973 resultados para Coral reefs and islands -- Remote sensing


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Anthropogenic CO2 emissions have exacerbated two environmental stressors, global climate warming and ocean acidification (OA), that have serious implications for marine ecosystems. Coral reefs are vulnerable to climate change yet few studies have explored the potential for interactive effects of warming temperature and OA on an important coral reef calcifier, crustose coralline algae (CCA). Coralline algae serve many important ecosystem functions on coral reefs and are one of the most sensitive organisms to ocean acidification. We investigated the effects of elevated pCO2 and temperature on calcification of Hydrolithon onkodes, an important species of reef-building coralline algae, and the subsequent effects on susceptibility to grazing by sea urchins. H. onkodes was exposed to a fully factorial combination of pCO2 (420, 530, 830 µatm) and temperature (26, 29 °C) treatments, and calcification was measured by the change in buoyant weight after 21 days of treatment exposure. Temperature and pCO2 had a significant interactive effect on net calcification of H. onkodes that was driven by the increased calcification response to moderately elevated pCO2. We demonstrate that the CCA calcification response was variable and non-linear, and that there was a trend for highest calcification at ambient temperature. H. onkodes then was exposed to grazing by the sea urchin Echinothrix diadema, and grazing was quantified by the change in CCA buoyant weight from grazing trials. E. diadema removed 60% more CaCO3 from H. onkodes grown at high temperature and high pCO2 than at ambient temperature and low pCO2. The increased susceptibility to grazing in the high pCO2 treatment is among the first evidence indicating the potential for cascading effects of OA and temperature on coral reef organisms and their ecological interactions.


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Behavior of molybdenum and manganese is studied in phosphorite samples from shelves, seamounts, and islands of the ocean. In shelf phosphorites molybdenum and manganese contents are 2-128 and 12-1915 ppm, respectively, while the Mo/Mn ratio varies from 0.004 to 4.5. Phosphorites from ocean seamounts impregnated with ferromanganese oxyhydroxides contain 0.84-14.5 ppm Mo and 0.1-17% Mn. The Mo/Mn ratio varies within 0.0008-0.004. Phosphate bearing ferromanganese crusts overlying seamount phosphorites contain 54-798 ppm Mo and 10-20% Mn; the Mo/Mn ratio varies within 0.002-0.005. Corresponding values for most island phosphorites are 0.44-11.2 ppm, 27-287 ppm, and 0.008-0.20. Phosphorites from reduced environment are characterized by relative enrichment in Mo and depletion in Mn, whereas the Mo/Mn ratio reaches maximum values. The ratio decreases with transition to suboxic and oxic conditions. Molybdenum content in recent shelf sediments is commonly higher than that in authigenic phosphorites from these sediments. Recent phosphorite nodules from the Namibian shelf become depleted in Mo and Mn during their lithification, but Pliocene-Pleistocene nodules of similar composition and origin from the same region are enriched in Mo and characterized by variable Mn content. Higher Mo contents in phosphate bearing ferromanganese crusts result from coprecipitation of Mo and Mn from seawater. Unweathered phosphorites on continents and phosphorites from ocean shelves are largely enriched in Mo with the Mo/Mn ratio varying from 0.01 to 1.0. This is an evidence of their formation in reduced conditions.


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Sediment Core MD01-2454G SW Rockall BANK 747m water depth on Logatechev Mounds (Core was taken during Marion Dufresne Cruise Geosciences 2001 at 55°31'N and 15°39'W) ENAM corals from BoxCores of SW Rockall Bank and Porcupine Bank water depth 725 and 750m (Box cores ENAM 9915 and ENAM 9910 were taken from 725 m bsl on the Southwest Rockall Bank (55,32°N, 15,40°W), and ENAM 9828 from 745 m bsl on the Porcupine Bank (53,48°N, 13,54°W))


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The main motivation for Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 310 to the Tahitian Archipelago was the assumption that the last deglacial sea-level rise is precisely recorded in the coral reefs of this far-field site. The Tahitian deglacial succession typically consists of coral framework subsequently encrusted by coralline algae and microbialites. The high abundance of microbialites is uncommon for shallow-water coral reefs, and the environmental conditions favouring their development are still poorly understood. Microbioerosion patterns in the three principal framework components (corals, coralline algae, microbialites) are studied with respect to relative light availability during coral growth and subsequent encrustation, in order to constrain the palaeobathymetry and the relative timing of the encrustation. Unexpectedly for a tropical, light-flooded setting, ichnotaxa typical for the deep-euphotic to dysphotic zone dominate. The key ichnotaxa for the shallow euphotic zone are scarce in the analysed sample set, and are restricted tothe baseof thedeglacial succession, thus reflecting thedeglacial sea-level rise. At the base of the deglacial reef succession, the ichnocoenoses present in the corals indicate shallower bathymetries than those in the encrusting microbialites. This is in agreement with radiocarbon data that indicate a time gap of more than 600 years between coral death and microbialite formation. At the top of the deglacial reef succession, in contrast, the microbioerosion patterns in the three framework components indicate a uniform palaeobathymetry, and radiocarbon ages imply that encrustation took place shortly after coral demise. An enigma arises from the fact that the ichnocoenoses imply photic conditions that appear very deep for zooxanthellate coral growth. During the deglacial sea-level rise increased nutrients and fluvial influx may have led to (seasonal?) eutrophication, condensing the photic zonation. This would have exerted stress on the coral ecosystem and played a significant role in initiating microbialite development.