941 resultados para Copyright review
CONTEXTO: Diferentes estudos discutem a relação da prática excessiva de exercícios físicos com transtornos alimentares como estratégia para perda de peso. OBJETIVO: Revisar a literatura sobre a prática de exercícios físicos em pacientes com transtornos alimentares, discutindo definições, critérios diagnósticos e propostas terapêuticas. MÉTODOS: Levantamento bibliográfico foi realizado por meio de MedLine, LiLacs e Cochrane Library, com os termos "transtornos alimentares", "anorexia", "bulimia", "exercício físico excessivo", "atividade física", "exercício obrigatório", "exercício compulsivo" e "exercício excessivo". RESULTADOS: Dos 80 artigos encontrados, foram selecionados 12 que incluíam a investigação de um padrão de atividade física considerado excessivo em indivíduos acima dos 18 anos e uso de algum instrumento de avaliação para essa finalidade. A prática de exercícios físicos em pacientes com transtornos do comportamento alimentar é revisada. CONCLUSÃO: Não há consenso sobre critérios diagnósticos e instrumentos para considerar o exercício físico como inadequado ou excessivo e seu uso como recurso para perder peso. Por outro lado, a prática de exercícios físicos durante o tratamento de pacientes com transtornos alimentares pode ser benéfica desde que orientada e supervisionada.
OBJETIVO: Com a inclusão das novas tecnologias contemporâneas, a Internet e os jogos eletrônicos tornaram-se ferramentas de uso amplo e irrestrito, transformando-se em um dos maiores fenômenos mundiais da última década. Diversas pesquisas atestam os benefícios desses recursos, mas seu uso sadio e adaptativo progressivamente deu lugar ao abuso e à falta de controle ao criar severos impactos na vida cotidiana de milhões de usuários. O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar de forma sistemática os artigos que examinam a dependência de Internet e jogos eletrônicos na população geral. Almejamos, portanto, avaliar a evolução destes conceitos no decorrer da última década, assim como contribuir para a melhor compreensão do quadro e suas comorbidades. MÉTODO: Foi feita uma revisão sistemática da literatura através do MedLine, Lilacs, SciELO e Cochrane usando-se como parâmetro os termos: "Internet addiction", pathological "Internet use", "problematic Internet use", "Internet abuse", "videogame", "computer games" e "electronic games". A busca eletrônica foi feita até dezembro de 2007. DISCUSSÃO: Estudos realizados em diferentes países apontam para prevalências ainda muito diversas, o que provavelmente se deve à falta de consenso e ao uso de diferentes denominações, dando margem à adoção de distintos critérios diagnósticos. Muitos pacientes que relatam o uso abusivo e dependência passam a apresentar prejuízos significativos na vida profissional, acadêmica (escolar), social e familiar. CONCLUSÕES: São necessárias novas investigações para determinar se esse uso abusivo de Internet e de jogos eletrônicos pode ser compreendido como uma das mais novas classificações psiquiátricas do século XXI ou apenas substratos de outros transtornos.
This paper discusses the Brazilian academic production on Chemical Education. The main source of information is the annual meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society (RASBQ) covering the period 1999-2006. All the papers presented by the Division of Chemical Education of the RASBQ were reviewed to permit a discussion about the development of the area in Brazil. This bibliographical revision comprises the following aspects: year of presentation, Brazilian region and institution of production, scholastic level encompassed by the study, the kind of academic work (or research type) and thematic focus of the study.
O artigo apresenta uma revisão de estudos publicados sobre Iniciação Científica no Brasil, tomando por base levantamento das publicações acadêmicas sobre o tema, que abrangeu o período de 1983 ao primeiro semestre de 2007. Na literatura examinada foram encontrados elementos valiosos para a compreensão do estágio em que se encontram importantes questões pertinentes à Iniciação Científica. A emergência do campo de estudo e suas principais abordagens estão aqui descritas.
Este artigo é uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as espécies brasileiras de Passiflora (Passiflora edulis fo. flavicarpa O. Deg., P. alata Curtis e P. edulis fo. edulis). A maioria dos artigos da literatura focaliza somente as folhas de Passiflora, enquanto que esta revisão contém informações sobre a polpa, cascas e sementes dos frutos do maracujá, com destaque para a composição química, estudos nutricionais e farmacológicos. O enfoque nos frutos do maracujá fundamenta-se no amplo consumo do suco de maracujá (fresco ou industrializado) no Brasil e também nas investigações em andamento para avaliar o seu potencial uso como alimento funcional.
The present article reviews different aspects of the chemistry of two widely used β-lactam antibiotics Clavulanic Acid and Cephamycin C. The article discusses important details of the biosynthesis of these compounds, their action mechanism and, principally, the methods employed in their isolation and purification, in accordance with the available literature. Despite the large quantity of available articles and patents concerning β-lactam antibiotics, those which describe the isolation and purification of Clavulanic Acid and Cephamycin C are rare. Overall, the intention of this article is to discuss the up-to-date scientific research related to the compounds under review.
The aim of this review is to present and discuss the applications of ultrasound in electrochemical systems such as in sonoelectroanalysis and sonoelectrolysis for the electrochemical combustion of organic compounds. Initially, theoretical and experimental aspects are discussed, particularly those related to the enhancement of mass transport and the surface cleaning effects. Some results are included to illustrate alternative geometries for the experimental measurements and the working electrodes used in these systems. In the sequence, the available publications are presented and discussed to demonstrate that ultrasound combined with electrochemical techniques is a powerful set-up for the detection of analytes such as metals and/or organic compounds in hostile media and for the effective destruction of toxic organic substances. At the end, a table summarizes the results already published in the literature.
Giant extracellular hemoglobins are considered the summit of complexity in systems that carry oxygen, constituting an extraordinary model system to the study of hemoproteins. This class includes the hemoglobin of the annelid Glossoscolex paulistus that presents high cooperativity, great oligomeric and redox stabilities and ability of oligomeric reassociation. These properties have motivated evaluations about its utilization as prototype of artificial blood and biosensor. Kinetic studies involving autoxidation and detailed spectroscopic characterizations of its ferrous and ferric species have propitiated information about the structure-activity relationship of this macromolecule. The present review analyzes several biochemical issues, evaluating the state-of-art of this subject.
The transmetalation between boron and zinc is of great importance for application in organic synthesis, since it allows the formation of new carbon-carbon bonds between organometallic units and electrophiles. The direct arylation of aldehydes or more scarcely ketones, in a catalytic, enantioselective manner using chiral catalysts has been described recently. The enantiomerically enriched diarylmethanols obtained in these reactions are valuable precursors for important bioactive molecules. This review provides a synopsis of this ever-growing field and highlights some of the challenges that still remain.
CE-MS has been increasingly used for analysis of a vast array of compounds. This article reviews the different electrophoretic modes, interfaces and mass analyzers that are commonly used in the CE-MS coupling, as well as the technique advantages and performance characteristics. A large compilation of CE-MS applications is also presented. Therefore, this review is both a guide for beginners and a collection of key references for people who are familiar to the technique. Furthermore, this is the first CE-MS review published in a Brazilian journal and marks the installation of the first two commercial CE-MS units in Sao Paulo State.
A photodynamic effect occurs when photosensitiser molecules absorb light and dissipate the absorbed energy by transferring it to biological acceptors (usually oxygen), generating an excess of reactive species that are able to force cells into death pathways. Several tropical diseases present physiopathological aspects that are accessible to the application of a photosensitiser and local illumination. In addition, disease may be transmitted through infected blood donations, and many of the aetiological agents associated with tropical diseases have been shown to be susceptible to the photodynamic approach. However, there has been no systematic investigation of the application of photoantimicrobial agents in the various presentations, whether to human disease or to the disinfection of blood products or even as photo-insecticides. We aim in this review to report the advances in the photoantimicrobial approach that are beneficial to the field of anti-parasite therapy and also have the potential to facilitate the development of low-cost/high-efficiency protocols for underserved populations.
Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) were recently given much higher attention due to technical advances in sequencing which expanded the characterization of transcriptomes in different organisms. ncRNAs have different lengths (22 nt to >1, 000 nt) and mechanisms of action that essentially comprise a sophisticated gene expression regulation network. Recent publication of schistosome genomes and transcriptomes has increased the description and characterization of a large number of parasite genes. Here we review the number of predicted genes and the coverage of genomic bases in face of the public ESTs dataset available, including a critical appraisal of the evidence and characterization of ncRNAs in schistosomes. We show expression data for ncRNAs in Schistosoma mansoni. We analyze three different microarray experiment datasets: (1) adult worms' large-scale expression measurements; (2) differentially expressed S. mansoni genes regulated by a human cytokine (TNF-α) in a parasite culture; and (3) a stage-specific expression of ncRNAs. All these data point to ncRNAs involved in different biological processes and physiological responses that suggest functionality of these new players in the parasite's biology. Exploring this world is a challenge for the scientists under a new molecular perspective of host-parasite interactions and parasite development.
Cyclic nitroxides inhibit the toxicity of nitric oxide-derived oxidants: mechanisms and implications
The substantial therapeutic potential of tempol (4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy) and related cyclic nitroxides as antioxidants has stimulated innumerous studies of their reactions with reactive oxygen species. In comparison, reactions of nitroxides with nitric oxide-derived oxidants have been less frequently investigated. Nevertheless, this is relevant because tempol has also been shown to protect animals from injuries associated with inflammatory conditions, which are characterized by the increased production of nitric oxide and its derived oxidants. Here, we review recent studies addressing the mechanisms by which cyclic nitroxides attenuate the toxicity of nitric oxidederived oxidants. As an example, we present data showing that tempol protects mice from acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity and discuss the possible protection mechanism. In view of the summarized studies, it is proposed that nitroxides attenuate tissue injury under inflammatory conditions mainly because of their ability to react rapidly with nitrogen dioxide and carbonate radical. In the process the nitroxides are oxidized to the corresponding oxammonium cation, which, in turn, can be recycled back to the nitroxides by reacting with upstream species, such as peroxynitrite and hydrogen peroxide, or with cellular reductants. An auxiliary protection mechanism may be down-regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression. The possible therapeutic implications of these mechanisms are addressed.
Docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6, n-3, DHA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) present in large concentrations in the brain and, due to the presence of six double bonds in its structure, is highly susceptible to oxidation by enzymes and reactive oxygen/nitrogen species. The peroxidation of PUFAs has been implicated in an increasing number of human disorders, including neurodegenerative diseases. Hence, a better understanding of the metabolism pathways of DHA should provide new insights about its role in neurodegenerative diseases. Here we review the main aspects related to DHA metabolism, as well as, the recent findings showing its association with neurodegenerative diseases.
The year of 2010 marks the 20th anniversary of the development of Sequential Injection Analysis (SIA) by Ruzicka and Marshall. Considered the second generation of the flow injection methods, this article briefly describes the history, the basic principles of the technique and reviews all papers developed by Brazilian scientists aiming the divulgation of this automation technique in Analytical Chemistry.