850 resultados para Conditions of practice
The phytoextraction process implies the use of plants to promote the elimination of metal contaminants in the soil. In fact, metal-accumulating plants are planted or transplanted in metal-contaminated soil and cultivated in accordance with established agricultural practices. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the productivity and Cd phytoextraction capacity of white lupine ( Lupinus albus L.) and narrow-leafed lupine ( Lupinus angustifolius L.), as well as the effect on residual Cd concentration in the soil. Both species of lupines were grown at three CdCl2 rates (0, 1, and 2 mg kg-1), under three agroclimatic conditions in Chile in 2013. In the arid zone (Pan de Azúcar, 73 mm precipitation), narrow-leafed lupine production was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than white lupine (4.55 vs. 3.26 Mg DM ha-1, respectively). In locations with higher precipitation (Santa Rosa, 670 mm; Carillanca, 880 mm), narrow-leafed lupine DM production was slightly higher than in Pan de Azúcar, but white lupine was approximately three times higher. Total plant Cd concentrations in white and narrow-leafed lupine increased as Cd rates increased in the three environments, but they were much higher in narrow-leafed lupine than white lupine; 150%, 58%, and 344% higher in Pan de Azúcar, Santa Rosa, and Carillanca, respectively. Cadmium uptake (g Cd ha-1) and apparent recovery were also higher (P < 0.05) in narrow-leafed lupine in two environments (Pan de Azúcar and Carillanca). These results suggest that narrow-leafed lupine present higher potential as phytoremediation species than white lupine.
Communities of practice (CoPs) are among the professional development strategies most widely used in such fields as management and education. Though the approach has elicited keen interest, knowledge pertaining to its conceptual underpinnings is still limited, thus hindering proper assessment of CoPs' effects and the processes generating the latter. To address this shortcoming, this paper presents a conceptual model that was developed to evaluate an initiative based on a CoP strategy: Health Promotion Laboratories are a professional development intervention that was implemented in local public health organizations in Montreal (Quebec, Canada). The model is based on latest theories on work-group effectiveness and organizational learning and can be usefully adopted by evaluators who are increasingly called upon to illuminate decision-making about CoPs. Ultimately, validation of this conceptual model will help advance knowledge and practice pertaining to CoPs as well as professional and organizational development strategies in public health.
Twenty years ago, in the Northeast Brazil, a tropical semi-arid area, the production of tropical wines from some Vitis vinifera L. cultivars started. In this region, it is possible to harvest two times a year, between April and December, and nowadays Syrah is the most cultivated wine grape. Research works about irrigation rnanagement in Syrah started in 2000 at Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). The aim of this paper is to introduce some characteristics about the region where Syrah grapevines is being cultivated under irrigation in Northeast Brazil, and to present some results obtained from field experiments as well as some grape and wine charcteristics already determined.
A rã-touro americana (Rana catesbeiana) recentemente denominada Lithobates catesbeianus é cria da com propósito comercial em várias regiões do Brasil. Situações estressantes tais como problemas de manejo, criação inadequada e alterações ambientais com consequente redução da imunidade são comuns em produções intensivas. A avaliação destas situações de estresse permite-nos detectar estes probemas e diminuir as injurias causadas pelo confinamento. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi utilizar os marcadores biológicos de cortisol, glicemia e dados hematológicos para avaliar a resposta de girinos de rã-touro submetidos aos mecanismos estressores de captura e hipóxia. Os animais foram distribuídosem três tratamentos: estresse por captura individual com puçá; estresse por captura em massa com puçá e estresse por captura por escoamento. Os resultados obtidos demostraram não haver diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os parametros avaliados quando comparou-se os grupos com e sem exposição ao ar (normoxia e hipoxia). Com base nestes resultados pode-se concluir que os estímulos estressores avaliados não foram adequados para alterar os valores plasmáticos dos marcadores biológicos testados. Para o cortisol, isto ocorreu provavelmente em virtude da ação sinérgica deste hormônio e a tiroxina, que induz a metamorfose nestes animais.
Introduction: Knowledge transfer in pediatric rehabilitation is challenging and requires active, multifaceted strategies. The use of knowledge brokers (KBs) is one such strategy noted to promote clinician behavior change. The success of using KBs to transfer knowledge relies on their ability to adapt to ever-changing clinical contexts. In addition, with the rapid growth of online platforms as knowledge transfer forums, KBs must become effective in virtual environments. Although the role of KBs has been studied in various clinical contexts, their emerging role in specific online environments designed to support evidence-based behavior change has not yet been described. Our objective is to describe the roles of, and strategies used by, four KBs involved in a virtual community of practice to guide and inform future online KB interventions. Methods: A descriptive design guided this study and a thematic content analysis process was used to analyze online KB postings. The Promoting Action on Research in Health Sciences knowledge transfer framework and online andragogical learning theories assisted in the coding. A thematic map was created illustrating the links between KBs' strategies and emerging roles in the virtual environment. Results: We analyzed 95 posts and identified three roles: 1) context architect: promoting a respectful learning environment, 2) knowledge sharing promoter: building capacity, and 3) linkage creator: connecting research-to-practice. Strategies used by KBs reflected invitational, constructivism, and connectivism approaches, with roles and strategies changing over time. Discussion: This study increases our understanding of the actions of KBs in virtual contexts to foster uptake of research evidence in pediatric physiotherapy. Our results provide valuable information about the knowledge and skills required by individuals to fulfill this role in virtual environments.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the processing conditions of soybean tempeh on the contents of ??glycoside isoflavones and on their bioconversion into aglycones. Different times of soaking (6, 12, and 18 hours), cooking (15, 30, and 45 minutes), and fermentation (18, 24, and 30 hours) with Rhizopus oligosporus at 37°C were evaluated for tempeh preparation. Grains from the cultivar 'BRS 267' were used, and the experiment was carried out according to a central composite design (23). The response functions comprised the contents of genistin, malonyldaidzin, malonylgenistin, daidzein, and genistein, quantified by ultraperformance liquid chromatography (UPLC). Soaking, cooking, and fermentation times change the content, profile, and distribution of the different forms of isoflavones in tempeh. The highest bioconversion of glycoside isoflavones into aglycones occurred in 6?hour soaked soybean grains, whose cotyledons were cooked for 15 minutes and subjected to 18?hour fermentation. RESUMO:O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito das condições de processamento do tempeh de soja sobre o conteúdo de isoflavonas ??glicosídeos e sobre sua bioconversão em agliconas. Diferentes tempos de maceração (6, 12 e 18 horas), cozimento (15, 30 e 45 minutos) e fermentação (18, 24 e 30 horas) com Rhizopus oligosporus a 37°C foram avaliados na preparação do tempeh. Foram utilizados grãos da cultivar 'BRS 267', e o experimento foi realizado de acordo com um delineamento composto central (23). As funções?respostas compreenderam o teor de genistina, malonildaidzina, malonilgenistina, daidzeína e genisteína, quantificadas por cromatografia líquida de ultraeficiência (CLUE). Os tempos de maceração, cozimento e fermentação alteraram o conteúdo, o perfil e a distribuição das diferentes formas de isoflavonas no tempeh. A maior bioconversão de ??glicosídeos em agliconas ocorreu em grãos de soja macerados por 6 horas, cujos cotilédones foram cozidos por 15 minutos e submetidos à fermentação por 18 horas.
The infection of soybean leaves by Phakopsora pachyrhizi during conditions of discontinuous wetness.
The ability of Phakopsora pachyrhizi to cause infection under conditions of discontinuous wetness was investigated. In in vitro experiments, droplets of a uredospore suspension were deposited onto the surface of polystyrene. After an initial wetting period of either 1, 2 or 4 h, the drops were dried for different time intervals and then the wetness was restored for 11, 10 or 8 h. Germination and appressorium formation were evaluated. In in vivo experiments, soybean plants were inoculated with a uredospore suspension. Leaf wetness was interrupted for 1, 3 or 6 h after initial wetting periods of 1, 2 or 4 h. Then, the wetting was re-established for 11, 10 or 8 h, respectively. Rust severity was evaluated 14 days after inoculation. The germination of the spores and the formation of the appressoria on the soybean leaves after different periods of wetness were also quantified in vivo by scanning electron microscopy. P. pachyrhizi showed a high infective capacity during short periods of time. An interruption of wetness after 1 h caused average reductions in germination from 56 to 75% and in appressorium formation from 84 to 96%. Rust severity was lower in all of the in vivo treatments with discontinuous wetness when compared to the control plants. Rust severity was zero when the interruption of wetness occurred 4 h after the initial wetting. Wetting interruptions after 1 and 2 h reduced the average rust severity by 83 and 77%, respectively. The germination of the uredospores on the soybean leaves occurred after 2 h of wetness, with a maximum germination appearing after 4 h of wetness. Wetness interruption affected mainly the spores that had initiated the germination.
Les changements socioéconomiques des dernières décennies ont profondément transformé le rapport qu’entretient le Québec avec ses professionnels de la santé. En ouvrant le champ à l’accumulation privée du capital dans les années 1990, se met en place au sein de la fonction publique une philosophie politique issue du monde des affaires. Dès lors, le paradigme de la gouvernance investit les hôpitaux, où exerce 65 % de l’effectif infirmier québécois. Des chercheurs ont investigué les contraintes et torts subis par les infirmières consécutivement à la restructuration du système de santé, cependant, peu d’entre eux ont tenu compte des rapports de force et des structures de pouvoir dans lesquels s’enracine le vécu des infirmières. La présente étude a pour but d’explorer les expériences vécues d’infirmières soignantes politiquement engagées qui exercent en centre hospitalier (CH), de rendre compte de l’ordre social existant au sein de cette institution, de décrire la façon dont elles aimeraient idéalement exercer et de répertorier les idées qu’elles ont et les actions qu’elles mettent en place individuellement ou collectivement de façon à favoriser la transformation de l’ordre social et de l’exercice infirmier en CH. Épistémologiquement, notre étude qualitative s’inscrit dans cette idée que la réalité est complexe, mouvante et dépendante de la perception des personnes, proposant une orientation compréhensive et contextualisée de l’action humaine et du politique; c’est ainsi que le point de vue politique des infirmières participantes est pris en compte. L’articulation des expériences vécues, de l’idéal normatif et de l’action politique des participantes est explorée suivant une perspective postmoderniste, praxéologique et dialectique issue de la théorie critique qui réfléchit non seulement sur ce qui est, mais également sur ce qui est souhaitable; une réflexion qui sous certaines conditions s’ouvre sur l’action transformatrice. Les notions de pouvoir, de rapport de force, de résistance et d’émancipation influencent notre analyse. Au terme de cette étude, les résultats indiquent la présence d’une déprofessionnalisation graduelle en faveur d’une technicisation du soin infirmier et d’une dérive autoritaire grandissante au sein des CH s’arrimant au registre sémantique de l’économie de marché à partir des notions d’efficacité, de performance et d’optimisation. Les infirmières soignantes perçues comme des « automates performants » se voient exclues des processus décisionnels, ce qui les prive de leurs libertés de s’exprimer et de se faire critiques devant ce qui a été convenu par ceux qui occupent les hautes hiérarchies du pouvoir hospitalier et qui déterminent à leur place la façon dont s’articule l’exercice infirmier. Le pouvoir disciplinaire hospitalier, par l’entremise de technologies politiques comme la surveillance continue, les représailles et la peur, la technicisation du soin et le temps supplémentaire obligatoire, concourt à la subjectivation des infirmières soignantes, en minimisant l’importance de leur jugement clinique, en affaiblissant la solidarité collective et en mettant au pas l’organisation syndicale, ce qui détournent ces infirmières de la revendication de leurs droits et idéaux d’émancipation les ramenant à une position subalterne. Nos résultats indiquent que les actions politiques que les participantes souhaitent déployer au sein des CH visent l’humanisation des soins et l’autodétermination professionnelle. Toutefois, nombre des actions répertoriées avaient pour finalité fonctionnelle la protection et la survie des infirmières au sein d’un dispositif hospitalier déshumanisant. Certaines infirmières soignantes s’objectent en conscience, déploient des actions de non-coopération individuelles et collectives, font preuve d’actes de désobéissance civile ou souhaitent agir en ce sens pour établir un rapport de force nécessaire à la prise en compte de leurs revendications par une gouvernance hospitalière qui autrement ferait la sourde oreille. Le pouvoir exercé de façon hostile par la gouvernance hospitalière doit à notre avis être contrecarré par une force infirmière collective égale ou supérieure, sans quoi les politiques qui lui sont associées continueront de leur être imposées. Le renouvellement radical de la démocratie hospitalière apparaît comme la finalité centrale vers laquelle doivent s’articuler les actions infirmières collectives qui permettront l’établissement d’un nouveau rapport de force puisque c’est à partir de celle-ci que les infirmières soignantes pourront débattre de l’orientation que doit prendre l’exercice infirmier.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the sphygmomanometers calibration accuracy and the physical conditions of the cuff-bladder, bulb, pump, and valve. METHODS: Sixty hundred and forty five aneroid sphygmomanometers were evaluated, 521 used in private practice and 124 used in hospitals. Aneroid manometers were tested against a properly calibrated mercury manometer and were considered calibrated when the error was <=3mm Hg. The physical conditions of the cuffs-bladder, bulb, pump, and valve were also evaluated. RESULTS: Of the aneroid sphygmomanometers tested, 51% of those used in private practice and 56% of those used in hospitals were found to be not accurately calibrated. Of these, the magnitude of inaccuracy ranged from 4 to 8mm Hg in 70% and 51% of the devices, respectively. The problems found in the cuffs - bladders, bulbs, pumps, and valves of the private practice and hospital devices were bladder damage (34% vs. 21%, respectively), holes/leaks in the bulbs (22% vs. 4%, respectively), and rubber aging (15% vs. 12%, respectively). Of the devices tested, 72% revealed at least one problem interfering with blood pressure measurement accuracy. CONCLUSION: Most of the manometers evaluated, whether used in private practice or in hospitals, were found to be inaccurate and unreliable, and their use may jeopardize the diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension.
When dealing with sustainability we are concerned with the biophysical as well as the monetary aspects of economic and ecological interactions. This multidimensional approach requires that special attention is given to dimensional issues in relation to curve fitting practice in economics. Unfortunately, many empirical and theoretical studies in economics, as well as in ecological economics, apply dimensional numbers in exponential or logarithmic functions. We show that it is an analytical error to put a dimensional unit x into exponential functions ( a x ) and logarithmic functions ( x a log ). Secondly, we investigate the conditions of data sets under which a particular logarithmic specification is superior to the usual regression specification. This analysis shows that logarithmic specification superiority in terms of least square norm is heavily dependent on the available data set. The last section deals with economists’ “curve fitting fetishism”. We propose that a distinction be made between curve fitting over past observations and the development of a theoretical or empirical law capable of maintaining its fitting power for any future observations. Finally we conclude this paper with several epistemological issues in relation to dimensions and curve fitting practice in economics
BACKGROUND Migraine is a chronic neurologic disease that can severely affect the patient's quality of life. Although in recent years many randomised studies have been carried out to investigate the effectiveness of acupuncture as a treatment for migraine, it remains a controversial issue. Our aim is to determine whether acupuncture, applied under real conditions of clinical practice in the area of primary healthcare, is more effective than conventional treatment. METHODS/DESIGN The design consists of a pragmatic multi-centre, three-armed randomised controlled trial, complemented with an economic evaluation of the results achieved, comparing the effectiveness of verum acupuncture with sham acupuncture, and with a control group receiving normal care only. Patients eligible for inclusion will be those presenting in general practice with migraine and for whom their General Practitioner (GP) is considering referral for acupuncture. Sampling will be by consecutive selection, and by randomised allocation to the three branches of the study, in a centralised way following a 1:1:1 distribution (verum acupuncture; sham acupuncture; conventional treatment). Secondly, one patient in three will be randomly selected from each of the acupuncture (verum or sham) groups for a brain perfusion study (by single photon emission tomography). The treatment with verum acupuncture will consist of 8 treatment sessions, once a week, at points selected individually by the acupuncturist. The sham acupuncture group will receive 8 sessions, one per week, with treatment being applied at non-acupuncture points in the dorsal and lumbar regions, using the minimal puncture technique. The control group will be given conventional treatment, as will the other two groups. DISCUSSION This trial will contribute to available evidence on acupuncture for the treatment of migraine. The primary endpoint is the difference in the number of days with migraine among the three groups, between the baseline period (the 4 weeks prior to the start of treatment) and the period from weeks 9 to 12. As a secondary aspect, we shall record the index of laterality and the percentage of change in the mean count per pixel in each region of interest measured by the brain perfusion tomography, performed on a subsample of the patients within the real and sham acupuncture groups. TRIAL REGISTRATION Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN98703707.
OBJECTIVE: To identify predictors of improved asthma control under conditions of everyday practice in Switzerland. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A subgroup of 1380 patients with initially inadequately controlled asthma was defined from a cohort of 1893 asthmatic patients (mean age 45.3 + or - 19.2 years) recruited by 281 office-based physicians who participated in a previously-conducted asthma control survey in Switzerland. Multiple regression techniques were used to identify predictors of improved asthma control, defined as an absolute decrease of 0.5 points or more in the Asthma Control Questionnaire between the baseline (V1) and follow-up visit (V2). RESULTS: Asthma control between V1 and V2 improved in 85.7%. Add-on treatment with montelukast was reported in 82.9% of the patients. Patients with worse asthma control at V1 and patients with good self-reported adherence to therapy had significantly higher chances of improved asthma control (OR = 1.24 and 1.73, 95% CI 1.18-1.29 and 1.20-2.50, respectively). Compared to adding montelukast and continuing the same inhaled corticosteroid/fixed combination (ICS/FC) dose, the addition of montelukast to an increased ICS/FC dose yielded a 4 times higher chance of improved asthma control (OR = 3.84, 95% CI 1.58-9.29). Significantly, withholding montelukast halved the probability of achieving improved asthma control (OR = 0.51, 95% CI = 0.33-078). The probability of improved asthma control was almost 5 times lower among patients in whom FEV(1) was measured compared to those in whom it was not (OR = 0.23, 95% CI = 0.09-0.55). Patients with severe persistent asthma also had a significantly lower probability of improved control (OR = 0.15, 95% CI = 0.07-0.32), as did older patients (OR = 0.98, 95% CI = 0.97-0.99). Subgroup analyses which excluded patients whose asthma may have been misdiagnosed and might in reality have been chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) showed comparable results. CONCLUSIONS: Under conditions of everyday clinical practice, the addition of montelukast to ICS/FC and good adherence to therapy increased the likelihood of achieving better asthma control at the follow-up visit, while older age and more severe asthma significantly decreased it.
Background: Providing support for research is one of the key issues in the ongoing attempts to improve Primary Care. However, when patient care takes up a significant part of a GP's time, conducting research is difficult. In this study we examine the working conditions and profile of GPs who publish in three leading medical journals and propose possible remedial policy actions. Findings: The authors of all articles published in 2006 and 2007 in three international Family Medicine journals - Annals of Family Medicine, Family Practice, and Journal of Family Practice - were contacted by E-mail. They were asked to complete a questionnaire investigating the following variables: availability of specific time for research, time devoted to research, number of patients attended, and university affiliation. Only GPs were included in the study. Three hundred and ten relevant articles published between 2006 and 2007 were identified and the authors contacted using a survey tool. 124 researchers responded to our questionnaire; 45% of respondents who were not GPs were excluded. On average GPs spent 2.52 days per week and 6.9 hours per day on patient care, seeing 45 patients per week. Seventy-five per cent of GPs had specific time assigned to research, on average 13 hours per week; 79% were affiliated to a university and 69% held teaching positions. Conclusions: Most GPs who publish original articles in leading journals have time specifically assigned to research as part of their normal working schedule. They see a relatively small number of patients. Improving the working conditions of family physicians who intend to investigate is likely to lead to better research results.
Ontario bansho is an emergent mathematics instructional strategy used by teachers working within communities of practice that has been deemed to have a transformational effect on teachers' professional learning of mathematics. This study sought to answer the following question: How does teachers' implementation of Ontario bansho within their communities of practice inform their professional learning process concerning mathematics-for-teaching? Two other key questions also guided the study: What processes support teachers' professional learning of content-for-teaching? What conditions support teachers' professional learning of content-for-teaching? The study followed an interpretive phenomenological approach to collect data using a purposive sampling of teachers as participants. The researcher conducted interviews and followed an interpretive approach to data analysis to investigate how teachers construct meaning and create interpretations through their social interactions. The study developed a model of professional learning made up of 3 processes, informing with resources, engaging with students, and visualizing and schematizing in which the participants engaged and 2 conditions, ownership and community that supported the 3 processes. The 3 processes occur in ways that are complex, recursive, nonpredictable, and contextual. This model provides a framework for facilitators and leaders to plan for effective, content-relevant professional learning by placing teachers, students, and their learning at the heart of professional learning.