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The reproductive biology of the guitarfish Rhinobatos percellens was studied from 751 specimens caught by bottom pair trawlers off the coast of São Paulo, Brazil, between c. 24° 00′ S; 45° 15′ W and c. 25° 10′ S; 47° 52′ W, from September 2007 to August 2009. The total length (LT) and total mass (MT) relationship for males and females combined was MT = 1·29E-06 LT 3·15 (r = 0·99, n = 751). The mean LT of sexually mature specimens was 548 mm for males and 583 mm for females. Clasper growth was allometric and showed three distinct phases. Most claspers were calcified in specimens of c. 550 mm LT. The mean diameter of the largest oocyte was 29·8 mm, the mean ovarian fecundity was seven oocytes and ovulation occurred between August and November. Uterine fecundity ranged from two to 13 embryos (mean of five embryos). Larger females had higher litter sizes and larger embryos; the size-at-birth was c. 200 mm LT. The hepato-somatic index oscillated seasonally for males and females; the gonado-somatic index had little variation in males, but varied seasonally in females. The presence of many non-pregnant adult females and of encapsulated eggs during two consecutive seasons suggests a resting period between gestations and the possibility of diapause. © 2012 The Authors. Journal of Fish Biology © 2012 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Aim: This study evaluates bond strength between dentin and composite using adhesives with different solvents to dry and wet dentin. Materials and methods: Ninety bovine incisors were used; the vestibular surfaces were worn by the exposure of an area with a diameter of 4 mm of dentin. The specimens were divided into 6 groups, according to the type of adhesive used and hydratation stals: Group SB-wet: Single Bond 2 in wet dentin, Group SBdry: Single Bond 2 in dry dentin, Group SL-wet: Solobond M in wet dentin, Group SL-dry: Solobond M in dentin dry. Group XPwet: XP Bond in wet dentin, Group XP-dry: XP Bond in dentin dry. They were cut to obtain specimens in the shape of stick with 1 × 1 mm and subjected to microtensile test in universal testing machine with a cross speed of 1mm/min. The data were analyzed with ANOVA and Tukey's tests (5%). Results: ANOVA showed significant differences for surface treatment and interaction, but no difference was found for adhesive factor. The Tukey's test showed that the samples with wet dentin shown higher values of bond strength. Conclusion: The adhesive did not influence in the bond strength. The groups with wet dentin showed higher values of bond strength than groups with dry dentin.
Decomposition of plant material influences soil aggregation dynamics in ways that are still poorly understood, especially for Oxisols, in which oxides are believed to play a dominant role. In an incubation experiment, we investigated (i) the effect of plant material addition from selected monocot and dicot species on soil organic C (SOC), carbohydrate composition, fungal and total microbial biomass, and aggregation of an Oxisol; and (ii) the relationship among these properties and C mineralization patterns. The experiment was carried out at 25 °C for 180 d after addition of 11 plant materials (4 g C kg-1 soil) and a control (no plant material added). Mineralization of C during the incubation was described considering two pools of C (labile and non-labile) using a first-order plus linear fitting. Compared to the control, corn materials showed larger pentose input, greater mineralization rates for the non-labile C pool (k), greater soil pentose content (xylose + arabinose) and larger mean weight diameter of soil water-stable aggregates at 180 d of incubation. These effects were independent of changes in SOC content, suggesting that total C accrual and macroaggregation may be decoupled processes in this Oxisol. Our results support the hypothesis that the non-labile plant C pool contributes to the long-lasting stability of macroaggregates of this Oxisol and that this effect is mediated by plant and soil pentoses. We propose that plant pentose content and the decomposition rate of the slow pool (k) are useful parameters for the prediction of plant effects on aggregation dynamics of Oxisols and the selection of soil conservation practices. © 2012.
Purpose: This paper aims to evaluate in vitro antibacterial activity of oregano essential oil against foodborne pathogens as a starting point for the use of spice as a natural preservative in food. Design/methodology/approach: Disc and well-diffusion assays were performed to investigate antibacterial activity of oregano essential oil against six bacteria strains: Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella Typhimurium. Three concentrations of oregano essential oil were employed: 1.0 percent, 2.0 percent and 5.0 percent. Bacterial growth inhibition was determinate as the diameter of the inhibition zones. Findings: Oregano essential oil showed antibacterial activity against spoilage microorganisms, at different concentrations, except for P. aeruginosa. There was a significant difference between methodologies only for the microorganism S. aureus. The results provided evidence of the existence of significant differences among the concentrations of oregano essential oil for each microorganism evaluated. Research limitations/implications: Although the research for this paper involved only oregano essential oil, it provided a starting-point for further investigations concerning spices as natural preservatives for food systems. Practical implications: Disc and well-assays were found to be simple and reproducible practical methods. Other spices, their essential oil and extracts might be researched against other micro-organisms. Furthermore, in situ studies need to be performed to evaluate possible interactions between essential oils and compounds naturally present in food against microbial strains. Social implications: The imminent adoption of measures to reduce the use of additives in foods and the reduction on using such compounds. Originality/value: This study provides insights that suggest a promising exploratory development of food natural preservative against spoilage microorganisms in food systems by the use of oregano essential oil. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
This work aims to study the thermodynamic, ecological and fluid-dynamic aspects of a circulating fluidized bed gasifier using sugar cane bagasse as biomass, in order to estimate a model of its normal operation. In the initial stage was analysed the composition of biomass selected (sugar cane bagasse) and its lower heating value (LHV) was calculated. The energy balance of the gasifier was done, being the volumetric flow of air, synthesis gas and biomass estimated. Also the power produced by this gasifier was theoretically estimated. Then the circulating fluidized bed gasifier was designed for operation with approximately 100 kg/h of processed biomass. Cross-sectional area of the reactor, feeder size, diameter of the exit zone of the gases and minimum height of the expanded bed were selected. Some bed gasifier hydrodynamic factors were also studied. The minimum fluidization velocity, fluidization terminal velocity, and average fluidizing velocity were calculated, in order to understand the fluid-dynamic behaviour of gasification of this fuel. It was obtained a theoretical model that can support a possible prototype of circulating fluidized bed gasifier biomass. Finally, there were studied the ecological aspects of the gasifier, through an overall methodology. Ecological efficiencies were estimated for two scenarios: first considering the carbon cycle and thereafter disregarding the carbon cycle. In both cases, it can be proved the ecological viability of the project. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A new highly luminescent europium complex with the formula [Eu(TTA) 3(Bpy-Si)], where TTA stands for the thenoyltrifluoroacetone, (C 4H3S)COCH2COCF3, chelating ligand and Bpy-Si, Bpy-CH2NH(CH2)3Si(OEt)3, is an organosilyldipyridine ligand displaying a triethoxysilyl group as a grafting function has been synthesized and fully characterized. This bifunctional complex has been grafted onto the surface of dense silica nanoparticles (NPs) and on mesoporous silica microparticles as well. The covalent bonding of [Eu(TTA)3(Bpy-Si)] inside uniform Stöber silica nanoparticles was also achieved. The general methodology proposed could be applied to any silica matrix, allowed high grafting ratios that overcome chelate release and the tendency to agglomerate. Luminescent silica-based nanoparticles SiO2-[Eu(TTA)3(Bpy-Si)], with a diameter of 28 ± 2 nm, were successfully tested as a luminescent labels for the imaging of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. They were also functionalized by a specific monoclonal antibody and subsequently employed for the selective imaging of Escherichia coli bacteria. © 2013 American Chemical Society.
The features of paca epididymis, based on its appearance in light microscope, is described in this paper. The cellular population of the epithelial lining comprises principal cells, basal cells, apical cells, narrows cells, and hallo cells. The epididymis is divided in five distinct and continuous regions, Zone I, or initial segment, and zone II, are both localized into the head. Zone III comprises the distal head and all the body. Zones IV and V are restricted to the tail, in the proximal and distal cauda epididymis respectively. Each zone can be readily distinguished on the basis of morphological characteristics. The height of epididymal epithelium is greater in zone I. There is a progressive increase in the diameter of the tubular lumen through the different areas, with the maximum in the zone V. The presence of a high epithelium, and the virtual absence of sperm in zone I suggest fast transit of spermatozoa in this region. Zone V comprises the distal tail, has smaller epithelial lining, greater luminal diameter, shorter stereocilia than the other zones, and contains spermatozoa packed inside the lumen, that characterizes this zone as a place of sperm storage. The findings are compared with other reports in rodents and other domestic animals, to contribute to the understanding of epididymal morphophysiology. © 2013 Firenze University Press.
The practice of covering in herds is often used in Crioulo breeding farms, thus not allowing the determination of ovulation dates and the early detection of pregnancies. This fact complicates the estimation of gestational age after 70 days of conception. This study aimed to evaluate the diameter of the fetal orbits of Crioulo mares to develop a formula to estimate a gestational date. Measurements of 164 fetal ocular orbits were performed in 124 Crioulo mares with gestational ages ranging between 119 and 341 days. The current study observed a linear growth pattern of Crioulo fetal orbits up to 341 days of gestation. Thus, obtaining a suitable linear regression model to determine the gestational age of Crioulo mares based on fetal ocular orbit diameter measure is possible. The obtained model was y = 8.3756x + 11.90, where y represents the gestational age in days, and x represents the diameter of the fetal ocular orbit in millimeters. This formula had anr2 of 0.985 (P < .001). We conclude that this model allows researchers and veterinarians to accurately estimate the gestational age of Crioulo mares between 4 and 11months of pregnancy. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
The objective was to evaluate reproductive tract development (ovary and uterus) and onset of puberty in two lines of Nellore heifers (Bos indicus) selected for postweaning weight. A total of 123 heifers, including 46 from the control Nellore line (NeC) and 77 from the selection Nellore line (NeS) were used. Every 18 to 21 days from 12 to 24 months of age, average ovarian area (OVA), endometrial thickness (ETh), and diameter of the largest follicle in each ovary were evaluated (using transrectal ultrasonography), and body weight, hip height, and body condition score were measured. There were no differences between NeS and NeC heifers for ETh or OVA (P < 0.05). Genetic selection for higher postweaning weight had no negative influence on the onset of puberty, with 52% and 48% of NeC and NeS heifers, respectively, pubertal at 24 months of age (P = 0.49). Heifers that reached puberty at the end of the study were heavier (NeC, 296.9 vs. 276.7 kg; NeS, 343.5 vs. 327.9 kg; P < 0.01) and younger (NeC, 23.4 vs. 24.2 mo; NeS, 22.7 vs. 24.0 months; P < 0.01) than those that did not. Furthermore, heifers that were heavier at weaning reached puberty earlier. Pubertal heifers had a greater OVA (4.15 vs. 3.14 cm2; P < 0.01) and ETh (12.15 vs. 9.93 mm; P < 0.01) than nonpubertal heifers. Taken together, OVA and ETh had positive effects (P < 0.01) on the onset of puberty and were suitable indicator traits of heifer sexual precocity in pasture management systems. However, selection for weight did not alter ovarian or endometrial development, or manifestation of puberty at 24 months of age. Among the growth traits studied, weaning weight and weight at puberty had significant positive effects on manifestation of first estrus. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Using a solvothermal method for this research we synthesized nanocrystalline titanium dioxide (nc-TiO2) anatase particles with a mean diameter of 5.4 nm and evaluated their potential antifungal effect against planktonic cells of Candida albicans without UV radiation. To complement experimental data, we analyzed structural and electronic properties of both the bulk and the (1 0 1) surface of anatase by first-principles calculations. Based on experimental and theoretical results, a reactive O2H- and OH- species formation mechanism was proposed to explain the key factor which facilitates the antifungal activity. © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Estudos biológicos são necessários para o manejo da vida silvestre em cativeiro, e o conhecimento da reprodução é um dos aspectos importantes para o aumento da produção. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo determinar a idade da puberdade do cateto macho. Foram utilizadas amostras testiculares de 15 animais, entre 7 a 16 meses, distribuídos em cinco grupos (G1, G2, G3, G4 e G5). Os testículos aumentaram no peso, comprimento e largura consideravelmente (p < 0,05) do G1 ao G3, enquanto que, a partir deste grupo, o desenvolvimento desse órgão foi mais lento. Houve correlação positiva (p < 0,001) entre os seguintes parâmetros testiculares: peso e comprimento (r = 0,97), peso e largura (r = 0,88), comprimento e largura (r = 0,92). Com relação ao diâmetro tubular, observou-se um aumento (p < 0,05) do G1 ao G4. A quantidade total de células espermatogênicas aumentou significativamente (p < 0,05) até o G3, e se estabilizou a partir deste grupo. Houve correlação positiva entre o peso testicular e o diâmetro tubular (r = 0,99, p < 0,001), bem como o peso testicular e as células espermatogênicas (r = 0,98, p < 0,001). A quantidade de células de Sertoli reduziu significativamente (p < 0,05) do G1, onde se encontravam indiferenciadas como células de suporte, até G5, onde foram observadas juntamente com todas as células da linhagem espermática. Estes resultados demonstraram que as fases do desenvolvimento reprodutivo de catetos podem ser classificadas em: impúbere (G1, 7-8 meses), pré-púbere (G2, 9-10 meses), púbere (G3, 11-12 meses), pós-púbere 1 (G4, 13-14 meses) e pós-púbere 2 (G5, 15-16 meses). Com base na análise histológica, a puberdade dos catetos machos ocorre entre 11 e 12 meses de idade.
O presente trabalho objetivou adaptar um procedimento mecânico para o isolamento de folículos pré-antrais a partir de ovários de Cebus apella. Para isso, foi testado o efeito do intervalo de cortes seriados do tissue chopper sobre o número de folículos pré-antrais isolados a partir de ovários (n=6) de três fêmeas de C. apella, duas pré-púberes e uma adulta. Os ovários foram divididos em quatro partes iguais e fragmentados com auxílio de um tissue chopper, ajustado para a realização de secções seriadas a intervalos de 250, 500, 750 e 1000µm, respectivamente. Os folículos isolados foram contados em câmara de Neubauer e classificados em primordiais, primários e secundários. O número (média ± EP) de folículos pré-antrais isolados de 1/4 de ovário variou de 68.330+17.590, no intervalo de corte de 1.000µm, a 300.830+111.460, no intervalo de corte de 500µm, o de melhores resultados. O diâmetro médio dos folículos pré-antrais isolados variou de 11,6µm a 27, 8µm.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi obter dados quantitativos e qualitativos da população folicular ovariana de fêmeas de Cebus apella. Foram obtidos 7 ovários de 4 fêmeas adultas de C. apella através de ovariectomia. Os ovários foram submetidos à preparação para histologia ótica de rotina. O número de folículos pré-antrais e antrais por ovário foi estimado utilizando o Método Fracionador. Os folículos pré-antrais foram classificados em primordial, transição, primário e secundário. Foram considerados folículos antrais todos aqueles que apresentavam uma cavidade antral. Todos os folículos contados foram classificados em normais ou degenerados. Com o intuito de acompanhar o desenvolvimento folicular, os diâmetros médios folicular, oocitário e do núcleo do oócito foram determinados. Todos os resultados foram apresentados em Média ± Erro Padrão. A população média de folículos pré-antrais foi de 56.938 ± 21.888 e 49.133 ± 26.896 para os ovários direito e esquerdo, respectivamente. A percentagem de folículos pré-antrais estimados normais foi de 80,00 ± 4,95 %. O diâmetro médio folicular variou de 22,0 ± 0,5 µm a 61,2 ± 4,0 µm. No tocante aos folículos antrais, a população média de folículos normais e degenerados por ovário foi de 60,0 ± 19,0 e 3 ± 1,8 folículos, respectivamente. O diâmetro médio folicular foi de 514,4 ± 56,6 µm. Para concluir, as informações obtidas neste trabalho poderão servir como parâmetro para posteriores estudos in vivo ou in vitro da foliculogênese de primatas não-humanos neotropicais da espécie C. apella.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência do uso de duas doses de PGF associadas ou não à administração de hCG no início do estro sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos de cabras leiteiras. Um total de 29 cabras receberam duas doses de 30 µg d-cloprostenol pela via latero-vulvar com 10 dias de intervalo (Dia 1 e Dia 10). As cabras foram alocadas para receberem o hCG (250 IU) ou salina i.m. no momento em que o estro foi detectado. Depois da realização da segunda dose de PGF, o estro foi monitorado e exames ultrassonográficos foram realizados duas vezes ao dia. Todas as fêmeas foram inseminadas 16 h após o inicio do estro. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas diariamente para determinação das concentrações plasmáticas de progesterona. O uso do hCG no momento do início do estro não afetou os parâmetros estudados e, portanto, os dados serão apresentados agrupados. A taxa de manifestação de estro foi similar (P > 0,05) na primeira (75,9% - 22/29) ou na segunda dose de PGF (79,3% - 23/29). O intervalo entre a administração de PGF e o início do estro foi maior (P < 0,05) no Dia 1 (75,8±53,9 h) que no Dia 10 (47,7±10,1 h). Duração do estro também diferiu (P < 0,05) 35,4±15,9 (Dia 1) vs 26,8±15, 0 h (Dia 10). A taxa de ovulação foi 79,3% (23/29) após a segunda dose PGF. Não foi encontrada diferença (P>0,05) entre os grupos experimentais quanto aos parâmetros reprodutivos: intervalo entre a aplicação da segunda dose e a ovulação (86,6±11,4h), intervalo do estro a ocorrência da ovulação (39,9±12,3h), diâmetro do maior folículo (7,2±1,4) e número de ovulações (1,8±0,6). No Dia 1, 52,4% (11/21) apresentavam concentrações de progesterona < 1 ng/mL. No Dia 10, 100% dos animais apresentavam concentrações >1ng/mL. O presente estudo permite concluir que o estro pode ser eficientemente sincronizado em cabras leiteiras com duas doses de PGF intervaladas em 10 dias. Novas pesquisas devem se realizadas para avaliar diferentes doses e momentos de utilização do hCG.