840 resultados para Data Mining, Clustering, PSA, Pavement Deflection
An enterprise information system (EIS) is an integrated data-applications platform characterized by diverse, heterogeneous, and distributed data sources. For many enterprises, a number of business processes still depend heavily on static rule-based methods and extensive human expertise. Enterprises are faced with the need for optimizing operation scheduling, improving resource utilization, discovering useful knowledge, and making data-driven decisions.
This thesis research is focused on real-time optimization and knowledge discovery that addresses workflow optimization, resource allocation, as well as data-driven predictions of process-execution times, order fulfillment, and enterprise service-level performance. In contrast to prior work on data analytics techniques for enterprise performance optimization, the emphasis here is on realizing scalable and real-time enterprise intelligence based on a combination of heterogeneous system simulation, combinatorial optimization, machine-learning algorithms, and statistical methods.
On-demand digital-print service is a representative enterprise requiring a powerful EIS.We use real-life data from Reischling Press, Inc. (RPI), a digit-print-service provider (PSP), to evaluate our optimization algorithms.
In order to handle the increase in volume and diversity of demands, we first present a high-performance, scalable, and real-time production scheduling algorithm for production automation based on an incremental genetic algorithm (IGA). The objective of this algorithm is to optimize the order dispatching sequence and balance resource utilization. Compared to prior work, this solution is scalable for a high volume of orders and it provides fast scheduling solutions for orders that require complex fulfillment procedures. Experimental results highlight its potential benefit in reducing production inefficiencies and enhancing the productivity of an enterprise.
We next discuss analysis and prediction of different attributes involved in hierarchical components of an enterprise. We start from a study of the fundamental processes related to real-time prediction. Our process-execution time and process status prediction models integrate statistical methods with machine-learning algorithms. In addition to improved prediction accuracy compared to stand-alone machine-learning algorithms, it also performs a probabilistic estimation of the predicted status. An order generally consists of multiple series and parallel processes. We next introduce an order-fulfillment prediction model that combines advantages of multiple classification models by incorporating flexible decision-integration mechanisms. Experimental results show that adopting due dates recommended by the model can significantly reduce enterprise late-delivery ratio. Finally, we investigate service-level attributes that reflect the overall performance of an enterprise. We analyze and decompose time-series data into different components according to their hierarchical periodic nature, perform correlation analysis,
and develop univariate prediction models for each component as well as multivariate models for correlated components. Predictions for the original time series are aggregated from the predictions of its components. In addition to a significant increase in mid-term prediction accuracy, this distributed modeling strategy also improves short-term time-series prediction accuracy.
In summary, this thesis research has led to a set of characterization, optimization, and prediction tools for an EIS to derive insightful knowledge from data and use them as guidance for production management. It is expected to provide solutions for enterprises to increase reconfigurability, accomplish more automated procedures, and obtain data-driven recommendations or effective decisions.
Many of the challenges faced in health care delivery can be informed through building models. In particular, Discrete Conditional Survival (DCS) models, recently under development, can provide policymakers with a flexible tool to assess time-to-event data. The DCS model is capable of modelling the survival curve based on various underlying distribution types and is capable of clustering or grouping observations (based on other covariate information) external to the distribution fits. The flexibility of the model comes through the choice of data mining techniques that are available in ascertaining the different subsets and also in the choice of distribution types available in modelling these informed subsets. This paper presents an illustrated example of the Discrete Conditional Survival model being deployed to represent ambulance response-times by a fully parameterised model. This model is contrasted against use of a parametric accelerated failure-time model, illustrating the strength and usefulness of Discrete Conditional Survival models.
The last decade has witnessed an unprecedented growth in availability of data having spatio-temporal characteristics. Given the scale and richness of such data, finding spatio-temporal patterns that demonstrate significantly different behavior from their neighbors could be of interest for various application scenarios such as – weather modeling, analyzing spread of disease outbreaks, monitoring traffic congestions, and so on. In this paper, we propose an automated approach of exploring and discovering such anomalous patterns irrespective of the underlying domain from which the data is recovered. Our approach differs significantly from traditional methods of spatial outlier detection, and employs two phases – i) discovering homogeneous regions, and ii) evaluating these regions as anomalies based on their statistical difference from a generalized neighborhood. We evaluate the quality of our approach and distinguish it from existing techniques via an extensive experimental evaluation.
Association rule mining is an indispensable tool for discovering
insights from large databases and data warehouses.
The data in a warehouse being multi-dimensional, it is often
useful to mine rules over subsets of data defined by selections
over the dimensions. Such interactive rule mining
over multi-dimensional query windows is difficult since rule
mining is computationally expensive. Current methods using
pre-computation of frequent itemsets require counting
of some itemsets by revisiting the transaction database at
query time, which is very expensive. We develop a method
(RMW) that identifies the minimal set of itemsets to compute
and store for each cell, so that rule mining over any
query window may be performed without going back to the
transaction database. We give formal proofs that the set of
itemsets chosen by RMW is sufficient to answer any query
and also prove that it is the optimal set to be computed
for 1 dimensional queries. We demonstrate through an extensive
empirical evaluation that RMW achieves extremely
fast query response time compared to existing methods, with
only moderate overhead in pre-computation and storage
The past decade had witnessed an unprecedented growth in the amount of available digital content, and its volume is expected to continue to grow the next few years. Unstructured text data generated from web and enterprise sources form a large fraction of such content. Many of these contain large volumes of reusable data such as solutions to frequently occurring problems, and general know-how that may be reused in appropriate contexts. In this work, we address issues around leveraging unstructured text data from sources as diverse as the web and the enterprise within the Case-based Reasoning framework. Case-based Reasoning (CBR) provides a framework and methodology for systematic reuse of historical knowledge that is available in the form of problemsolution
pairs, in solving new problems. Here, we consider possibilities of enhancing Textual CBR systems under three main themes: procurement, maintenance and retrieval. We adapt and build upon the stateof-the-art techniques from data mining and natural language processing in addressing various challenges therein. Under procurement, we investigate the problem of extracting cases (i.e., problem-solution pairs) from data sources such as incident/experience
reports. We develop case-base maintenance methods specifically tuned to text targeted towards retaining solutions such that the utility of the filtered case base in solving new problems is maximized. Further, we address the problem of query suggestions for textual case-bases and show that exploiting the problem-solution partition can enhance retrieval effectiveness by prioritizing more useful query suggestions. Additionally, we illustrate interpretable clustering as a tool to drill-down to domain specific text collections (since CBR systems are usually very domain specific) and develop techniques for improved similarity assessment in social media sources such as microblogs. Through extensive empirical evaluations, we illustrate the improvements that we are able to
achieve over the state-of-the-art methods for the respective tasks.
Trabalho de Projeto realizado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores
This document presents a tool able to automatically gather data provided by real energy markets and to generate scenarios, capture and improve market players’ profiles and strategies by using knowledge discovery processes in databases supported by artificial intelligence techniques, data mining algorithms and machine learning methods. It provides the means for generating scenarios with different dimensions and characteristics, ensuring the representation of real and adapted markets, and their participating entities. The scenarios generator module enhances the MASCEM (Multi-Agent Simulator of Competitive Electricity Markets) simulator, endowing a more effective tool for decision support. The achievements from the implementation of the proposed module enables researchers and electricity markets’ participating entities to analyze data, create real scenarios and make experiments with them. On the other hand, applying knowledge discovery techniques to real data also allows the improvement of MASCEM agents’ profiles and strategies resulting in a better representation of real market players’ behavior. This work aims to improve the comprehension of electricity markets and the interactions among the involved entities through adequate multi-agent simulation.
This paper studies the statistical distributions of worldwide earthquakes from year 1963 up to year 2012. A Cartesian grid, dividing Earth into geographic regions, is considered. Entropy and the Jensen–Shannon divergence are used to analyze and compare real-world data. Hierarchical clustering and multi-dimensional scaling techniques are adopted for data visualization. Entropy-based indices have the advantage of leading to a single parameter expressing the relationships between the seismic data. Classical and generalized (fractional) entropy and Jensen–Shannon divergence are tested. The generalized measures lead to a clear identification of patterns embedded in the data and contribute to better understand earthquake distributions.
O sector do turismo é uma área francamente em crescimento em Portugal e que tem desenvolvido a sua divulgação e estratégia de marketing. Contudo, apenas se prende com indicadores de desempenho e de oferta instalada (número de quartos, hotéis, voos, estadias), deixando os indicadores estatísticos em segundo plano. De acordo com o “ Travel & tourism Competitiveness Report 2013”, do World Economic Forum, classifica Portugal em 72º lugar no que respeita à qualidade e cobertura da informação estatística, disponível para o sector do Turismo. Refira-se que Espanha ocupa o 3º lugar. Uma estratégia de mercado, sem base analítica, que sustente um quadro de orientações específico e objetivo, com relevante conhecimento dos mercados alvo, dificilmente é compreensível ou até mesmo materializável. A implementação de uma estrutura de Business Intelligence que permita a realização de um levantamento e tratamento de dados que possibilite relacionar e sustentar os resultados obtidos no sector do turismo revela-se fundamental e crucial, para que sejam criadas estratégias de mercado. Essas estratégias são realizadas a partir da informação dos turistas que nos visitam, e dos potenciais turistas, para que possam ser cativados no futuro. A análise das características e dos padrões comportamentais dos turistas permite definir perfis distintos e assim detetar as tendências de mercado, de forma a promover a oferta dos produtos e serviços mais adequados. O conhecimento obtido permite, por um lado criar e disponibilizar os produtos mais atrativos para oferecer aos turistas e por outro informá-los, de uma forma direcionada, da existência desses produtos. Assim, a associação de uma recomendação personalizada que, com base no conhecimento de perfis do turista proceda ao aconselhamento dos melhores produtos, revela-se como uma ferramenta essencial na captação e expansão de mercado.
A Internet das Coisas tal como o Big Data e a análise dos dados são dos temas mais discutidos ao querermos observar ou prever as tendências do mercado para as próximas décadas, como o volume económico, financeiro e social, pelo que será relevante perceber a importância destes temas na atualidade. Nesta dissertação será descrita a origem da Internet das Coisas, a sua definição (por vezes confundida com o termo Machine to Machine, redes interligadas de máquinas controladas e monitorizadas remotamente e que possibilitam a troca de dados (Bahga e Madisetti 2014)), o seu ecossistema que envolve a tecnologia, software, dispositivos, aplicações, a infra-estrutura envolvente, e ainda os aspetos relacionados com a segurança, privacidade e modelos de negócios da Internet das Coisas. Pretende-se igualmente explicar cada um dos “Vs” associados ao Big Data: Velocidade, Volume, Variedade e Veracidade, a importância da Business Inteligence e do Data Mining, destacando-se algumas técnicas utilizadas de modo a transformar o volume dos dados em conhecimento para as empresas. Um dos objetivos deste trabalho é a análise das áreas de IoT, modelos de negócio e as implicações do Big Data e da análise de dados como elementos chave para a dinamização do negócio de uma empresa nesta área. O mercado da Internet of Things tem vindo a ganhar dimensão, fruto da Internet e da tecnologia. Devido à importância destes dois recursos e á falta de estudos em Portugal neste campo, com esta dissertação, sustentada na metodologia do “Estudo do Caso”, pretende-se dar a conhecer a experiência portuguesa no mercado da Internet das Coisas. Visa-se assim perceber quais os mecanismos utilizados para trabalhar os dados, a metodologia, sua importância, que consequências trazem para o modelo de negócio e quais as decisões tomadas com base nesses mesmos dados. Este estudo tem ainda como objetivo incentivar empresas portuguesas que estejam neste mercado ou que nele pretendam aceder, a adoptarem estratégias, mecanismos e ferramentas concretas no que diz respeito ao Big Data e análise dos dados.
S’insérant dans les domaines de la Lecture et de l’Analyse de Textes Assistées par Ordinateur (LATAO), de la Gestion Électronique des Documents (GÉD), de la visualisation de l’information et, en partie, de l’anthropologie, cette recherche exploratoire propose l’expérimentation d’une méthodologie descriptive en fouille de textes afin de cartographier thématiquement un corpus de textes anthropologiques. Plus précisément, nous souhaitons éprouver la méthode de classification hiérarchique ascendante (CHA) pour extraire et analyser les thèmes issus de résumés de mémoires et de thèses octroyés de 1985 à 2009 (1240 résumés), par les départements d’anthropologie de l’Université de Montréal et de l’Université Laval, ainsi que le département d’histoire de l’Université Laval (pour les résumés archéologiques et ethnologiques). En première partie de mémoire, nous présentons notre cadre théorique, c'est-à-dire que nous expliquons ce qu’est la fouille de textes, ses origines, ses applications, les étapes méthodologiques puis, nous complétons avec une revue des principales publications. La deuxième partie est consacrée au cadre méthodologique et ainsi, nous abordons les différentes étapes par lesquelles ce projet fut conduit; la collecte des données, le filtrage linguistique, la classification automatique, pour en nommer que quelques-unes. Finalement, en dernière partie, nous présentons les résultats de notre recherche, en nous attardant plus particulièrement sur deux expérimentations. Nous abordons également la navigation thématique et les approches conceptuelles en thématisation, par exemple, en anthropologie, la dichotomie culture ̸ biologie. Nous terminons avec les limites de ce projet et les pistes d’intérêts pour de futures recherches.
Microarray data analysis is one of data mining tool which is used to extract meaningful information hidden in biological data. One of the major focuses on microarray data analysis is the reconstruction of gene regulatory network that may be used to provide a broader understanding on the functioning of complex cellular systems. Since cancer is a genetic disease arising from the abnormal gene function, the identification of cancerous genes and the regulatory pathways they control will provide a better platform for understanding the tumor formation and development. The major focus of this thesis is to understand the regulation of genes responsible for the development of cancer, particularly colorectal cancer by analyzing the microarray expression data. In this thesis, four computational algorithms namely fuzzy logic algorithm, modified genetic algorithm, dynamic neural fuzzy network and Takagi Sugeno Kang-type recurrent neural fuzzy network are used to extract cancer specific gene regulatory network from plasma RNA dataset of colorectal cancer patients. Plasma RNA is highly attractive for cancer analysis since it requires a collection of small amount of blood and it can be obtained at any time in repetitive fashion allowing the analysis of disease progression and treatment response.
The aim of this study is to show the importance of two classification techniques, viz. decision tree and clustering, in prediction of learning disabilities (LD) of school-age children. LDs affect about 10 percent of all children enrolled in schools. The problems of children with specific learning disabilities have been a cause of concern to parents and teachers for some time. Decision trees and clustering are powerful and popular tools used for classification and prediction in Data mining. Different rules extracted from the decision tree are used for prediction of learning disabilities. Clustering is the assignment of a set of observations into subsets, called clusters, which are useful in finding the different signs and symptoms (attributes) present in the LD affected child. In this paper, J48 algorithm is used for constructing the decision tree and K-means algorithm is used for creating the clusters. By applying these classification techniques, LD in any child can be identified
In this paper, we discuss Conceptual Knowledge Discovery in Databases (CKDD) in its connection with Data Analysis. Our approach is based on Formal Concept Analysis, a mathematical theory which has been developed and proven useful during the last 20 years. Formal Concept Analysis has led to a theory of conceptual information systems which has been applied by using the management system TOSCANA in a wide range of domains. In this paper, we use such an application in database marketing to demonstrate how methods and procedures of CKDD can be applied in Data Analysis. In particular, we show the interplay and integration of data mining and data analysis techniques based on Formal Concept Analysis. The main concern of this paper is to explain how the transition from data to knowledge can be supported by a TOSCANA system. To clarify the transition steps we discuss their correspondence to the five levels of knowledge representation established by R. Brachman and to the steps of empirically grounded theory building proposed by A. Strauss and J. Corbin.