987 resultados para Dammann grating
Ao longo dos últimos anos, vários esforços e estudos foram feitos com o objetivo de colocar a fibra ótica no mercado, como um sistema preferencial de monitorização das mais diversas obras de Engenharia. Os sensores baseados na tecnologia em fibra ótica apresentam vantagens reconhecidas pelos mais diversos especialistas, sendo atualmente reconhecida como uma das soluções mais eficazes. Na engenharia Civil, a monitorização das grandes obras tem ganho uma importância crescente. Neste contexto, a monitorização de convergências em túneis visa o controlo da respectiva integridade estrutural ao longo da construção e a exploração da obra. Atualmente a solução de monitorização estrutural de túneis utilizada pela FiberSensing é uma solução desenhada em conjunto com a EPOS e o Cegeo (IST), baseada em sensores de Bragg em Fibra Ótica: o SysTunnel. O objetivo do estudo de uma solução alternativa encontra-se no facto do SysTunnel apresentar algumas debilidades no algoritmo de cálculo, sendo para o seu cálculo necessário a introdução de um parâmetro relacionado com o solo envolvente do túnel, facto que introduz incertezas no cálculo das convergências. O presente relatório tem como finalidade documentar o estágio curricular realizado na FiberSensing, entre 01/02/2014 a 31/07/2014. Este estágio teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma solução alternativa de monitorização estrutural baseada na tecnologia das redes de Bragg para a monitorização das convergências em túneis.
O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em projetar, construir e testar um protótipo em laboratório de uma fonte de alimentação de alta tensão que permita descargas elétricas {estáveis e de dimensões reduzidas}, de modo a que possa ser utilizada, dada a sua essencialidade, na fabricação de redes de período longo (LPG) em fibra ótica nos chamados turning points. Estes são pontos de elevada sensibilidade, fundamentais no desenvolvimento tecnológico de sensores em fibra ótica, em particular, de sensores refractométricos. O protótipo da fonte de alimentação é composto por um regulador do tipo BUCK, um inversor para alimentação do transformador de alta tensão, o circuito de realimentação e controlo PWM e um microcontrolador para o comando da fonte. Posteriormente procedeu-se à otimização dos parâmetros de descarga, o que conduziu a fabricação de redes de período longo com períodos inferiores a 150 micrómetros. Este é um resultado sem paralelo a nível internacional no que concerne ao uso da técnica do arco elétrico.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais
Aziridines, a class of organic compounds containing a three membered heterocycle with a nitrogen atom, are extremely valuable molecules in organic and medicinal chemistry. They are frequently used as versatile precursors in the synthesis of natural products, and many biologically active molecules possess the aziridine moiety. The reactivity of aziridines has been studied, for example, in ring-opening reactions with thiols. However, not much interest seems to be given to reactions of aziridines in aqueous media, despite the numberless advantages of using water as solvent in organic chemistry. The nucleophilic ring-opening reaction of aziridines in aqueous media was here explored. Following the Kaplan aziridine synthetic methodology, in which pyridinium salts undergo a photochemical transformation to give bicyclic vinyl aziridines, new aziridines were synthetized. Their nucleophilic ring-opening reaction in water under physiological conditions was investigated and a range of sulphur, nitrogen, carbon and oxygen nucleophiles tested. Thiols, anilines and azide proved to be good nucleophiles to react with the aziridines, giving the ring-opening product in moderate to good yields. The best results were obtained with thiols, more specifically with cysteine-derived nucleophiles. Preliminary results show that these bicyclic vinyl aziridines can modify calcitonin, a peptide containing two cysteine amino acids residues, grating them the potential to be used in bioconjugation as ligands to cysteine-containing proteins, or even as enzyme inhibitors of, for example, cysteine proteases. Additionally, exploratory investigations suggest that the separation of both enantiomers of the bicyclic vinyl aziridine can be performed by taking advantage of an enzymatic methodology for the resolution of racemic secondary alcohols. Both enantiomers would be highly valuable as precursors in the synthesis of enantiomerically pure molecules, as no other method is currently reported for their separation.
We study the interaction between polarized terahertz (THz) radiation and micro-structured large-area graphene in transmission geometry. In order to efficiently couple the radiation into the two-dimensional material, a lateral periodic patterning of a closed graphene sheet by intercalation doping into stripes is chosen. We observe unequal transmittance of the radiation polarized parallel and perpendicular to the stripes. The relative contrast, partly enhanced by Fabry-Perot oscillations reaches 20 %. The effect even increases up to 50 % when removing graphene stripes in analogy to a wire grid polarizer. The polarization dependence is analyzed in a large frequency range from < 80 GHz to 3 THz, including the plasmon-polariton resonance. The results are in excellent agreement with theoretical calculations based on the electronic energy spectrum of graphene and the electrodynamics of the patterned structure
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e de Computadores
The properties of surface plasmon-polaritons (SPPs) in graphene are discussed and several possible ways of coupling electromagnetic radiation in the terahertz (THz) spectral range to this type of surface waves are described: (i) the attenuated total reflection (ATR) method employing a prism, (ii) graphene-based gratings or graphene monolayers with modulated conductivity, (iii) a metal stripe on top of the graphene layer, and (iv) a nanoparticle located above it. Potentially interesting for applications SPP effects, such as switching, modulation and polarization of THz radiation, as well as its enhanced absorption in graphene, are considered. The discussion also concerns the impact of the nonlinear properties of graphene, such as optical bistability.
Total urinary neutral 17-steroids were determined in normal and in castrated horses. One liter of a 15-26 hours urine collection was hydrolysed by refluxing with 10% HC1 (v/v) for ten minutes and extracted with peroxyde-free ethyl ether. The extract was purified by washing with saturated NaHCO³ and KOH solutions. One half of the crude neutral fraction was fractionated with Girard's "T" reagent . The Zimmermann reaction was performed both in the ketonic and in the crude neutral extracts, using alcoholic 2.5N KOH and a 60 minutes period for the colour development in the dark. Optical density measuments were made in a grating Coleman Universal Spectrophotometer at 420 mµ and 520mµ; for the crude neutral fraction a colour correction equation was applied. The aliquot fraction used for colorimety was adjusted for keeping optical density measurements within the range 0.2 to 0.7. Androsterone (mp. 184-184.5°C) with an absorption maximum at 290.5 mµ (Beckman Model DU Spectrophotometer) was used as a reference standard. Table I, ilustrates the results obtained. At the 0.05 probability level there is a significant difference among castrated and normal group means (Fischer's "t" test.) when were used the data obtained from the ketonic fractions; in spite of the use of a colour correction applied for inespecific chromogens, the same results could not be obtained with the crude neutral fractions, Since Girard's reagent fractionation is generaly accepted as the best method for correcting the inespecific chromogen interference in the determination of the 17-ketosteroids by the Zimmermann reaction, we emphasize the value of the results obtained with the ketonic fractions. From these results it appears, as occurs in others mammals, that castrated horses show a lower level of urinary 17-ketosteroids excretion than the normal horses. The significance of the horse testis contribution for the neutral urinary steroid metabolites is discussed. Since horse urine has a low androgenic activity, the fractionation of the neutral 17-ketosteroids must be studied more accurately.
Background: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) remains the leading cause of chronic pulmonary morbidity among preterm neonates. However, the exact pathophysiology is still unknown. Here we present the first results from a new model inteAbstracts, 25th International Workshop on Surfactant Replacement 400 Neonatology 2010;97:395-400 grating the most common risk factors for BPD (lung immaturity, inflammation, mechanical ventilation (MV), oxygen), which allows long-term outcome evaluation due to a non-traumatic intubation procedure. Objectives: To test the feasibility of a new rat model by investigating effects of MV, inflammation and oxygen applied to immature lungs after a ventilation-free interval. Methods: On day 4, 5, or 6 newborn rats were given an intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharides to induce a systemic inflammation. 24 h later they were anesthetized, endotracheally intubated and ventilated for 8 h with 60% oxygen. After weaning of anesthesia and MV the newborn rats were extubated and returned to their mothers. Two days later they were killed and outcome measurements were performed (histology, quantitative RT-PCR) and compared to animals investigated directly after MV. Results: Directly after MV, histological signs of ventilator-induced lung injury were found. After 48 h, the first signs of early BPD were seen with delayed alveolar formation. Expression of inflammatory genes was only transiently increased. After 48 h genes involved in alveolarization, such as matrix metalloproteinase-9 and tropoelastin, showed a significant change of their expression. Conclusion: For the first time we can evaluate in a newborn rat model the effects of MV after a ventilation-free interval. This allows discrimination between immediate response genes and delayed changes of expression of more structural genes involved in alveolarization.
Real-world objects are often endowed with features that violate Gestalt principles. In our experiment, we examined the neural correlates of binding under conflict conditions in terms of the binding-by-synchronization hypothesis. We presented an ambiguous stimulus ("diamond illusion") to 12 observers. The display consisted of four oblique gratings drifting within circular apertures. Its interpretation fluctuates between bound ("diamond") and unbound (component gratings) percepts. To model a situation in which Gestalt-driven analysis contradicts the perceptually explicit bound interpretation, we modified the original diamond (OD) stimulus by speeding up one grating. Using OD and modified diamond (MD) stimuli, we managed to dissociate the neural correlates of Gestalt-related (OD vs. MD) and perception-related (bound vs. unbound) factors. Their interaction was expected to reveal the neural networks synchronized specifically in the conflict situation. The synchronization topography of EEG was analyzed with the multivariate S-estimator technique. We found that good Gestalt (OD vs. MD) was associated with a higher posterior synchronization in the beta-gamma band. The effect of perception manifested itself as reciprocal modulations over the posterior and anterior regions (theta/beta-gamma bands). Specifically, higher posterior and lower anterior synchronization supported the bound percept, and the opposite was true for the unbound percept. The interaction showed that binding under challenging perceptual conditions is sustained by enhanced parietal synchronization. We argue that this distributed pattern of synchronization relates to the processes of multistage integration ranging from early grouping operations in the visual areas to maintaining representations in the frontal networks of sensory memory.
We analyzed the coherence of electroencephalographic (EEG) signals recorded symmetrically from the two hemispheres, while subjects (n = 9) were viewing visual stimuli. Considering the many common features of the callosal connectivity in mammals, we expected that, as in our animal studies, interhemispheric coherence (ICoh) would increase only with bilateral iso-oriented gratings located close to the vertical meridian of the visual field, or extending across it. Indeed, a single grating that extended across the vertical meridian significantly increased the EEG ICoh in normal adult subjects. These ICoh responses were obtained from occipital and parietal derivations and were restricted to the gamma frequency band. They were detectable with different EEG references and were robust across and within subjects. Other unilateral and bilateral stimuli, including identical gratings that were effective in anesthetized animals, did not affect ICoh in humans. This fact suggests the existence of regulatory influences, possibly of a top-down kind, on the pattern of callosal activation in conscious human subjects. In addition to establishing the validity of EEG coherence analysis for assaying cortico-cortical connectivity, this study extends to the human brain the finding that visual stimuli cause interhemispheric synchronization, particularly in frequencies of the gamma band. It also indicates that the synchronization is carried out by cortico-cortical connection and suggests similarities in the organization of visual callosal connections in animals and in man.
The application of two approaches for high-throughput, high-resolution X-ray phase contrast tomographic imaging being used at the tomographic microscopy and coherent radiology experiments (TOMCAT) beamline of the SLS is discussed and illustrated. Differential phase contrast (DPC) imaging, using a grating interferometer and a phase-stepping technique, is integrated into the beamline environment at TOMCAT in terms of the fast acquisition and reconstruction of data and the availability to scan samples within an aqueous environment. A second phase contrast method is a modified transfer of intensity approach that can yield the 3D distribution of the decrement of the refractive index of a weakly absorbing object from a single tomographic dataset. The two methods are complementary to one another: the DPC method is characterised by a higher sensitivity and by moderate resolution with larger samples; the modified transfer of intensity approach is particularly suited for small specimens when high resolution (around 1 mu m) is required. Both are being applied to investigations in the biological and materials science fields.
Background: Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) represents a major global health problem with increasing prevalence and morbidity. CVI is due to an incompetence of the venous valves, which causes venous reflux and distal venous hypertension. Several studies have focused on the replacement of diseased venous valves using xeno- and allogenic transplants, so far with moderate success due to immunologic and thromboembolic complications. Autologous cell-derived tissue-engineered venous valves (TEVVs) based on fully biodegradable scaffolds could overcome these limitations by providing non-immunogenic, non-thrombogenic constructs with remodeling and growth potential. Methods: Tri- and bicuspid venous valves (n=27) based on polyglycolic acid-poly-4-hydroxybutyrate composite scaffolds, integrated into self-expandable nitinol stents, were engineered from autologous ovine bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) and endothelialized. After in vitro conditioning in a (flow) pulse duplicator system, the TEVVs were crimped (n=18) and experimentally delivered (n=7). The effects of crimping on the tissue-engineered constructs were investigated using histology, immunohistochemistry, scanning electron microscopy, grating interferometry (GI), and planar fluorescence reflectance imaging. Results: The generated TEVVs showed layered tissue formation with increasing collagen and glycosaminoglycan levels dependent on the duration of in vitro conditioning. After crimping no effects were found on the MSC level in scanning electron microscopy analysis, GI, histology, and extracellular matrix analysis. However, substantial endothelial cell loss was detected after the crimping procedure, which could be reduced by increasing the static conditioning phase. Conclusions: Autologous living small-diameter TEVVs can be successfully fabricated from ovine BM-MSCs using a (flow) pulse duplicator conditioning approach. These constructs hold the potential to overcome the limitations of currently used non-autologous replacement materials and may open new therapeutic concepts for the treatment of CVI in the future.
ABSTRACT (FRENCH)Ce travail de thèse basé sur le système visuel chez les sujets sains et chez les patients schizophrènes, s'articule autour de trois articles scientifiques publiés ou en cours de publication. Ces articles traitent des sujets suivants : le premier article présente une nouvelle méthode de traitement des composantes physiques des stimuli (luminance et fréquence spatiale). Le second article montre, à l'aide d'analyses de données EEG, un déficit de la voie magnocellulaire dans le traitement visuel des illusions chez les patients schizophrènes. Ceci est démontré par l'absence de modulation de la composante PI chez les patients schizophrènes contrairement aux sujets sains. Cette absence est induite par des stimuli de type illusion Kanizsa de différentes excentricités. Finalement, le troisième article, également à l'aide de méthodes de neuroimagerie électrique (EEG), montre que le traitement des contours illusoires se trouve dans le complexe latéro-occipital (LOC), à l'aide d'illusion « misaligned gratings ». De plus il révèle que les activités démontrées précédemment dans les aires visuelles primaires sont dues à des inférences « top- down ».Afin de permettre la compréhension de ces trois articles, l'introduction de ce manuscrit présente les concepts essentiels. De plus des méthodes d'analyses de temps-fréquence sont présentées. L'introduction est divisée en quatre parties : la première présente le système visuel depuis les cellules retino-corticales aux deux voix du traitement de l'information en passant par les régions composant le système visuel. La deuxième partie présente la schizophrénie par son diagnostic, ces déficits de bas niveau de traitement des stimuli visuel et ces déficits cognitifs. La troisième partie présente le traitement des contours illusoires et les trois modèles utilisés dans le dernier article. Finalement, les méthodes de traitement des données EEG seront explicitées, y compris les méthodes de temps-fréquences.Les résultats des trois articles sont présentés dans le chapitre éponyme (du même nom). De plus ce chapitre comprendra les résultats obtenus à l'aide des méthodes de temps-fréquenceFinalement, la discussion sera orientée selon trois axes : les méthodes de temps-fréquence ainsi qu'une proposition de traitement de ces données par une méthode statistique indépendante de la référence. La discussion du premier article en montrera la qualité du traitement de ces stimuli. La discussion des deux articles neurophysiologiques, proposera de nouvelles d'expériences afin d'affiner les résultats actuels sur les déficits des schizophrènes. Ceci pourrait permettre d'établir un marqueur biologique fiable de la schizophrénie.ABSTRACT (ENGLISH)This thesis focuses on the visual system in healthy subjects and schizophrenic patients. To address this research, advanced methods of analysis of electroencephalographic (EEG) data were used and developed. This manuscript is comprised of three scientific articles. The first article showed a novel method to control the physical features of visual stimuli (luminance and spatial frequencies). The second article showed, using electrical neuroimaging of EEG, a deficit in spatial processing associated with the dorsal pathway in chronic schizophrenic patients. This deficit was elicited by an absent modulation of the PI component in terms of response strength and topography as well as source estimations. This deficit was orthogonal to the preserved ability to process Kanizsa-type illusory contours. Finally, the third article resolved ongoing debates concerning the neural mechanism mediating illusory contour sensitivity by using electrical neuroimaging to show that the first differentiation of illusory contour presence vs. absence is localized within the lateral occipital complex. This effect was subsequent to modulations due to the orientation of misaligned grating stimuli. Collectively, these results support a model where effects in V1/V2 are mediated by "top-down" modulation from the LOC.To understand these three articles, the Introduction of this thesis presents the major concepts used in these articles. Additionally, a section is devoted to time-frequency analysis methods not presented in the articles themselves. The introduction is divided in four parts. The first part presents three aspects of the visual system: cellular, regional, and its functional interactions. The second part presents an overview of schizophrenia and its sensoiy-cognitive deficits. The third part presents an overview of illusory contour processing and the three models examined in the third article. Finally, advanced analysis methods for EEG are presented, including time- frequency methodology.The Introduction is followed by a synopsis of the main results in the articles as well as those obtained from the time-frequency analyses.Finally, the Discussion chapter is divided along three axes. The first axis discusses the time frequency analysis and proposes a novel statistical approach that is independent of the reference. The second axis contextualizes the first article and discusses the quality of the stimulus control and direction for further improvements. Finally, both neurophysiologic articles are contextualized by proposing future experiments and hypotheses that may serve to improve our understanding of schizophrenia on the one hand and visual functions more generally.
Despite myriad studies, neurophysiologic mechanisms mediating illusory contour (IC) sensitivity remain controversial. Among the competing models one favors feed-forward effects within lower-tier cortices (V1/V2). Another situates IC sensitivity first within higher-tier cortices, principally lateral-occipital cortices (LOC), with later feedback effects in V1/V2. Still others postulate that LOC are sensitive to salient regions demarcated by the inducing stimuli, whereas V1/V2 effects specifically support IC sensitivity. We resolved these discordances by using misaligned line gratings, oriented either horizontally or vertically, to induce ICs. Line orientation provides an established assay of V1/V2 modulations independently of IC presence, and gratings lack salient regions. Electrical neuroimaging analyses of visual evoked potentials (VEPs) disambiguated the relative timing and localization of IC sensitivity with respect to that for grating orientation. Millisecond-by-millisecond analyses of VEPs and distributed source estimations revealed a main effect of grating orientation beginning at 65 ms post-stimulus onset within the calcarine sulcus that was followed by a main effect of IC presence beginning at 85 ms post-stimulus onset within the LOC. There was no evidence for differential processing of ICs as a function of the orientation of the grating. These results support models wherein IC sensitivity occurs first within the LOC.