993 resultados para Customer needs
A bi-monthly bulletin to keep the department/agency management teams of state government better informed. We hope to consolidate most of the service update messages we send throughout the month and keep you updated about the work of the Customer Councils. If yours is one of the many departments who participated in the second annual DAS customer satisfaction survey recently, we thank you for taking the time to give us this important feedback. We look forward to sharing survey results with you, and pledge to consider responses carefully as we work to determine benchmarks and set future priorities.
Adapting the Process Writing Approach to English Language Learners with Special Needs: Using Visuals
The available literature on the writing characteristics and best practices to teach writing to English Language Learners who also present some disability is scarce. In order to understand and provide some insight on the developments in this field, I propose an adaptation of the Process Writing Approach based on a literature review of the existing bibliography about the writing characteristics of English Language Learners, Special Needs Learners, and English Language Learners with Special Needs’ writing, the effects of the Process Writing Approach in teaching writing to these groups, and the use of visuals in writing instruction. The main assumptions of this study are: a) The Process Writing Approach provides an opportunity to differentiate instruction to ELLs with special needs and gives them additional opportunities to bring their funds of knowledge to the classroom, improving their writing, and b) By allowing students to rely on visuals in different phases of the writing process teachers will be addressing the needs of both visual and verbal learners, therefore allowing students more options to develop writing skills. The main pedagogical implication is that by dividing writing in recursive stages and inserting visuals as scaffolding throughout the entire writing process, teachers will provide an alternative approach to writing instruction that may be more effective to English Language Learners with Special Needs.
The brochure will answer your questions about transportation in Iowa, which representatives to call to help you with the information you need.
A bi-monthly bulletin to keep the department/agency management teams of state government better informed. We hope to consolidate most of the service update messages we send throughout the month and keep you updated about the work of the Customer Councils. If yours is one of the many departments who participated in the second annual DAS customer satisfaction survey recently, we thank you for taking the time to give us this important feedback. We look forward to sharing survey results with you, and pledge to consider responses carefully as we work to determine benchmarks and set future priorities.
La formation continue fait à l'évidence partie intégrante de la vie du médecin, elle est non seulement un devoir éthique envers les patients mais également l'expression du besoin de se maintenir «à la page» dans sa pratique quotidienne, conséquence des progrès rapides en médecine, particulièrement en oncologie médicale. Elle peut être également source de plaisir quand il s'agit d'accroître ses connaissances. Ses règles minimales ont été définies depuis plusieurs années par la FMH qui délègue aux sociétés de disciplines son application pratique. En 2008, une révision nécessaire pour différentes raisons a facilité le calcul des crédits. Même si le total des heures de formation est resté le même (50 crédits), il a été partagé par deux : 25 pour la formation spécifique et 25 qui peuvent être acquis dans une autre discipline (révision de mars 2009 du Règlement pour la formation continue, art. 5a). Cette révision n'a pas réjoui toutes les sociétés de spécialistes qui gardent la faculté de revoir à la hausse le minimum jugé nécessaire à leur discipline. La quantité des offres de formation continue pour les médecins pose le problème d'être proprement pléthorique (congrès nationaux et internationaux, e-learning, symposiums locaux, etc.), il n'en va pas de même de leur qualité. Dans le domaine de l'oncologie médicale, les offres sont abondantes dans un contexte de marketing évident : les maisons pharmaceutiques parrainent des réunions avec un orateur mercenaire, prestigieux si possible, invité à vanter un produit spécifique dans un cycle de présentations en différents lieux de Romandie (avec à chaque fois, la possibilité d'inscrire des crédits à l'actif des participants)... Elles soutiennent également, par leur logistique, de miniconférences organisées par les différentes institutions locales et auxquelles les médecins ne participent que de façon sporadique vu leur intérêt souvent très secondaire - il n'est pas rare que l'auditoire médical se résume à cinq ou dix participants. Au final, ces offres dispersées et de qualité discutable monopolisent les ressources qui se raréfient rapidement dans le contexte économique actuel et qui doivent impérativement être utilisées de manière plus judicieuse, notamment en évitant les manifestations répétitives. Devant toutes ces offres, il est souvent difficile pour la société de discipline de séparer le bon grain de l'ivraie et en conséquence d'attribuer de manière objective les crédits de formation. Partant de ce constat, un petit groupe romand de médecins oncologues praticiens installés et des centres universitaires ont réfléchi à l'idée de regrouper au sein d'une seule structure romande l'organisation d'une formation continue qui réponde à la fois aux besoins et à l'exigence de qualité. Ses tâches sont multiples : mettre sur pied annuellement plusieurs demi-journées de formation, préaviser avec un comité scientifique de la qualité de la formation continue distillée sur son territoire de compétence (sans empiéter sur les prérogatives de la commission pour la formation postgraduée de la Société suisse d'oncologie médicale - SSOM) en rapprochant les centres universitaires, les hôpitaux cantonaux et régionaux, et les praticiens. Ainsi est née l'association FoROMe (Formation romande en oncologie médicale). Sa légitimité a été établie par la SSOM et par le Comité pour la formation postgraduée et continue (nouvellement SIWF) de la FMH. Elle est maintenant en mesure de mettre en application les tâches pour lesquelles elle a été constituée. Il est évident que cela n'ira pas sans résistance et que certains diront qu'ils ne voient pas la nécessité d'une structure supplémentaire, que les sociétés de disciplines font très bien leur travail, qu'il s'agit encore là d'une atteinte à la liberté. Cependant les nécessités économiques vont tôt ou tard venir au secours de la logique pour confirmer les changements que cette démarche a permis d'anticiper. A l'avenir, il s'agira d'assurer le bien-fondé de cette initiative et de rester vigilant au bon fonctionnement de cette structure à la satisfaction de nos membres.
A bi-monthly bulletin to keep the department/agency management teams of state government better informed. We hope to consolidate most of the service update messages we send throughout the month and keep you updated about the work of the Customer Councils. If yours is one of the many departments who participated in the second annual DAS customer satisfaction survey recently, we thank you for taking the time to give us this important feedback. We look forward to sharing survey results with you, and pledge to consider responses carefully as we work to determine benchmarks and set future priorities.
Aim: This paper will describe the rationale for, and importance of, psychological interventions for young people early in the course of bipolar disorder. Methods: Emerging literature in this field will be discussed in addition to describing specific clinical challenges and opportunities with this population. Results: In order to be more developmentally appropriate for young people with bipolar disorder, eight aspects of clinical work which may require modification were identified. Conclusions: The evidence base for the effectiveness of psychological interventions for people diagnosed with bipolar disorder is growing. However, some aspects relating to working with adults with bipolar disorder require modification to be effective in working with young people early in the course of the disorder.
OBJECTIVE: We investigated whether the INTERMED, a generic instrument for assessing biopsychosocial case complexity and direct care, identifies organ transplant patients at risk of unfavourable post-transplant development by comparing it to the Transplant Evaluation Rating Scale (TERS), the established measure for pretransplant psychosocial evaluation. METHOD: One hundred nineteen kidney, liver, and heart transplant candidates were evaluated using the INTERMED, TERS, SF-36, EuroQol, Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), and Hospital Anxiety & Depression Scale (HADS). RESULTS: We found significant relationships between the INTERMED and the TERS scores. The INTERMED highly correlated with the HADS,MADRS, and mental and physical health scores of the SF-36 Health Survey. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate the validity and usefulness of the INTERMED instrument for pretransplant evaluation. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate the different qualities of INTERMED and TERS in clinical practice. The advantages of the psychiatric focus of the TERS and the biopsychosocial perspective of the INTERMED are discussed in the context of current literature on integrated care.
Actualmente, las necesidades de mejora en gestión de stocks y la mayor disponibilidad de sistemas automáticos, están haciendo que muchas empresas inviertan en técnicas modernas para almacenamiento y manipulación de productos. Esta inquietud también ha llegado a las farmacias, que de forma lenta pero firme se van apuntando a su robotización. Uno de los principales problemas a los que se enfrentan las farmacias es la pérdida de tiempo en la gestión y búsqueda de medicamentos, provocando situaciones negativas como las esperas, la falta de tiempo para una atención más personalizada y como consecuencia, la pérdida de clientes. Este inconveniente y la necesidad de mejora en la gestión de los stocks han hecho que aparezcan los Sistemas de dispensación automática de productos farmacéuticos. El dispensador automático facilita el trabajo del farmacéutico al automatizar la búsqueda de la medicina requerida, aumentando la dedicación al cliente y reduciendo los tiempos no productivos y las colas. El presente estudio desarrolla un sistema de dispensación automático de fármacos aplicado a farmacias con una rotación de medicamentos media/ baja, valorando tanto su viabilidad técnica como económica. El almacén propuesto es de tipo caótico con sistema de carga, almacenamiento y descarga completamente automáticos. La mayoría de diseños y conceptos expuestos en este trabajo son de desarrollo propio del autor con el único objetivo de la búsqueda de nuevas soluciones para conseguir un sistema de almacenamiento efectivo y de máximo rendimiento.
A bi-monthly bulletin to keep the department/agency management teams of state government better informed. We hope to consolidate most of the service update messages we send throughout the month and keep you updated about the work of the Customer Councils. If yours is one of the many departments who participated in the second annual DAS customer satisfaction survey recently, we thank you for taking the time to give us this important feedback. We look forward to sharing survey results with you, and pledge to consider responses carefully as we work to determine benchmarks and set future priorities.
A bi-monthly bulletin to keep the department/agency management teams of state government better informed. We hope to consolidate most of the service update messages we send throughout the month and keep you updated about the work of the Customer Councils. If yours is one of the many departments who participated in the second annual DAS customer satisfaction survey recently, we thank you for taking the time to give us this important feedback. We look forward to sharing survey results with you, and pledge to consider responses carefully as we work to determine benchmarks and set future priorities.
A bi-monthly bulletin to keep the department/agency management teams of state government better informed. We hope to consolidate most of the service update messages we send throughout the month and keep you updated about the work of the Customer Councils. If yours is one of the many departments who participated in the second annual DAS customer satisfaction survey recently, we thank you for taking the time to give us this important feedback. We look forward to sharing survey results with you, and pledge to consider responses carefully as we work to determine benchmarks and set future priorities.
A bi-monthly bulletin to keep the department/agency management teams of state government better informed. We hope to consolidate most of the service update messages we send throughout the month and keep you updated about the work of the Customer Councils. If yours is one of the many departments who participated in the second annual DAS customer satisfaction survey recently, we thank you for taking the time to give us this important feedback. We look forward to sharing survey results with you, and pledge to consider responses carefully as we work to determine benchmarks and set future priorities.
A bi-monthly bulletin to keep the department/agency management teams of state government better informed. We hope to consolidate most of the service update messages we send throughout the month and keep you updated about the work of the Customer Councils. If yours is one of the many departments who participated in the second annual DAS customer satisfaction survey recently, we thank you for taking the time to give us this important feedback. We look forward to sharing survey results with you, and pledge to consider responses carefully as we work to determine benchmarks and set future priorities.