982 resultados para Countably 1-Norming Markusevic Basis
Durum wheat is the second most important wheat species worldwide and the most important crop in several Mediterranean countries including Italy. Durum wheat is primarily grown under rainfed conditions where episodes of drought and heat stress are major factors limiting grain yield. The research presented in this thesis aimed at the identification of traits and genes that underlie root system architecture (RSA) and tolerance to heat stress in durum wheat, in order to eventually contribute to the genetic improvement of this species. In the first two experiments we aimed at the identification of QTLs for root trait architecture at the seedling level by studying a bi-parental population of 176 recombinant inbred lines (from the cross Meridiano x Claudio) and a collection of 183 durum elite accessions. Forty-eight novel QTLs for RSA traits were identified in each of the two experiments, by means of linkage- and association mapping-based QTL analysis, respectively. Important QTLs controlling the angle of root growth in the seedling were identified. In a third experiment, we investigated the phenotypic variation of root anatomical traits by means of microscope-based analysis of root cross sections in 10 elite durum cultivars. The results showed the presence of sizeable genetic variation in aerenchyma-related traits, prompting for additional studies aimed at mapping the QTLs governing such variation and to test the role of aerenchyma in the adaptive response to abiotic stresses. In the fourth experiment, an association mapping experiment for cell membrane stability at the seedling stage (as a proxy trait for heat tolerance) was carried out by means of association mapping. A total of 34 QTLs (including five major ones), were detected. Our study provides information on QTLs for root architecture and heat tolerance which could potentially be considered in durum wheat breeding programs.
Die Selbstorganisation von amphiphilen Molekülen wird genutzt, um in Lösung, auf der Oberfläche, in der festen Phase und an der Flüssig/Fest-Grenzfläche nanoskopisch strukturierte Materialien zu erhalten. Ziel hierbei ist es, die Dynamik der niedermolekularen Amphiphile mit der Stabilität der hochmolekularen Amphiphile zu vereinigen, um damit die Selbstorganisation der Moleküle zu kontrollieren. Drei Konzepte zur Strukturierung von Kohlenstoff durch Selbstorganisation werden vorgestellt. Im ersten Konzept werden aus Hexaphenylbenzol-Polyethylenglykol- (HPB-PEG) und Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronen- (HBC-PEG) Derivaten wurmähnliche bzw. faserförmige Strukturen in wässriger Lösung erhalten. Der Wassergehalt in den Hydrogelfasern aus den HPB-PEG-Derivaten kann durch das Substitutionsmuster der Amphiphile und die Länge der PEG-Ketten eingestellt werden. Die Hydrogelfasern ähneln anders als die bisherigen Verfahren, die zur Faserherstellung verwendet werden (Extrudieren, Mikrofluid-Verarbeitung oder Elektrospinning), Systemen in der Natur. Der Beweis für die Bildung von Hydrogelfasern wird mittels spezieller Methoden der polarisierten und depolarisierten dynamischen Lichtstreuung erbracht. Im zweiten Konzept werden durch Elektronenbestrahlung und Pyrolyse von 3',4',5',6'-Tetraphenyl-[1,1':2',1''-terphenyl]-4,4''-dithiol homogene Kohlenstoffmembranen mit Poren erzeugt, die Anwendung in der Filtration finden können und im dritten Konzept wird die Selbstorganisation von einem ortho-verknüpften HPB-Trimer an der Flüssig/Fest-Grenzfläche untersucht. Auf diese Weise werden hochgeordnete lamellare Strukturen erhalten. In allen drei Konzepten sind die Geometrie und die Größe der Moleküle die entscheidenden Parameter zur Erzeugung definierter Strukturen.
Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen zählen weltweit zu den Hauptursachen, die zu frühzeitigem Tod führen. Pathophysiologisch liegt eine Gefäßwandverdickung durch Ablagerung arteriosklerotischer Plaques (Arteriosklerose) vor. Die molekulare Bildgebung mit den nuklearmedizinischen Verfahren SPECT und PET zielt darauf ab, minderperfundierte Myokardareale zu visualisieren, um den Krankheitsverlauf durch frühzeitige Therapie abschwächen zu können. Routinemäßig eingesetzt werden die SPECT-Perfusionstracer [99mTc]Sestamibi und [99mTc]Tetrofosmin. Zum Goldstandard für die Quantifizierung der Myokardperfusion werden allerdings die PET-Tracer [13N]NH3 und [15O]H2O, da eine absolute Bestimmung des Blutflusses in mL/min/g sowohl in der Ruhe als auch bei Belastung möglich ist. 2007 wurde [18F]Flurpiridaz als neuer Myokardtracer vorgestellt, dessen Bindung an den MC I sowohl in Ratten, Hasen, Primaten als auch in ersten klinischen Humanstudien eine selektive Myokardaufnahme zeigte. Um eine Verfügbarkeit des Radionuklids über einen Radionuklidgenerator gewährleisten zu können, sollten makrozyklische 68Ga-Myokard-Perfusionstracer auf Pyridaben-Basis synthetisiert und evaluiert werden. Die neue Tracer-Klasse setzte sich aus dem makrozyklischen Chelator, einem Linker und dem Insektizid Pyridaben als Targeting-Vektor zusammen. Struktur-Affinitätsbeziehungen konnten auf Grund von Variation des Linkers (Länge und Polarität), der Komplexladung (neutral und einfach positiv geladen), des Chelators (DOTA, NODAGA, DO2A) sowie durch einen Multivalenzansatz (Monomer und Dimer) aufgestellt werden. Insgesamt wurden 16 neue Verbindungen synthetisiert. Ihre 68Ga-Markierung wurde hinsichtlich pH-Wert, Temperatur, Vorläufermenge und Reaktionszeit optimiert. Die DOTA/NODAGA-Pyridaben-Derivate ließen sich mit niedrigen Substanzmengen (6 - 25 nmol) in 0,1 M HEPES-Puffer (pH 3,4) bei 95°C innerhalb 15 min mit Ausbeuten > 95 % markieren. Für die DO2A-basierenden Verbindungen bedurfte es einer mikrowellengestützen Markierung (300 W, 1 min, 150°C), um vergleichbare Ausbeuten zu erzielen. Die in vitro-Stabilitätstests aller Verbindungen erfolgten in EtOH, NaCl und humanem Serum. Es konnten keine Instabilitäten innerhalb 80 min bei 37°C festgestellt werden. Unter Verwendung der „shake flask“-Methode wurden die Lipophilien (log D = -1,90 – 1,91) anhand des Verteilungs-quotienten in Octanol/PBS-Puffer ermittelt. Die kalten Referenzsubstanzen wurden mit GaCl3 hergestellt und zur Bestimmung der IC50-Werte (34,1 µM – 1 µM) in vitro auf ihre Affinität zum MC I getestet. In vivo-Evaluierungen erfolgten mit den zwei potentesten Verbindungen [68Ga]VN160.MZ und [68Ga]VN167.MZ durch µ-PET-Aufnahmen (n=3) in gesunden Ratten über 60 min. Um die Organverteilung ermitteln zu können, wurden ex vivo-Biodistributionsstudien (n=3) vorgenommen. Sowohl die µ-PET-Untersuchungen als auch die Biodistributionsstudien zeigten, dass es bei [68Ga]VN167.MZ zwar zu einer Herzaufnahme kam, die jedoch eher perfusionsabhängig ist. Eine Retention des Tracers im Myokard konnte in geringem Umfang festgestellt werden.
The embryonic head development, including the formation of dental structures, is a complex and delicate process guided by specific genetic programs. Genetic changes and environmental factors can disturb the execution of these programs and result in abnormalities in orofacial and dental structures. Orofacial clefts and hypodontia/ oligodontia are examples of such abnormalities frequently seen in dental clinics. An insight into the mechanisms and genes involved in the formation of orofacial and dental structures has been gradually gained by genetic analysis of families and by the use of experimental vertebrate models such as the mouse and chick models. The development of novel clinical therapies for orofacial and dental pathological conditions depends very much on a detailed knowledge of the molecular and cellular processes that are involved in head formation.
A mixed molecular dynamics/quantum mechanics model has been applied to the ammonium/water clustering system. The use of the high level MP2 calculation method and correlated basis sets, such as aug-cc-pVDZ and aug-cc-pVTZ, lends confidence in the accuracy of the extrapolated energies. These calculations provide electronic and free energies for the formation of clusters of ammonium and 1−10 water molecules at two different temperatures. Structures and thermodynamic values are in good agreement with previous experimental and theoretical results. The estimated concentration of these clusters in the troposphere was calculated using atmospheric amounts of ammonium and water. Results show the favorability of forming these clusters and implications for ion-induced nucleation in the atmosphere.
Plasmodium cysteine proteases are essential for host-cell invasion and egress, hemoglobin degradation, and intracellular development of the parasite. The temporal, site-specific regulation of cysteine-protease activity is a prerequisite for survival and propagation of Plasmodium. Recently, a new family of inhibitors of cysteine proteases (ICPs) with homologs in at least eight Plasmodium species has been identified. Here, we report the 2.6 A X-ray crystal structure of the C-terminal, inhibitory domain of ICP from P. berghei (PbICP-C) in a 1:1 complex with falcipain-2, an important hemoglobinase of Plasmodium. The structure establishes Plasmodium ICP as a member of the I42 class of chagasin-like protease inhibitors but with large insertions and differences in the binding mode relative to other family members. Furthermore, the PbICP-C structure explains why host-cell cathepsin B-like proteases and, most likely, also the protease-like domain of Plasmodium SERA5 (serine-repeat antigen 5) are no targets for ICP.
A recent study showed increased resistance against strongylid nematodes in offspring of a stallion affected by recurrent airway obstruction (RAG) compared with unrelated pasture mates. Resistance against strongylid nematodes was associated with RAG affection. Hypothesis: Resistance against strongylid nematodes has a genetic basis. The genetic variants influencing strongylid resistance also influence RAG susceptibility. Faecal samples from the half-sibling offspring of two RAG-affected Warmblood stallions 98 offspring from the first family (family 1) and 79 from the second family (family 2) were analysed using a combined sedimentation-flotation method. The phenotype was defined as a binary trait - either positive or negative for egg shedding. The influence of non-genetic factors on egg shedding was analysed using SAS, the mode of inheritance was investigated using PAP and iBay, and the association between shedding of strongyle eggs and RAG was estimated by odds ratios. Previously established genotypes for 315 microsatellite markers were used for QTL analyses using GRID QTL. The inheritance of "strongylid egg shedding" is influenced by major genes on ECA15 and ECA20. Shedding of strongylid eggs is associated with RAG in family 1 but not in family 2. Conclusions: The status of "shedding of strongyle eggs" has a genetic background. The results were inconclusive as to whether "egg shedding" and RAG share common genetic components. Our results suggest that it may be possible to select for resistance against strongylid nematodes.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prognosis over 5 years of HIV-1-infected, treatment-naive patients starting HAART, taking into account the immunological and virological response to therapy. DESIGN: A collaborative analysis of data from 12 cohorts in Europe and North America on 20,379 adults who started HAART between 1995 and 2003. METHODS: Parametric survival models were used to predict the cumulative incidence at 5 years of a new AIDS-defining event or death, and death alone, first from the start of HAART and second from 6 months after the start of HAART. Data were analysed by intention-to-continue-treatment, ignoring treatment changes and interruptions. RESULTS: During 61 798 person-years of follow-up, 1005 patients died and an additional 1303 developed AIDS. A total of 10 046 (49%) patients started HAART either with a CD4 cell count of less than 200 cells/microl or with a diagnosis of AIDS. The 5-year risk of AIDS or death (death alone) from the start of HAART ranged from 5.6 to 77% (1.8-65%), depending on age, CD4 cell count, HIV-1-RNA level, clinical stage, and history of injection drug use. From 6 months the corresponding figures were 4.1-99% for AIDS or death and 1.3-96% for death alone. CONCLUSION: On the basis of data collected routinely in HIV care, prognostic models with high discriminatory power over 5 years were developed for patients starting HAART in industrialized countries. A risk calculator that produces estimates for progression rates at years 1 to 5 after starting HAART is available from www.art-cohort-collaboration.org.
Peptide hormone receptors overexpressed in human tumors, such as somatostatin receptors, can be used for in vivo targeting for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. A novel promising candidate in this field is the GLP-1 receptor, which was recently shown to be massively overexpressed in gut and lung neuroendocrine tumors--in particular, in insulinomas. Anticipating a major development of GLP-1 receptor targeting in nuclear medicine, our aim was to evaluate in vitro the GLP-1 receptor expression in a large variety of other tumors and to compare it with that in nonneoplastic tissues. METHODS: The GLP-1 receptor protein expression was qualitatively and quantitatively investigated in a broad spectrum of human tumors (n=419) and nonneoplastic human tissues (n=209) with receptor autoradiography using (125)I-GLP-1(7-36)amide. Pharmacologic competition experiments were performed to provide proof of specificity of the procedure. RESULTS: GLP-1 receptors were expressed in various endocrine tumors, with particularly high amounts in pheochromocytomas, as well as in brain tumors and embryonic tumors but not in carcinomas or lymphomas. In nonneoplastic tissues, GLP-1 receptors were present in generally low amounts in specific tissue compartments of several organs--namely, pancreas, intestine, lung, kidney, breast, and brain; no receptors were identified in lymph nodes, spleen, liver, or the adrenal gland. The rank order of potencies for receptor binding--namely, GLP-1(7-36)amide = exendin-4 >> GLP-2 = glucagon(1-29)--provided proof of specific GLP-1 receptor identification. CONCLUSION: The GLP-1 receptors may represent a novel molecular target for in vivo scintigraphy and targeted radiotherapy for a variety of GLP-1 receptor-expressing tumors. For GLP-1 receptor scintigraphy, a low-background signal can be expected, on the basis of the low receptor expression in the normal tissues surrounding tumors.
Oral erythroplakia (OE) and oral erythroleukoplakia (OEL; synonym: speckled leukoplakia) are working diagnoses for red and red-white lesions of the oral mucosa after exclusion of all other possible diagnoses for lesions with a similar clinical appearance. A good knowledge of oral medicine and possible differential diagnoses of oral mucosal pathologies is mandatory to correctly detect OE and OEL on this exclusion basis. In the present review article in a series of two, epidemiologic data, etiologic factors, possible differential diagnoses, and the histopathologic characteristics of OE and OEL will be presented and discussed regarding the current literature. A thorough histopathologic examination of these epithelial precursor lesions is mandatory to recognise the presence and the severity of epithelial dysplasia, which is a decisive factor for the subsequent treatment planning.
The objective of this report is to summarize the results on survival and complication rates of different designs of fixed dental prostheses (FDP) published in a series of systematic reviews. Moreover, the various parameters for survival and risk assessment are to be used in attempt to perform treatment planning on the basis of scientific evidence. Three electronic searches complemented by manual searching were conducted to identify prospective and retrospective cohort studies on FDP and implant-supported single crowns (SC) with a mean follow-up time of at least 5 years. Patients had to have been examined clinically at the follow-up visit. Failure and complication rates were analyzed using random-effects Poisson regression models to obtain summary estimates of 5- and 10-year survival proportions. Meta-analysis of the studies included indicated an estimated 5-year survival of conventional tooth-supported FDP of 93.8%, cantilever FDP of 91.4%, solely implant-supported FDP of 95.2%, combined tooth-implant-supported FDP of 95.5% and implant-supported SC of 94.5% as well as resin-bonded bridges 87.7%. Moreover, after 10 years of function the estimated survival decreased to 89.2% for conventional FDP, to 80.3% for cantilever FDP, to 86.7% for implant-supported FDP, to 77.8% for combined tooth-implant-supported FDP, to 89.4% for implant-supported SC and to 65% for resin-bonded bridges. When planning prosthetic rehabilitations, conventional end-abutment tooth-supported FDP, solely implant-supported FDP or implant-supported SC should be the first treatment option. Only as a second option, because of reasons such as financial aspects patient-centered preferences or anatomical structures cantilever tooth-supported FDP, combined tooth-implant-supported FDP or resin-bonded bridges should be chosen.
BACKGROUND: Duplications and deletions in the human genome can cause disease or predispose persons to disease. Advances in technologies to detect these changes allow for the routine identification of submicroscopic imbalances in large numbers of patients. METHODS: We tested for the presence of microdeletions and microduplications at a specific region of chromosome 1q21.1 in two groups of patients with unexplained mental retardation, autism, or congenital anomalies and in unaffected persons. RESULTS: We identified 25 persons with a recurrent 1.35-Mb deletion within 1q21.1 from screening 5218 patients. The microdeletions had arisen de novo in eight patients, were inherited from a mildly affected parent in three patients, were inherited from an apparently unaffected parent in six patients, and were of unknown inheritance in eight patients. The deletion was absent in a series of 4737 control persons (P=1.1x10(-7)). We found considerable variability in the level of phenotypic expression of the microdeletion; phenotypes included mild-to-moderate mental retardation, microcephaly, cardiac abnormalities, and cataracts. The reciprocal duplication was enriched in nine children with mental retardation or autism spectrum disorder and other variable features (P=0.02). We identified three deletions and three duplications of the 1q21.1 region in an independent sample of 788 patients with mental retardation and congenital anomalies. CONCLUSIONS: We have identified recurrent molecular lesions that elude syndromic classification and whose disease manifestations must be considered in a broader context of development as opposed to being assigned to a specific disease. Clinical diagnosis in patients with these lesions may be most readily achieved on the basis of genotype rather than phenotype.
PURPOSE: To explore potential differences in efficacy, treatment completion, and adverse events (AEs) in elderly women receiving adjuvant tamoxifen or letrozole for five years in the Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98 trial. METHODS: This report includes the 4,922 patients allocated to 5 years of letrozole or tamoxifen in the BIG 1-98 trial. The median follow-up was 40.4 months. Subpopulation Treatment Effect Pattern Plot (STEPP) analysis was used to examine the patterns of differences in disease-free survival and incidences of AEs according to age. In addition, three categoric age groups were defined: "younger postmenopausal" patients were younger than 65 years (n = 3,127), "older" patients were 65 to 74 years old (n = 1,500), and "elderly" patients were 75 years of age or older (n = 295). RESULTS: Efficacy results for subpopulations defined by age were similar to the overall trial results: Letrozole significantly improved disease-free survival (DFS), the primary end point, compared with tamoxifen. Elderly patients were less likely to complete trial treatment, but at rates that were similar in the two treatment groups. The incidence of bone fractures, observed more often in the letrozole group, did not differ by age. In elderly patients, letrozole had a significantly higher incidence of any grade 3 to 5 protocol-specified non-fracture AE compared with tamoxifen (P = .002), but differences were not significant for thromboembolic or cardiac AEs. CONCLUSION: Adjuvant treatment with letrozole had superior efficacy (DFS) compared with tamoxifen in all age groups. On the basis of a small number of patients older than 75 years (6%), age per se should not unduly affect the choice of adjuvant endocrine therapy.
Human maltase-glucoamylase (MGAM) is one of the two enzymes responsible for catalyzing the last glucose-releasing step in starch digestion. MGAM is anchored to the small-intestinal brush-border epithelial cells and contains two homologous glycosyl hydrolase family 31 catalytic subunits: an N-terminal subunit (NtMGAM) found near the membrane-bound end and a C-terminal luminal subunit (CtMGAM). In this study, we report the crystal structure of the human NtMGAM subunit in its apo form (to 2.0 A) and in complex with acarbose (to 1.9 A). Structural analysis of the NtMGAM-acarbose complex reveals that acarbose is bound to the NtMGAM active site primarily through side-chain interactions with its acarvosine unit, and almost no interactions are made with its glycone rings. These observations, along with results from kinetic studies, suggest that the NtMGAM active site contains two primary sugar subsites and that NtMGAM and CtMGAM differ in their substrate specificities despite their structural relationship. Additional sequence analysis of the CtMGAM subunit suggests several features that could explain the higher affinity of the CtMGAM subunit for longer maltose oligosaccharides. The results provide a structural basis for the complementary roles of these glycosyl hydrolase family 31 subunits in the bioprocessing of complex starch structures into glucose.