio of the region, and for long slender solids, the reduction can be proportional to the aspect ratio of the region if appropriate meshing algorithms are used.